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 Samer abou saad

 12130373
 Western civilization
The separation of state and religion is the principle that government must maintain an attitude
of neutrality toward religion. This separation is a description for the distance in relationship
between organized religion and the nation states.

Logically, if you want to elect political candidates, you must choose it regarding to his societal
position and his electoral program not to his religion; it might be 3 different candidates from
different religion, and the best electoral program that you can benefit from is driven by a
candidate that has a religion different from yours. In other words, every individual should focus
on his interest regardless of his religion because it’s a language to communicate with God, being
satisfied and enjoying the psychological comfort away from any other consideration.

In the downside, if government and clerics work together, they will lead to many problems
concerning the political position, economic, and individuals.

Political position can be affected negatively by the views of clerics towards some problems
concerning the nation and by their power they can forced the politicians sometimes to do thing
that they expect to be true, but it will be wrong in truth.

Second, religion is bad for business because many churches, synagogues and mosques operate
essentially as non-profit businesses, they don’t pay property or sales taxes which are reflect
negatively on the economic situation. Finally, this scenario might affect the individuals; as we
mentioned, clerics sometimes forced the politicians without seeing distant things because of
their cultural backward by which they badly affect the interest of individuals.

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