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Miguel De Cervantes

1.¿How he was physically?

2.¿What clothes woul be grabbing?
3. ¿What was your personality like?


1.He is skinny, weak but smrt, student,

writer and with light brown eyes, with blak
hair and curlers.

2.I am belive what Miguel De Cervantes

wore church clothes.

3.Was calm and understanding, he

respected people and he respected
Relato Corto
De Miguel De Cervantes

When he was little he liked to play but

what he loved was to write, he wrote
every day and on Sunday he went to the
churches, after that he went out and,
according to his passion, he never
stopped writing, he almost always stayed
at night because he wanted to write, too.
he was very studious he was the best in
the class he always got good grades.

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