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How Well Can You Follow Directions?

Directions: You have 15 minutes to complete this test. Read all directions carefully before doing

1. Write your first and last name in the upper left-hand corner of this page.

2. Print the name of the street where you live on this line: _________________________

3. Put seven X's on the upper right-hand corner of this page.

4. Circle three of the X's.

5. On the back of this paper, subtract 442 from 1321.

6. Stand up and say your first name so everyone can hear you.

7. Draw a square around every letter "r" in this sentence.

8. Sharpen your pencil. If you are using a mechanical pencil or a pen, hold it up in the air, count
out loud to 20 by 2s, and then continue working on this assignment.

9. If you are the first person to get this far, stand up and say, "I am the first person to get
to number 9."

10. Clap your hands three times.

11. Circle all the odd numbers on this page.

12. Put a line under all of the words on this page which begin with a capital letter.

13. Trace your hand on the back of this page.

14. Staying in your seat, say loudly, "I have almost completed this test, and I have followed all of
the directions perfectly."

15. Put a triangle around every period on this page.

Now that you have read all of the directions carefully, go back and do only number 1. Please stay
completely quiet while others continue to work.

Congratulations on your excellent direction-following!

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