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Okhravi 1

Leila Okhravi

English IV Period 1

Mr. Wood

10 May 2020

Senior Project Reflection

Luckily, I was still able to complete my project the way I had orginally intended despite

the circumstances. My project involved making a sustainable clothing line, which I was able to

do from the comfort of my own home. Ultimately, I am very pleased with how my project turned

out and what I was able to learn from it. Although I had some limited knowledge on the topic, I

was able to expand it and implement what I learned in my personal life to make real, tangible

change. Since I’ve started this project, I’ve promised myself that I will be limiting how many

new clothes I buy, replacing it instead with thrifting and repairing my old items. I’ve also created

a list of fast fashion brands I will no longer support because of what I’ve learned about them

through this project. I was also able to connect with many like-minded individuals and fully

understand the immense negative impact our current fashion industry has on the earth and labor

force. All three women I interviewd, Susan Goldie, Anjelica Sauerwein, and Emily Keller, left

me with the same, often overlooked message: our consumer dollar has a lot of power. We as

consumers have the ability to ensure an industry’s success, while also having the ability to shut

one down. We can no longer rely on our government to make change, as they have already

shown us where their loyalties lie. We cannot let the issue of fast fashion go, as it is where we

spend our hard earned money that will determine the future of the environment and the

livelihoods of millions of workers worldwide.

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