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Guidelines for final PG Diploma Project Submission

Submission Date

To be decided by the hub which is offering the PG Diploma

Copies Required

One hard bound copy of the Project Report with the guide's signature to be submitted to the Hub
Partner. The guide is the person who has been assigned to supervise and monitor student for the
project. It could be either the trainer at the hub or supervisor at SKP side.


The project must be submitted in hard copy, which can be spiral bound.


Please use A4 size paper which is thick enough to withstand printing. Please print the final PG
Diploma project report on one side of the paper. The following template should be used provided as
Annexure at the end of this document–

 PG Diploma Project for ……(give ‘Name of the programme’, e.g. PG Diploma in Bank
Credit Management)
 Title of Project
 Name of Student
 Student Id number
 Month and Year of Submission

Typing and Font

Project reports must be correct in spelling and punctuation and presented in a consistent, structured
format. A single, legible font must be used throughout, the only exceptions being in tables, figures,
graphs, appendices, and supplemental files. Headings may be bold and no more than 2 points larger
than the rest of the text. The font size should be sufficient for the average person to read the
document, both hard and soft copies without difficulty (Times New Roman 12-pt is recommended.)
Accuracy and consistency in presentation and form make your PG Diploma projects a usable
research tool for other readers.

Project reports must have margins of maximum 1.25 inches. These margins must be consistent
throughout the document, including pages in the appendix. All page numbers must be placed at
least one inch from the bottom centre of the page.

Spacing and Page Arrangement

Project reports must be 1.5-spaced; however, single spacing may be used in the Table of Contents,
List of Tables, footnotes, endnotes, charts, graphs, figures, tables, captions, glossary, appendices,
and bibliography. Paragraph indentions may be five to ten spaces. Prose quotations over four lines
long should be in block quote, double or single spaced, and indented on the left. Do not use
quotation marks in the block quote except when indicating quotations within the block quote. Each
new chapter or major section (i.e., Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Appendix, Bibliography, Vita) must begin
on a new page.

Numbering of Pages

Beginning with the first page of the Acknowledgments or Preface, if used, all preliminary pages
preceding the actual text must be numbered in lowercase Roman numerals; e.g., iii, iv, v, etc. If
there are no Acknowledgments or Preface pages, the first page with a page number will be the
Abstract page. These numerals must be centred under the text with at least one inch of space
between the number and the bottom of the page. Do not number the copyright page, signature page,
title page, or dedication, but do include each of them in the pretext page count. The first page of the
text begins at Arabic numeral 1. All pages within the text must contain an Arabic page number,
bottom-centred, at least one inch from the bottom edge of the page. The first page of every major
section (chapters, appendices, bibliography, Vita, etc.) must begin on a new page

Tables and Illustrations

All tables, figures, illustrations, and other types of examples included and referenced in the text of
the dissertation should be numbered for identification. There should be no duplication of these
numbers; i.e., no two tables should be assigned the same number. Tables and Figures may be
numbered in one of two ways: consecutively throughout the document (Table 1 – Table x), or
double numbered so that the illustrations’ numbers reflect their locations in the document (Figure
9.3 is the third figure in Chapter 9, or Figure A2 is the second figure in Appendix A). Do not mix
these two types of numbering schemes within your project reports. Captions and legends must be
placed on the same page with the figure, graph, table or illustration they describe. In addition, the
captions should be consistently placed either all above or all below the tables and figures throughout
the document. In order to fit both figure and caption on the same page, captions may be single-
spaced, margins may be decreased to one inch, and figures may be reduced in size to fit. If the
figures are reduced from their original size, then the page number must be added after the reduction
so as not to alter its size.
If there is no way to fit the table or figure and its caption onto a single page, you may put an
identifying caption on the same page as the figure or table (i.e., Figure X), then on the following
page, place the full caption by itself. Your text will then continue on the following page. When a
table or figure can fit entirely onto a single page with its caption, they should be placed all together
on a single page, even if that leaves some blank space in the preceding page, and not split across
two pages. When a table or figure cannot fit entirely on a single page, each page of the table or
figure must be identified with a caption. You should place the primary caption on the first page of
the table or figure, then on all subsequent pages, a caption that says Table (or Figure) x, cont.
Figures, captions, and page numbers must be easily readable in the hard copy and when the
electronic document is viewed at 100 percent.

For referencing, you may use the APA referencing style (Format attached herewith).

Plagiary Check/Originality Check

The School of Vocational Education at TISS has a zero tolerance policy towards plagiary in any

Your guides as well as the external expert (while evaluating synopsis) will be alert to this process
while you submit chapters. Any malpractice in the project of any kind will be strongly dealt with.

The soft copies of the PG Diploma Project Report have to be sent to School of Vocational
Education, TISS for Plagiarism Test. These shall be run through TURNITIN for testing plagiarism.

Word Limit

The Project Reports should be having a range of 20,000 to 30,000 words or about 50 to 75 typed

A dissertation or thesis generally consists of three major parts.

1. The front matter (preliminaries)

 Title page
 Declaration by the student/scholar and signed
 Certificate by the guide/supervisor and signed
 Table of contents
 List of abbreviations
 List of illustrations: figures, charts, maps, and diagrams
 List of tables
 Preface (including acknowledgements)/Acknowledgements
 Executive Summary (Brief about project – approximately one page)

2. The text including main chapters

 First text page (Chapter I or Introduction) will appear as page 1
 The Chapters could be as follows:
 Chapter I – Introduction (including Company Profile, About Project, Objectives of the
 Chapter II – Methodology
 Chapter III – Project analysis
 Chapter IV – Findings, recommendations, and conclusions

3. The back matter (reference matter)

 Appendix(es) (including research instruments if any)
 Bibliography/References

Note on pagination:
1. (a) The front matter pages are numbered consecutively with lowercase Roman numerals
(e.g., i, ii, iii, iv, etc.).
(b) The text and back matter pages are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals
(e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc.).
2. Pagination is suppressed on pages which begin with a chapter title or main/lead heading. 3.
Pagination position: Top/Bottom of Page – Centre

Source: Jayaram, N (2013) Manual of Style. (In house document). TISS: Mumbai.

Template for the first Page of Project Report

Title of Project :

Submitted as a requirement for part fulfilment of award of Post Graduate Diploma in …….

Name of Student :

Student ID :

Hub Name :

Location :

Guided By

Signature :

Name :

Date :

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