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Angular and NodeJS – the MEAN Stack Guide

[2020 Edition]
Neww of backend :

1) It is very easy to hack into the code logic of front end code
2) It is very complex to make it work
3) It reduces the efficiency, speed of the website

Angular : it is the javascript framework

It is a client side (Browser ) framework which allows us to build Single-Page Applications (SPA) .

It’s function is to render UI with the dynamic Data, to handle user response, commmunicate with back end services

It provides a “Mobile app” like uder experience

Nodejs : it is the javascript runtime server side language

It is a server-sidelibrary : javascript onserver side, it listens to requests and send responses, interact with databases
and files.

Expressjs : it is the framework for nodejs

It is a Node Framework which simplifies writing server side Code and logic

Based on node , offers some functionalities

Middleware-based; Funnel requests through functions

Includes routing View rendering and More

MongoDB : Easily connected to Node/Express (NOT to Angular) because we do not want to expose our data

Chp 4 what is a single page application

Single page Application : This allows for re-rendering instant user feedback and makes building highly engaging UIs

Chp 5 : How does the MEAN stack work

Command to install angular CLI : npm I –g @angular/cli@latest : latest for latest version

Ng is basically a command made available to by that, new : for new project, then name of the project

It will create a lot of configuration files and setup

Command ng serve : it will bring up the development-only server that allows you to preview your application

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