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Devan Moore

Period: 3

● Verboom, D. (2019, November 28). 7 Misconceptions About Humanitarian Aid - World.

Retrieved from

This is a basic list of misconceptions about humanitarian work backed with statistics and
personal stories that counter those misconceptions. I found this through a simple google search
that I verified as factual and not just a fluff article. This will help me to establish a basis of what
my top focus should be.

● Myths About Aid and Charity. (n.d.). Retrieved from

This is another list of myths and misconceptions about humanitarian work. This will further my
understanding of the topic and allow me to gain possible new perspectives on the said topic. This
list comes from an actual humanitarian organization providing exactly what I’m trying to create
for my final piece.

● 7 Misconceptions About Volunteering Abroad. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.agape-

The final list I found as effective and helpful concerning misconceptions about humanitarian
work. This comes from another volunteering service that lives to persuade people to help other
and especially third-world countries.

● Duffin, E. (2020, January 24). PDF.

This is a research graphic that shows the amount of money each country has given in the effort
of humanitarian work. This statistic shows that the US is at the top of the list donating
approximately 6.5 million dollars in 2019. I found this source through the SLCC database.

● Research Department, S. (2019, July 1). Poverty - Statistics & Facts.

This is another research statistic that gives a broader and more informative definition of what
poverty is exactly. This will help define my issue further and create a better understanding for
my audience. I found this through the SLCC database.
● Cespedes, T., & Taj, M. (2018, April 24). Peru poverty rate rises for first time in 16
years: government. Retrieved from poverty-rate-rises-for-first-time-

This article states and shows data regarding the steady decline in Peru’s economy and financial
situation over the past couple of years. This furthers my persuasion as to why these countries
dramatically need our help. I retrieved this from another google search, verifying where it came
from as a factual and reliable.

● Swanson, A. (2015, October 13). Why trying to help poor countries might actually hurt
them.Retrieved from

This is actually a negative article fighting against my issue. I included this source because it help
me better understand the opposite point of view and helps me understand how to help fight
against that said mind set.

● Arboccó, J. (2018, August 11). Poverty in Peru, the latest statistics from the state.
Retrieved from

This is a basic set of graphs that helped me gain a better understanding of the true nature of
poverty in Peru and how it is affecting people’s lives there. I got this through the SLCC database
as well.

● Amadeo, K. (2020, February 15). Where's the Best Standard of Living? Depends Who
You Ask. Retrieved from

This final piece of data is a graph showing visually where the best and worst standard of living
occurs throughout the world. This clearly defines all third world countries as well as the first
world. This helps define and broaden my perspective of where my focus needs to be. I got this
from a map source off of SLCC.

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