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Dear Kim Jong Un,

I am sick of you. I’m sick of the lies you tell your people, the intimidation attempts, and the way

you treat the citizens in your country. Anytime I hear about you on the news I sigh, roll my eyes,

and proceed to think “what now?”. Do you want to be remembered as the laughing stock of the

world? As someone who is so incapable of leading that you have to constantly lie to your own

people in order for them to follow you? I know that you won’t change. But I want you to know

we aren’t scared of you. We know who you really are. It’s only a matter of time before your

citizens find out too if they haven’t already. How long do you think a fake god can keep his


The things you do to maintain your image are honestly laughable. I remember one day hearing

on the news about one of your nuclear tests and how you use them to scare other nations. Then

later that day I also heard in a segment of “60 Minutes” about North Korea that you claim to

have invented the hamburger. You also claim to never poop because you are a perfect human

being. Seeing all of these stories about you leaves me no choice but to assume that you have a

mental illness. There is no way someone in a healthy state of mind threatens others using nuclear

power but also claims to never poop. How is anyone to take you seriously?

Even though it is easy to laugh at the things you do and say, we cannot neglect the serious

injustice you are doing to your people. According to The United Nations two in five North

Koreans are undernourished and 70% of the population relies on food aid. How can you let your
entire country starve like this? As a leader your number one priority is to maintain the health and

well being of your people. It seems to me like your number one priority is to maintain your own

reputation. You are delusional if you think people are going to stand by and obey your rule for

much longer. Enjoy sitting on top of your castle made of lies, because there will be a breaking

point. The outside world already sees you for who you really are. It is only a matter of time

before your citizens do as well.


Nate Berg

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