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Comprehension assignment on Justin Baldoni speech

The talk revolves around the idea of vernambiltty.The speaker empahsies on the uncoupled
myths that are unknowingly carried forward by our society in a very unknowingly.
The speaker shares his views on the bases of his personal journey in search of being a real man
and the myths tour ideas that are unrelated to the fact of being “Man”.

He ampasies more on musculin feminian part of a men which also nauraly exists in a men but the
because of the repression or misinterpretation by the society or the male ego has never given a
chance to it .
Speaker Justin Baldoni shows his optimistic approach in regards to femini part of a male and his
general studies and data gathered from his social media handle showed a really interesting
perspective of women .

Showed in a way that women prefer men that are more soft spoken and generous men .

Speaker took the speech more into a personal way of its own experience.In a movement the
speech became monotonous and was more shut in to a “speech” indirectly proclaiming that
“Being muscular is not only the men's way“.

The speech was well crafted facts,figure and honesty of the speaker .The idea of sharing his
personal expercian also increases the impact of what Justin is delivering .
The concern that is raised by him is very important for the people to understand as a part of their
consciousness and to grow up as real men.I also shows that people do have different nature
irrespective of their gender not only for for men have fiminie traits even female to possess
masculin traits it's the society that has to more vulnerable all kind of people .

Sarthak sharma
Section N
Roll no:04

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