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The Ambassadors’ School of Ministry

Course 12


Code: L1C12
Note: All scriptures are quoted from the New International Version (NIV) of the Holy Bible,
except otherwise mentioned.

Text: Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-18; John 1:45-46; Acts 1:8.

Goal: Preaching the Good News to reconcile sinners to God is being relegated to the background and
so-called prophecies and deliverance by mega prophets is now the main attraction of people to church.
Salvation however remains the greatest miracle, and this course is meant to educate on that.

Fongang was a Christian on fire for the kingdom of God. He just wanted everybody in his city to hear
about the love of God. Sometimes, he went to the streets with one other brother to distribute tracts;
and other times he put up gospel crusades. Threats were mounting up from his local government
authorities, but he encouraged the disciples to believe in Jesus and He will always save them from
persecutions. One day, the police got him mercilessly flogged and detained for one week. But, soon
after he was released, he petitioned an international evangelist to come over for a mighty crusade in
that same city. The trial seemed to have boosted his faith instead! Many people believed Christ and
joined the church. The sick were healed and many miracles were happening. Under seven years, he
started traveling to other countries to minister in crusades.

The primary mission of the church is, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you.” Matt. 28:19-20. All human beings irrespective of gender, culture and social status
feel an emptiness that only Jesus can fill. Jesus commands all believers to fill this emptiness in the
people‟s hearts by preaching and teaching. Evangelism and missions therefore is an assignment every
Christian should carry out as an act of worship to God and an act of love for sinners. The anointing of
healing and miracles will always accompany those who obey God and preach the Gospel. The greatest
miracle the preacher should seek for is the salvation of souls to escape hell fire.


You can do evangelism without doing missions; but you cannot do missions without doing
evangelism, witnessing, intercession, counseling/follow-up and much more. Evangelism can be
defined as sharing the love of God manifested through the death of Jesus on the cross in the way
people will be given a chance to believe and be saved from sin, sickness and Satan. I call this, “The
3S.” Evangelism is action. For a church (already planted) to grow, the gift of evangelists is highly
needed (2Tim. 4:5b). They can engage street evangelism, tracts distribution, door-to-door evangelism,

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target evangelism (e.g.: campus students), morning cry evangelism, online evangelism (through
Facebook, Whatsapp, radio etc.), gospel crusade and much more. Some of these strategies can be
sporadic; that is when the person is going about his own duties which can be medical care, office
work, business operations, farming, schooling etc. and he links his conversations to the need to receive
Jesus as Lord and Saviour from sin. As such, evangelism takes the form of witnessing. The person can
smartly hand a tract or an invitation to church. Other strategies like gospel crusade need proper
organization in terms of theme, date, time, venue, budget, sources of income, legal authorization,
teams or committees to be formed (e.g.: choir, ushering, publicity), speakers and follow-up of young

On the other hand, somebody is on mission when he goes beyond evangelizing his immediate
community to crossover to another culture with a short-term or long-term plan to advance the kingdom
of God. Such plans can be to plant a church, revive an old church, build a school, a hospital, empower
a community with skills, uplift the standard of living, fight the spread of a disease, protect a vulnerable
group from oppression etc. Apart from planting churches, other plans are missionary in nature to win
souls at long-term. In Matt. 25:35-40, Jesus describes giving food to the hungry, water to the thirsty,
clothes to the poor, care for the sick and relieve to the prisoners as being important missions that the
church or individual Christians should embark on. Joseph‟s mission in Egypt was to protect the whole
world during the seven years famine. He did not confront Pharaoh the way Moses did; yet his career
achievements caused the king and the whole world to honour his God and his people. A member of the
United Nations can do his work and at the same time do missions. A student going from Buea to
California to study PhD can act as a missionary. That is what it means to be an Ambassador for Christ.


How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news … Is. 52:7a (ESV). This
tells us that the people we evangelize will try to assess our outlook before giving a listening ear.

1. Useful Tools:
 Dress appropriately to your audience. E.g.: Don’t wear a t-shirt to preach to authorities.
 Put on a smile that gives hope.
 Create contact by initiating a conversation; or join in one without shutting people down.
 Show love, concern and compassion, not pity. (Love is the greatest tool, 1 Cor. 13).
 Preach the love of God, not your church or your prophet.
 Invite the listeners to make a decision for Christ on the spot.
 Listen to questions and prayer requests at the end.
 Talk with wisdom (be wise as serpents and harmless as doves, Matt. 10:16).
 Exercise authority over any demonic case; make it brief.
 Exchange contacts and take another appointment (if possible).

2. Tips to Prepare the Evangelist:

 Be free from sin in your conscience (2 Cor. 10:6; Jos. 7:12).
 Never tax the people such as asking for an envelope, a prayer line fee, a physical gift; freely
you have received, freely give (Matt. 10:8). The gift of God is not for sale (Acts 8:20).

 Evangelism is a public event, so avoid praying in tongues and jesting because it can instead
scare people.
 Pray in the name of Jesus and avoid using faith extender like anointing oil, handkerchief etc.
They may reason that it is a magical thing which you are using.
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 Never ask a person, "Are you a Christian...saved ... or born again?” Sinners talk a different
language to keep away from the word.
 Ask, "Have you ever thought about where you will spend eternity?”  Never have a "holier-
than-thou" attitude.
 Have salvation verses underlined in your Bible, and know where they are!
 Go in groups of two, three or more.
 Take a small Bible or New Testament with you. You can use the Bible in a digital devise, but
cultivate the habit of carrying a printed copy with you.

Note: Over the centuries, God used men and women to share the good news. Well-known evangelists
like D. L. Moody, John Wesley, Billy Graham and Reinhard Bonke made evangelism their life‟s
work. In 1893, Helen Cadbury organized a group of ladies to sew pockets onto their dresses and carry
copies of the New Testament to share the Good News. This was the beginning of Pocket Testament


1. The Knowledge about Unreached Populations

Knowing how many people in the world are not yet reached is an important tool to stir a passion for
missions. Taking statistics from Operation World, 1993, when the population of the world was 5.7,
only 30% were affiliated to the Christian Church. About eighty thousand (80,000) people die every
day. Over three thousand two hundred (3,200) die each hour; and many have never known Jesus. More
people on the earth know of Coca Cola than of Jesus. Approximately eighty-eight thousand (88,000)
Protestant cross-cultural workers are on the mission field. This means that there are approximately 24
missionaries to every one million non-Christians in the world (Operation World, 1993). A Christian
leader by name Oswald Smith said, “No one has the right to hear the gospel two, three or ten times
while billions have never heard it once.”

2. The Role of the Local Church

The Great Commission in Matt. 28:19-20 is a call for the church to embark on missions; whether on a
small or a large scale. The church should have a vision of the field (John 4:35); request for laborers
(Matt. 9:37-38); go or send (Mark 5:19-20); send finances to help keep a missionary on the field (Luke
8:3; Phil. 4:15-19). In summary, a local should raise missionaries and send them out to the field.
Missions work is usually a cross-cultural ministry which requires that the missionary should learn the
people‟s language, culture, history, strongholds, major weaknesses and strengths. Missionary comes
from the Latin word “mitto” which means “to send.” The Greek word is “apostello.” The noun
„Missionary‟ is not found in the Bible; but it is the same as „apostle‟ which means “sent one”
(Ephesians 4:11). He should put his trust in God, the authority Who has sent him; have a whole
hearted devotion to Christ and His gospel (1 Cor. 4:1-2); live by faith on the missions fields (Rom.
1:17); not choose to love just those who are lovable; have the courage to stand up for what he believes;

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have the courage to make his beliefs known (Gal. 2:11-17); keep high moral standards (1 Tim. 3:2); be
in tune with the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:14); show zeal and enthusiasm (John2:17); don‟t allow the
„Gibeonites‟ to deceive him (Jos. 9:3; Acts 5:1-4); birth the vision through prayer and fasting (Acts
13:2-3); pray for the people and the nation to which he is called (Jer. 29:7); submit to the leadership
of a church – especially the one that commissioned you (Acts 15:4).

3. Leadership in Missions
A missionary must lead in five ways:
 Lead by example - bringing men to Christ.
 Lead converts in their spiritual development.
 Lead in the formation of a functional church.
 Lead in the training of national workers who will eventually take over the work.
 Must take initiative and responsibility.


In a local church, the pastor should ensure separate meetings for the youths, the women, the men
during the week. It is best for children to meet on Sunday before adult service (or during, if a hall is
available for them). This serves as a springboard to enable them evangelize their kind.

Lessons necessary for each group

Youths Strength to preach, need to pray, roles in church, carrier orientation, marriage preparation, loving God.
Women Ability to pray, caring for all in the church, managing their homes, child education, business savings.
Men Ability to lead, protect all in church, providing for their homes, sponsor children, wife and church.
Children Obey their parents, respect everybody, be friends of Jesus, tell your friends, go to school, don‟t fight.

A resident pastor who has a heart for missions will take group meetings as a training ground. Example
of group structure that can encourage a missionary spirit–Reconciliation Ministry (REMI) Worldwide:

Vision: Preaching RECONCILIATION to raise AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST in the AGE OF GLORY (2Cor.5:18, 20).
Motto: Integrity, Maturity and Excellence.
Mission: Now then we are Ambassadors for Christ …
Mission Statements: 1. Preaching Christ crucified and glorified for the salvation of mankind;
2. Molding Christians into maturity; and
3. Building members‟ capacities in creative works and domestic activities.

The preachers today major on the “Come and see” form of evangelism and neglect the “Go and make”
form (John 1:46; Matt. 28:19). The second should be giving priority because it is the Great
Commission. Those who practice only the first form end up building an empire around them. There
are cross-cultural missions and home missions. People who have a calling can be slowed down for
lack of finances, inadequate preparation, fear of being a burden on people, loneliness, persecutions,
fear of failure, language barrier and other factors. Praying for the lost however will develop passion in
the missionary that can break through all obstacles and accomplish the Great Commission.

Written by Rev. John NUMBE

1. What is the Great Commission? (3 marks)

2. Discuss 2 roles a church has to play in missions (2x2 marks)
3. What is the importance of having groups meetings in church? (3 marks)
4. Give 2 qualities of a missionary. (2 marks)
5. List 3 obstacles in mission field. (3 marks)
6. Explain why a church that builds schools and hospitals is doing missions. (5 marks)
The Ambassadors’ School of Ministry

Course 13


Code: L1C13
Note: All scriptures are quoted from the New International Version (NIV) of the Holy Bible, except
otherwise mentioned.

Text: Luke 2:8-20.

Goal: The world is now a global village because of easy and quick connections with individuals,
organizations and institutions anywhere in the world for communication and business purposes. In this
course, you will learn how to do ministry online.

Kamgang is a part time minister of REMI
Douala and is in charge of Information
Technologies (IT) in his company. He
admired a young man and a young girl
walked up to the altar on Sunday service
to surrender their lives to Christ with
tears. He really wanted to follow them up
to grow in their new found faith. At the
end of the service, he missed talking with
them; however, he collected their
telephone contacts. He searched them on
Whatsapp and wrote them. They happily
replied Amb. Kamgang and they became
friends online. They went on to promise him that they will be coming to church

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I kept wondering why God should invite ordinary shepherds to see the Saviour that was born in
Bethlehem, until I understood that their brand of business made of them sure publicity agents to
announce the birth of Jesus. e-ministry means electronic ministry. In principle, the same as we reach
our loved ones or business agencies through email, Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, YouTube etc. to
make requests and transmit vital information, we can reach out to people with the Gospel. These
Information Technology (IT) systems can compare to the role of shepherds in spreading news in the
old days. God gave the wisdom to create these systems and the prime beneficiaries should be the
children of God for the advancement of God‟s kingdom.

Began in the late 1990s, computer technology is the fastest revolution which the world has known.
The PC (that is personal computer) is a name given to computers like desktops, laptops, palmtops and
cellular sets, to indicate that an individual can own one and operate it. The physical part of a computer
is called „hardware‟; while the programmes and information inside the computer (which we cannot
see or touch) is called „software‟. Mobile phones or cellular sets or handsets have greatly changed
from bulky sets that could basically make calls and text messages to smaller devices that can take high
definition (HD) videos and do live transmission; browse websites for research purposes; accept credit
cards to do payments etc. Such handsets are called „android phones‟ and „smart phones‟. The
company called Virtu produces Signature Touch handsets, which are probably the most expensive
smart phone, costing up to $19,000 (CFAF 9,500,000). The world wide web (www) is the principal
technology that enables internet connections between terminals. That means your phone (a terminal)
has internet connection and your friend‟s desktop (another terminal) has connection too, www system
is active and both of you can chat using Facebook, share videos using Whatsapp, write messages using
email, make video calls using Skype and so on. The connection can be wired or wireless. It is so fast
that as soon as you click you get feedback. If the other terminal is not connected, you can only leave a
message and get a reply later.


Film cameras have long become obsolete with the coming of digital cameras. Cathode screens are fast
disappearing to give way to digital flat screens. Every electronic devise that
cannot connect to a PC is analog; and is being replaced by a digital devise.
Nowadays, companies that switch to digital systems cut down on their staff
structure greatly and accumulate much savings. This is because the
computer does jobs that the company used to pay many workers to execute.
Imagine a bank that used to employ thirty pay masters to record and serve
contract employees their salaries, now employs just one accounts clerk who
A satellite or network antenna

operates the computer to do payments to the same number of contract

employees, even faster. Those who don‟t want to queue up just insert their
ATM cards into the machine at whatever time and collect their money.
ATM means Automatic Teller Machine. Students and researchers cannot
just do without internet. They use search engines such as Google, Yahoo
etc. to browse online libraries and gather facts. Most industries have
eliminated manual labour that required men and installed robots. In the

home, we have digital systems to watch cloths, clean the floor, cook, to create fun and so on. Smart
phones tell us in which city the caller is, the weather condition, the time to do scheduled jobs, the
cardinal points etc. There are cars today which can drive you to your destination while you go to sleep
if you like. To fight against car theft, people can attach a GPS (Global Positioning System) that will
trace the route and exact position of the car on the globe. The aeronautic is a field of complex
computer technologies and internet operations. World powers do compete in placing satellites in the
space for purposes of obtaining faster and high definition network coverage. This coverage will enable
calls, broadcasting, online browsing, weather condition forecasts, natural catastrophe preventions,
filtering of information, professionalization of military expeditions and firearms combats, carrying out
medical treatments and online research works, enhancing industrial production and a lot more.


Ministry is a relational activity intended to deliver the word of God. Sometimes we „sow‟ seed
(Luke8:5) and other times we „scatter‟ the seed (Matthew 13:4; NIV). Take note of the expression,

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„some felt…‟ all along the story is Luke 8:5-8.

This statement shows how the seed, which stands
for the word of God, scattered to reach different
types of soils. It shows how the communication
of the message can go through mass channels like
the television, radio, website pages, Facebook
pages, Whatsapp groups, twitter accounts etc. The
only thing that changes is the nature of the
messages. For instance, on YouTube you will
upload a video; on Facebook you upload pictures
and add comments; on Whatsapp you upload
A desktop computer videos, pictures and e-books. You can buy a
domain name and manage a website for your
ministry. On web pages you upload videos,
pictures and electronic books; write news report and testimonies, announce upcoming events, receive
prayer requests and other inquiries. Using internet to communicate is 99.999% cheaper than using the
telephone, radio and television commercial spaces. The greatest problem that internet users do
encounter is how to create an audience and manage feedbacks. Because of increasing rate of
scamming, internet users are very skeptical of people they don‟t know. So to create an audience that
will follow your posts online, and subsequently write you feedbacks of how your messages are
imparting them, you can to do the following:

1. Carefully select your information: This

information can a text message, a PDF document, a
picture file, a sound tract, a video clip, a food for
thought etc. Choose images that will give the best
impression about your work – not scanty halls,
hungry people, monotonous preaching or aside
2. Be very polite: Use statements like: please, find
A radio cassette/ CD player
time to, kindly etc. (analog system)
e. g.: Kindly report any problem you have with
this message.
3. Use utility statements: benefit…, enjoy…, don‟t miss…, read me…, don‟t read me…, buy
me…, don‟t buy me…, receive…
e. g.: Don‟t read me! I know a friend I would like you to have, his name is Jesus.
4. Be very brief: Onliners do many things at a time and will not have time to read long exposés.
5. Use emoticons: There are designed to pass a quick message such as feeling happy- , feeling
sad-  etc. Emoticons can also be called smileys.
6. Be consistent: Most followers online start commenting your posts when they have read from
you several times and observed that you are faithful and consistent in what you believe.
7. Avoid asking for money: You can present the project of your church, give the budget, tell
how the work is progressing and leave it there. Real kingdom financial helpers are raised by
the Lord. When you ask for support when no work has started on ground, people don‟t believe

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you that you need money for that project. When you appear desperate in your request for
funds, people suspect that you are using the name „ministry‟ to extort money from them.
8. Always account to people who sent you support.
9. Avoid falling for provocation: People can write anything online because they know it is
almost impossible for you to arrest them; they even use fake names and fake profile pictures.
Don‟t reply insult for insult. By the way even if you know them and where they stay,
remember as servants of God, „we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against
principalities‟ (Eph. 6:12).
10. Smartly read friends’ posts; reply where necessary and delete non essentials: Ensure that
the posts or messages placed in your social media group or bloc comply with required
objectives. Free space on your terminal by deleting routine videos and pictures.

If you follow the guide above, it will be easy for you to create contacts online, pray to lead sinners to
Christ, pray for people to experience healing and deliverance, follow-up young converts, invite them
to churches, make friends all over the world and even receive invitations to minister in places.


Naïve minds can easily be wrapped up by the evil practices on the internet. Some include:
1. Scamming: Don‟t trust anybody calling or writing you to transfer him money, except you
know the person physically beyond any doubt. Scammers can consult your friends online and
impersonate to be somebody you know. Scammers can also sell a product online and request
cash payment before delivery. Once payment is done they change their line.
2. Promoters of evil: Some individuals befriend you in order to post pornography, cultism and
evil ideas on your wall (that is your account). Remove such friends and exit such groups
immediately. Remember evil communication corrupt good manners (1 Cor. 15:33). I think
people are more addicted to evil on internet today than they are addicted to drug and alcohol!
3. Don’t use passwords on screen savers because you are hiding evil contents. Tell your
spouse or your pastor you need help. It is very dangerous to hide your sins (Prov. 28:13).
4. Be careful with giving your phones to children. They can greatly embarrass you by filming
and posting online. A mother cried and left a group after she saw what the child filmed and
5. For no reason should you share or exchange images where you are naked with somebody.
If he wishes to harm you he will post them online; and there is nothing you can do to erase
them once a single click is done.
6. Discipline yourself to stay online for meaningful jobs only: Some companies cut off
Facebook signals because workers chat online the whole day and productivity drops. Online
communication is meant to be straight to the point.
7. Wisely inquire if your communication partners are safe to handle a subject: You can
release secret information when the receiver is surrounded by spies. You can pass shocking
news to somebody who is already in distress or is driving.
8. Secret cameras: Somebody can lure you into misbehavior (that is to say an evil thing, undress
or act violently) meanwhile his phone camera or voice recorder or call recorder is on. Security
cameras are now being installed in public places like banks, supermarkets, streets, buses etc.
9. Saving and retrieving difficulties: Files on a digital device should be saved using a filename
that tells a summary of the contents. To save a file, choose the location using folders and

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subfolders, following a path, in a functional way. Failure to do so, the user will have to use a
search function to try retrieving a file.
10. Inability to manage space: Users who don‟t delete junk mails, especially video clips, will
eventually run out of memory space.
It is commonly said that an illiterate is no longer the person who did not go to school, but the person
who does not know how to use a computer. The 21 st century minister of God should use all available
networks and online tools to win souls for Christ effectively. We now pay bills through mobile money,
settle financial transactions through credit cards, cash money through ATM, send/receive messages
through emails and an ever increasing number of social media. We should also preach the gospel
online; and seek for ways to have physical contacts with persons who are responding positively. They
will need water baptism, Lord‟s Supper, marriage celebrations, child dedication etc. and these things
cannot be done online.

Written by Rev. John NUMBE


1. What can a minister do to preach online effectively? (3 marks)

2. Rev. Peter created a whatsapp group of fifty members, and from time to time, he post messages
God has dropped in his spirit there. Is it enough? (2 marks)
3. What do you understand by scattering the word of God? (5 marks)
4. Give two pitfalls or dangers of IT. (2 marks)
5. Give three things in ministry that the computer and internet cannot do. (3 marks) 6. Identify the
following IT tools: (5 marks)

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1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Total score: 20 marks



The Ambassadors’ School of Ministry


The Ambassadors’ School of Ministry

Course 14


Code: L1C14

 To lay a proper foundation on which we will build upon in Year II (Ps. 11:3).
 For the believer to understand that marriage was instituted by God and should be honored by all
 God intended marriage to be a taste of heaven on earth (even for the unbeliever).
 This course will also teach us how to walk while being single and lay a good foundation for a
great life of exploits till when we get married Ps. 11:3 says, If the foundations are destroy
what can the righteous do?
 A successful marriage requires labor and when you labor for it you will enjoy the benefits God
intended for you on planet earth.
 It will also reveal to you the necessary practical steps to take in order to make the most of this
unique phase in your life so as to become a fulfilled single or married minister


Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has
given you under the sun. (Ecclesiastics 9:9a)

Whatever your age today, (whether twenty, twenty-five, thirty, forty or older), you cannot be that age
forever, it can only be for the now! When the now is gone, that specific time of your life is gone
forever and you can never recall it That is why Ecclesiastes 3:1 says that to everything under the sun
(including the single years), there is a time and a season When a baby is born, he grows through
childhood, adolescence, teenage years and single life, perhaps married life, mid-life, old age and then
ultimately dies Don‟t be like Jacob who entered marriage blindly because he did not know whether
the wife was Rachel or Leah.


A) God of Order for marriage (1 Cor. 14:33; Gen. 2:18 – 24)

1) The institution of marriage was established before the fall of man and before the plan of
redemption was executed.
2) These shows that the institution of marriage applies to the entire human race.
3) God intended that believers and unbelievers alike would enjoy the pleasures of marriage.

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Note: Order means to put into proper place; to organize.

B) Examples of God establishing order 1)

Creation (Gen. 1 and 2).
2) Instructions for Noah to build the ark (Gen. 6:13 – 21).
3) Seed – time and harvest (Gen. 8:22).
4) Ordering of the Israelites (Ex. 18:21-22).
5) Giving of the law (Ex. 20:23).
6) Instructions for the Tabernacle (Ex. 25 – 28).

C) Establishing order in God ordained

Institutions 1) Governments (Rom. 13:1 – 4).
2) Family (Eph. 5: 22 – 23; 6:1).
3) Church (1 Peter 5:1 – 5; I Cor. 14:26).
4) Work (2 Thes. 3:10).

Note: The order (or priorities) in the life of a believer concerns:

 His/her fellowship with God (Ex. 20:3; Matt. 22: 37 – 38).
 His/her family (1 Tim. 5:7 – 8). Spouse first and children next.


A. Minister? One who is charged with the responsibility of guiding others towards a specific
goal or target.
- We therefore are talking about people who have others looking up to them for
modeling and direction.

B. Family? A family can be defined as a group of people who are related to each other either
by ancestral links or marriage.

Kinds of Family:
1) Nuclear: The minister and his/her immediate family that is, spouse and children.
2) Extended Family: The minister and his family, nephews, nieces, and even the in-laws
including grandchildren, uncles and aunts.
3) Adoptive Family: A kind of family in which a couple decides to adopt children who are not
their biological offspring.
4) Single Parent Family: This has to do with a family in which only one parent takes care of the
child or children. These are either as a result of divorce or babies out of wedlock.
5) Christian Family: This is a family based on the foundation of the word of God. - For
there to be a family there must be marriage.

C. Marriage?

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Marriage can be defined as an exclusive union between one man and one woman which is publicly
acknowledged, permanently sealed and physically consummated. Children come as a reward from the
Lord (Ps. 127:3-5).
- Therefore children do not validate a marriage, so whether there are children or not, a
marriage stands.
1. God created man in his image … male and female created He them and housed in two different
vessels – male and female (Gen. 1:27).
2. In Gen. 2:7, man (male Adam) was formed out of the dust of the ground.
3. Man did not have to be alone. This “aloneness” however came from the fact that he was all–in–
one (Gen. 2:18). The counterpart who had to be his companion was nowhere else but in Adam
4. God made the woman and brought her to the man (Gen. 2:21-28).
5. Marriage therefore is a divine institution. It is God‟s idea.
6. It will flow only to the extent that couples abide by divine principles laid down for successful
7. If this unit fails the society fails, the nation fails.
8. Your foundation matters – When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous
do? (Ps. 11:3).


A) Benefits of Singleness
1. It helps you to draw near to God.
Remember (earnestly) also your creator (that you are not your own. But His property
now) in the days of your youth before the days of evil days come or the years draw near
when you will say (of physical pleasured) I have no enjoyment in them.(Eccles. 12:1,
Amplified Bible).
Man was created for one purpose to bring God glory (Rev. 4:11).

2. It is the prime (peak, flower, and blossom) time of life (Eccles. 12:1). Don’t let anyone
look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in
life, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Tim. 4:12).

3. Freedom to Serve the Lord without distraction (I Cor. 7:32, 35).

4. Freedom from marital responsibilities and concerns (I Cor. 7: 32, 35).
5. Mobility is one other benefits of singleness. There is movement of the physical body as well
mobility of time and money.

B) Make your Foundation Sure (Ps. 11:3)

1. Get connected and committed to your Creator.
I am the vine; you are the branches, if a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear
much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing (John 15:5).
2. Invest in your life as a person:
 Spiritually – Get to know God.

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 Mentally – Cultivate the winning attitude.

 Emotionally – learn to forgive yourself and others.
 Physically – Keep yourself fit physical.
 You have the duty to present your body unto God.
 Cleanliness.
 Cooking.
 Possess working hands (Prov. 10:4).

C) Locate the Reason for your Existence

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee (Jer. 1:5).

1. To locate the reason for your existence means to find or discover the reason why you live
(Gal.1:15; Heb. 11: 24-27).
2. Go directly to God, your manufacturer (Matt. 7:7-8).
3. Look inwards.
 Talents: everyone has talents, gifts and endowments from God (Matt. 25:15).
 Passion: where is your passion – it may be a pointer to your assignment on earth.

D) Character is Crucial

I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139: 14).

Definition of Character
We can define character as someone‟s way of behavior. It is a pattern of behaviour that
shows moral strength, self-discipline.
1. Character is the platform for sustainable exploits and of a glorious future.
2. No matter your charisma if you lack character you will crash. Prov. 18:16 says a gift opens a
3. Character is not a gift it has to be consciously cultivated.

Some truths about character

1) It‟s a matter of the Heart.
… for as he thinketh he is heart (Prov. 23:7).
… for out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45).
2) It is your true beauty.
Is not in the outfit, fashionable shoes, jewelry, powder or make-up.
3) It is not a Gift.
No matter how you were raised, your background, you have to assume and accept
responsibility over your life.

Why Character?
1) It is the foundation of your future.
The strength and the future of any physical building lie in its foundation.
2) It is the stabilizer of your destiny.
A stabilizer regulates electricity and gives you assurance that your gadgets are secure.

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3) To avoid being a hypocrite.

Many people live like chameleons.
They change according to the environments.
The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good (Prov. 15:3).

Attributes of a Godly Character 1)

Honesty (2 Cor. 8:21).
The state of truthfulness
2) Discipline: Discipline is self-control; it is the willingness to take orders (1 Cor. 6:12).
E) Spinsterhood and Bachelorhood and Family Pressure Definition of Spinster
A woman who has remained single beyond the conventional age for marrying.

Definition of Bachelor: An unmarried man

1. It is a state or a phase of life for males, who conventionally have grown beyond the age of
2. This means they are older than the average young single person.
3. If you have not found your mate don‟t worry, rejoice! None shall want her mate (Isaiah 34:16)
4. Rejoice and ask yourself what steps you need to take, for your spouse to locate you.
5. But not in a hurry, haste is associated with unbelief.
6. Trust God to bring to pass his will concerning you, at his own time.

Assumption and Misinterpretation of closeness or friendliness

1. Never assume a relationship in which someone is polite and friendly towards you necessarily
mean that such a person has a marriage intention.
2. Men please, ladies please, don‟t be giving special attention to the exclusion of others when
there is nothing going on between you.
3. Don‟t ever misinterpret closeness or friendliness for marriage intentions.

Rushing into Marriage

1. Don‟t rush to marry someone because you have been waiting for long.
2. What makes marriage last among other things is character and it cannot be discerned in a hurry.
For the inward thought and the heart of a man are deep (Ps. 64:6).

Pre – Marital Sex

1. Understand the difference between infatuations, lust and love.

Flee fornication, every sin that a man doeth is without the body, but he that committeth
fornication sinneth (I Cor. 6:18).
2. You must not know a man or a woman sexually before marrying the person; it is sin!
Joseph in the New Testament and the mother of Jesus had no sexual contact before
marriage (Matt. 1:18; Luke 1:27).
Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires (Song of Songs 2:7b).

3. Put your emotions under control (Eccles. 3:1, 4).

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To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. A time
to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.

 Renew your mind by the word of God.

 Beware of books, magazines, musical tapes, video CDs you bought before being born
again – Discard them.
 Learn contentment.

F) Preparing for Marriage

1. Every great event is a product of a great preparation.

2. Marriage is a life time journey that we must prepare for.
 So Jonathan became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God
(2Chr. 27:6).
 A wise man said proper preparation prevents poor performance.
3. Many singles prepare for wedding without preparing for marriage.
 A wedding is a ceremony, an event, as you know it comes and goes.
 Marriage on the other hand is a union; the coming together of two people of opposite
sex, with a view to building a God centered home.

Before you choose a Marriage Partner

1. Self-discovery. You need to discover yourself.  Where are you heading to in life?
 What are your vision, goal, dream and destination?
2. Proper understanding of marriage.
3. Be the best you can be by investing in your life spiritually, morally, intellectually and
4. Learn the best you can about marriage.
 A man of knowledge increaseth strength (Prov. 24:5).

The process of choosing a life Partner

1. Honour to God: Choose within the guidelines of God‟s word concerning marriage.
2. Spiritual factor: That individual must be a born again and practicing believer (2Cor. 6:14-16).
 Your general views should be based on Heb. 6:1-3.
3. Fruit of the Spirit: Choose someone who has and shows evidence of it (Gal 5:22-23).
4. Physical Fitness: Choosing someone that you can appreciate, cherish and will not be ashamed
to present as your spouse to anyone in future.
 Pay attention to the detail, such as the compatibility of your blood.


Definition of Courtship

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Courtship is the period when two people – single and opposite sexes – agree to marry and they
actually do so. It is a time to plan about your future. You can name your future children in faith. No
matter how long you court, you cannot know someone well. To avoid the temptation of pre-marital,
make courtship short; say between six months and one year. During the courtship period, you can

1. Spend time in prayer, fasting and studying the Bible together.

2. Attend marriage seminars to equip you for your future home.
3. Know each other‟s expectations, dream, vision, strengths/weaknesses, family members etc. 
Courtship is not equal to marriage; so it can be broken, if need be.
 If while courting you discover that you made a wrong choice.

Major Characteristics of a Good Christian Courtship

Watch out for the following necessary things. They will help you to have a correct assessment of your
1) Defined Destination
 Have you both identified your vision
2) Agreement
 Do your discussions usually end in disagreements? 
Can two walk together except they agree (Amos 3:3). 3) Christian
 Both of you must be God fearing and doers of God‟s commandments in
truthfulness (2Cor. 6:14-16).
4) Progress: A good Christian courtship should be progressive in nature. 
Are you confident that you have made the right decision?
5) Pre–Marital Sex
 Since courtship is not marriage, you have no marriage rights over each other’s
physical body until marriage.
 Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled but fornicators and adulteress
God will judge (Heb. 13:4).

Preparing for the Wedding Ceremony 1. The place of Engagement

 Traditional Wedding when the bride price is paid, honouring parents (Ruth 4:11-12;
Eph. 6:2).
 The bride price is supposed to be a demonstration of love; it is not a purchase price
(Gen. 24:29-60; Ruth 4:1-12).
 Notice the words precious things.
 Whatever things that are presented as bride price must be precious; not sinful and not
contrary to the word of God.
 So it is scriptural to pay a bride price.
 Don‟t sell your birth right today else you will regret your actions tomorrow.
2. The State or Government (Rom. 13:1)
 This will add all the necessary legal backing to the union.
3. The Church for Blessing or Dedication of Wedding
 Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established (Prov. 16:3). 
You exchange vows; this enhances your commitment to your marriage.

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Tips to make a Successful Church Wedding

1. Planning: Plan within available resources; not just by “faith,” which is archly presumption.
2. Wisdom: Making the right choices.
 How many guests to invite?
 How much food to cook?
 What kind of clothes to buy?
 How much to spend on the ceremony and so on?
3. Don’t borrow (Prov. 22:7)
 How expensive a wedding is has nothing to do with the marriage.
4. Prepare Spiritually
 Prayer and planning go hand in hand.
 You will need to commit every aspect of the event and service into God‟s hand.
5. Involve others
 Delegate responsibilities.
 Make a list of what is to be done and identify capable hands that are willing to assist.

Word of Hope
In case you happen to live with someone you are not married to – you have not seen the parent – you
have not paid the bride price – not conducted the court or church wedding, please
 Go and make necessary amends with the girl‟s parents (payment of bride price);
 Go and establish your marriage certificate;
 Request your pastor to bless your marriage;
 And, God will release His blessings and block all leakages in your marriage.

Written by Rev. AWAH Albert


A/ For Singles (20 marks)

1. State and describe which kind of person you will like to have as a lifetime partner.
2. What has this course done in your life?

B/ For the Married (20 marks)

1. State how you have fulfilled your marriage vows in the following three institutions ordained by
1.1 Family.
1.2 Government or the state.
1.3 Church.
2. How is your partner contributing in fulfilling the Great Commission along with you and in the
church where you fellowship?

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3. What has this course done in your life?

Total score: 20 marks



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