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Global Citizenship

Banks, James A. (2004).

Teaching for Multicultural Literacy, Global Citizenship, and Social Justice.

(Parts of this paper are adapted from: James A. Banks, “Introduction: Democratic Citizenship

in Multicultural Societies.” In James A. Banks (Editor). Diversity and Citizenship Education: Global

Perspectives (pp. 3-15). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2004;

and from James A. Banks, “Teaching Literacy for Social Justice and Global Citizenship,” Language

81 (1), September 2003, pp. 18-19)

Citizenship education should help students develop thoughtful and clarified identifications with

their cultural communities and their nation-states. It should also help them to develop clarified

global identifications and deep understandings of their roles in the world community. Students

need to understand how life in their cultural communities and nations influences other nations

and the cogent influence that international events have on their daily lives.


Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan perlu membantu para siswa mengembangkan pengetahuan dan

identifikasi yang jelas tentang masyarakat, budaya dan negara bangsa mereka. Hal tersebut

diperlukan untuk menolong mereka dalam mengembangkan identifikasi global dan

pemahamanmendalam tentang peran mereka dalam masyarakat dunia. Para siswa perlu

memahami bagaimana hidup di dalam masyarakat budaya mereka dan pengaruh satu negara

terhadap negara lain serta keyakinan bahwa kejadian internasional itu berakibat pada hidup

mereka sehari-hari.

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