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The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki


The atomic explosion of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had a high negative impact on the lives of

the Japanese. There was mass destruction of properties and loss of many people's lives, all

aspects of life from social, economic, political, and ecological were profoundly affected. The

use of the atomic bomb was not necessary in conquering Japan during world war II.

Rationally, I agree that Japan was a “beaten country” (Mark Weber); therefore, the

atomic bombing was not necessary for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan had already lost in the

war by 1945 by being militarily defeated by the US. The japan Navy and airforce had was

moderated and left them powerless. American warplanes were consequently ranging over

japan and bombing down her cities; this leads to the fall of every productive part of Japan;

people were left homeless, transportation process was left almost functionless, and food

became too scares. (Weber, 2019)

President Truman defended his action of bombing down the cities of Japan by use of

atomic bombs; he claimed that many peoples lives were “ saved” by ending the war more

faster;This is the well known Truman government version of defence about the atomic bombs

attacks, they claimed that it was vital to speed up the end of the war to inhibit the deaths of

hundreds of American soldiers in Japanese invasion. He also said that the first bomb was

dropped at a military base in Hiroshima to avoid killing of the civilian, his stand was that

there was no target of attacking the civilians, but to the military personnel who they were
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fighting, on the other hand, there was an outrageous statement that the targeting of Hiroshima

and Nagasaki was due to high population and concentration of human activities in the area.

Bombing the Japanese resident s was planned and intended; if the bombing was designed to

show the superiority of the weapon, a secluded military base without civilians could have

been chosen for the attack. There was no necessity of attacking a major city with a lot of

occupants. Civilians should have protection from any military or terrorist attacks by any

Nation with ethics. The United State has no justification for the act of killing civilians in their

attack; in any condition, they would have protected the japan ness civilian, even though the

first attack to Hiroshima was almost justifiable, the second attack of Nagasaki is not

defendable (Weber, 2019).


In my opinion, the atomic bombing of Japanese cities did not make the world safer; instead, it

destructed peace and resulted in many countries to start developing nuclear weapons which

could be used in case of similar incidence. The Truman government justification of using

atomic to prevent the death of their military personnel could be used in future by other

nations to solve the same problem of limiting the number of victims during a war. On the

other hand, such an attack may lead to future war between some countries as a way of

revenging for their nation, to solve such future occurrence, the US should accept the cruel act

of crime and make an official apology to make peace with Japan.

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Work Cited

Weber, M. (2019). Was Hiroshima Necessary?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Oct. 2019].

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