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Saturday Morning Session

Russell Nelson

“We can store our own reserves of food, water and savings. But
equally crucial is our need to fill our personal spiritual
storehouses with faith, truth and testimony.”
“We are to seek, in every way we can, to hear Jesus Christ who
speaks to us through the power and ministering of the Holy
“The most important lasting effects of this historic conference
will be as our hearts change and we commence a lifelong quest
to hear Him.”

Russel Ballard
“We should always remember the price Joseph and Hyrum Smith
paid, along with so many other faithful men, women and
children, to establish the Church so you and I could have and
enjoy the many blessings and all these revealed truths we have
“As we listen to the Spirit … consider what offering you will
present to the Lord in righteousness in the coming days. Be
courageous — share it with someone you trust and most
importantly, please take time to do it!”
“I know that the Savior is pleased when we present Him an
offering from our hearts in righteousness, just as He was
pleased with the faithful offering of those remarkable brothers,
Joseph and Hyrum Smith, and all other faithful saints.”
James Rasband
“Would Alma truly have felt what he describes as ‘exquisite …
joy’ if he thought that Christ saved him but left forever harmed
those he had led away from the truth? Surely not. For Alma to
feel complete peace, those he harmed also needed the
opportunity to be made whole.”
“Although we do not fully understand the sacred mechanics by
which the Savior’s atoning sacrifice heals and restores, we do
know, that to ensure a righteous judgment, the Savior will clear
away the underbrush of ignorance and the painful thorns of hurt
caused by others. By this He assures that all God’s children will
be given the opportunity, with unobscured vision, to choose to
follow Him and accept the great plan of happiness.”
“The magnificent, peace-giving promise of the Book of Mormon
and the restored gospel is that the Savior will mend all that we
have broken. And He will also mend us if we turn to Him in faith
and repent of the harm we have caused.”

Joy Jones

“We are always progressing as long as we are striving to follow

the Lord.”
“Women wear many hats, but it is impossible, and unnecessary,
to wear them all at once. The Spirit helps us determine which
work to focus on today.”
“Heeding personal revelation leads to personal progression.”
Neil Andersen

“God powerfully and very personally assures each of us that He

knows us and loves us, and that He is blessing us specifically
and openly.”
“Embrace your sacred memories. Believe them. Write them
down. Share them with your family. Trust that they come to you
from your Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son. Let them bring
patience to your doubts and understanding to your difficulties.”
“When personal difficulty, doubt, or discouragement darken our
path, or when world conditions beyond our control lead us to
wonder about the future, the spiritually defining memories from
our book of life are like luminous stones that help brighten the
road ahead, assuring us that God knows us, loves us and has
sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to help us return home.”

Douglas Holmes

“We sometimes forget the importance of relationships in our

ongoing journey to Christ. We are not expected to find or walk
the covenant path alone. We need love and support from
parents, other family members, friends and leaders who are also
walking the path.”
“Seeing others as God does is a gift. I invite all of us to seek for
this gift. As our eyes are opened to see, we will also be able to
help others see themselves as God does.”
“The Children and Youth program focuses on empowering the
Henry Eyring

“Throughout his prophetic ministry, Joseph Smith used prayers

of faith to obtain continuous revelation. As we face today’s
challenges and those yet to come, we too will need to practice
the same pattern.”
“When I pray with faith, I have the Savior as my advocate with
the Father and I can feel that my prayer reaches heaven.
Answers come. Blessings are received. There is peace and joy
even in hard times.”
“As we pray in faith, we become a vital part in the Lord’s work as
He prepares the world for His Second Coming.”
Sat Afternoon

Ulisses Suarez
“As we study the coming forth of this holy book of scripture in
these latter days, we come to realize that the entire undertaking
was miraculous.”
“The historical facts and the special witnesses of the Book of
Mormon testify that its coming forth was indeed miraculous.
Nevertheless, the power of this book is not based only in its
magnificent history but on its powerful, unparalleled message
that has changed countless lives — including mine.”
“My testimony of the Book of Mormon came line upon line as a
miracle to my heart. To this day, this testimony continues to
grow as I continuously search, with a sincere heart, to more fully
understand the word of God as contained in this extraordinary
book of scripture.”

John Mccune

“Even in our deepest trials, we can feel the warm embrace of His
love as we trust Him and accept His will. We can experience the
joy reserved for His faithful disciples, for Christ is joy.”
“As we remain focused on Christ, we will feel peace and see
God’s miracles, whatever they may be, in His time and in His
“Our ability to help others come unto Christ or return to Christ
will largely be determined by the example we set through our
own personal commitment to stay on the covenant path.”
Gerald Causse
“Plain and precious truths about the Savior’s Atonement
resound throughout the Book of Mormon.”
“The central message of the Book of Mormon is to restore the
true knowledge of the essential role of Jesus Christ in the
salvation and exaltation of mankind.”
“As you study this book, you will hear the voice of the living
Christ inviting you to come unto Him.”

Dale Renlund

“Each of us has received gifts that we could not provide for

ourselves, gifts from our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son,
including redemption through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus
“Every time we use, benefit from, or even think of these gifts, we
ought to consider the sacrifice, generosity and compassion of
the givers. Reverence for the givers does more than just make us
grateful. Reflecting on Their gifts can and should transform us.”
“As you act act on those words [‘Hear Him’] and listen to Him,
remember, joyfully and reverently, that the Savior loves to
restore what you cannot restore; He loves to heal wounds you
cannot heal; He loves to fix what has been irreparably broken; He
compensates for any unfairness inflicted on you; and He loves to
permanently mend even shattered hearts.”
Benjamin Tai
“For us to become who we need to be, it is essential that we
know what to do and do what we know.”
“The Book of Mormon provides spiritual nutrition, prescribes a
plan of action and connects us with the Holy Spirit.”
“By consistently applying the doctrine of Christ in our lives, we
will overcome inertia that impedes change and fear that foils

Gary Stevenson
“How could this extensive renewal of the Salt Lake Temple
inspire us to undergo our own spiritual — renewal,
reconstruction, rebirth, revitalization or restoration?”
“I don’t think we can overstate the importance of such a firm
foundation in our personal lives.”
“During these coming years, may we allow these improvements
made to the Salt Lake Temple to move and inspire us, as
individuals and families, so that we too — metaphorically — will
‘be built in a manner that will endure the millennium.’ ”

Sat Evening

Geritt Gong
“In hosanna and hallelujah we recognize the living Jesus Christ
as the heart of Easter and latter-day Restoration.”
“In celebrating the ongoing Restoration of the gospel of Jesus
Christ, we also prepare for Easter. In both, we rejoice in the
return of Jesus Christ.”
“Today we celebrate Restoration and resurrection. With you, I
rejoice in the ongoing Restoration of the fulness of the gospel of
Jesus Christ.”

Laudy Ruth Kaouk

“Regardless of your circumstances you can always have access

to priesthood blessings.”
“It is in our difficult moments that we need the Spirit to help us
the most. No one is perfect and we all experience hardships.”
“Through the priesthood we can be lifted. The priesthood brings
light into our world.”

Enzo Serge Petelo

“Joseph Smith was a young man who was called of God to

restore the gospel of Jesus Christ, and for that purpose was
given the priesthood which he used to bless all mankind.”
“We are given the opportunity to minister like angels, to preach
the gospel on all the continents of the earth, and to help souls
come unto Christ.”
“We cannot sit idly and expect the Lord to use us in His great
work. We must not wait for those who need our aid to seek us
out, it is our duty as priesthood holders to exemplify and stand
as witnesses of God.”
Jean Bingham
“When women and men work together we accomplish a great
deal more than we do working separately. Our roles are
complementary rather than competitive.”
“Becoming more in tune with the divine pattern of working
together in unity is critical in this day of ‘me-first’ messages that
surround us.”
“We can actively work to value women as God does: as essential
partners in the work of salvation and exaltation.”

Henry Eyring

“Temples will soon again be happily scheduling baptismal

opportunities and other sacred ordinances. The desire to serve
our ancestors and the bonding of parents and children are
The Lord “has raised up and prepared faithful people who
choose to do hard things well.”
“Now, as the Lord surely knew would happen, young people are
becoming computer mentors to their parents and ward members.
All have found great joy in their service.”

Dallin Oaks
“The priesthood is a divine power and authority held in trust to
be used for God’s work for the benefit of all of His children.”
“The family organization and the Church of Jesus Christ have a
mutually reinforcing relationship. The blessings of the
priesthood, such as the fulness of the gospel and ordinances
like baptism, confirmation and receiving the gift of the Holy
Ghost, the temple endowment, and eternal marriage, are
available to men and women alike.”
“We should follow the Savior’s invitation to seek and ask to
understand the truths of eternity. He promises that our Father in
Heaven is willing to teach everyone the truths they seek.”

Russell Nelson
The Church’s prime purpose “is to help men, women and
children follow the Lord Jesus Christ, keep His commandments,
and qualify for the greatest of all blessings — that of eternal life
with God and their loved ones.”
A new, Christ-centered symbol “will remind all that this is the
Savior’s Church and that all we do, as members of His Church,
centers on Jesus Christ and His gospel.”
“I am calling for another worldwide fast. For all whose health
may permit, let us fast, pray and unite our faith once again. Let
us prayerfully plead for relief from this global pandemic.”

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