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Name: ______________________________________________________________ Class: 7º ____

Date: _________________ Ideal score: 48 points Score:____________ Mark :


1. Reconocer vocabulario temático a través de la comprensión auditiva y lectora.

2. Responder preguntas de comprensión lectora, demostrando habilidades de escritura dentro del idioma inglés,
siendo capaz de responder de manera concisa y coherente.
3. Identificar tiempo Pasado Simple, utilizando sus estructuras gramaticales en forma afirmativa, negativa e
4. Reconocer e identificar vocabulario temático de la unidad; el uso de los verbos en pasado. Verbos regulares con
terminación ED y los verbos irregulares para la conformación de oraciones.
1. Lea correctamente las instrucciones antes de contestar la prueba.
2. Está permitido sólo el uso de lapicera azul o negra, no abuse del corrector.

I item. Listening Comprehension. Listen to the audio and circle the correct alternative you hear. (8 points)

1. According to the man, his team lost the first match due to __________.

a) Bad weather conditions

b) Injuries
c) Poor officiating
d) Just a) and c)
e) None of these

2. What reason was NOT mentioned about why his team lost their second game? 

a) The referees made some terrible calls against some players.

b) They were disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct.
c) One of their players shot the ball into the wrong goal.
d) None of these
e) All of the above

3. The man's team was winning the final match until ___________. 

a) The other team made an amazing comeback

b) Some of their players were ejected from the game
c) Their fans booed the team and left the stadium
d) None of these
e) Just a) and c)

4. Which team does the man want to win the World Cup now?

a) He doesn't care who wins at this point.

b) He wants the host nation to win.
c) He hopes the matches are cancelled.
d) Just b) and c)
e) All of these

II item. Reading comprehension. Read the text and complete the sentences below. (10 points)

The original Olympic Games took place at Olympia in Ancient Greece in 776 BC. They
included arts competitions as well as athletics, boxing, wrestling and chariot racing. The first
modern games took place in Athens in 1896, and continue to take place every four years in
different countries of the world. The Olympic flag, with its five rings, represents the five
continents of the world.

The Olympics are the traditional “world championships” of athletics, but there are many
other sports competitions- swimming, rowing, gymnastics and others. At each Olympics, the
Olympic committee includes new sports, making each Olympics more exciting than the last. The
Winter Olympics are for sports such as skating and skiing. They take place two years after each
Olympic Games.

Competitors in the events win medals: a gold medal for first place, silver for second, and
bronze for third. The very best athletes from all over the world compete in the Olympics.

The Paralympics are for people who have got physical disabilities. Some of the
competitors are blind or deaf and many of them compete in wheelchairs. The Paralympics take
place after the Olympic games.

1. The Olympic Games took place in _______________________________ in ______________________.

2. The Olympic Games take place every ________________________________.

3.The ______________________________________ represent the continents of the world.

4. The Paralympics are _______________________________________________________________.

5. Sydney Olympic Games took place in 2000, so the Winter Olympic Games took place in ________________.

III Item. Transform the following verbs in brackets into the Simple Past. (7 points)

1. She ________________ (go) to school on foot yesterday.

a) Didn’t go
b) Went
c) Did go
d) All of the above
e) None of these

2. I ___________________________ (not play) rugby at school.

a) Played
b) Did play
c) Didn’t play
d) Just b) and c)
e) None of these

3. Bob ___________________ (come) late to school yesterday.

a) Came
b) Did come
c) Didn’t come
d) Just a) and c)
e) All of the above

4. Chris ____________________ (not cut) the cake in his Birthday.

a) Cut
b) Didn’t cut
c) Did cut
d) Just a) and c)
e) None of these

5. Jessica ______________ (find) a ten-dollar bill.

a) Found
b) Did find
c) Didn’t find
d) All of the above
e) None of these

6. I ___________________ (go) skiing during my Winter holidays.

a) Did go
b) Went
c) Didn’t go
d) All of the above
e) None of these

7. We ______________ (fly) to Santiago by an airplane.

a) Did fly
b) Didn’t fly
c) Flew
d) Just a) and b)
e) All of the above

IV item. Re-order the sentences in the correct form of the Simple Past (8 points)

1. Jumped from a bungie/ last summer/ Peter ___________________________________________________________

2. In the last Summer/ we/ didn’t swim/ in the beach _____________________________________________________

3. Training last week? / begin/ did/ you _________________________________________________________________

4. A/ have/ time?/ they/ did/ good _____________________________________________________________________

V Item. Match the column A with Irregular verbs in Infinitive with the Irregular verbs in column B in the Simple
Past. (10 points)

A. Go
B. Run
C. See
D. Fall
E. Eat ____Did

F. Feel ____Felt
G. Do ____ Saw
H. Think ____ Fell
I. Get
____ Thought
J. Catch
____ Caught
____ Ran

VI Item. Write in English and transform the following verbs into the Past Simple Form
. (5 points)
1. Play __________________________
2. Say __________________________
3. Study ________________________
4. Drink _________________________
5. Sleep ________________________

 Con la mayor honestidad y seriedad de la cual dispones, responde lo siguiente marcando con una X (1 décima).
¿En quién te apoyaste en tu estudio para esta evaluación?

Adultos del hogar Compañeros (as) Amigos (as)

Solo (a) No estudié Otros

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