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Section A
1. What must be your car’s average speed in order to travel 235 km in 3.25 h?   (72.3 km/h)  

2. A bird can fly 25 km/h. How long does it take to fly 15 km? (36 minute) 

3. If you are driving 11 km/h along a straight road and you look to side for 2.0 s, how far do
you travel during this inattentive period? (6.1 m)  

4. A particle at t1 = 2.0 s is at x1= 3.4 cm and at t2= 8.5 s is at x2 = 8.5 cm. What is its average
velocity? (0.78 cm/s)  

5. A rolling ball moves from x1 = 3.4 cm to x2 = -4.2 cm during the time from t1=3.0 s to t2 = 6.1
s. what is its average velocity? (-2.45 cm/s)  

Section B

1. An object accelerates from rest in 3 s till it reaches a speed of 18 ms -1.  Then the object
moves with constant speed for 5 s before it decelerates and stop moving 6 s later. 
a) sketch a graph of velocity versus time to show the motion of the object. 
b) compute the acceleration for the object in the first 3 s. 

2. A stone is launched straight up from the ground with an initial speed of 20 ms -1.  Compute
a) maximum height reached by the stone. 
b) total time taken to travel the maximum height. 
3. Figure below shows a graph of velocity, v against time, t of a moving body. 
a) state the physical quantities usually used in kinematics 
b) compute the acceleration at t = 5 s.  

4. A motorcycle is travelling at 28 ms-1 when the brake is applied.  It slowed down to a speed
of 10ms-1 within 6 s.  Compute 
a) The acceleration of the motorcycle. 
b) The distance traveled during the 6 s interval. 

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