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* TEK-RAP guarantees 100% adhesion in 24 hours, liquid adhesive to steel and liquid
adhesive to b uty l.

* All TEK-RAP p roduc ts inc lude standard U V inhib itors w hic h offer additional ex ternal
p rotec tion guaranteed for 10 y ears.

* TEK-RAP p roduc ts are so reliab le that w e offer them w ith the industry ’s only 40-y ear
guarantee w hen installed under TEK-RAP sup ervision and c ertific ation, resulting in
drastic ally reduc ed m aintenanc e c osts.

* TEK-RAP’s liquid adhesive has b een form ulated w ith p atented m aterials that result in an
effec tive p revention of stress c rac k c orrosion on the surfac e of the steel.

* TEK-RAP c oatings p ossess ex c ellent elastom eric p rop erties w hic h allow it to ab sorb an
im p ac t and then reb ound w ithout c rac k ing or sp lintering.

* The p oly ethy lene c oating offers ex c ellent ab rasion resistanc e and c an b e m anufac tured
to fit sp ec ific c ustom er requirem ents.

* The TEK-RAP S y stem is designed for in-p lant or over-the-ditc h ap p lic ations.

* S ales and servic e sup p ort b y trained c oating p ersonnel.

* O ne of the low est w ater vap or p enetration ratings availab le on the m ark et.

* Z ero D elam ination.

* L ab tests c onfirm reduc ed requirem ents for c athodic p rotec tion.

* TEK-RAP p roduc ts c om p ly w ith all of the EPA and V O C standards.

* N o lap p ed rolls.

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