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Mice a \ A NEW TYPOLOGY ON ALFRED ADLER BY i e ‘| As yovna nnow. PaN-9N 14/16 Md (03-6482620 51 | LIT “Prdorities" - Typology* A priority 4s a precedence established by order of importance or urgency. It is a summary (shorthand) statement about a person's convictions which answers the questions "What 4s most dmportant to me?'=-within my ow life style--and "What must I avoid most?" There 1s an obvious connection between the answers to the first and the second question. " Bvery person has all of the following four priorities and therefore operates within a hierarchy, that is, one priority first, and then the other three, in decreasing intensity. Priorities should not serve to label people, since priorities Fepresent only one facet of a person's life style, and does not adequately describe the complexity of a whole human being. However, a priority is like a calling card. It indicates, by a person's relationship with others, what that person values most. Positive and Negative Priorities Most Important To Be avoided Most Comfort Stress , Acceptance (Pleasing) Rejection Control Humiliation Superiority Meaninglessness ‘The following tabulation summarizes the four priorities and their main indicators and relates them to their graphological pointers. * Based on concepts of Alfred Adler's Individual Psychology this typology was introduced by Nira Kefir and William L. Pew, See W.L. Pew, The Number One Priority (St. Paul, Minnesota, 1976). Priority Indicators —- A. Confort 1. Reluctance to change priorities 2. Reduced productivity Predictibility 4. Eesy disposition 5. Preference for a comfortable environment 6. Optimism 7, Peacemaking inclination 8. Diplomatic Ability 9. Tendency toward minding one's own business 10. De-emphasis of differences 11. Lack of high aspirations, self-containnent 12, Modesty 13. Mellouness 14. Empathy 15. Considerateness 16. Flexibilicy * Jo Baxter, Style Fvaluatdon (1973). Graphological Indicators -~ Regularity, upright SL, pre- ference for left TR, excrone connectedness Looped garland or arcade, fullness, simplification level below form level* (See 1.) Roundedness, fullness, good Mz (See 4.) Rising lines, good rhytha, strong movements to right Roundness, preference for right SL Slightly diminishing end of words, terminal threading Space between words larger than “n upright SL., closed o's and (See 7.) : Underdeveloped uz Small writing, low PR Roundedness Well rounded form, light PR, right SL Round connection and forms, noderately extended finals, small and even spaces between words, right TR Garland, fluidity, ease in connecting, chread, right TR, moderate speed 8 Confort (Continued 717. Quietness 18. Avoidance of extremes . and confrontation 19. Interest tn own conforc, tess so in that of others - 20. Inststence on ov inmediate Bratificacion \[21. Avoidance of Tesponsibilities and expectations 22. Retreat fYon Browth-producing conflict Acceptance (Pleasing) 1. Little self-respect 2. Non-expectance of respect from others 3. Soctabtiity 4+, Tendency to perform 3. Perceptiveness “6. Friéndl iness 7. Considerateness Willingness to volunteer 9. Flextbitity 10. Avoidance of confrontation U1. Fapathy Steady base line, slomess, goog Spatial arrangemene Avoldance of extrenes in hand- writing, no zona) interference Turned-around eng strokes, excess PR in down stroke Excess circularity, cumed- around end stroke, hasty writing Secondary threading, double bow Connections, neglect of forge Underdevelo, balance, 111 defin, (See 1.) Persona writing Original foras, Style value writing, breaks in high 800d spacing (Sees. 14 (See 4.15.) es; Bhay (See 4.16.) (See 4.18, (See A.14,) B. Acceptance (Pleasin: 12 13. we 15. 16. ad Cont'd.) Tendency to meet the expectation of others Generosity Peacemaking inclination Lack of aggressiveness Avoidance of risks Cc. Control 1 a. Distance Reduced spontaneity Leadership ability Organizing ability Reliability Tendency toward being conscious of time and tact Productivity Practicability Right SL light PR, rounded con- nections, moderate speed, large writing Wide distafite berekn letyars TAWNIR, cohexStenck 41 Egxins } (See A.7.) i Low PR, roundedness, finals diminishing in size and widch Large right margin, narrow writing, no extremes, reduced PR, hugging base line Large distance between words and letters, upright or backward SL, narrowness Slowness, rigid regularity, preference for up and down movement Right trend, moderate primary PR, good legibility Good spacing, accuracy of writing, attentive to details Formal regularity, good balance of zones, no extremes Good sense for space, moderate to small size in comparison to formac Fairly regulated movesent Good space, fairly stable baseline, RU Rae fore, prausae, Control (Continued) Sentrol (Continued) 1. Persistence 2, 13, 14. 15. 18, Assertiveness Righteousness Preciseness Predictability Ambittousness Industriousness Courageousness Withdrawing abiiity Self-suffictency Bossiness Competitiveness Tendency toward depression Moderately large writing, possible angularity, PR on down strokes, emphasis on caps Eaphasis on regularity, possible angularity Attention to detail, preference for small writing, accuracy of forns Regularity (not rigid) fatriy stable base line, no extrenes geht trend, fullness, emphasis on Uz or Lz 1 Moderate speed, right trend, good rhythm, moderately connected Right SL, right TR, moderate PR Upright SL, de-emphasis on end of words Upright SL, moderately developed fers) Moderate PR, proper space between words Moderate, latge writing, likely angularity PR, large caps large caps, preference for angulariz: L2 emphasis, weak PR, disturbed rhythm, large distance becusen Lines D. Superiority 1. Disposition toward creating Cne-up-down relationship with others Competence 3. Persistence Idealism Moral Sense Wllingness to expand one~ Self for the improvement of the society Publications mentioned " Suite 2012, Oversized caps, enriched writing Good MZ, good legibility, ag curacy of form Formal regular connectedness, fairly small writing, no neglect, of form Emphasis on UZ, right TR Sense for form | Right TR, emphasis on finals, right SL, medium to small space between words 7. Desire to save tine SitPlification, moderate speed, right T " 8. Inclination toward caramels on caps. (including cap. Hf self-assertion, to and fro. novenents self-glorification, self-advancenent Abbrectations used: 12 lower zone NZ middle zone UZ upper cone SL sant PR pressure TR trend ¥ See Jane Wogent Green, Yor tea Zour Private "I", (se. peut, Minnesota, 1975), nes # Sein, The Character Serusete tt Neuroses (Wsetdichis Nethod)® New York 1934. 200 ch sovetlable from Manhattan Handvriting Consultants, 250 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019. Priority Type: COMFORT Howeses, T hare heady plauwed sere Covinl to WL so Tan samy to ; Tule mol le alle bo ree Jou eek 1 ee be Tur Mp ue Sey ies tops Weciley p wwe fe ‘orpaty Celie pus. roesy bs Qucdhuy ZT can po lances cope OH Tanks sud fe. > ¢ pus pour tug Ci abalile onl Baicel « HO, eseuiut lawl ne cu Cuecl lene \ee tee cee Suuclay of ati lo ce we) f pra, Raps xy sys Priority Type: PLEASING See ef" ee rtm ape ae OR i Bintang ib Ace dl a Reel amr 2 xr 002, fee ee Female, 53, R. | Priority Type: CONTROL vate, 31, 5. And so GQ. Za 7 aks iA Uns. fo wocity. SON ps Boar sh dé da covid unombi gate = unpulsina | orks | of Wolo Woe proves to lye + hoo | long lve Suppoae. 4o costuse TOT ah be ebovmind na ay eat erent We wad thas eX Q Priority Type: SUPERIORITY Male, 61, R J bd ebsife —Anee fe fe 4 Wtncte fs ig Male” 7. GU teas sas pte. doliged! & he’ SYMEL ied dbertenkls” eg luck as Ms ie a ay AS Aiea’ o- Confort Priority Indicaters Reluctance to change priorities Reduced productivity Graphological Indicators Regularity, upright slant, preference For left trend, extrene connectecness Looped garlands or arcades, fullness, simplification level below Form level Scoce for: 7 Boginst; x. js. Predictability (see 1) Is. Easy disposition 5. Prererence for a comfortable environment Roundedness, fullness, good micdle Zone (see 4) ls. Optimism 7. Peacemaking inclination Rising lines, good rhythin, strong movement to right Roundedness, preference for right slent Jb. Oiptomatic ability Slightly diminishing end of words, terminal threading . Tendency toward minding one's own business Space between words larger than slant, closed o's and als upright p. Oe-emphasis of differences (see 7) |). Lack of nigh aspira- tions, self-contain- ment, Underdeveloped upper zone . Modesty Small writing, low pressure |. Mellonness Roundedness 7 i. Empathy Well rounds: rignt slant ‘orms, Tight pressure; . Considerateness Found connections and forms, moderately extended finals, small and even spaces, between words, right trend . Flexibility }) Quietness | Avoidance of extremes and confrontations Garland, fluidity, ease in connecting, thread right trend, moderate speed Steady base line, slowness, good spacial arrangement. Avoidance of extremes in handwriting, na zonal interference . Interest in own com- fort less so in that of others Turned-around end strokes, excessive pressure in down strokes }. Insistence on inmed~ late gratification Excessive circularity, turned around end Strokes, hasty writing |) Avoidance of respon- sibilities & expect, Secondary threading, double bow conn. neglect of forms |. Retreat From qrawth- Proaucing conflicts (see 18) PRLORITY SCORE SHEET by Felix klein consistency in upper zone forms Score Pleasing (Acceptance) “ Priority Indicators Graphological Indicators for” against \ Little self-respect Underdeveloped middle zone, poor Zona ; belence, i11 defined forms, poor spacing, | imbalances copitel 1 ! | Non-expectance of resect | (see 1] ' 1 From others z | i asset | Sociebitity + Even and small spaces beneen words, good t movenent, right trend especially in upper | zone, finals extended peer to perform Personne writing Ferceptiveness Original farms, breaks in high style velue writing, good spacing Friendliness Well rounded Forms, light pressure, Fight slent i Considerateness Round connections end forms, moderately i extended finals, small and even spaces i between words, right trend J Willingness to volunteer | More alackness than rigidity Flexibility Garland, fluidity, ease in connecting, thread] eee right trend, moderate speed | Avoidance of Avoidance of extrenes in hendwritings confrontation ro zonel interference Empathy (see 6) a Tendency to meet the Right slent , light pressure, rounded al expectations of others | connections, moderate speed, large writing Generosity Wide distance between letters, right trend, Peacemaking inclination Roundedness, preference for right slant Lack of aggressiveness Low pressure, rpundedness, finals diminishing in size end width Avoidence of risks Large right margin, narrow writing, no extremes, recuced pressure, hugging the base line AItTY SCORE SHEET by Felix Klein trol against X Friority Indicetors Grephological Indicators I. Distance Large distance between words and letters, lupright or backward slant, narrowness 2. Reduced spontaneity [Slowness,-rigid regularity, preference For up yement ste pb. Reduced creativity Littia development of writing, lack of ; re simplification I. Leadership ability Fight trend, moderate primary pressure, /-— good legibility i. Organizing ability Good spacing, accuracy oF writing; L attentive to details . Reliability Formal regularity, good balance oF Zones; — pg_extrenes Tendency of being Good sense for space, moderate to svall— fae conscious of time size in comparison to format and tact. p. Productivit Fairly regulated movewent = hb. Practicability Good space, Fairly stable base tine s7all writing forms, accuracy Law abigance: No neglect of form, fot extremely sisck ar Plaid —= |. Persistence Formal regularity, connectedness, Fairly small iting form neglect Assertiveness Moderately large writing, possible angularity, pressure on down stroves, enphasia on caps I alaneioosness Enphosig on regulerity, possible anavlerity fi Frecieoness Attention to cetelly oraFerance Far avell sFTEIRG eniraby of rare Predictability Regularity (not rigid) Felrly stable base Tine, 10. extremes Responsibility Formal regularity, ro variation In siant, ow pressure, distinctive upper zone |. ambi tlousnecs Right trend, Fullnest, emphasis on Upper oF lower zone |. Industricusness Moderete speed, right trend, good rhytha, i moderately conected _ Courageousness Right slant, right erend, woderate presaire ; Withdrawing ebilit, Upright slant, de-enphasia on end oF vores » Self-aufFiciency Upright slant, moderately developed cops, moderate pressure, proper space between nords , Bossiness Thoderste large writing, angularity Iikely, F lpressure, large cops | Competitiveness TLarge caps, preference for angularity ~ Tendency toward Loner Zone emphasis, weak pressirs, dTStUTOEr cepression rhythm, larga distance between Lines ERIORITY SCORE SHEET by Felix klein ERT ORITY SCORE SHEET Priority Indicators Superiority Graphological Indicators + Disposition toward creating one-up-down relationship with others! Oversized caps, enriched writing for | Competence Good middie zone, good legibility, accurecy of form s Persistence Formal regularity, connectedness, fairly smell writing, no neglect of form Idealism Emphasis on upper zone right treng iMoral sense Sense for form -nillingness to expand oneself for the im- provement of the society Right trend, emphasis on finals, right slant, medium to smell space between words Desire to save time Simplification, moderate speed, right trend Inclination toward self-essertion self-glorification self-advencenent Emphasis on caps (including capital I,) to and fro movement i PRIORITY QRE SHEET by Fellx klein SORE SHEET Superiority Priority Indicators Graphological Indicstors Score fory ‘against p| Disposition toward ereating one-up-donn | relationship with others! Oversizes caps, enriched writing *) Competence Sood middle zone, good legibility, accuracy of Form Persistence Formal regularity, connectedness, fairly smell writing, no neglect of form Idealism Emphasis on upper zone right. trend Moral sense Sense for form hillinoness to expand oneself for the im- provement of the society Right trend, emphasis on finals, right slant, medium to small space between words Desire to save time Simplification, moderate speed, Fight trend nclination tonard self-assertion self-glorification self-advancenent Emphasis on caps (including capital I,) to and fro movement

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