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I would like to give a huge thanks and job well done to the ​staff of both TC Central High and

Middle School ​for their efforts in making this very difficult situation more bearable. Staff of both 
schools have encouraged, positively reinforced, and reached out with support and concern for 
students. The postcards from teachers from Central High staff are wonderful and greatly 
appreciated. The email check-ins from East Middle staff, equally appreciated. Special shout out to 
Ms. Zebell​ and ​Ms. Ridel a​ t East Middle for their continued positive and organized effort towards 
students success and ​Mr. Schafer,​ and M ​ rs. Laing ​from Central High School for their entertaining 
and enthusiastic approach to this otherwise awkward situation. Thank you, and you're all so 
appreciated! - TCAPS parent of two.  
I am writing in honor of Staff Appreciation Week. My daughter has had an interim choir director since 
just before and during this difficult time of the pandemic. ​Mr. Andrew Schafer​ has truly gone above 
and beyond in his short time as interim director at TC Central High School. He began weekly 
Thursday evening Google Meets, long before they were required, to keep the kids engaged and 
communicating. Along with his now required Google Meet on Mondays, he still continues this 
original informal chat with the kids, on Thursday evenings. He has also added a talent show, paper 
plate awards, and a "March Madness" with choir songs to keep things fun for his students. Every 
week, the choirs are given multiple academic and choral assignments to maintain and improve their 
understanding and abilities. I have no doubt that wherever he is hired next year, they will feel lucky, 
blessed, and amazed at his capability of relating to these students and at keeping them engaged, 
even in a time of being apart. This school is very fortunate to have such strong and capable Choral 
staff in​ Mrs. Williams​ and​ Mrs. Wolf-Schlarf​. How amazing to have found another absolutely 
extraordinary instructor in Mr. Schafer! Bravo! Shannon E. 

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