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Relaxo Lecture
20 Sept 2013

Delivered by Sanjay Bakshi and Ravi Purohit

As you all know, I had created a collaborative project on this company for each
class group. I have received submissions from each group. Good. There will be
more similar projects in the future.

I have here today with me, Ravi Purohit, who is CIO of Securities Investment
Management Pvt. Ltd which is a value investing firm in Mumbai. Ravi’s firm is
invested in Relaxo and we have been talking about this company for many years
now. Ravi was here to attend the company’s AGM and after the AGM we met with
the company’s senior management who initially gave us an hour but that meeting
ended up lasting more than three very fascinating hours. I will tell you about that
meeting on another occasion (when we come to management quality), but today, I
would like Ravi and I to provide you with answers to some of the questions I had
posed to each group in the class project.

Here is a picture we took inside the company’s HQ yesterday. As you know,

these three very popular movie icons are the company’s brand ambassadors.

I would like to start by citing one of my favourite Buffett quotes.


A company should be viewed as an unfolding movie, not as a still photograph.

Relaxo’s story would also be better understood if we were to follow Mr. Buffett’s
advice. So, let’s do that. But before we go in the “flash back” mode of the movie
which will show what the company looked like five or ten years ago, let’s look at the
current strategy being used by the company—because its very visible and very
important in understanding where this company is headed.

Take a look at these images and videos.


Over the last couple of years, Relaxo has used iconic brand ambassadors which
has hugely increased the company’s visibility.

Two questions here. First, Why does branding work? And second, how do we
know its working or not?

Let me answer the second question first. We know brands work, if they enable
the brand owner to earn superior returns on capital. Pure visibility is not enough.
Even market share gains is not enough. In the end branding should result in
superior profitability. One only has to think about the Kingfisher brand (of that
bankrupt airline company not that of the thriving booze company) to know that’s

In the case of Relaxo, the company earned a pre-tax Return on Equity (ROE) of


35% last year. 10 years ago that number was just 14%. I will put up the numbers in
a while.

Now, the first question. Why does branding work? Charlie Munger’s framework
of models from social psychology and a few models from microeconomics provide
the answer. The models from psychology are
1. Liking: We love the brand ambassadors and want to buy what they want us
to buy;
2. Pavlovian association: Almost all advertising is a form of creating positive
associations between a product or service and happiness and successful
brands get consumers to associate price with quality (watch this marvellous
Buffett video on Franchise Value:;
3. Social Proof: We want to be popular by buying and using stuff that everyone
else is using and people buy brands because other people buy brands;
4. Scarcity: Branded products are more exclusive than unbranded ones and that
adds value to them; and
5. Authority: Brand ambassadors are symbols of authority even though they
were just acting. Cialdini’s book cites the example of a very popular doctor
actor who subsequently endorses branded medicines on TV commercials.
And people buy those med because the “doc told them to” even when they
know the doc was just an actor.

Here are a few models from economics:

1. Price inelasticity: the really successful brands make consumers relatively
indifferent to price increases.
2. Aspirations: Almost every human being wants to get better, wants to move
ahead in life and generally speaking, even the poor people, who buy
unbranded products, aspire to buy branded ones one day. For millions of
such people in India that day has arrived. This demographic change is a key
theme for identifying businesses which benefit from this change, and Relaxo
happens to be one of them.

Ok, now let’s get back to Mr. Buffett’s idea of viewing company as an unfolding
movie, not as a still photograph. You will recall that in the last class I had talked
about the slow contrast effect (the boiling frog syndrome) wherein slow changes


tend to go unnoticed. In that context, I had shown examples where long-term

trends tend to go unnoticed if one looks at short term data. To see the unfolding
movie in Relaxo, I dealt with that problem by knocking out few years of data while
presenting it to you. I will now present you with three still photographs— Relaxo in
2003, in 2008, and 2013— omitting the data between those periods. This way, you’ll
see the unfolding movie emerging in Relaxo.

Still Photographs from 31 March 2003


On 31 March 2003, Relaxo had an aggregate equity market cap of just Rs 19 cr.
During FY03, the company earned a pre-tax profit of Rs 4.7 cr on revenues of Rs

151 cr. Pre-tax P/E was 4x.

Still Photographs from 31 March 2008

By the end of March 2008, the company equity market cap has risen to Rs 48 cr.
That’s 2.5 times the market cap five years earlier. Revenues for FY08 had grown to
Rs 316 cr and pretax earnings for that year soared to Rs 16.7 cr. Pre-tax P/E was
just 2.8x.



Still Photographs from 31 March 2013


Over the next five years, the company’s equity market cap soared to Rs 704 cr. (it
now stands at Rs 900 cr.) representing a jump of 15x in five years and 37x in ten


The typical reaction when someone sees figures like this is “OMG! it’s gone up so
much, how much further could it possibly go.” If you focus, however, on the
unfolding movie aspect of the company, you may look at things a bit differently.

For FY13, the Relaxo delivered revenues of Rs 1,016 cr. and pre-tax earnings of Rs
68 cr. At the year end market cap of Rs 704 cr., the pre-tax P/E was 10x and based
on the current market cap of Rs 900 cr., the pre-tax P/E multiple is 13x. So, clearly,
the company has enjoyed tremendous re-rating over the last few years, and I would
argue that a significant part of it can be explained by the company’s much more
visible efforts at branding.

Here is some key data over the last 10 years.

What’s staggering is that despite all the branding the company has done, it’s average


realisation per pair of footwear is just Rs 100! That’s less than $2.

A Role Model for Relaxo

Now, take a look at the world’s most popular brand in flip flops— a Brazilian one
called Havaianas (pronounced “haaveeyaaanaas”) where starting prices are $18.

Watch this video:

And this one:

This is the same company profiled in a book on branding which I read recently, and
I had send that excerpt to you. You can get it again from here.

This company sells high-end flip flops for $90 on


It also sells them at high prices in India.


Check out their site from

And this video by a somewhat nutty affluent urban Indian:

When I discussed Havaianas with the company’s senior management, the Managing
Director told me that one day they want to be them.

So, now we know where Relaxo is coming from and where it wants to go. Will it
succeed? I don’t know the answer to that question but I do know that the company
is trying!

Warren Buffett’s Earnings Retention Test

One of the things, I had asked one of the groups to do was to figure out how good
the company has been in creating value for stockholders. Specifically, I wanted you
to estimate how every rupee earned but not paid out as dividend showed up as
incremental market value.

Investors make money either through dividends or capital gains. When a company
decides to retain money and not pay it out as dividends, the only logical reason for

that is that the company expects the retention to be beneficial to stockholders. If,
for every one rupee retained, incremental market value is Rs 5, why should
investors complain about low dividends? Relaxo pays a low dividend but for every
rupee it did not pay as dividend became worth much more in incremental market
value of the investors’ shares. See table below.

Why did this happen?

Two possible reasons: (1) the company was able to compound money internally at a
high rate of return; and/or (2) the market was irrational (either the starting market
cap was too low or the ending market cap was too high). Warren Buffett deals with
that problem by checking the validity of earnings retention on a five year rolling
basis. Here’s what he writes in his “Owners Manual,” a document you should read
over and over again until its words are deeply etched in your memory.

“We test the wisdom of retaining earnings by assessing whether retention, over time,
delivers shareholders at least $1 of market value for each $1 retained. To date, this test
has been met. We will continue to apply it on a five-year rolling basis.”

We will do this exercise later on in BFBV.

In the case of Relaxo, I believe that both reasons apply. First, the initial market cap
used to make the computations was too low (recall the low P/E in 2003 and 2008).
And second, the company has been able to deliver a high ROE over the last few
years, as the table below shows:


Economic Earnings Vs. Reported Earnings

Intuitively, these numbers look very impressive buy why? Because they are way
above passive rates of return. I use AAA bond yields as a proxy for passive rates of
return. At present pre-tax AAA bond yields are between10 and 11%. And because
Relaxo earns a pre-tax ROE of 35% that’s impressive (Notice that by comparing
pretax AAA bond yields with pre-tax ROE, I am comparing apples with apples)
even though they are based on reported earnings. Are economic earnings in Relaxo
higher than reported ones? I believe they are for two reasons. Let me explain:

Take a look at the company’s latest annual P&L account:

Take a look at the highlighted numbers. For FY13, Relaxo’s financial books show
that it earned a pre-tax profit of Rs 67 cr., after spending Rs 144 cr. on sales and
distribution expenses. What’s the nature of these expenses? To see that, look at the
table below which provides details.


The company has spent a huge amount of money on advertisement and publicity
and sales promotions and incentives. And the company has also spent substantial
sums on brand ambassadors and is charging off that expenditure over two years.
The amount not yet charged off but already paid is recorded as prepaid expenses, as
the table below shows. These will be written off in FY14.

All that money spent on marketing in a year is charged off as an expense for that
year (except that paid to brand ambassadors which is charged off over two years).
Now, think about this for a moment. What is expense? And what is investment?

If the benefits accruing to the company are likely to be of an enduring nature, it

would be appropriate to treat the expenditure as a capital item and not a revenue
item and therefore amortise (just a fancy word which means to spread over) it over
more than one year. After all, this is exactly what we do with fixed assets, right? We
buy them for Rs 100 and depreciate them over ten years, reducing profit by Rs 10
every year.

That same logic applies to Relaxo (although when we later deal with periods of
amortisation for such expenditure, we will assume much lesser number of years
than ten years).

All of those branding efforts we talked about earlier— do they not have an enduring
advantage? And if they do, would it not be appropriate to spread them over a
number of years instead of charging them off in a single year?

Now, this is dangerous stuff, as you can understand because it allows subjectivity,
something accountants don’t like very much. This kind of stuff, wrongly used, can
allow you to inflate profits, something accountants don’t want you to do and
something I don’t want you to do either. But, unlike the accountants, I would rather
be subjectively right than be objectively wrong (paraphrasing Keynes here). So, I
propose two tests both of which are met by Relaxo.

Before treating money spent on marketing as capex and not as a revenue item
ensure that
1. ROE before that treatment is high; and
2. The company is gaining market share

The logic of the second test is that if the money is being spent to just maintain
market share, then it can’t be having an enduring benefit. You are spending it just to
stay where you are, not to get ahead in life. That kind of money spending is of a
defensive nature. If you spend it, you don’t move ahead, and if you don’t, you’ll fall
behind. (Remember the Red Queen Effect mental model). But if money spend is
enabling you to gain market share— and that is exactly what is happening with
Relaxo as it’s growing much faster than the industry— then it would be right for us
to assume that the expenditure has an enduring advantage. This assumption, once
made, must be subject to revision based on the behaviour of competitors—
something that I will cover in detail later on in BFBV.

So, that’s the first reason why I think that Relaxo’s reported earnings understate
true economic earnings. By how much? That’s something we will discuss later when
we come to valuation, but for the moment all I want to claim is that the earlier
computations which make the company look very profitable were based on
accounting earnings which are lower than economic earnings.

Incidentally, there is something of a pattern here, isn’t it? If Relaxo’s earnings are
understated for reasons mentioned above, then surely there must be other companies

which also spend significant amounts on sales and distribution (btw, the same logic
applies to R&D expenditure too), earn high ROE even before treating such
expenditure as capex, and are also gaining market share on a sustainable basis. I
think, it would be useful for you to search for, and study those companies.

The second reason why Relaxo’s reported earnings understate economic earnings is
to do with its receivables as the table below shows:

As the company has become more powerful in its market, it has increasingly been
able to demand earlier payments from its customers. This is exactly the kind of trend
you should look out for. In the case of Relaxo, its customers can’t be relaxed about
payments due to the company. The retail customers, of course, must pay at the time
of sale and increasingly so must the company’s wholesale distributors. The company
now offers credit of only a few days to its largest and oldest distributors. All new
growth through newer distributors will be coming from customers who will pay in
advance of taking delivery.

Isn’t that cool? If Relaxo grows backed by its branding efforts and also because of
the growth of the market, would not receivables become negative? And if that
happened, would not the company’s working capital requirements go down? And if
that happened, would not the company’s need to carry debt diminish over time?
That answer to all of those questions is yes. Incidentally, this kind of thinking is
consistent with thinking of a company as an evolving movie and not a still
photograph except that here we are focusing on evolutionary changes (which tend
to go unnoticed until you look at the big picture by standing back and ignoring
interim noise) in the quality of the company’s balance sheet over time.

But none of what I just told you tells you anything about why this company’s
reported earnings are lower than economic ones because of its working capital
cycle. I will defer that for a later date but if you’re curious, you may want to read up

Entry Barriers

I had asked one of the groups to think about entry barriers. The only reason why
Relaxo will continue to earn high ROE would be to do with entry barriers. Warren
Buffett warns us of companies which have temporarily high ROEs which will

“A truly great business must have an enduring “moat” that protects excellent returns on
invested capital. The dynamics of capitalism guarantee that competitors will repeatedly
assault any business “castle” that is earning high returns. Therefore a formidable
barrier such as a company’s being the low- cost producer (GEICO, Costco) or possessing
a powerful world-wide brand (Coca-Cola, Gillette, American Express) is essential for
sustained success. Business history is filled with “Roman Candles,” companies whose
moats proved illusory and were soon crossed.”

Is Relaxo a roman candle? Or does it have significant entry barriers which will
prevent competition from destroying its ability to earn high ROE.

I’ll let Ravi do a thought experiment with you to find out.

Ravi takes over…

Ok, imagine that someone gave you a bundle of cash and told you to go and take
market share from Relaxo. How would you do that?

Well, one way you won’t do that is by selling unbranded footwear. The unbranded
footwear market has been losing market share to branded players like Bata, Relaxo,
and Liberty for years and that trend is unlikely to reverse. So, you’ll have to go the
branding way.

Now, the question is how do you compete with a fellow who sells 100 million pairs
of branded footwear in year and makes less than Rs 5 per pair?

You can’t obviously start with manufacturing capability anywhere close to that of
Relaxo, right? So, let’s assume you start with 10 million pairs a year, which by the

way, is no mean feat (pun intended). Now, to take market share from Relaxo, you’ll
have to do several things together. For example, you’ll have to:

1. Price your products lower that those of Relaxo to attract customers; and
2. You’ll have to offer a lot of credit to your customers— something Relaxo does
not have to do; and
3. Like Relaxo, you will still have to spend large sums of money on marketing
and branding; and
4. You’ll have to pay higher prices for raw material than Relaxo because you’d
be a much smaller customer for those gigantic suppliers of EVA; and
5. You’ll have to pay those suppliers much earlier than Relaxo pays its suppliers.

If you do the math, by looking at financial statements of Relaxo, you will quickly
conclude that it’s just not worth it. Why? Because you’ll have to tolerate negative
margins and much larger working capital requirements— a sort of a double
whammy when it comes to the viability of your plans.

Just as an example, let’s talk about advertisement and publicity expenses. In FY 13,
Relaxo spent Rs 55 cr. on this line item and sold 100 million pairs of footwear, so the
amount spent was Rs 5.50 per pair. If you were going to sell 10 million pairs, how
much money you’d have to spend on advertisement and publicity? For starters, you
simply won’t be able to afford brand ambassadors like Mr. Salman Khan, Ms.
Katrina Kaif, and Mr. Akshay Kumar. Those icons don’t come cheap. So, you won’t
have the volume to justify hiring iconic brand ambassadors.

The amount of money Relaxo spends on ad and publicity expenditure is like a fixed
cost. As volume goes up, cost per pair of footwear sold comes down. If you had to
spend Rs 55 cr. on ads and publicity and have a business volume of 10 million pairs,
you’d be spending Rs 55 per pair! Even if you spent Rs 25 cr., that would translate
into Rs 25 per pair of footwear. Just the prospect of that is so scary that if you’re
rational, you won’t do it.

Of course people are not always rational, so the probability of irrational competition
is not zero, but it’s very very low.

There’s beauty in low margins. Philip Fisher, in his wonderful book, “Conservative
Investors Sleep Well” writes:

“High profit margins may be compared to an open jar of honey owned by the prospering
company. The honey will inevitably attract a swarm of hungry insects bent on devouring
it. In the business world there are but two ways a company can protect the contents of its
honey jar from being consumed by the insects of competition. One is by monopoly, which
is usually illegal, although, if the monopoly is due to patent protection, it may not be. In

any event, monopolies are likely to end quite suddenly and do not commend themselves as
vehicles for the safest type of investing. The other way for the honey-jar company to keep
the insects out is to operate so much more efficiently than others that there is no incentive
for present or potential competition to take action that will upset the existing situation.”

By keeping margins low (due to high spent on ad and publicity), Relaxo is likely to
keep competitors at bay, isn’t it? And because of its efficiency (as reflected by high
turnover ratios), the company can still earn a very respectable ROE.

What you just saw was an example of a very powerful model — Economies of Scale—
which explains to a very large extent, Relaxo’s ability to earn a high ROE on a
sustainable basis. Charlie Munger in his famous talk on Elementary Worldly
Wisdom said something which apply applies to Relaxo:

“In terms of which businesses succeed and which businesses fail, advantages of scale are
ungodly important.

For example, one great advantage of scale taught in all of the business schools of the
world is cost reductions along the so-called experience curve. Just doing something
complicated in more and more volume enables human beings, who are trying to improve
and are motivated by the incentives of capitalism, to do it more and more efficiently.

The very nature of things is that if you get a whole lot of volume through your joint, you
get better at processing that volume. That's an enormous advantage. And it has a lot to
do with which businesses succeed and fail....

For example, you can get advantages of scale from TV advertising. When TV advertising
first arrived when talking color pictures first came into our living rooms it was an
unbelievably powerful thing. And in the early days, we had three networks that had
whatever it was say 90% of the audience.

Well, if you were Proctor & Gamble, you could afford to use this new method of
advertising. You could afford the very expensive cost of network television because you
were selling so many cans and bottles. Some little guy couldn't. And there was no way of
buying it in part. Therefore, he couldn't use it. In effect, if you didn't have a big volume,
you couldn't use network TV advertising which was the most effective technique. So when
TV came in, the branded companies that were already big got a huge tail wind. Indeed,
they prospered and prospered and prospered until some of them got fat and foolish, which
happens with prosperity - at least to some people….”

So the two things that explain Relaxo’s ability to earn high ROEs on a sustainable
basis are brands and low cost advantage arising out of scale.

What Else To Like About Relaxo?


Ravi Purohit speaks:

There are a few more things about Relaxo which I want to highlight. First, this is
not a business that is going to become obsolete anytime. Unlike high technology
businesses (think Nokia and Blackberry— so much for high switching costs of
BBM that tomorrow it will be available as an app across platforms), the rate of
change in this business is very very small. I am reminded of what Mr. Buffett wrote
in one of his letters to the shareholders of Berkshire:

“Our criterion of “enduring” causes us to rule out companies in industries prone to rapid
and continuous change. Though capitalism’s “creative destruction” is highly beneficial
for society, it precludes investment certainty. A moat that must be continuously rebuilt
will eventually be no moat at all.”

Clearly, neither will people go back to being barefoot like their distant ancestors,
nor will the technology involved in this business resemble that of the conditions that
exist in, say, the semiconductor industry. And we love to invest in such businesses
because they are so predictable.

The other thing I love about Relaxo is how it’s moved up the value chain over the
years. Many many years ago, the company used to be a contract manufacturer for
Nike. Today, it’s one of the world’s largest non-leather footwear manufacturer with
branded products.

Notice how price realisation per pair of footwear has increased over time. At
present, the company is realising just Rs 100 per pair of footwear despite it having
trebled over the last ten years. The average retail price that customers pay is about
Rs 160 per pair. And what’s Rs 160 bucks today for Relaxo’s target market segment
— India’s growing middle class?

Not much! Indeed, as a percentage of disposable income it’s very small. (Notice the
high contrast effect at work here. As the disposable incomes keep on rising, a pair of
footwear— even that whose prices also keep on rising— takes a very small share of
that disposable income). And that makes customers relatively price insensitive. One
great example of that is Gillette blades. The amount of money a man spends on
shaving in a year as a proportion to his annual income is very low. So, even though
the blade prices keep rising, the amount of saving by switching to a lower-cost
brand is not worth a lot a money. And Gillette’s intelligent branding efforts and

advertisements (“the best a man can get”) don’t make it easy for its customers to
switch to lower cost brands.

So, very possibly there is untapped pricing power in Relaxo, which is a significant
source of value. Over time, I expect two things to happen in Relaxo: (1) Average
realisation will continue to grow; and (2) Costs will not grow in line with average
realisation. So, margins will improve. The evidence supporting this can be seen
from the table below:

Notice the long-term change that has happened here. The company’s gross margin
(Revenues less Raw Material Cost) in FY03 was 30%. In FY 08 that was 40% and
in FY13 it was 54%. For companies moving up the value chain, monitoring gross
margin is key because that tells you whether or not the company is becoming
relatively immune to raw material price hikes. As the above table shows, Relaxo
has, over time, become relatively immune from raw material price risk and that is
just what you should expect from a company that moves successfully from being a
commodity player to becoming a branded one.

Notice also, how the rise in Gross Margin over the years, was translated into the
rise in EBITDA margins. A lot of these costs are of fixed nature. For example, the
company hired Accenture to help it in supply chain management. The cost of that is
charged off to P&L every year but its not going to change as the business grows.

Last year the company also hired 500 people in its marking team (of which 350
were retained) and their cost is eating into the margins right now, but as business
volume grows, their cost as percentage of revenues will come down.

The point I am trying to make is a simple one. Once you’ve started earning a high
gross margin, a lot of the subsequent costs are of fixed nature and as the business
grows their impact on per unit volume becomes smaller and smaller. And operating
leverage is very attractive from investment perspective especially in companies which
are likely to grow.

Another thing to like about Relaxo is that this is a tough business to get into. The
company has eight manufacturing plants and has more than 9,000 employees the
vast majority of whom are employed in those plants. Employing thousands of
workers in manufacturing plants in India is not a joke and that’s another thing to
think about when you think about entry barriers.

In addition to the above, what I love about Relaxo is its growth potential. As you
know, in FY 13, the company sold 100 million pairs, mostly to Indians (the
company has insignificant exports). But India has a population of 1.2 billion and
rising! So, clearly the company has a huge potential to grow. The company’s latest
annual report provides some data:

“The size of Indian footwear market is around Rs 26,300 crores and expected to reach Rs
38,700 crores with a CAGR of 15% by 2015. At present, Men's contribute around 60%
of footwear market against Women's share of 30%. Men's market is growing at a
CAGR of 10% & Women's market is growing at a much faster CAGR of 20 %. India
controls 15% of annual global footwear production.

Indian footwear retail is mainly an unorganized market with around 60% market share.
The size of the organised sector which was around Rs 7,500 crores in 2010 increased to Rs
10,000 crores in 2011, growing at a CAGR of 30% every year since 2008. The market is
expected to reach Rs 17,500 crores by 2015 growing at a CAGR of 19% p.a.”

I am confident that Relaxo will continue to grow faster than the market by taking
market share from the unorganised players— just as it has been doing over the last
several years.

Can the company self-fund that growth? This is a very important question because,
other things remaining the same, the attractiveness of a business which can self-
fund growth is far more than that of one which can’t. Post its IPO, the company has
not issued any additional shares to fund its growth. And company was far less
profitable in its early years than it now is. Management informs us that for the next
couple of years, there will be very little capex. The quality of the balance sheet is
going to continue to improve as positive receivables move towards becoming

negative, thereby reducing working capital requirements. Internal cash flow

generation will be more than sufficient to finance the growth of Relaxo over the
next several years.

How big can Relaxo become? That’s a speculative question. It would be over-
optimistic to take recent high growth rates and project them into eternity but I
believe that the company’s ability to sell 250 million pairs of footwear a decade from
now (at higher realisations and higher margins) is well within its reach.



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