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Sierra Watts


Mrs. Lewis

9 May 2020

Final Reflection

What I took away from STATS class is that explaining your reasoning is so important.

You can show all your work but if at the end of your work you do not explain how it relates back

to the original problem, it makes no sense. By explaining your reasoning and relating the answer

to the original problem it makes it much more clear.

One thing that was difficult for me this year was knowing when to use a certain equation.

For a lot of chapters there were a lot of situations where there were multiple equations to use, but

you had to know the specific scenario to use them in. I would constantly misuse and confuse the

equations which resulted in the wrong answer.

Something we learned that will help me in the future is learning how to calculate

probability. I am going into nursing, and eventually becoming a nurse practitioner so knowing

how to calculate probability will help me tremendously. I can calculate the probability of a

surgery being successful, medicine helping a patient, and more.

What was different about this class than I expected was the amount of projects we did. I

think it was better. It made me really think about what we were learning and I had to provide

explanations and calculations to prove this. Because of this it made the tests a lot easier, I

understood the material, and I knew how to apply it to everyday scenarios.

If I were to take this class in college I would approach it differently in a couple of ways. I

would expect to do lots of projects. And I would spend more time learning the material. By

doing this I would know how to use the equations properly and the scenarios to use them. This

would save me a lot more confusion instead of getting it all cleared up from doing the project or

asking questions the day before the test.

In conclusion, I learned so much from my STATS class. I learned how to apply my

knowledge to everyday stuff, how to work as a team with people, and how to become a better


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