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… that is used in various field, in particular: algorithmic composition, acoustic

research, interactive programming and live coding or for other applications.
… the programming language SC is included in what I intend as “environment”, it’s
part of the environment

5. They looks totally different in comparison with SC. The most evident difference
is that the other environments are graphical and SC is textual as other
environments like ChucK or CSound. But in Max you can write objects in
javascript etc..
The result of this difference is that SC can be less intuitive to the user.
Because the interface is textual and the user is supposed to write and
manipulating raw code which is difficult, in relation of seeing and interacting with
a GUI like the typical computer-user is used to.
SuperCollider also require prerequisites in sound synthesis and algorithmic music
composition, as well as in computer programming. And also, it demands an
understanding of certain informatics-derived concepts. However, these obstacles
I find are in reality the true power of SC: there would be no other way to arrive at
a system equally versatile, efficient, and expressive in terms of easy to use
symbolic representations.

6. To give you a very stupid example of this efficiency I’ll show you something
directly in SC. Example with mix 10 oscillators multiples of 50 Hz. I mean, this is
a stupid example but shows how flexible it is working with textual GUI instead of

7. Let’s go then of course through the history of the software …

James McCartney is not the songwriter son of Paul McCartney of Beatles…
Computer engineer that founded also Level Control Systems. And after supercollider
he became developer of key parts of Apple's CoreAudio architecture for Mac for 16 years.
point1 I think it’s quite clear
Point2 a software that can read and write audio in real time using the Macintosh sound
manager in and out ports or by streaming audio from and to a file.
Point3 Users can create their own graphic control panels for their program
Point4 a software that provides an easy means to graphically edit single cycle wave
Point 5 The sliders in the control panel can be assigned to MIDI controllers and controlled
in real time during execution.
Point6 Many unit generators are provided (like SinOsc that I already showed to you)

8. I find that the most important structural improvements through the history of the.
Software are this:
But we can say that the core functionality is quite the same as beginning

9. Let’s say that a really important, if not the most important part of the developing of
the environment and his history is the community. Here you can see …
What I find really important about the community is not only that only improved the
software itself, but these are really platforms where users discuss and publish own and
not own things. This phenomenon has then aesthetic implications. Because people, for
example influence each other (also aesthetichally) or starts projects together, or start to
use the environment in the same way or little sub-community are born. One quite huge
sub-community is for example the community of live-coders.
And this is a very clear example of how the structure of a software can have direct
aesthetic consequences.
You have often this performances with a guy coding in real time and a screen behind
This real-time flexibility to do live programming can be achieved very easily in SC, that’s
the reason why there is no such community inside for example Max or PD community.

5 min timer

A work made with SC of the last few years that I find particularly relevant in the
field of instrumental composition is Systema Naturae by Mauro Lanza and Andrea
Valle. Systema Naturae is a cycle of pieces divided in four part as the
homonymous work of the doctor, botanist and naturalist Carl Linnaeus. Each part
of Systema Naturae is dedicated to a different Kingdom of Nature. It is a work for
ensemble and an electro-mechanical orchestra of objects, controlled by several
Arduino, which plays together with the musicians of the ensemble, who, very
precise, follow the rhythmic pulse of a click, which ensures synchronization with
the objects.

After this presentation maybe

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