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Omar Daniel Olaya Steevens Essay

“The numbers trap of money”

If you want to be a successful person, you must ambitions, dreams, goals in your
life because these characteristics make you successful in what you know to do. In
the process to have success people need money to be able to reach their goals or
dreams, for this reason we believe that the success is equal to have money, for
example in this world the money is very important because you can give to yourself
a better live you can buy expensive clothes, exotic food, travel around the world
and visit exotic places, buy a house, invest in the stock market and study in the bet
For this reason, I think that money helps people to have a future because you can
have more opportunities to enter a good university or maybe you can go out the
other country and study here and start a new life and achieve personal success.
but we could lose happiness because we just want to get more money and think
the money is equal happiness.
Seeking for happiness is very important but never ends, when we stop doing what
we like to do or we don't do it with passion, in this moment begins the problems
and frustrations. For example I think the search for happiness is very difficult in
Colombia because there are differences social levels, for example in Colombia we
will find two extremes, in one side people with a lot of money and the other side
very poor people.
we can say that success is not equal to money and money is not equal to
"The happiness of each person is equal to the success of that person"

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