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1. How did sarah grow so fast?

 Sarah maybe like playing basketball, swimming and skipping

 Genetics, sarah parents maybe so tall
 Healthy lifestyle
 Taekwondo or karate
2. What is the factor to make sarah very tall in her age group?

3. What is the normal height for 11 years old?
 150 cm (asian)
 Usually boys are taller than girls
4. What is the normal rate of growth in child
5. What is the mechanism

Step 7

1. How did sarah grow so fast?

 Genetics, if her mother is tall then sarah will grow fast too. 60-80%
 Nutrition, like vegetables (20-40% other than genetics)
 Physical activity; swimming, basketball.
 Organ function; is ready to lived. Related to hormone
 Social economy status, usually low social economy status more likely to grow slowly
than the high social economy.
2. What is the factor to make sarah very tall in her age group?
Same as the number 1
3. What is the normal height for 11 years old?
 145 cm (WHO)
 Women are about 4 inches shorter than men.
 50-54 inches female
 54-63.5 inches male
4. What is the normal rate of growth in child?
 Usually all children may grow at a different rate.
o Weight: 5 to 7 pounds or 2,2-3,1 Kg a year.
o Height: 2,5 inch or 6,35 cm a year.
 After age 1 baby growth line quiet a bit,
 After age 2 growth like 2.5 inch.
 Puberty growth rate are 5 cm per year.
5. What is the mechanism of growth?
 Epiphyseal plate, if the epiphyseal plate not closed It continues to grow.
 Growth hormone, is produce by pituitary gland to produce IGF-1 that affected the

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