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You may find you

don’t have the time

(or ability) to get
to the gym.
Here is a great at-home workout to get you moving, working Ben-ism Quote:
hard, and seeing RESULTS!
“EVERY Single day is an opportunity to
create the best version of yourself.”
THE SINGLE BIGGEST MISTAKE people make in their workouts
is focusing on the exercise, rather than the muscle. An AT-HOME Within EVERY instant exists the
workout, in theory can be extremely useful…. if you know how to opportunity to choose a new habit that
execute it! moves you closer to your best self, or to
retreat into old, safe, comfortable habits
REMEMBER... that will keep you exactly where you
are now.
It’s not about WHAT you do, it’s HOW you do it. Pay attention to
The choice is yours.
the tension.
If you don’t feel it in the right place, it’s wrong. You may think The goal of every workout is not to
you don’t know how to correct yourself, that is incorrect. You complete the workout.
absolutely do. You just need to pay attention to the tension.
It’s not even to have a “great” workout.
You don’t need perfect machines, perfect exercises, or perfect
circumstances to get results. What you NEED is FOCUS. The goal of every workout is to create
great habits, discipline, and character
Create an objective to move closer and closer to the vision of that will propel you toward your greatness
every day.
yourself that you want to be. Too many people are focusing on
what they don’t want right now. (“I don’t want to be broke”, “I
don’t want to be broke…”) You’re wasting your precious focus on
the wrong thing. FOCUS on an objective, growth, expansion, and CHOOSE PROGRESS.
Whether it be business, body, or financial.

m u s c l e i n t e l l i g e n c e
The 7 primary
points of focus
for these
Get really good at every one of these exercises. Don’t By doing multiple exercises in succession for
aim to do more. Aim first to be better. “Better” should the same body part we begin to experience an
be defined as your ability to feel the muscle (create increase in that muscle’s ability to produce energy,
tension), maximize tension, maintain tension. Then and and clear metabolites.
only then does it make sense to work harder, do more,
and lift heavier. This increase in substrate ATP will increase your
work capacity, muscular stability, and strength.
Tightness is a sign of weakness. Take this time to get 6) AEROBIC CAPACITY
strong where you’re not. The body’s maximum ability to produce ATP in the
presence of oxygen is called VO2.
The absence of load doesn’t have to mean the
absence of challenge. Focus on fully lengthening and The more effective this system, the more effective
shortening muscles under load. A great tip to know you are at doing high amounts of work while still
when a muscle is lengthened is to consciously contract using fat as your primary energy substrate. This
the muscle that works antagonistically to the muscle may or may not be beneficial for peak power
you are training (eg; chest and back/traps, biceps and output, but it’s a superpower for recovery and fat
triceps). burning.


Stability is the ability of a muscle to resist movement. You can make simple things very challenging very
Get into positions of weakness, and spend time there. quickly with nasal breathing, and breath-holds.

4) TIME Set the goal to only breathe through your nose,

Time and distance are the overlooked opportunities for then when that gets too easy, introduce slight
challenging a muscle. breath-holds before training and between sets.

When training at home, these are your greatest It may just be as short as 4-5 seconds to delay the
opportunities for challenge. Muscles are capable of desire to breathe in or out.
responding to and growing from more than simply load.
Increasing the challenge to a muscle with extended
time under tension can yield surprising results.

m u s c l e i n t e l l i g e n c e
THE WORKOUTS IF NO WEIGHTS, or only access to small DB’s

(e.g; Mon) (e.g; Tue) (e.g; Wed) (e.g; Thur) (e.g; Fri) (e.g; Sat) (e.g; Sun)

Chest, Delts Full Body Legs, Back, Full Body Weekly

Week 1 Triceps Circuit 1 Biceps Circuit 2 Challenge
Off Off

Chest, Delts Full Body Legs, Back, Full Body Weekly

Week 2 Triceps Circuit 1 Biceps Circuit 2 Challenge
Off Off

Optional: repeat for a further 2 weeks.

Note: For each exercise throughout, unless stated otherwise, the tempo is “control”,
especially on the eccentric / negative portion of the rep.

Day 1 (Chest, Delts, Triceps)

Movement REPS REST
Push-Ups – Feet on a wall (focus on ‘control’ – 10 0
4 secs up, 4 secs down)
10 secs: top
A2 Push-Up Plank – Feet on a wall 10 secs: mid 2 mins*
10 secs: bottom
B1 Push-Ups – Feet on floor (4 secs up, 4 secs down). 10 0
10 secs: top
B2 Push-Up Plank – Feet on floor 10 secs: mid 2 mins*
10 secs: bottom
C1 Push-Ups – Feet on bench / platform 10 0
10 secs: top 2 mins (0 after
C2 Push-Up Plank – Feet on bench / platform 10 secs: mid last set)*
10 secs: bottom
Repeat exercises A1 through C2 above 3 more times (for a total of 4 rounds)

* During this 2 minute rest period, use the time to consciously focus on bringing your breathing (RR) and Heart
Rate down. If you have a HR monitor, aim to raise your heart rate as high as possible during sets, then aim to
bring it down as low as possible once each set is complete (a great range to play in is 150 beats per minute
during sets, 110 bpm after sets).

m u s c l e i n t e l l i g e n c e
Training at home

– This will require some dumbbells or something like cans / bricks
Movement REPS REST
D1 Bent Over ‘Y’ Raises 15 0
D2 Bent Over Rear Delt Raises 15 0
D3 Standing Side Lateral Raises 15 0
D4 Standing Front Raises 15 0
D5 Seated Shoulder Press* 15 0
Box-Breathing: sit on the floor – spine vertical, perfectly arrowed straight – 5 seconds in, 0
5 seconds hold, 5 seconds out, 5 seconds hold. Repeat for 3 mins
Repeat exercises D1 through D6 (above) 3 more times (for a total of 4 rounds)
* Sit on the floor, spine arrow straight, legs straight. Lift legs off ground while pressing (you won’t need heavy
weight for this one).

– This will require some dumbbells or something like cans / bricks
Movement REPS REST
E1 Shoulder-Width Push-Ups (allow the forearms to touch your 10 0
biceps on each rep, pause there for 3 second)
E2 Overhead One-Arm Extensions (DBs or bands) 10 per side 0
– Super Slow eccentric
E3 Bench Dips (hold each rep fro 2 secs) 30 0
E4 Overhead 2-Arm Extensions (elbows in) 20* 2 mins
Repeat exercises E1 through E4 (above) 3 more times (for a total of 4 rounds)

* Go to complete failure, including partial reps.

Low Intensity Interval Training (LIIT)
20 Seconds at 70% Effort Choices: Burpees, High Knee Tuck Jumps,
Mountain Climbers
40 Seconds Recovery Walking or Cycling

Duration: 10 mins

Sit on the floor – spine vertical, perfectly arrowed straight – 4 seconds in, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds out, 4
seconds hold. This could be coupled with walking outside, sauna, meditation, or just laying down disconnected
from the world and connecting your body.
Duration: 10 mins

m u s c l e i n t e l l i g e n c e
Training at home

Day 2 (Full Body Circuit 1)

Movement REPS REST
Push-Ups – Feet on a wall (focus on ‘control’ – 10 0
4 secs up, 4 secs down)
10 secs: top
A2 Push-Up Plank – Feet on a wall 10 secs: mid 0
10 secs: bottom
A3 Bench Dips 20 0
5 nasal breaths:
A4 Downward Dog 5 seconds in 0
5 seconds out
Repeat exercises A1 through A4 (above) 3 more times (for a total of 4 rounds)

Movement REPS REST
B1 Supine Pike V-Crunch (toe touch) 20 0
Hold: 10 secs:
legs straight
B2 Pike V-Crunch Holds (spine-straight) 0
10 secs: knees bent
10 secs: 4” off floor
Crunches – Legs pointing to the sky, toes 30
B3 0
touching, with 3 sec hold at the top)
5 nasal breaths:
B4 Downward Dog 5 seconds in 0
5 seconds out
Repeat exercises B1 through B4 (above) 3 more times (for a total of 4 rounds)

Movement REPS REST
C1 Squats – touch butt to depth of chair or couch 40 0
‘Second-Step’ Stair Lunges
C2 10 reps each side 0
(all one side than the other)
15 per leg, then both
C3 Calf Raises (switch starting leg each round) 0
legs for 30
C4 Seated Shoulder Press* 25 0
5 nasal breaths:
C5 Downward Dog 5 seconds in 0
5 seconds out
Repeat exercises C1 through C5 (above) 3 more times (for a total of 4 rounds)
* Sit on the floor, spine arrow straight, legs straight. Lift legs off ground while pressing (you won’t
need heavy weight for this one).

m u s c l e i n t e l l i g e n c e
Training at home

Low Intensity Interval Training (LIIT)
20 Seconds at 70% Effort Choices: Burpees, High Knee Tuck Jumps,
Mountain Climbers
40 Seconds Recovery Walking or Cycling

Duration: 10 mins

Sit on the floor – spine vertical, perfectly arrowed straight – 4 seconds in, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds out, 4
seconds hold. This could be coupled with walking outside, sauna, meditation, or just laying down disconnected
from the world and connecting your body.
Duration: 10 mins

Day 3 (Legs, Back, Biceps)

– This will require some dumbbells (or something like cans / bricks), A TRX, or some bands

Movement REPS REST

A1 Stiff Leg Deadlifts 25 0
A2 Full Rep Squats 25 0
A3 ¾ Rep Deadlifts 25 0
A4 ¾ Rep Squats 25 0
A5 Stiff Leg ½ Rep Deadlifts (bottom ½ of rep) 25 0
A6 ½ Squat (bottom ½ of rep) 25 3 mins*
1 time through, no repeat (if you’re an advanced trainee and find this too easy,
repeat 1-2 more times as needed)
* During this 3 minute rest period, use the time to consciously focus on bringing your breathing (RR) and Heart
Rate down. If you have a HR monitor, aim to raise your heart rate as high as possible during sets, then aim to
bring it down as low as possible once each set is complete (a great range to play in is 150 beats per minute
during sets, 110 bpm after sets).
B1 Split-Squat (focus on contraction of hip flexor at bottom of every rep) 15 per side 0
0 (3 mins
B2 Step-Ups (calf to touch hamstring every rep) 15 per side
after last set)
Repeat exercises B1 and B2 (above) twice more (for a total of 3 rounds)

m u s c l e i n t e l l i g e n c e
Training at home

– This will require some dumbbells (or something like cans / bricks), or some bands

Movement REPS REST

C1 Railing Rows (4 sec hold in contraction) 20 0
15 - elbows drive down
C2 Band Rows 15 - elbows at 45º 0
15 - elbows parallel to ground
C3 Lying Pullover* 25 0
C4 Pike V-Crunches (spine straight) 30 0
10 secs - legs straight 0
C5 Pike V-Crunch Hold (spine straight) 10 secs - knees bent
10 secs - legs 4” off the floor
Hold 30 secs (normal set-up) 0
Walk feet in 12”, hold for 30s
C6 Forearm Plank
Walk feet in 12” more, hold for 30s
(total = 90 secs)
1 time through, no repeat

* Dumbbells, bands, or anything with resistance. This can be done effectively with no weight if you focus on
challenging the muscle.

– This will require some dumbbells (or something like cans / bricks)

Movement REPS REST

D1 Standing Curls (hold each rep for 3 secs) 10 0
D2 Seated Incline Curls (Super Slow eccentric) 10 0
Seated Spider Curls (forward lean at hips) – 10
D3 0
forward lean at hips (hold each rep for 2 secs)
D4 Pronated Hammer Curls * 10 0
5 nasal breaths: 0
D5 Wide Leg Forward Fold (spine straight) 5 secs in
5 secs out
1 time through, no repeat

* Go to complete failure, including partial reps.

m u s c l e i n t e l l i g e n c e
Training at home

Low Intensity Interval Training (LIIT)
20 Seconds at 70% Effort Choices: Burpees, High Knee Tuck Jumps,
Mountain Climbers
40 Seconds Recovery Walking or Cycling

Duration: 10 mins

Sit on the floor – spine vertical, perfectly arrowed straight – 4 seconds in, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds out, 4
seconds hold. This could be coupled with walking outside, sauna, meditation, or just laying down disconnected
from the world and connecting your body.
Duration: 10 mins

Day 4 (Full Body Circuit 2)

Movement REPS REST
40: 20 narrow - elbows in 0
A1 Push-Ups
20 wide - elbows out
Hold 20 secs (normal set-up)
Walk feet in 12”, hold for 20s
A2 Forearm Plank 0
Walk feet in 12” more, hold for 20s
(total = 60 secs)
5 nasal breaths:
A3 Downward Dog 5 seconds in 0
5 seconds out
3 Deep Expanded Inhalations with
A4 Upward Dog 0
5 second hold
Repeat exercises A1 through A4 above 3 more times (for a total of 4 rounds)

m u s c l e i n t e l l i g e n c e
Training at home

Movement REPS REST
On extended left arm: 20 secs 0
On extended right arm: 20 secs
B1 Side Plank
On left forearm (top leg lifted): 20 secs
On right forearm (top leg lifted): 20 secs
B2 Bear Crawls 20 Strides (can be in a small circle) 0
5 nasal breaths:
B3 Wide Stance Forward Fold 5 seconds in 0
5 seconds out
10: Left leg - Right leg extended in front
B4 Single Leg Squat (arrow spine) 0
10: Right leg - Left leg extended in front
Left leg - right leg extended (hold for 5 breaths)
B5 Side Squat (arrow spine) 0
Right leg - left leg extended (hold for 5 breaths)
B6 Burpees 10 0
Repeat exercises B1 through B6 above 3 more times (for a total of 4 rounds

Movement REPS REST
Bulgarian Split-Squats (back leg on chair / couch). Arms straight
C1 12 per side 0
over head.
C2 Push-Ups – Feet on couch or chair 20 0
C3 Push-Ups – Walk hands closer to feet, butt in air 12 0
C4 Push-Ups – Hold above position Hold for 30 seconds 0
Broomstick Raise – Wide-Grip, Straight Arm Raise to Overhead
C5 10 0
Broomstick Raise – Wide-Grip, Straight Arm Front Raise to
C6 10 0
Overhead Position (no spinal movement)
Broomstick Clean and Press (drag broomstick up your body to
C7 10 0
chin, then press)
C8 Narrow-Grip Broomstick Straight-Arm Raise to Overhead 10 0
C9 Seated Shoulder Press* 25 0
5 nasal breaths:
C10 Downward Dog 5 seconds in 0
5 seconds out
Repeat exercises C1 through C5 above 3 more times (for a total of 4 rounds)
* Sit on the floor, spine arrow straight, legs straight. Lift legs off ground while pressing (you won’t need heavy
weight for this one).

m u s c l e i n t e l l i g e n c e
Training at home

Low Intensity Interval Training (LIIT)
20 Seconds at 70% Effort Choices: Burpees, High Knee Tuck Jumps,
Mountain Climbers
40 Seconds Recovery Walking or Cycling

Duration: 10 mins

Sit on the floor – spine vertical, perfectly arrowed straight – 4 seconds in, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds out, 4
seconds hold. This could be coupled with walking outside, sauna, meditation, or just laying down disconnected
from the world and connecting your body.
Duration: 10 mins

Day 5 (Weekly Challenge Workout)

Movement sets reps REST
10 10 per side 30s (3 mins
A1 Step-Ups (all one side, then the other)
last set)
B1 Squats – Heels down, butt back 10 20 0
10 20 20s (3 mins
B2 Squats – Toes and knees forward
last set)
C1 Leg Raises 10 10 0
C2 Push-Ups 10 10 0

Progress exists in first getting better and better in the limited number of exercises within this program. We
intentionally included a high amount of variety within the week, so that 2-4 weeks of this program will not be
overly repetitive.

Stick with the same exercises for 2-4 weeks.

After 2 weeks we will have a fresh new plan for you on Muscle Intelligence Nation, but do not feel you have to
change if you’re enjoying this one. Feel free to continue it for 28 days.

m u s c l e i n t e l l i g e n c e
Training at home

The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical
advice or as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be
used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your
physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and
nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician
and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the
recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility
for your actions.

By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions
on the part of Pakulski Fitness International, there are risks of injury or illness
which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and
you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim
which you may have against Pakulski Fitness International, or its affiliates as a
result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a
result of, the use or misuse of the program.

m u s c l e i n t e l l i g e n c e

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