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‘Sth le con tant tensed Cage ie ewe coppice an cL 8 Tent Hs “pet Cap eg og Atmos fp ye ed ‘etme ptt doer son ny ne ee ‘ors es. te by en in lain ith rap kL bh ones ng irene Me oes or fin i pin Red in ae a uri Rens eng oni eer Suey ep Roe en, ‘cg Ge vy CN gon Contents Introduction (Chapter 1 ‘The Madman on the Beach Chapter2._ Rafael’ Father and the Sharks Chapter3 Anita, the Shopkeeper’ Daughter Chapter 4 The Soldier Chapter 5 The Gold Ring Chapter6 The Night When Rafael Danced Chapter? Two Viste Chapter The Young Princess (Chapter 9 The'True Prince (Chapter 10 "The Ring of the Golden Fish’ Chapter 11 Rosa Promise Chapter 12 A Terrible Secret (Chapter 13 nthe Hospital (Chapter 14 ‘The Murder Chapter 15. The"Tuth, a Last, Activites page Introduction ‘The people inthe vilage told meh dey knew The stores were all true. Beery word, My uncle, his wife, Rodrigo the shopkeeper ~ nobody lied 19 me. Nobody. Not even poor Clara, Rafal’s mother. And she was hay dead wher Lent bac 1 he village. Thee soe: were all ee But they di’ now wht realy happened. Rafael is poor, crazy man who lives in an old bout-howse on. the beach in a small Gshing village. What happened to him all those years ago? One day Rafael was wells the next day he was completely mad. ‘The writer isa doctor He tiesto find out what happened to Rafael, What made him mad? What happened to the beautiful ‘Anita, the git that he loved? What happened to the soldier the stranger who cate to the village? The people ofthe village ll try to help. They tll the doctor everything they know. But only Rafael knows what telly happened that night. And Rafe is mad ‘Bernard Sovth and his wife, Christine, were ceachers of English to adult foreign stadents for over Uhiety years. They also wrote ‘many teaching books, examinations and readers. Other Penguin Readers by Bernaid Smith are The White One, The Blue Cat Chub, The Last Photo, David Beckham, Mudtanmad Ali and The Amazon Rain Foret Chapter 1 The Madman on the Beach “When I saw Rafsl for the first time, Twas owelve years ol [My family lived in a big town, faraway fiom the sea. But my Uncle Miguel and his family lived in a litle village on the coast [He bad a café and a siall arm there, and sometimes my farily ‘sted him. ‘There in that village I met poor, nad Ratfel. 1 didn’t know ‘hen soho he was. didn't know why he was mad. knew nothing cof hie strange and tereble tory: Now, fourteen years later, T know exactly what happened. But Rafael is dead, Why should (tel people his terrible secret? Only I know what happened to Rafi ‘Only I know what happened to the young and beautiful Anita ‘Ad to the soiicr. Only "The people in the villge told me what chey knew: Their stories were all rue, Every word. My uncle, his wife, Rodrigo the shopkeeper ~ nobody lied to me, Nobody: Not even poor Clara, Rafael’ mother. And she wat already dead when I went back 10 the village. Ther tories wee all wue. But they didnt knowr what scaly happened, ‘The fit time 1 saw Rafsel, I was walking along the beach swith my younger brother Pablo. Our parents were talking with ‘my uncle and his family, We boys went along the beach to look around, ‘Atte end of the beach there were high bel rocks, where the mountains behind the village came down into the sea. Near chem was an old wooden boat-house. It had no doors. ‘The roof was broken at one end, and open to the sky. Inside there was an old ‘wooden fishing boat. ‘My brother and T looked inside.The sand was deep and soft on the floor, Suddenly, in a corer behind the bot, something moved in the shadows. It was a dirty young man with long hair and a beard. He stood up and looked 2¢ us. His eyes were open, but empty. He looked at us, but he dida' see us. He was very thin. ‘He pu one hand co hit nec 1 saw something shining wander the dark bearé."Theve was something small and bright on a thin fishing lin round his neck. He pulled it ot to show us, Te was a somal gold ring in the shape ofa fh, Suddenly he spoke. His woice was clear, but thin and high. He spoke word, but they dida’t mean anything "She gave me the golde® fish’ he sid."She gave it back to ma? ‘Then he laughed. And when he langhed, may brother and were very afi. He laughed and laughed, but his eyes were big and sad, We ran out of the ‘boat-house. The thin young man carve out behind us, He stood in the sunshine and laaghed. “She gave me the ring’ he shouted‘ stil have ie? Some litle boys ftom the village came running, Some of them thew stones a che thin cinty man, “Crary Rael! they showted,‘Crszy Rafael!” He stopped! hughing and screamed at them. Then he went ‘back inside the boat-house. "The children laughed and ran away. ‘We went back to my uncle’ house “Who is that crazy man on the beach?’ we asked. "The children called him Rafiel” "He only a poor, mad young wan ssid my uncle. ‘He fan’ dangerous. He went mad about 2 year ago ‘We don't know why. Nobody can help him, Vm aiaid, His mother lives inthe house at the end of the village. She beings him food evecy ‘ay, All dhe people in the village help Soon the adults begin total: about other things. But T never forgot poor, mad Ralael. Every time I thought about the village, remembered the poor, mad man ia the bost-house on the beach, Sometimes I saw him in my dreams. He looked at me with his big, empsy, mad eyes. He called to me, He had the gold ring sound his neck, and he held i¢ out to-me He called for me to help ies. [My family went back to the town, After I eft school, I went to “university in the capita. I studied to bea doctor. spent two years in the USA. Finally, I came back to my home town and I found ‘work in a ig, new hospital there In all chose years, I never went back bo the village. But then fone of my uncle's sons got married and all my family went there fora few days. "There were many changes in che wilage. ‘Twelve years of change. There were new stone houses. There were new, brightly- painted fishing boats along the beach, alot of them with engines. ‘My uncle had a big lea, new café with tables and chair, and a television in the corner, Ie was all very diferent from the village that sa as a boy. | went down tothe beach on my first afternoon in the village. I wanted to see again the place where [frst saw Rafael coulda’. believe it. The old boat-howse and the boat were sil there. The boat was in pieces now, but dhe bost-howse was bigger and stronger. There was some new wood on che walls and a new roo! T walked along the beach and felt the soft sand under my town, shoes. There war a man sitting near the old boat-house. He was Tooking at the sea, He had long hair and long, thin lege. U came closer and he suddenly looked round at me. Ie was Rafael. Taw again those same wide, crazy, sad eyes, the eyes from my dreams 4 He was twelve yeas older. His hair and beatd were beginning 10 _go grey, but they ween as long. and dirty as before. His face was very thin and he looked ill His clothes were old, but clean, "How are you, Raftl? I called smiling. He put his head on one side and fooked at me, His mouth ‘opened and he smiled. A thin brown hand moved up t his neck. “She gave-me the golden fish; he ssid. His voice was fat and ‘empty. He coughed suddenly — a deep, dry cough. Then he looked with sad yellow eyes atthe bright, empty sa. T went back across the soft white sand to my uncle’ house. had an idea in my head, was a doctor now Peshaps I could find ‘out what was the matter with this poor man. could give him the best help that modern medicine could give him. F told my uncle what I wanted to do. “There are special ‘hospitals now in the capital for people like Rael. can ake him there. IT can make him well twill If not, he can stay in a hospital there. He will have a bed, good food, nurses all the time. [tS not good for him to deep on the beach, He looks il? 1 asked him to tell me about Rafiel. He told me everything that he Kaew: Ie vasa long and strange story. I wrote i¢ al in a notebook, | wanted to help the poor madman to get well. For this, [had to know everything about him, Chapter 2. Rafael’s Father and the Sharks ld by my we Raficl was bom in the wilage (ony uncle asi. Tis father was called Manuel and he was a fisheeman, His ‘mother, Clr, is also dead now. She was the sister of my own wife, Rosa, Rafael was their only child. He was a fine boy, never il, good-looking, healthy and strong, 5 ‘When he was about eight years old, his father was killed. ft vas ‘terrible thing for the young hoy. He was there and saw his fiche die. They were oat in their boat, fishing with some other men from the village. I don’t know wht happened exactly. Something, happened to the fishing nets perhaps chey were cauphe under the boat. Manuel went into the water tp do something with them. Suedenly a shark attacked him. Ie was complete surprise. The other fishermen could do nothing to help him, le ws a big white shark. It came up from deep water and bit off one of Manne’ Teqg-—a clean bite above che knee “The other men pulled him into the boat. The blood from hie Jeg ran deep inthe bottom of he boat. The men puta shit round the top of his leg. They tried to stop the blood, bat it was Impossible. They say chat Manuel was calm at fist. He felt no pain, He smoked 4 cigarette and he talked to tte Rafael, in the boat next to hin. ‘But afer afew minutes he went wry white, Then he began to fel very cal. ‘The men covered him with thir clothes to keep him warm, But he became very weak and sleepy ‘Suddenly he pat his hand on Rael’ head “Be a good son. he sid, His voice war tersibly Ged. ‘Help your smother? Then he fell asleep, and in a few minutes his beast oped. ‘fier thit, Rafael and his mother, Clr ved alone in theie house atthe end of che village. Manuel’ brother, Ricardo, helped Clara with money. All the people in the village helped her. ‘Manuel was a good man. We always help our people when they rood i, Ina few years Rafael was older and started to work. He ‘became a fisherman, too. He and his ‘mother were poor, but hte could cara ‘enough money for them both Rafael uns a fine boy. He became a good fisherman, But he abvays hated sharks, because ‘of what happened to his father. Every few months, he did something very. strange. ‘When anyone in the village killed an animal for mest, Rafiel asked them for the skin and the stomach. He tok the insider of the animal that nobody. wanted. Then he went out in his boat alone, far from the land. ‘There he threw the pieces of the animal into the ses and waited for the sharks to come. A shark can smell Blood in the water swhen itis many kilometres avay. Soon a Tot of sharks arzived in the water round his boat, Then: Rafael took his fishing spear. He seood up in his host and killed one or two of them, ‘When he killed a shark the other sharks tasced the blood. They ‘began to bite and eat the shark So then there was mote Blood in the water and more sharks came, Rafal killed more and mote. After an hour he wis almost too tired to stand. Tt wat a really slangerous thing to do in a smal boat. But he was smiling when he told me about it, He was really happy about che dead sharks, because a shark killed his father. So Rafuel grew up, tll, strong and good-looking. And, of ‘course, he fll in love with Anita, the shopkeeper’ daughter. So now (ud my uncle), Ihave co tell you about Anita, too, Chapter 3 Anita, the Shopkeeper’s Daughter “Tel by my ve ‘Anita was'a beautifil child (my uncle continued). 1 nowy mest children are Beau Bu she was che most beaut eid hat Tve ever seen. Everyone loved her, Lite children, old people, ren and women, they all loved Anis. They sled when they saw her And year afer yea she grew up, and yer alter year she srew more beau Hie fither, Rodrigo, the shopkeeper, loved her most. He red vo keep her close to him, aay. She could never go out and ke ‘with the vlage boy. But this isa smal ville Iwas imposible to keep her at home ll the time. She was a good gibt all the 8 young men dicsmed of her and wanted to marry her, ‘She was not ony beautifil, She was clever, too. Her futher could read and wirite. Most of the people in the village could, ‘We had no school in the village in those days. So Rodrigo taught [Anita to read and write, He often went into the town to buy. ‘things for his shop. Then he brought back picture magazines and. somal story books for her ‘Anita was very good st reading and telling stories. She semeibered everything that she read. When she wa only nine or ten, she often sat near the house under a ree with a book, There she read or told storie to her lise brothers and sists. Soon the ‘other children ofthe village came and sat round her. Some of the fishermen, old and young, sat om the beach near che shop, t0. “They liked to listen co litle Anita when she told her stores, (OF conse, Rodrigo had big plans for Anita, He was so proud ‘of her, He wanted her to marty someone tich and important Perhaps a man from the city, who was able w help Rodrigo’. busines, Everyone knew one ching for sure He didn't want Anita to marry anyone fiom the village [Rafiel loved her very much. They say Anita loved him, too [Bot there was no hope for him. Rodrigo didn't vant a poor fisherman to be Anit’s husband, ‘Poor Rodrigo, He loved Anita and he had great hopes for her. ‘When she san avay, it was tevzible for him. Fle still doesn't tale about it. Not a word. Not afer all these years. For him, he say, ‘Anita is dead, He has no daughter of that name. “Bur where did she go? asked my uncle.'Someone knows. And why is Rafsel mad? Not because Anita ran away from hone, She ‘Gi san aay with hi, did she? "No, she didnt? answered my uncle, That’ for sute. Nobody knows where she went, But Rael stayed in the vilge. And that ° was the time when he went mad, I believe that Anita rn away’ with the soldier. chink ehey'te mazzied. They're probably living. jm another town, far away. Bat thats only my opinion. T don't really know! “The soldier? What soldier” I asked. My uncle smiled and Tooked at his wate. Its along and strange story he aid, Chapter 4 ‘The Soldier Told by my vee ‘The soldier (aid my uncle) came to the village about three ‘months before Anita ran avay.She was sixteen years old thenyand Rafael was eighteen, ‘The soldier was a strange man, His teal name was Carlo, but everyone called him ‘the soldies’ He told us about his lif, "Te been a soldier ll my life he told ws."T was it Ciba for sic years. Then [fought in Afica and many other places I've seen the ‘woud, my friends? He had a thousand sories. But nobody ever knew where he fame fiom, He was very handsome, with bright eyes and long, sla hain, He was a soldier a ssilo, a Gherman — everything, He had a sinall boae with an engine, That vine tual in those days, He worked for nobody. He went where he wanted to, He did ‘what he wanted co. He bought things and sold things. He could get anything that you wanted, for a price. ‘He sailed into our village lace one afternoon. He anchored hit boat a few metres fom the shore and walked up the beach. I never Kuew what he came for. It was jost a small ting that he ‘wanted, probably. Firth Went to Redeigo’ shop. Then he came to my café and sat for an howe and talked. And there he sw Anita, sitting by the comer ofthe shop. The children were a round her 0 fon the ground and she was telling them a story. He sat outside the café and talked for an hour or mote about ‘his and that, Bat his eyes never went far from the lite group of children. ‘Arlast he aed me:"ls that gil your schoolteacher” | Taughed and said: ‘No, she's just the shopkeeper’ daughter ‘Shes only sistem. She's not mach older than a child” He left the village Inte in the affernoon before it got dick. He walked through the water to his boat and climbed in. We watched him sure the engine.The boat moved avay round the rocks atthe lend ofthe beach. Bvexyone in the village stopped what they were doing, Anita, coo, stopped in her story. Everyone watched the strange thing ~a boat chat went without a si Of course, he came back. I told you, no man could ever forget Anita. week or two later his bout arrived again and the good locking sanger went to Rodrigo’ shop. He bought few things and talked wrth Rodrigo. Then he came tothe café again, He had 4dsink and a talk with me, Then he went off again along the Soon he came twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays. He made friends with the people ofthe village. He was exciting and aumusing. He was different fiom the people ofthe village. He was 4 stranger, but everyone seemed to like him, We litened to che ‘tories about his travel and his ife ia other countries. He always spent an hour or two at my café. He sat and drank with us and told funy stories. Many of the fishermen came ro the café when ‘he was there. liked hi, the other men did, 0. He often brought lite present for people. He brought me a litle ease player one day. [e was something neve for us. We had ‘no electcicity in the vile then, and we knew very litle about the outside world, He showed me how it worked, Then he brought me new batteries for it every two weeks, He gave me some cassettes for it, 09, of music fom the cities, dance music " from Latin Amevica, and! Mexican love songs, “A café must have musi’ he sid, "musc for the customers to enjoy? ‘After tht 1 kept the litle casette player om the bac. Bvery time the soldier came to the caf, I played some music for him. When the café was busy, played| music for the people ofthe village, too, He brought « paraffin lamp for Rodrigo to putin his shop. e vas a very bright light. No house inthe village had a light ike i. ‘The soldier was becoming very good friends with Rodrigo, Then early one Monday morning, we heard a terrible noise fiom Rodrigo’ house. He was shouting, his wife was sereaming, and the children were all crying. Ie seems Anity wasn't in the house. Her bed was cold and empty. There was no note from her, fot a word. Rodrigo wanted to get the police ‘Somebody has stolen my daughtes! he std, ‘Somebody has taken her away in the night, dead or alive? ‘Bur then they found that her litle bax as empty. Anita best clothes and favourite things weren't there. Even her litle story books were gone. So Rodrigo stopped talking about bringing the police. Fora few days he was terribly angry: He spoke wildly and fought with everyone. Nobody could speak to itn. Then, suddenly, he seemed to eut her out of his fe, He never spoke hee ‘name again, He still doesn’ tall about her, Only a brave man speaks Anis name in ont of him, ‘We never save che soldier 2gain. He war hete on the Sundsy afernoon and evening, He usually was. He spent mast of the evening in the caf, listening to che music. Then he left a about ten o'clock: I watcied him go out to his boat. It vas dark. There ‘was n0 moon. But I heard hins stat his engite nd go off to the West, And the nest morning Anita was gone. And we newer saw her or the soldier again. So 1 ~ and most people in the village ~ believe that she ran away with the soldier, Nobody Knows how they did it. We never 2 ss9v hin talk to her for 2 minute in the village. ehink he waited for her in his boat along the coast. And she went co him in the snide ofthe night. Mose of us believe they are living together somewhere, Maybe with their own children now “Bot why did Rafsel go mad? Tasked my uncle “Who knows? he replied. "Perhaps he went mad because he loved Anita, Then she ran away with the soldier. Who ean say? He did Jove the gic very much. I knew it, and his mother did, too. "Bot marriage was impossible because Rafuel was a poor, ftherles fisherman’ "Buc a man doesn't go mad for thirteen years because a git runs anay fom home! I sid.‘Men often lose their wives, theit children, People die in accidents. This doesnt make other people crazy Rodtigo lost his Qvourite daughter, the light of his if bat hae didn’t go mad? “Who can say?" said my uncle again, "Who knows why things happen? Why does a man go mad? We know that Ratiel was in love with Anita. He Ioved her for along time before the soldier came tothe village, We know that because of the gold ring? “dh, yes! suid, "Tell me about the gold ring that Rafael wears sound his neck. Ie clealy a very important pat ofthe story! Chapter 5 The Gold Ring “el by my ale Rafael (id my uncle) was in love with Anita. He wanted ¢0 marry Anica when she was only filleen or sixteen. His mother ‘went to sce Rodrigo to talk co him about it. heand that Rodrigo sv very polite to her 13 “Ti sorey! he si‘Anita i going to marry a sich businessman in the cry He very sich man anda friend of ou Emily. Your son Rafael is fine boy. But he too young to got marzied. And he as nothing to give hex. Nothing all? Rafael was very sad when he heard about Anita and he ‘psinesman, Then afer a ew weeks, he suddenly lf the vilage and went tothe port on the coast. “Vim going to find wodk in the port he sid to his mother ‘want to see something of te world outside this village. Pl come back in s onth oF two! He put his few tings in his boat and sailed along the coast the port Iwas sx months before wes him agai, “Six months? What did he do there for six months?" I asked my vende “Youle lucky’ he replied. ‘I can tell you. Rafiel came to the cxff one evening. There were no other estomers that night, and hae told me about his time in the por, Ths is what he told me . Rael stayed in the portal the time (my wncle said). He slep in his boat on the beach, Sometimes le bought uit and vegetables from the’ market after i closed, They were very cheap then, He ‘worked for anyone. He did anything, He carried things for people. He loaded and unloaded boats and lotties. Every ‘morning, very early, he went fishing. Then he sold the fish om the beach before he sarted work. Slowly, very slowly, he began co save some money. Rafael met an old goldsmith in the town. He was a good old ‘man. Rafiel helped the goldsmith when he could, Fe cleaned hie shop for him and brought packages and messages for him. He talked co hi andl made coffee for him. He watched him while he “ ‘wus working. Soon he became a good fiend, Rafael never took any money fom the old man. He never asked for ny "Then,one day, che goldsmith asked Rafael what he wanted, He knew he wanted something, And Rafael told hin. “Lvwant 2 gold ring fora giel in may wllge! be se Te must be in the shape ofa ith, a log fish with its til in ies month. Hove rch sill ehis ring cos? T have some money. 1 know its not ‘enough. But I'l work foe you until I've paid for it? ‘The old goldsmith made the ring for him. U'm sure Rafiel paid rch les chan its real covt. But it took six months of hand work to pay for it. Soon afer Rafiel came back tothe village, he went with his mother to see Rodrigo. This time Rafael spoke for himself. “Sefioc* Rodrigo’ he said quietly “My fither is dead and my smother is poor. But I'm hard-working and honest and ['l be a ood Iusband to Anita, One day Il be a rich man, like your fiend in the city, But (Ml be a better husband to Anita than the bsinesiman, because [love her with all my heart? “Then he gave the gold ring to Rodcigo as a present for Anita OF course, Rodrigo didnt agree to a marriage between Anita and Rafie, He gave the ring back to Rafiel "Vm sory, he std But Anita will marry the businessman in a year or ovo, That is decided and Lam not going to change ny plans! "So Anita never got the ring’ I sid to my uncle. Aer all that work and time, he couldn’ give it ro ber? "He sill hat it om a piece of fishing line round his neck? my uncle sid. Sec dhe Spi wo 15 i { | “And when did the soldier come to the village for the fist "A few months afer Rafael came back fiom the port, peshaps Teantt remember exacts? "Buc Rafiel wasnt mad at dat time?” "Ob, no. Not at all. In ict he seemed wery happy! “Tal me about the time when he went mad. Was it the same time exacly when Anita went away with the soldier or later?” “Wes dificult to remember. A Tot of things happened at that “What do you mean? What kind of things happened?” "Oh, lle things, strange ings. Santiago’ old donkey lsoppeared’ "What do you meas ~ ie disappeared?” “Ie did ~ it went It disappeared. One day it was in the Feld bbchind his house. The next day ie wamn' there, Perhaps Anita tole it to ide on, But everyone knew Santiago’ donkey. Ie was too old and weak to walk a hundred mets Ie couldn't carey a gil? “What other strange things happened?" ‘Tresiember that on that lst night, Raftel danced?” “Danced?” “Yes, he danced for hours, alone, here in the calf. He never danced before, not in the café or anywhere. Or T never aw him dance. And; of course, he never danced agin, because he went ‘ray Bor I must start a the beginning” Chapter 6 The Night When Rafael Danced “ol by my wate Te-was a Sunday (aid my uncle). The soldier arrived in his boa in the early afternoon, when everything was quict. He lowered his anchor a few metres from the shore, as wstal, and walked up the sind to the houses. He never pulled his boat up on to the beach Te ss heavy bout and he dide't want to break the engine. He always Jel ic in about one mete of water "That day he came fire tothe café, He sat and talked with me and some of the men, We all st outside the café and listened to his stores. ‘Then, later in the afternoon, he went to Rodrigo’ shop and ‘bought afew things. He had a big ean of paraffin in the boat for Rodrigo’ new lamp. [sav him give it to him. The soldier and Rodrigo sat and talked and drank coffee ouside the shop for about an hour When it got dirk, he went with Rodrigo into the house bbehind the shop. 1 could see the bright light from the lamp through the window. ‘Then the soldier had a meal with Rodrigo. ‘Afer the meal, he came back to the café and sat with me and some of the fishermen. Ie was very dark and we st inside. The soldier seemed very happy. He told us alt of fanny stories about bis ite aa soldier. ‘Then, at about nine o'clock, Rafal came into the ca. “We were surprited co see him, because Rafael didn't spend a Jot of time atthe caf And he never came into the café when the soldier was there, That night he was wearing his best clothes, ‘Usully he wore his ol clothes, even inthe café. He was wearing, hs best shirt and troosers, His face and hands were very clean, and lis air was still we and shiny fforn washing, asked mypelf"Is he trying to show the soldier that he isnot just a poor fiherman?* ” ‘The soldier knew Rael, He knew that he wanted to. matry Anita. Everyone in che wilage talked about it, Rafuel knew that the soldier was alo interested in het. Everyone in the village talked about that too. But nobody knew the secret game that the soldier was plying, Riaftel and the soldier didn’ speak. The eal was quiet, Nobody spoke. Suddenly the soldier took a cassette from his pocket. “Let have some mui’ e sid, giving me the T cook it and pur it into the player. remember ‘twas a love song. le was sung by a gel wich a so and beautiful voice, We all sat and listened to it, Rafael sniled and listened, to, ‘When the emsette ended, 1 pot anocher cassette in dhe player {Bar the soldier stood up. Ws geting ate} he said. “L must go? He went out into the dark night. It was about ten o'dlock, 1 think, is sual time. A few minutes later, we heard the noise ‘wlien he sarted the engine of his boat. Then the sound of the engine went slowly along the coast. Soon everything was quiet again. We could hear only the sea and the music “The gtd on the casette wat singing another love song. It was a sad song, slow but stong, The fishermen snd 1 sar quiely and Jitened Suddenly Rafiel stood up in the corner ofthe café and began, very slowly, to dance. Alone in the shadows, his eyes closed, he moved to the musi He danced, his head back, eyes closed, a strange half-smile on his face. We all watched him in surprise, After a few ‘minutes we laughed and went on talking, But Rafael went on dancing, dancing alone for the rest of the ‘evening. Every time the music stopped he looked at ‘me with big, ark eyes and sid, ‘Again’ And I put another casette in the machine, Then Rafael smiled, closed his eyes, and continued dancing. |At midnight all the other men ‘went off to bed. Raffel was sill theve, sill dancing, 1 watched the poor boy until the song ended. Then I switched off the machine. 1 said good night to him, and sent him home to bed. ‘Then the next morning, before daylight, we heard shouting and crying, fom Rodrigo’ house. The news went round the village like fr, Anita vast there Rodrigo sent al his family and fiends out to look for her, ‘They looked along every road, big and smal, They looked in the fields and along the beach, in the rocks. Everywhere [Exter, Rafael came out of his house with his mother, 1 told them about Anita, and they were very surprised. We all wore. [Rafael went to his boat immediately He planned to sil along che coast and look for her He sailed away co the west I watched him until I couldn't see him, He sailed round the rocks at the end of the village. He was looking a the lind as he went. The next time I si hitn, he wae mad. Everybody in the village was out looking for Anita that ‘morning. But nobody found hee. Then Santiago couldn’ find his ‘old donkey, He came to Rodrigo’ shop. Hle was shouting that ‘Anita took it, Rodrigo was very angry. He wanted to hit Santiago and Knock him down. | thought he wanted to all the old man. Some friends of Santiago took him avay quickly. Afeer that, he suid nothing more about the donkey. ‘Then, eatly in the afternoon, some of the fishermen found Rafiel, He was about a kilometre west ofthe village, in a quiet place near the high rocks. His boat was fir from the shore and ‘Rafael was lying in ehe bottom of it. He was wet and dirty. He was looking up at the sky and laughing. And he vas completely sad. ‘They brought him and the boat back to the village. His mother and T vashed him and gave him some water. We pat him. to bed. But he lay and made noises all night, He sereamed and ought. He was lke a mad animal, ‘The next diy he went out of the house and st by his boat, He looked at the sea all day and said nothing. We waited, day afer day, We give him food and drink, We washed hima when we 20 could, But he was like a small child. We waited for him to get better But he newer di “And you never found out what made him mad” T asked any nde, “He never speaks. Only about the ring, You know everything ‘that I know now? he ssid, “When we were washing the poor box, ‘we found the gold ring on 4 fishing line round his neck. When ‘we tried to take it off, he creamed. So we left it there. All these years later, he still wears i round his neck. He gave sbx months of his life o uy chae ring, His present for Anita which she never had? Chapter 7 Two Visits The next moming, { went with my uncle to see Rodrigo, the shopkeeper. He had a fine supermarket now, built of sone. He still lived ina house behind the shop. But now the house.was two floors high and had a garden with a wal round it. He aso had his cov lorry with his name on it, and there was a new car next to the shop. It was clear that Rodrigo had plenty of money now. Tinide the supermarket theze were all kinds of tins and packets, “There were boxes of fies frit and vegetables outside the door. Ie was the biggest shop in the village and it seemed to sel everything. Rodrigo was a big, heavy man. He was about fly years old and he wore a Fine white suit and a white hat. When we arrived, the was unloading boxer of tins from the lorry. He was picking. them up,ehace a time, and taking them into the shop. He was big and ft. Bu he was still a very tong man. He was polite and fiendly tomy rmele and me. He knew £ at was a doctor. He invited us into his house, We sit and bad collee and talked about the changes in the village sce my fist visit asa boy ‘At last {told him my ideas for helping Rafael, Thew he wasn't so friendly, “A doctor!" he sid."He needs more than a doctor. | don't know ‘why he’ crazy. Nobody does. God knows, Ue helped him and hhis mother over the years. I've given them food when they were Jhungry. And money wen chey needed it. His poor mother was 4 ‘00d and hard-working woman. Now she’ dead. It was a terrible thing to happen to her. Terible, Fist her young husband was keiled by a shack. Then her only son went crazy and lived on the Deacts ike an animal "Some people say that love made him mad. But you're an inveligent man, doctor. You've stdied at university Doesa young, ‘man of eighteen years go mad for love of yl? A strong young ‘man in good health? I 2 stupid ide. I believe he wasn't in good hncalth.1 think he was il T don't know the problem exactly. Youre the doctor. Help him. Make him better, if you can. But look for the facts: Don't stem & people’ silly stores” “So you don’t think thar your daughter Anita was the reason for his madneso I asked, Rodeigo didn't look at us, He looked at the wall fora long. “Tdon't have a daughter called Anita he said at last.‘ had one many years ago, but she’s dead?” Alter that, he said nothing more sbout Rafael or Anita. Soon ‘we thanked him and lf Later that morning, 2-man came to my uncles howe. He was small aud thin. He stood at-the back door with his hatin his bands. 2 ‘When my uncle saw hit, he brought him inside. He found a hair for him and give hima dink. “This is Las Valdeey he sad to me‘He a farmer le has a frm jst outside the village tothe eas? “We sit and talked about firms and the weather. Then the man. began to ask me about Rael “Is it tue, the story that f hear” he asked. ‘Are you trying to save Rafal, the poor erazy boy?” “1m a doctor I answered."And yes, I'm interested in Rael ‘Pm trying to find out why he went mad. Peshaps I care make hit lhetes. Pethape not? “My wife asked! me to talk t0 you he sid. “She's Marts, Rodrigo’ second daughter and Anita’s younger sister. She sys she ‘wants to talk to you about Anita and Rafael. But it must be 2 secret, She knows things that even her father Redrigo doesn't know She vant to help Rafiel. Bue she doesn’ want to make hae fther angry or unhappy afer all these years? “Her secrets will be safe with me) [sai "T don't want co make the people in the village unhappy. I only want to help Rafael. If she knows anything about Rafsel, I be happy to tlk to her? ‘That evening { went alone to Luis’ house. Luis sent his children to bed, and Matta began to tell me her story Chapter 8 The Young Princess “Bld by Marta tm Rodrigo’ second daughter (Mart told me)-1 was seven years ‘younger than Anita, When I was a litle gi, t was very strange. Anita was beautiful wasn't Anita was clever; | wasn't. She could read and tell stories sing and draw pictures. couldn’ [vas small, fat and stupid. But I've been lucky. I marcied 3 good husband, T 23 Ihave two healthy sons and a pretty daughter. Now I'm very happy with my ite. Bur I must tell you about my sister Anita. Tes true that she was Dbeautifil and clever. But, 'm sorry to say, she wasn' a very good. child. Not very nice. Our patents gave her everything she wanted. She could do anything she liked. She never worked ot helped our mother in the house, I remember that her hands were always clean and beautiful, Her fingemnsily were Jong and pink. ‘They were never broken or bitten like mie Everyone thought she was beautiful and clover. Everyone smiled at her, Everyone did what she wanted. She became proud and zy. I remember she told us stories, siting neat the howe, But her voice vas very loud and clear, and all the people neat us could heat het clever words, She often sing. to herselfin the house, Bur she sang only when there were people cutuide to hea her. T'm sorry. This isnt important, really. But she did other ehings “Woe things ‘We slept in a small room a¢ the back of the old howe, F was ‘only eight or nine yeats old then. Anita had most of the room for her things, and I slept in the coraee (One night, [ remember, it was very late, Our parents were in their room asleep, and something woke me wp. Tsaw Anita going. quiedy out of ehe room. She was wearing a dre and shoes. The migon was very bright that night, and T couldn’ sleep again. Tlay awake, waiting, About halfan hour later, Anita came quietly back into the room and got into het bed. "Where have you been? I asked her ‘She was very angry because I was awake. "Go o sleep stupid gil she sid.'I had stomach-ache. I only ‘went out fora few minutes. Don't say anything to anyone” | said nothing, bu after that T watched her. Faw het go out on | other nights. At last, I asked her were she went. 24 She laughed quiet go to meet my prince’ she si. That was all that she sad. Her head was fall ofthe stories that she read in hher books, She loved stories about princes and princesses. Stories about magic carpets which could fly, and magic lamps and rings "These were the stories that she cold us most often. She didn'thave to read them. She Knew them all She imagined that she was a beautifl princes in a story. She never believed tha she was only a shopkeepers child, Pechaps a king gave her to her parents in secret when she was a baby. She had many strange and sly idees in her head. “Bur who did she go vo ee? Who was this prince? sked Mart “Ie was Rafsel, of course she replied. “They were in love. ven ‘when they were lil cildren, She went out a night © che big rocks at the end of the beach. Rafiel came and met her these. “They sat chere inthe rocks inthe moonlight They eked about thei love and the happy maried hi that ey planned “Our parents had no idea that she was doing tis, of course. ‘Anita told me ro keep quiet about it“ you tll ayn” se sid, “VM say tertile things about you to our parents. They'll believe me, They won't believe you" And twas true. new it was tae, “They always believed Ania “She could always do what she wanted. Iwas alway in wouble. So I said nothing “Then Rafael went away to work inthe pot. For six mont, Ania fst hee prince. n the daytime she was che same 3 before But at night she cred in herbed, because hee Rafe was fr aay “But when he came buck, she was happy agin. She went 9 meet hin at che big rocks. “Alera few days she came back fiom one of thee meetings ‘with a ring om he finge. She shovsed i to mein the moonlight jn our rom. It was the gold ring inthe shape of fs. She was 26 very prond of it She wore it on her finger when she went 9 meet Rafael. At other times she kept it under the earpet in our Marta stopped and drank fiom 2 glass of water. did know ‘what to say. This wasnt che same Anita that my uncle described co Do you know what happened 9 Anita” 1 asked. ‘Do you know where she went that night? ‘The night she went ayy?" ‘Marta thought fora few long seconds. "Lean remember what T save And T can remember what 1 hear she sui 'T remember all that exactly. shall never forget i ‘ut 'm still noc sure what happened? Chapter 9. The True Prince ‘Told by Manta (On that Sunday night (Marta continued), 1 went to bed eatly. About cight o'clock, I think, lke most younger children. My father was in the living room. He was talking to the soldier. The soldier stayed for a meal that evening, [could hear their voices throvgh the wall. They had the new pacaffin mp in thece with ‘hem, [ remember, Ie made a brighe light in that room, ‘Anita was in out toom, too, Father sent her to bed because the soldier was there. She wits lying on her bed and reading by the light ofa small oil lamp. She was litening tothe talkin the living room, too, mimember that we could hear the soldiers deep voioe very clearly through the chin walls T think I fll slop. When I woke up, it was later, but not very Inte. The bright light fom the lamp was sill shining under the oor ofthe living room. My parents were in there, aking quietly. But the soldier wasn't here with them, a Anita was taking things out of her box and putting them in a ‘bag. Isat up and spoke to her, ‘She told me to be quiet, She continued taking her best dreses ‘out ofthe box and putting them in the bag. Tasked her wht she ‘vas doing ‘'m going to mect my érve love, my true prince! she said, ‘Vim going away with him’ She laughed and sang quietly, "The gitl with the magic ring will always know her true love She tld me to sy nothing, Then she went very quiedy to the ‘back door and went out into the dark night, Her hand quietly pulled the door closed behind her. On her middle finger she ‘wore the gold ring shaped like a fish [went to the window and looked out was terribly aftaid. 1 lknew Anita was 4 silly child, bur this was very very wrong. IE Father finds out, he'll il her? [thought “He gets angry very icky, and he's very strong’ But I was affaid of Anita, toa. So T stood there looking out of the windowt I cried quietly ‘There was no moon and ie was very dark. T heard music playing in the café along the beach. It was a nice song, a slow song. I listened to the music andthe soft sound of the waves on the beach, Soon [felt alle beter. Aer along time, started 10 feel cola. So I went back to my bed and fell asleep I woke up agsin much Iter.‘The house was dark and quiet. My parents were sleep, Nobody vas talking anywhere n the house ‘Anita’s bed was sill empty: went to the window again. The ‘moon was up and I could see the houses along che beach. ‘There ‘was stil alight inthe eaf€ and mse playing. went back to bed T cred until [ll aleep.1 hoped that it was alle bad dream, ‘When T woke again, the Sst grey light of the new day was in the room. Anits’ bed was sill empty. I lay in bed with my eyes closed until my mother cime to wake us, When she found Amit’ ‘empty bed, she stasted to shout and scream. Then I opened my eyes. [soon started to cry, too, [never told dem where she went. 8 (Or what she ssid. There was terrible shouting and crying in our house that day: But we never sw Anita again “So you think she went to see Rafiel that night? I sid domly. “Ob, no! sid Marta, ‘I think she went to meet the soldier, Carlos. Thats why she called him her ime prince. He was Hke someone in a story, you see, Fins che beautiful princes falls in love with a poor fisherman. Then either he turns into a handsome prince, or @ real prince comes along and takes her away to his place. I'm afraid Anica was quite a silly gil, really. She lived the stories in her head. After the soldier came to the villige, she started to meet him at night. She went to the same place i the rocks. But she was meeting the soldier, not Rafiel.She went there ‘many times, Then, that night, she didn't come back. She weut away with him in hs boat. In those days, perhaps, a boat with an ‘engine was like a magic carpet! “But she was wearing the gold sing, when she went? T sid “Yes she took all her best things: dreses, her story books, and the ring? “Bot Rate has that ring. He has worn it round bis neck for ‘more than thirteen yeats! “I know; she said. T think she spoke to Rafael that night. 1 think she told him her plans. Then she gave him his ting and ‘went offto meet the soldier somewhere along the coas “Is that what you really think?’ T asked "Yes! said Marta She sid goodbye to Rafsel and gave him his ring. Then she went ro meee the soldier. Thats what made Rafiel smd, He went to look for er the next day, butall dhe time be had the ving round his neck. He wanted her to come back. Or he wanted her father to find her and bring her back. But she never came, And when she din’ come, Rafiel went mad, When you talk w Rafael, what does he sy?" 29 “He holds the ring, and says"She gave me the ring” or "She igive me the golden fh”, "answered "Bxacty? ssid Matta, Fist she took his ring and said, “I love you," Then she gave it back to him and went ayay with the soldier. Thats what made the poor man crazy? “What was so special about the ring? T asked. ‘What did Anita say? Something about a magic ring?” “The gi wth he magi rng wil ahays Rou her raf wai her story said Mata "Her own story-She wrote it herself. le wasn 4 story that she readin a book. [twas her favourite story. She told 4 to us hundeeds oftines! "And it was abouta magic ring? “Yes In fic, L have the story ere, Anita vote iin a notebook sand [ep it Ie the omly thing of Anita’ that Ihave, cant read itof course, but it that story? ‘Marta went into another room and came back with a small, thin notebook, She eared it carefilly in both hands. She put it fon the able ip front of me. Te was a cheap school writing book. The pages were yellow ‘with age-There was only one story ini. Ke was called “The Ring ‘of the Golden Fish’ The story vas short. Te was writen in pencil in the lange, clear writing of a young child Luis and Marta looked at me, T realized chey were waiting, ‘They wanted to hear me ead the stoxy to them. Chapter 10. “The Ring of the Golden Fish? “This isthe tony that [read to Marea and her husband, The story thae was written by Anita all those years ago. A long fine ago, there wns a beaut prncess. She lied in a beat palace vith big beaut gardens allow ite But she was sad beause 30 she had no frends. She coulda’ tale anyone or play with anyone. Se suas prisoner inthe palace beau she was 2 beau Her father wasted her to euarry a ich, Sudsame prime. But the pines is that cury werent handsome, And the sich men weren't princes And the handsome men were’ princes or ch. So she marred boa, and she was very sa. ‘One ay, poor fisherman came tothe beach at the end of the palace gardens, The gardens wore very bg and went as far as the ses. The Fisherman cought a big golden fh ond he wanted 19 Wil Bue it was a ‘magic fs and it poe to hi. “Don’t ll mei sod, and PU give you a magic rng, And with this ‘ing you san marry the princess” ‘So the handsome you fisherman put the fish bak into the ea. Soon ‘it came back witha gold rng in its month, “The man wih this magi ing will aluuys know his te love said ‘he fish. And i men othe bostom of the ea “The bonakome pow fishennan wae called Rober (Here the name Rafael was written first and then changed.) When Robert put on the ring he sa i it head pcre of the princes He fi love with her He welled thouge the gardens to the palace, looking fr the princes. ‘When fe fod her in the garden, he put the magic ring om he finer: And she kyew inmediaely that she loved she hendsome. youre Jfoherman. They wont 40 her father, the king, ad he gove the poor Feherna lf his lands. nd they wore marred and lied happily freer Te wasn’ really a very good! story. Te borrowed 2 lo fom other stories. Bur it told me a lot about poor Anita, Ie told me why Rafael suddenly decided to work in the port for six months. It told me why he brought her a gold ring in the shape ofa fish T went back to my uncle's house. Ie was late at night, but Isat vit him and drank coffee. My head was fill of changing ideas. ssid very hile, but T thought lot 31 “Have you learned anything important or useful? asked my vnc. “L dow’ know? [sad ‘T cant tell you what Marta told me.I promised to keep ia secret, Buc are you sure about what you told se? You haven't made any mistakes?” My anele thought for a few seconds. "Yes, 'm sure. I haven't forgotten anything important he said "Did Rafael really come to the café when the soldier was sill there? Are you sure about that? "Oh yes. im sure. T remember how they looked. Rafiel was clean and fine in his best clothes. The soldier ws sitting at the ‘able with his fiends round him. But he was looking at Rafe! all the time, They were like two dogs looking for fight? “And Rafsel stayed in the café and danced unt late at night. ‘And you wete with him all tht time! “owas with the poor boy all the time until nearly midnight "Then I closed the caf and sent him home? “Then how did Anita give him the ring? I asked myself. ‘She «da leave the house until the mesic was plying inthe caféAnd at that time she had the ring on her hand.And Rafael was aleady in che café with the soldier. And he stayed there until midnight, about evo hours afer the soldier left in his boat? Chapter 11 Rosa's Promise ‘That night I slept badly Poor Rafael with his mad eyes came into ‘my dreams many times. He was holding the gold ring, He was showing i t9 me and asking me to help him. ‘The next morning lsat ounide yy uncle’ house Tooked out at the calm blue ea, [vas very tted and unhappy-Soon my uncle came out and sat with me. His wife Rost brought out coffee and a for us 32 What will you do now?" aed my waele, "T don't know. Tail don't know why Rafael went mad. I stil don't know when exaedy.I can’t believe that a man ean go crazy for love of a gil. You say Anita was very beautiful. But a strong. young man doesn't go mad for love. Rodvigo is right. [ can't cexplin it, Bot I'm sure i€ was something more strange, more terrible, Ther is season, but I haven't found it. think nobody here inthe village knows it “So, what will you do? asked my uncle again, take Rafiel co the hospital in the capital. IF you help me, Til give him some medicine. Then he'll goto sleep. When he's in hospital, I can begin to help hisn. I believe something terible happened to him. I don't mean when Anica an away with the solder. [mean something really terrible, something, stage and frightening, Rafael is asi to remember it That’ why he’ mad. ‘Ae the hospital I can give him modern medicines, They'l help hhim to sleep and to fel bappy. Then perhaps he'll cemember what happened to hin, Ibe ean remember, he'll get better” Rosa was standing in the door, She eame to me and took my hand, She looked into my face. Her eyes were fall of teas and she looked terribly afraid "Please don't take Rafael to hospital’ she sid ‘Leave hie here inthe village with ws. He'll be ll eght with Tas surprised. There were tears in ber eyes. She realy was very worried and afd. T thought it was the hospital. Vilage people are often afuid of hospitals. They believe that people only 0 to hospitals to die, ‘Please don't worry Aunt Rosa! T said calmly. I won't hurt dh, really think I can help him t0 remember. With God’ help, pethaps [can make him better? “Hee musta remember! she cried. He’ mad because of his ‘rime, He went mad because ofthe terrible thing that he did. He ‘ousnt remember I he remembers he'll die? 3 My unele and I looked at Rosa, We were very surprised. Her ‘ace as red and tears were running down her face, What do you know about Rafiel’ madnes? asked my uncle ‘quietly'T'm sure you know something. Tell us now! ‘Rosa put her wet fie in er hands “{ promised poor Cla not to tll she ered. "T promised her ‘on her death bed. Bu if you leave her poor son here with 1s I tell you! [Rosa dried ber eyes, She sat on the steps in font ofthe house, She didn look at ws. She looked out atthe sea ll the tine a she told her sory “L sat with his mother, my sister, when she was very ill five ‘yeas ago. Before she died, I promised to be a mother to her poor, mad son’ "We know that said sry unle.“You and I agreed to Took after him, And we have. Buc what did she tell you about why Raféel went mad?” ‘Rosa put her face in her hand, "Please don't tell anyone! she cried. ‘I promised to keep her secret forever! “We promise I sid. What seeree”™ “The secret of Rafsels madues) ssid Ross. ‘His mother knew it But she kept hie sect from everyone. He yas mad because he dd a terrible thing. He didi for love, from hate, the poor, poor boy? “What did he do?! He killed 4 man. He tooke another man's ie, The worst crime fof al, He mardered the soldier, because of his love for Anita? “He did what? Bat that’s impossibe!” shouted my unc “Thats what Clara told me’ sid Ros.’She told me everything. ‘only hours before she died. She couldn't meet God with that secre inher heat? "But how? When?" asked her quictly.“Did she say?" “Til tell you what Clara told me’ said Rosa. ‘Her words are ‘written in fire on ray hear. never forget thems! Chapter 12 A Terrible Secret “Did to Roce by Clans Ie bappened that Sunday evening (aid Cla). Te wa the evening before Anita went away. I cooked some fish and rice for myself and Rafsel. Soon ie was ready, but Rafiel was, ‘ut i his boat. He often went out soon after it was dark. That day the was out for more than an hour ‘Then I heard his boat come on tothe beach near our house. As you Know, the house sands alone at the end of the village. But sill Rael didn't come to the house, and the food was getting cold and dey, So I took the smal el lamp from my kitchen and T went down te the seato find him, ‘The boat was half on the sand and halfin the water. Rafael was standing next to it. He was washing the inside of the boat. There ‘was Jot of water in the bottom of, eame near with the smal lamp. The light shone om Rafiel sad the bout. He was very wet his head and hai, his clothes. The water was conning down hie, ‘Then 1 saw something terible, Thete was blood on Ratacls clothes. Blood in his hair flood running, down bis face. His wet shirt and trousers were coveted ii. Thete was fesh blood on his, hands, re inthe light ofthe lamp. “God save us! I said“ What’ happened? ‘Tm allright, mother’ he answered. Don‘ be afraid. But I've kulled the stanger who came here to steal my trae love! 35 “Then I saw that all the water in the bottom of the boat was ark with blood I put out the lamp immediately. There was no moon and che night was dirk. [looked round at the empty beach, “Take off those clothes! Isa quietly" Wash yourself inthe sea ‘unl you're clean, Then go ro the house and put on clean clothes. Go quickly to the caf, so people can see you. wath your clothes and the bost. Nobody will know what you've done. fhe soldier stops coming here, people won't be very surprised. The ‘man was a stranger He had no family or close friends Rafael did what I told him. He went to the café and seed thew all that evening, While he was there, I washed che boat ‘Then I washed his shirt and rousers many times, antl you couldn't see the blood, “Oh, Row, my dear wife! sid my ancle quietly. Have your kept this dak secre in your heat all these yeats since Clara died?" "L promised her She asked me before she died, cried Rosa "She was as mad as her son!” sid my uncle angrily"We know the soldier ate with Rodigo in his house chat evening. Then he catne straight to the café 1 saw him and talked to bi. He left the caf alive and well, about an hour later heard him leave the village in his boat. More important, Rafael was with me in the café when the soldier lef. Yes, he was wearing his best clothes and he was very clean. But when Rafsel came into the café, the soldier was sting there, alive. promise you "Perhaps he followed the soldier in his boat when he Tef that night. Perhaps he killed him on the sea later) ssid Ros. ‘Clara idalt remember the time exacts? "Impossible sid sny uncle, Rafiel stayed in che ea with me: and alot of other men. Hee was dancing to the music, He didn't leave the café for about wo hours. And Rafael coulda’ catch the 3 soldiec® boat. It had an engine. Tt was a very fst bout “He killed someone! ssid Ros. ‘And he thought it was the soldier. I don't know who he kiled. But that what his good mother told me. ¥ must belicwe her. Peshaps Rafael thought he Isiled the soldier, Then later he sa him in the caf@ and went ‘ad He was ail a treble rime. Pshaps that’s why he went crazy. ‘But who did he kill? No, its imposible? ‘Rosa ran into the hosse, crying, My uncle and I looked a the empty blue sea, We did't speak fora Jong time. There was food ‘on the table, bur we didn’t fel very hungry. “Is ie possible? I asked 2 st what? That Rafe] killed somebody by mistake, No, Its not posible? “But his mothee’ sory “Lisen’ said my uncle 'm not stupid. When Rafael came into the café, he saw the soldier. He didi’ look surprised. He didn't even look angry. They both listened to the music for about an hour. Rafsel was happy, He ws smiling and dancing? “Allright sti, "I believe you. I believe everybody. But this ystery i going to make me erry soon. Chapter 13. In the Hospital All that morning tay head went round and ronnd. It was all ‘impossible, f took a notebook and wrote some questions in it. sill have that notebook with me, Sometimes, when T sart feeling very proud of myself, ead i Question 1: Did Rafael il someone? Is that why he went mad? His ‘mother thought be di. She sow hie coved in bled. But who di he wi [Not the soldier, He ft the cf. when Rafael wes sin it wih my wnt, 38 [Now Ani, She we wth Ber sister wml che music started i the cf And Rafe as inside the ct then Soho? posible Question 2: Was the colder killed, or dd he only go ay? AP he was ile, wh ile kin? [Nor Rafal. He ws in the cf wil nd Not Anita. She was a did, and loved hia. Wo could kill him? Fle wus estrone young mua, soldier Ad he was vend wit everyone inthe ole, Impsslet (Question 3: Did Anite eon aun with the soldi, or was se Killed, t00? she ws killed, who killed her? [Not Rafael. He loved her And he was in the café ail evening, Paha the soldi, and he then ras. But shy? He loved her and wanted to any hee Anal f the solder ile fe why did Rafal go mal? Impowibe! 1 read all my notes and questions again and again. Everything seemed imposible Suddenly [looked at them again. ‘There was someone in the village who was big enough and strong enough. Someone who could kil the soldier Fle had a good reason to kill him, There vas someone whe had a good reson to kill Anita, to0, Perhaps he aw her leaving the house with her bag that night. Pethaps he followed her along the dark and empty beach, quiely through the sof sand. Pethaps he saw her mect the soldier. Peshaps he killed both of them and put their dead bodies deep inthe sea. “There wus another man who loved Anita, And that man could all her for ranning sway. He was big enough and strong enough to kil the soldier. That man was Rodrigo, her futher "Bat chen the wrong mae was mua 39 Tam a doctor, nota policeman or a detective. I believed T was a ‘lever nan, more intelligent than the people of the village. I was too prod of myself T told my uncle and all the people of the village about miy plans eo help poor Rafl. I, the great doctor from the university inthe city could make hin well agin. Twas to0 proud. [spent a week in the village and T aked to a Jot of people, Bur I sll knew nothing about Rafiel’ madness. still had no idea what happened eo the soldier or Anita. I couldn’. be sure that Rodrigo killed them, It was 4 stupid idea. I didn’t really believe it. 1 promised Rosa and Marta to tell nobody what they told me. 1 was our secret, I went back to my hospital to do my work. 1 ‘wasnt so pron. I decided not to think about what happened in the village. Te wast a good idea to ery to change things. heard nothing fom my unele or anyone inthe village for almost a year. offen dreamt of Rafiel and his gold ring when I was very tied, But I never went back co the village. {didnt want to meet those good people. [wis sare they didn't have a good opinion of ‘Then, one day fisherman brought a note co the hospital. Ie was written by Rodrigo, the shopkeeper It suc felis very ill We thine hes dig. Pease come immediatly. Only ow ca felp ue Please come, Remorber my dear danghter Anita and poo, ad Rafe and help ws, Your uncle asked me to ite his eter: But 1 wut you 4 come, too, Peps at lst we can find out what realy happened tomy deugher ll hase many years ae Rodrigo Ganda | took a small ambulance from the hospital and went 10 the village. Tvs there in few hours. 1 went staight to my uncles hhowse. Rafael was cher, lying on a bed. Rosa was putting cold ‘et cloths on his head, Rafael war very thin and yellow. When I ‘ame into the room, he coughed weakly. Blood ran from his ‘mouth. Rosa washed away the blood with another clot. fe was, already eed with Rafiel’ blood. “Ics ubereuosis I sid immediately Hes very il” “Yes, [know std my uncle, "Thats why U asked you to come. les very bad. I don’ think there’ any hope for him! “Tl take him to the hospital’ I said Tve got an ambulance with ‘me, With medicines and nursing, perhaps we can stil save him, Bor theres not mca hope for him. Hel very weak? ‘We put Rafiel in the ambulance and I took him back co the hospital inthe city. He was almost dead. We washed him and cut, his hair and beard. We put him in a clean bed and gave him ‘medicines, 1 sat by his bed for eight hours. He didn't move. He ly lke a dead man, His body temperature was very high. Then, very slowly, it began to fill, and he fell ito a quiet sleep. "Two days later, he opened his eyes. He as stil having medicines and he was very weak. He lay without moving. Only bis eyes moved. He looked round the suange white walls, at the ‘plastic botde above his bead. He looked at me in my white coat a his se. “Am I dead?’ le asked, very quietly. "No, RafielTsid."You're in hospital. 'm a doctor. Miguel, che ‘owner of the ea in your village, is my uncle, Dont be alia ‘Wo'e tying t0 make you well again’ His mouth moved in a cred smile, and he fll asleep again. 1 ‘brought a nurse to sit by his bed, “Tel me if he wakes up, Or ihe gets worse! Tsai. a ‘Then [ went to my room ia the hospital and fll on the bed. ‘was aslep in afew seconds “There was litle hope for poor Refiel. He ws thin and weak slr all the years that he lived on the beach, For yeas he ate very Title, He slept on the cold, hard ground. The tuberculosis was very bad, He was very, very il Bathe wast mad. He could speak very litle. Mort ofthe vine he was very tired. But when he spoke co me, his words were clear and calm. He lived for sx days inthe hospital, He see, he woke. And when he ‘was awake, he talked to me. Coughing Blood, he told me everything, Then, on the sixth day, he fll quietly asleep And ater 4 few hows his heart stopped and he was dead, Afr his long | | X t years of pain and madness I was happy that his death was quiet and casy atthe end, He did a teerble thing, 2 terrible crime. But Ihe paid for it with long years of madness T have writen his story down here. One day, perhaps, people ‘ill ead it, But not until all ube people in it are dead. Until that lait mas stay a sere Chapter 14° The Murder ‘This is what Rafael told me: [aael always loved Anita. He couldnt remember a time when hae didn't, Ke was a seal village and the children always played on the beach, Anita and the other giss watched the fishermen. The ‘men cleaned their boats and mended theie nets. Rafael fll in love with Anita when they were sill children. He loved her, and she loved im. Or she always sti so, But her fither wanted her to marry a rich man. A fat old man, pethaps, old and ugly. hut he must be rich and important. Rafael ‘could do nothing to change Rodkigo' plans. “There was a place in the rocks at the end of the beach to the west. The children often played in it Ie was ke alittle house in the rocks. In the evenings, Ratiel fomotimes met Anita there | She came ovt of her house very quietly sad san to dir secret pce inthe tock. Thee she and Rael alked for afew golden rminutesThen she ran home again, afaidof her father. Anita was only fitteen years old at that sme. But her head wat fil of the stories in her books. Ske was sire she war in love with the Jhandwome young fsherwan, Rafe brought her the gold xing. was ke the magi her story. Her faher dda accepe it fom Rafe. But Rafa gave i: to Anita in secret, when they mt later in their secret place in the rocks, The sing ws the promise of their love, She wore it ‘when she wis with him. At oer times she Rep iin her 0m the secret place under te eapet “Bat then che slr came tothe village. Hews a older mas, ‘Wioh is righ ye, is ong haz, his boat with an engine, he wat rmuich more exciting than Raficl. When he talked with Rodrigo stout his fe and his tel, Anita hear his stores through the wall of her oom. These stories were more exciting than magic Jnmps and ekg fh ‘Anita soon thought Rafiel wa very boring. She stopped meeting him. She stopped speaking to him. Now she was sare he ‘was filling in love wit he soldier. But she sl kept Rael ring, ofcourse Rafal was very sad. He wanted the solder to leave the vilage anid go away for ever He wanted Anita to come back to him. Bat then, one might, Rafcl war coming back lite from a fishing tip. He saw Anita cunning along the beach im the moonlight He watched quiely fom the sea He saw Anita meet the solder in the lie house in the rocks. How did the soldier speak to her? Hovr did Anita give him the tine and place to ree? Rafael didn't know: Peshape the soldier gave ee a secret note, Peshaps Anis gave him one. They could both rad and Rafiel left his boat and sam to the shore. He moved very “4 ‘quietly through the rocks, The soldiers boat was in a small piece ‘of open water on the other side of the rocks. t-was only about ten minutes from the village along the coast, Rafgel watched and waited until he saw Anita run back to the village. Then he watched the soldier swim back to his boat. er « ‘few minutes, the soldier started his engine and went away t0 the ‘west, Rafhel was very angry. But he was angry with the soldier, ‘not Anita, He hated this man who was a stanger in the vilage: A rman who the people all cepted asa fiend, But a man who was now stealing Anita is own true love, fom them. "Nest time the soldier came to the village, Rafiel watehed bi, When the soldier went away in the evening, Rafael went quietly along the beach to the place in the rocks. Soon the soldiers boat ‘came back into the place ia the rocks and he lowered his anchor ‘The soldier swam for afew minutes in che moonlight. Then he sat in the boat agsin and smoked a cigarette [He sat fora long time, looking sometimes at his wate, At st lhe swam to the beach and went tothe sectet place in the rocks. Hie wnited there. Soon Anita came, hurrying over the rocks. She and the soldier kissed, Long, loving kisses They sat in the little house in the rocks. The soldier held her close. They talked and laughed and kised again, And all the time Rafiel watched and listened to them with black hate in his heart, ‘After that, Rafel followed the soldier every time he came to the villge, The soldier did che same every time. Somesimes Anita did't come to the place in the rocks. But the soldier always waited for her there ‘Then Rafal knew how to kill the soldier Te was 3 good plan ‘The next time the soldier cate to the village, Rafel’s plan was ready, The soldier arived in the village that Sunday and went to Rodrigo’ shop with the tin of paraffin. Rafael waited until it was dark, He saw the bright light ofthe lamp in Rodrigo’ house, He ‘watched the soldier sat to eat the meal with Rodrigo. 6 Hee had everything that he needed in his bout. He sailed out quiedy 10 che place in the socks. The place where the soldier alwvays waited. He took his boat close ro the shore and tied i to a rock. Then he went on foot to old Santiago’ frm. The old donkey was standing Sleeping in is field. Rafiel walked with i down to the beach near his boat, Ie wasn’ very fa. There he took, the old donkey into the water, and then killed i. ‘He put the dead animal into his boat and went out into deeper water, He went to the place where the soldier usually lft his boat, There he began to cut up the dead donkey, throwing the pieces into the sea, He and the boat were soon covered in the donkey’ blood. But there was much wore blood in the water all round the boat. Rafael knew thatthe sharks, far away in the sea, ‘could smell it [Rafal kept the back legs of the donkey in his boat, He took a long, stiong piece of line and tied the legs to it Then he stiled quietly back to the village, There was no moon that night, only the light from the stars. Soon he could see the beach and the houses of the village. The lamp was still buraing in Rodrigo’ house, The soldiers boat was a few metres fom the shore, Ie wae alvays in the same place. The soldier didn't want to break his engine [Rafael moved his boat close to the soldier's boat and stopped, He went into the dark water and swat acros to i. He had the fend of the line in his teeth. He tied it to the bottom of the soldiee’s boat. Then he swam back to is boat and put the legs of the donkey quietly ito the water: Now, the soldiers boat ad the smell of blood behind it [Rael took his boat tothe fir end ofthe beach in fone of his house. He pulled it half on to the sand, and began to wash the donkey’ blood fiom the bottom of the boat. He washed some of the blood fiom his elothes in che sea, But there was alot of Blood and water in the boat, 46 Suddenly his mother came with an oil lamp. She saw the blood ‘ot his clothes and inthe boat. She was affid he was hurt “Don't be afiaid, mother! he said. ‘I'm not hurt. This isn't my ‘blood. I've killed the soldier? Te-vas re, The soldier wasn't yet dead, but Rafiels plans were avade. Rafiel wasn't affsd to tell his mother, She alvays kept his secrets. She was very calm when he told her. She sent him to the house to change his clothes She stayed and cleaned the boat. ‘When he went to the ca, he found the solder there. He was suprised. He thought the soldier vas spending the evening with, Rodrigo, Rafael looked at the soldier, his enemy. He was smiling and laughing with his friends. Rafiel thought, “The sharks are already waiting for you. Tonight youe going to your death. "The solder lef in the middle of the evening. He went out to his bone, started the engine and went off to che west, ‘Rafael stayed in che caf, listening to the music. He was aftid, but he was excited too. When he heard the music, he began 0 dace to the songs. Eyer closed, he saw’ in his head the soldier's boat. It wont chrough the dirk night. Behind i, the red line of blood, dark in the water. The engine stopped. The boat came sively back to the secret place in the rocks. The soier waited in che moonlight, smoking a cigarette. Perhaps, then he jumped into the dack sea for a swim, Something vs waiting there, something. big and hungry. Ie moved fst through the water Peshaps there ‘yn ime for one short scream. Thea all was quiet gain. The dark ‘yaters were calms, And the soldier was gone forever. Raffel danced and smiled and saw these pictures again and again, He stayed and danced until midnight. “Then he went back to is house and went vo bed. But he slept only for a few hours, Before the fist light of day, he got up aguiedy and went ove of the house. He cook his boat along the coast to find the soldie’s boat a "The bout was there in the place in ehe rocks. ty empry and “au in the water Rafe! looked forthe soldier inthe sea and on the land. But thee was no sign of him, Nothing was lft of him. Rafael saw the long shadows of shack sil swimming in the water nea the boat The boat engine war shove the water. There was a Tong piece of fishing line tied! many times round it Rafal lmghed, “My plan was better than I thought! he ssid to himlE."T tied the legs ofthe old donkey to his boat with some fishing line, And the line ko stopped the engine. So the soldier had vo go into the [Ratel wok the soldiers boat far ffom the shore. There he smade a hole inthe bottom and pushed it under the water. Soon it ‘went down tothe bottom of che se. Rafael wat happy: The soldier and his boat were a the bottom of the ex, Nobody knew what happened to him. He went back to the village and into the house to have an easly breakfast Suddenly he was very hangey. Chapter 15 ‘The Truth, at Last AA litle later (Rafsel told me), he and his mother heard he shouting and screaming ffom Rodrigo’s house. They soon learned that Anita war nowhere in the house or the village, Rafael smniled to himself, Perhaps Anita vas sill waiting somewhere for her soldier: She can wait forever, She'll never see him gain’ he thought “TL sil along the coast and Look for het! he tod his ‘mother. In fact, he wanted to go t0 a quiet place t0 ‘wath his host again, There was still some dark ‘blood in the bottom. He went back tothe pce in the rocks. 48 1 ns calm and quiet there. The soldiers boat was atthe bottom ‘of the sea, Rall took some water fm the sea to wash his bot: ‘A soll shark swam slossly under it, Almost without thinking, Rael picked up his fishing spear. He hie the shark hard through the back of the head, Its Blood came ont into the clear water ‘A few other shatks, bigger ones, smelt the blood and came fast through the wate. They began to bite a the dying fish with theit treat, sharp teedh. They fought, biting great pieces off the dead shark. fie decided to catch one or two and eut them up in his boat. He wanted their blood toe in the boat with the donkey’ [A white shark about three metres long was palling atthe dead one, Te ly in the water next to the boat, not moving. Raftel killed ie with his spear and put a line round its head, Then he pulled it into the bottom ofthe boat. Rafael took hit knife and cut the shatk ‘open from neck to ei. Pieces of meat, fh and hair from its stomach fell out into the bottom of the boat. There was a large piece of donkey skin with is grey hai Rafiel moved it with his knife, Tn that second, the world stopped. Rafel’ blood seemed vo feexe inside him. The sky went He couldn't move. Tin the pile of meae and fishin the bottom of the boat there as « hand, ‘A complete hand, white and clean. Te was cutoff a the wrist with one clean bite It was a small hand, ‘with small, pretty fingers. The fingernails were long and pink. ‘They weren't bitten or dirty or broken by housework ‘And on the middle finger ofthe hand was a gold ring, ringin the shape of golden fish. [Rafael gave one great scream, He held his head in his hands He knew now where Anita vas. The night before, when the engine ofthe sldier’s boat topped working, she was there in the boat with him. Then he went into the water to look at the ‘engine. She stayed in the bout. She sav him, when dhe sharks killed him in the dick water, Peshaps she tried to pull him into ‘the boat. But thea she too fll into the blood-red water. And thore she spent the lst terrible seconds of her life with her tone prince, the soldier. Rael knew he couldn't continue living. He coulda ive with this terible secret. He stood up in the boat and called Anita’ fame. Then he threw himself into the sea. He lay in the water, face down, He waited for the sharp teeth in the movths of the shacks to pull him down to his death, Bot they didn't. He fle them in the water all round him. Sometimes he fel them push against him. But they dia’ hth "Then Rafiel understood. God dida’t want him to die this way. ‘An eaty death. quik desth. Too quick and easy fora murderes, ‘Hee was teriblyalrsid. He tried to sill himself! He held his face tunder the water and tried to die. But he couldn ‘At hst he elitbed back into the bout. He sat lke a désd man and looked atthe litle hand with the gold ving, After a long time he took the ring carefully Gom her finger. He took» piece of fiching line and tied the ring round his neck. He had hie ring again, He had it from Anite’ own hand. ‘Tl keep ic with me forever! he thovght.“Thew Twill never forget my tersible crime? He threw dhe dead shark back into the sea. “Then, lst ofall, he took the cold white hand. He held tin his 50 ‘own hand for the lst time, Then he pur it caeflly into the “Then lc lay down in the bottom of the boat bolding the ring at his neck. And he looked atthe bright sky and talked to Anits, ‘And they laughed and buughed, 1 took Rafael’ body back co his village. He Ties in the ground ‘near that place in the rocks. The secret place where he and Anita spent many happy hours. put the gold ring round his neck. The ing that he took from Anita's dead hand. le will say with him forever [Nobody in the village knows what he did. Not Rodrigo, not ay uncle or Rosa. They still believe that Anita and the soldier are living somewhere faraway Team see no reason to ell them anyching different ACTIVITIES. chapters 14 Before you read 11 This story scaled The Ang. Who wears rings? Why ar they often Important? Discuss these questions wih oar students, 2 Look at te Word Lt tthe back of this book. 18 What ae the words in your lnguage? Which of the tings on the let does a fisherman use In his swore? ‘8 Wich words best complete thse sentences? 48 Aad man is abrays dangerous /razy/clever. A shark Ives inthe soa/forest/ mountain. {© You uso a limp when itis raining! old dark {Tho shores the land next to 2 garden /the sae/a wood. «Paraffin is us0d in care lms toys. 1 Batteries ave used in raios/Do0ks/pens. 4 Read ho Introduction tothe book and anewer the questions. Yo Ss teling the stor inthis book? ' What does he wont to kxoW/? «© Who does he ask? Whe you wae '5 Complete each sentence with oe word. 2 Tho witors, had tin the vilage. bb Ratect neg a ‘on alia sound hia neck © hon he visited the vilage again as an adult, the vritor was a His amily retuned to the lage fr a. © Tho witer wants to find out why Rafa is 1 Rafao' father as kl by a ® A Asis aN WA Bs ‘Arita coud read and write, dis chen, tote other 52 1 Rodigo wanted Arita to Important. Brita 12 tothe vilage. The solder had @ boat wth a se 1 The vilage people thought that Anta ran away wit the “koa why Rata! ent mad, v= Somebody Fich and years old when the solder est came ‘tor you read 6 Discuss these questions. ‘8 Whathappenec!toRatas's father? How di this change Rafa’ te? 1b How was Arta cferont rom the other gs inte village? © How was the solder ferent fam the other men in te vilags? «Why couldnt Rafael mary Anta? {© Do you think that Anita was in tove with Rafa, wth the soi, ce with neler of then? ‘chapters 5-7 Boars you read 7 Discuss those pictures. “ ‘4 Look back at the pletures in Chapters 1-4. What do they shaw? 'b Describe the pictus on pages 18-19, What do you think is happening? Wnte you read 8 Cite the ight words in each sentence. {2 Ralael moved to the pot for six months seks. bb When he retuned tothe vilage he nad 2 fot of money a gold ‘ing. © Tho solder arrived in the vllage before/after Rata! wont tothe pot. 53 1. Viner Ratao! camo into the café that nigh, he was wearing ‘olafgoad clothes and he was very ccan/alty. The solder laf the café Dotere/ator Rafa ‘when Rata! danced tothe music he seemed happy sad. 9 When Anita dseppeared, Rafael fooked for hor along the rosalcoast fh Later that day Rafa was found on the baach/in his Boat, and he was mac. | Rockigo foes hates taking about his daughter, Anita. | Mara is Rodkigo's wite/daughtor and she wants to tlk to the ctr ‘Aor you read 9 Whos speaking? Who to? ant to 228 something ofthe werd outside this wage.” "Ono day MV be arch man, ke your end nthe city” ' Santiago's old donkey disappecred.” “Lots have sore music” "Look forthe facta. Don't steno poople's iy stories.” “Nmust be a seco.” 40 Work with another student. Have tis conversation. Student A: You are Rafe You want to mary Arta. You have the gold rng with you to give to hee ‘Student 8: You are Pockigo. You tke Rafael and you are pote and kind to hin. But ie snot going to mary Anta. ‘Chapters 8-12 Dotore you read 11. Discuss these questions '2 What do you know about the gold ing? Where's itnow? Where id come rom? 'b What do you hink Matta can tll the doctor? Why hasnt she told er father? 54 Whe you road 12 Ara move sentences right (7) or wrong (47? ‘2 Meta aye that har alter Arta was Kod and good. 'b Anita often went ou inte milo of the night ‘© When Rafel went away tothe port, Anita was hap 1d. When Anita ef the nouse for tho latte, there was ‘music the cafe © Marta thinks that Anita ran away withthe solo. f Aaita wrote story about a magic carpet {8 The doctor wants to take Rafael to a hospital Fr Rosa cays that Rafe! kil Ants {When Rafge's mother saw him on the beach, he was covered in blood. | Rafoe followed! the soldier out ofthe ca and kil him. ‘After you read 19. Diseuss these questions, What do you thnk? Give your reasons, ‘8 Doyou think tho solders alive or dead? bo you nk Anita is ave or dead? © Why does tho doctor's neo say that Rafals mother was 3s ‘ac as ner son? Chapters 13-15 Botore you read 14 Diseuss these questions 18 Do you know what made Rafael mad? What do you think happened to Anita and the soci? 1b Belore the end af the book, the doctor finds out what realy ‘happened that right. Who tell, do you think? inte you road 415 ice tho right worde in each sontance. 1 The doctor writes three questions in his book, and he can neuer al/one/nane of thar. 1b The any man wh had a reagon tl Arita was the slo per father/ Rete. 55 1©-A year lalor tho doctor gets a vist/phane oal/ator trom edge. 4 Rafa i shen othe hospital because he is mad/aying dead. 46 Number those sontoncas in tho right odor, 10. Fate! danoad and dreamt ofthe sods death. -atael killed Sarlago'sdonkoy. = Fatal found the solder inthe cate. Rat! rie to kit himeet. Rafael gave Anita the gol ng, butit was a secret between ther, Rafae!'s mother found him nhs beat covered in blood. 1 Rafoe! sav Arta and the soir mesting inthe rocks st ight . fh Rafao put the gold rng round his neck. | Rafao! went along the coast and kl somo sharks. 4) fae! decide to kl the soir Alter you road 17 Viny are these things important to tt 12 the gold ng 'b Santiago's donkey (© Rafaol's fathers doath 1d the tory that Anita wrote 418 Answer these quostons. Thon discuss your answers, {2 How ana wien ed Aaa give the rng back to Rafael? 'b When and why exactly da Rafal go mad? 18 Work with another student. magne that, one day, the doctor meata ‘the old goldsmith, Have thie conversation. Student A: You aro the doctec Tol the goldemith why Rafael wanted the rng. Tel him what happened to ater. Student 8: You aro the goldemith. Ta the doctor about Rafael nen you know him inthe ety. Ask questions about this strango story soy’? Discuss your 56 writing 20 This story Is about death and madness. Who dies? Who goes mad? Why? Blan. 24 The Ring also a love story. Describe tho cfferant kinds of fe that a shown by Anta’ father, Rodtig, and Rataet's mother, cure 122 Which of these people are "goos' oF “bad'? Why? Give your ‘opinions. the doctor the soldier Anita Aunt Rosa Rafael 23 Imagine that you arp the doctor. Look at the quastons in your natabook on pages 38 and 39. After Rafoo ies, write full answers to your three questions. 24 Imagine that you are Rodigo, the shopkesper: Sx months after Anita and the soldier cisappenr, the poles come to tho vag ‘They are looking forthe solder, Caos Montez, because ho fs & ciminal Write @repor for the police. Write everthing that you ‘now about this man. 28 Anita and her sister, Meta, were very diferent. Describo the ways, they were diferent. How oid this shape ther Hives? Is It aay hopfl tobe baautitl oc handsome? 28 White 50-80 words about tho pat that sharks playin this stor. 27 ‘Write your ovm shor story about a magic ing. Cte acy Sb eae nl om re toy wea ‘Nec hoc Spe ne wi gb Pre an ‘Tein nate Clie Fr me nc, ene WORD LIST anchor {0/3} some ‘Gon heavy neta and are lowered nt the water Bom dhe boat battery (x) snnething dat you put into a machine, Without the baer ‘the machine doo work. ‘carp (0) a sft, heivy matesal ha covers 2 floor ‘donkey (3) g2ey os brown aia lke a mal hone with Jones engine (o) the par ofa vehicle or cher machine that f needed For movement Engines need ol, water or electricity to work, ‘ingermal (a) dhe hed, at part thar proecs the end oF your finger God (1) the one wna mide the Each and everything on it in some religions goldsmith x) someone who makes things out of gle lamp (n) something tht produces light by the we of electri ol et oad (x) vo pus lot of things onto or int a vehicle mad (a) suffering fom an ines of the mind ‘magi (ad) used to do strange ot impose things et (x) aype of material used for catching sh aratfin (x) ol wed or esting a ight ‘shark (n) lange sea Ga wih very sharp tet ‘shore (ode land nest wo she sen ‘spear (n) «long ick with a sharp, pointed end. tn some places, people kill amily eat Fisk with spats. ‘ruth () the cue ets tuberculosis a) a vexy serious illness the you ean catch Fom odher peoples coughs

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