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QUESTION: How can we combat fast fashion and overall waste in the industry to deter its 

negative impacts on the environment? 

ACADEMIC SUBJECTS INVOLVED: Environmental Science, Psychology, Sociology, Economy 
3617 Shukla Ct. 
Walnut Creek, CA 94598 
January 15, 2020 
Topic Approval Committee 
Northgate High School 
425 Castle Rock Road 
Walnut Creek, CA 94598 
Dear Sir or Madam: 
In my Research Paper, I hope to answer the question: How can we combat fast fashion and 
overall waste in the industry to deter its negative impacts on the environment? I have always 
been passionate about sewing and fashion design, but I came to notice how quickly consumers 
cycle out of clothing. The fashion industy’s detremental effects on the environment have 
become more clear as the years go on. 
The Experimental Project I have chosen is to create a fashion line made as sustainably as 
possible. This means finding the most sustainable and environmentally-friendly textiles in the 
market and creating beautiful garments out of them. I will also host a textile drive at Northgate 
High School to collect students’ and staff’s old clothing and donate these to a local textile 
recycling facility. I will be contacting Julia Husch as my mentor, the 2014 winner of ​Project 
Runway: Threads​, a Fashion Institute of Technology graduate, and talented sewing instructor at 
sewnow! fashion studio in Lafayette. 
This interdisciplinary project involves research on the many innovative, sustainable fabrics on 
the market, as well as the important aspect of comparing cost and efficiency of the handmade 
garment-making process compared to the fashion giants already out there producing clothing 
at astronomical rates.  
This will be a challenge for me due to the sheer amount of time it takes to design and sew 
clothing. However, I believe the most difficult part will be finding affordable, sustainable 
textiles to use for my garments. The fashion collection I create as well as the textile drive will be 
documented in my Digital Portfolio. I anticipate this project taking 40-50 hours of work. 
I hope this meets with your approval. 
Leila Okhravi 

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