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Section 200

Table of Contents


201 CLEARING AND GRUBBING ....................................................................................................... 201-1

201.1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 201-1
201.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK ............................................................................................................ 201-1
201.3 EXECUTION OF WORK ............................................................................................................... 201-2
201.4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT................................................................................................... 201-2
202 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS............................................................... 202-1
202.1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 202-1
................................................................................................................................................ 202-1
202.4 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EXISTING PUBLIC UTILITIES ............................................... 202-1
202.5 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT................................................................................................... 202-2
203 ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE EXCAVATION............................................................................... 203-1
203.1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 203-1
203.2 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................. 203-1
203.2.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 203-1
203.2.2 Stockpiles ....................................................................................................................... 203-1
203.2.3 Protection of Completed Earthworks.............................................................................. 203-1
203.2.4 Reinstatement................................................................................................................. 203-2
203.3 CLASSIFICATION OF EXCAVATION ............................................................................................... 203-2
203.4 UNSUITABLE MATERIAL EXCAVATION ......................................................................................... 203-2
203.5 METHOD OF CLASSIFYING ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE EXCAVATION .............................................. 203-3
203.5.1 Classes of Excavation .................................................................................................... 203-3
203.5.2 Method of Classifying ..................................................................................................... 203-4
203.5.3 Classes of Excavation for Excavations in Existing Roads ............................................. 203-4
203.6 REQUIREMENTS FOR EXCAVATION AND STORAGE OF TOP SOIL ................................................... 203-5
203.6.1 Location of Stockpiles..................................................................................................... 203-5
203.7 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EXCAVATION OF CUT......................................................... 203-6
203.7.1 Cuttings - Scope ............................................................................................................. 203-6
203.7.2 Dimensions of Cuts ........................................................................................................ 203-6
203.7.3 Excavation ...................................................................................................................... 203-6
203.7.4 The Use of Cut Material.................................................................................................. 203-7
203.8 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EXCAVATION OF ROCK ...................................................... 203-7
203.8.1 Excavation Below Grade ................................................................................................ 203-7
203.8.2 Preserving Rock Below Sub-grade ................................................................................ 203-7
203.8.3 Scaling and Dressing...................................................................................................... 203-7
203.8.4 Controlled Blasting ......................................................................................................... 203-8
203.8.5 Slope Treatment ............................................................................................................. 203-9
203.9 BORROW EXCAVATION ............................................................................................................ 203-10
203.9.1 Borrow .......................................................................................................................... 203-10
203.10 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS FOR BORROW AREAS OR PITS ................................................ 203-10
203.10.1 Before Commencement of Borrow ............................................................................... 203-10
203.10.2 Employer Located Borrow Source................................................................................ 203-10
203.10.3 Contractor-located Borrow Sources ............................................................................. 203-10
203.11 WATER COURSE AND DRAINAGE EXCAVATION .......................................................................... 203-11
203.11.1 General ......................................................................................................................... 203-11
203.11.2 Open Drains.................................................................................................................. 203-11
203.11.3 Banks and Dykes.......................................................................................................... 203-12
203.11.4 Protection of Completed Earthworks............................................................................ 203-13
203.12 MAINTENANCE OF EXCAVATION ............................................................................................... 203-13
203.12.1 Maintenance and Cleanup............................................................................................ 203-13
203.13 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT................................................................................................. 203-13
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204 EMBANKMENT CONSTRUCTION................................................................................................ 204-1

204.1 SCOPE...................................................................................................................................... 204-1
204.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENT FOR EMBANKMENTS ............................................................................ 204-1
204.3 MATERIAL REQUIREMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EMBANKMENT ................................................ 204-1
204.3.1 Roadbed and Cut Materials ............................................................................................ 204-1
204.3.2 Fill.................................................................................................................................... 204-1
204.4 CLASSIFICATION OF COMPACTION .............................................................................................. 204-2
204.4.1 Compaction to a Minimum Percentage of AACRA Test S-11 Density ........................... 204-2
204.4.2 Eight Roller Passes Compaction .................................................................................... 204-3
204.4.3 Equipment....................................................................................................................... 204-3
204.4.4 Rock Fill .......................................................................................................................... 204-3
204.5 ROCK EMBANKMENT.................................................................................................................. 204-3
204.5.1 Embankment Material ..................................................................................................... 204-3
204.5.2 Embankment Construction ............................................................................................. 204-4
204.5.3 Constructing Toes for rock fill embankments ................................................................. 204-5
204.6 EMBANKMENT OVER AND AROUND STRUCTURES ........................................................................ 204-5
204.7 EMBANKMENT CONSTRUCTION ON HILLSIDES AND SLOPES.......................................................... 204-5
204.7.1 Hillside Embankments .................................................................................................... 204-5
204.7.2 Placing Fill for Embankment Construction...................................................................... 204-6
204.8 EMBANKMENT COMPACTION ...................................................................................................... 204-6
204.8.1 Earth Embankment ......................................................................................................... 204-6
204.8.2 Restricted Areas ............................................................................................................. 204-6
204.8.3 Layer Thickness.............................................................................................................. 204-7
204.8.4 Compaction..................................................................................................................... 204-7
204.9 MAINTENANCE AND STABILITY OF THE EMBANKMENT ................................................................... 204-7
204.10 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ................................................................................................... 204-7
204.10.1 General Directions .......................................................................................................... 204-7
204.10.2 Pay Items ........................................................................................................................ 204-8
205 SUBGRADE PREPARATION ........................................................................................................ 205-1
205.1 SCOPE...................................................................................................................................... 205-1
205.2 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................. 205-1
205.3 SUB- GRADE PREPARATION ....................................................................................................... 205-1
205.3.1 Cut Subgrade Levels ...................................................................................................... 205-1
205.3.2 Rock Subgrade ............................................................................................................... 205-2
205.3.3 Fill Subgrade................................................................................................................... 205-2
205.3.4 Clay Subgrade ................................................................................................................ 205-2
205.3.5 Unsuitable Subgrade Material ........................................................................................ 205-2
205.3.6 Subgrades Affected by Moisture..................................................................................... 205-3
205.4 CONFORMANCE ......................................................................................................................... 205-3
205.4.1 Compaction..................................................................................................................... 205-3
205.4.2 Tolerances on Level and Shape ..................................................................................... 205-4
205.4.3 Sampling and Testing ..................................................................................................... 205-4
205.4.4 Protection of Earthworks................................................................................................. 205-5
205.5 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ................................................................................................... 205-6
206 SHOULDERS AND SLOPES......................................................................................................... 206-1
206.1 SCOPE...................................................................................................................................... 206-1
206.2 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................. 206-1
206.3 MATERIALS ............................................................................................................................... 206-1
206.3.1 Slopes ............................................................................................................................. 206-1
206.3.2 Shoulders........................................................................................................................ 206-1
206.4 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS FOR FINISHING SLOPES ............................................................ 206-2
206.5 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS FOR FINISHING SHOULDERS ...................................................... 206-3
206.5.1 Delivery and Spreading .................................................................................................. 206-3
206.5.2 Compaction and Finishing .............................................................................................. 206-3
206.5.3 Matching to Existing Pavements..................................................................................... 206-3
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206.5.4 Conformance Criteria ..................................................................................................... 206-3

206.5.5 Sampling and Testing..................................................................................................... 206-4
206.5.6 Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 206-4
206.6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT................................................................................................... 206-7
207 REINFORCED SOIL WALL SYSTEMS......................................................................................... 207-1
207.1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 207-1
207.2 MATERIALS ............................................................................................................................... 207-1
207.2.1 Concrete Panels ............................................................................................................. 207-1
207.2.2 Steel Panels.................................................................................................................... 207-1
207.2.3 Reinforcing Strips and Ties ............................................................................................ 207-1
207.2.4 Bolts and Nuts ................................................................................................................ 207-1
207.2.5 Dowels ............................................................................................................................ 207-2
207.2.6 Tubes.............................................................................................................................. 207-2
207.2.7 Joint filler......................................................................................................................... 207-2
207.2.8 Fill material ..................................................................................................................... 207-2
207.2.9 Grading ........................................................................................................................... 207-2
207.2.10 Chemical and Electro-chemical Properties .................................................................... 207-3
207.3 MANUFACTURING AND HANDLING THE CLADDING PANELS ........................................................... 207-3
207.3.1 Concrete Panels ............................................................................................................. 207-3
207.3.2 Steel panels .................................................................................................................... 207-3
207.3.3 Accessories .................................................................................................................... 207-3
207.4 CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 207-4
207.4.1 Foundation...................................................................................................................... 207-4
207.4.2 Typical Construction Method for Reinforced Soil Wall Structures ................................. 207-4
207.5 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT................................................................................................... 207-5
208 PROTECTION OF EARTHWORKS............................................................................................... 208-1
208.1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 208-1
208.2 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS FOR PROTECTION OF EARTHWORKS ......................................... 208-1
208.2.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 208-1
208.2.2 Control Measures ........................................................................................................... 208-1
208.2.3 Earthworks Protection .................................................................................................... 208-2
208.2.4 Stockpiles ....................................................................................................................... 208-2
208.2.5 Protection of Completed Earthworks.............................................................................. 208-2
208.3 REINSTATEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 208-2
208.4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT................................................................................................... 208-3

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201.1 Scope
This Division covers the site clearing and grubbing necessary for the construction of the Works covered by
the Contract, in accordance with these Specifications, and the removal and disposal of materials resulting
from clearing and grubbing. This work shall also include the preservation from injury or defacement of all
vegetation and objects designated to remain.

201.2 Description of Work

(a) Clearing
Clearing shall consist of the removal of all trees, brush, other vegetation, rubbish, fences and all
other objectionable material including the disposal of all material resulting from the clearing and
It shall also include the removal and disposal of structures that obtrude, encroach upon or otherwise
obstruct the work and which can be cleared by means of a bulldozer of approximately 49 tonnes
mass and flywheel power of approximately 305 kW.
The moving of a certain amount of soil or gravel material may be inherent to or unavoidable during
the process of clearing and no extra payment will be made for this. Clearing shall include the
removal of all rocks and boulders of up to 0.15 m3 in size which are exposed or lying on the surface.
Where fences have to be taken down and the material sorted, coiled and stacked, payment for this
work shall be made under a Pay Item.

(b) Grubbing
Where directed by the Engineer, all stumps and roots larger than 75 mm in diameter shall be
removed to a depth of not less than 600 mm below the finished road level and a minimum of 75 mm
below original ground level. Where the existing ground has to be compacted, all stumps and roots
including matted roots shall be removed to a depth of at least 200 mm below the cleared surface,
except where otherwise specified or directed by the Engineer.
Except at borrow areas the cavities resulting from the grubbing shall be backfilled with approved
material and compacted to a density not less than the density of the surrounding ground.

(c) Conservation of topsoil

Where suitable topsoil exists within the limits of the area to be cleared and/or grubbed, the
Contractor shall, if ordered by the Engineer, remove the topsoil together with any grass and other
suitable vegetation. If not used immediately, the topsoil shall be transported and deposited in
stockpiles for later use. The Contractor will not be required to remove topsoil to an average depth of
less than 150 mm from any particular area.
This work shall be measured and paid for under a Pay Item in Division 203. Where topsoil can be
removed without the necessity of first performing clearing and grubbing, no payment will be made for
clearing and grubbing under this Division.

(d) Conservation of Vegetation

Where provided for in the project specification, certain designated plants encountered in the road
reserve and borrow areas shall be carefully protected by the Contractor.

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201.3 Execution of Work

(a) Areas to be cleared and/or grubbed
The portions of the road reserve that fall within the limits of the road prism as well as certain borrow
areas may require to be cleared and/or grubbed. The Engineer shall designate the areas to be
cleared and such areas shall not necessarily be limited to those mentioned above.
The Contractor shall note that in order to avoid re-clearing, the clearing and/or grubbing may have to
be done immediately before subsequent construction activities.
Individual trees designated in writing by the Engineer shall be left standing and uninjured. A penalty
equal to the amount specified in the project specifications shall be imposed for every such tree,
which is unnecessarily removed or damaged.

(b) Cutting of trees

The Contractor shall take the necessary precautions to prevent damage to structures and other
private or public property. If necessary, trees shall be cut in sections from the top downwards. The
branches of trees to be left standing shall be trimmed so as not to intrude into the space for up to 7
m in height above the roadway.

(c) Disposal of material

Material obtained from clearing and/or grubbing shall be disposed of, as approved by the Engineer,
in borrow pits or other suitable places and covered up with soil or gravel. The burning of combustible
material normally will be permitted but may only be done with the prior written approval of the
Engineer. Care must be taken to observe any regulations concerning pollution of the air.
All tree trunks and branches in excess of 150 mm in diameter shall be cleaned of secondary
branches, sawn into suitable lengths and stacked at sites indicated by the Engineer. Such timber
shall not be used by the Contractor for any purpose and shall remain the property of the Employer
unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer.
Fencing wire shall be neatly wound into reels and all such wire, together with all fence posts and
other usable material from structures, etc., shall be stacked at sites indicated by the Engineer.

201.4 Measurement and Payment

Pay Item 201P1: Clearing and grubbing Hectare (ha)
The unit of measurement for clearing and grubbing is the hectare. The quantity shall be taken as the area in
hectares (to the nearest 0.1 ha) designated by the Engineer and cleared and grubbed in accordance with
these Specifications. The area occupied by the existing road prism will be included.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all work necessary for the clearing of the surface, the
removal and grubbing of trees and tree stumps, cutting of branches, backfilling of cavities, demolishing and
disposal of structures and the removal, transporting and disposal of material all as specified in this Division.
Pay Item 201P2: Cost of removal, storing, protection and replanting
Pay Item 201P2.1: In a protected and fenced-off area of selected vegetation provisional sum
Pay Item 201P2.2: Charge on provisional sum percentage (%)
The unit of measurement shall be the linear metre of fence removed
This pay item shall include the removal of gates, creek crossings, corner and/or strainer posts, making good
connections with fences to remain, provision for making good all post holes, the collection of all materials
and disposal off site.

Pay Item 201P4: Fencing

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The unit of measurement shall be the linear metre of fence constructed.

Pay Item 201P4.1 Temporary Protective Fence metre (m)
Pay Item 201P4.2 Stock proof Fence metre (m)
This pay item shall include the supply and installation of all strainers, gate and corner posts, droppers,
netting and wire, creek crossings, connection to existing fences, clearing and subsequently making good the
alignment of the fence.
The rate for Temporary fence shall include provision for the removal of the fence and making good post
holes, etc.

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202.1 Scope
This Division covers the demolition, disconnection, removal or part removal, disposal and or storage of
buildings, bridges, drainage structures, retaining walls, wells, buildings, service ducts, foundations, fencing,
walls, kerbs, old pavements, abandoned pipelines, disused public utilities and any other obstructions which
are not designated or permitted to remain, except for the obstructions to be removed and disposed of under
other items in the contract.

202.2 Construction Requirements for Demolition and Removal of

Existing Structures
(a) Existing structures and installations shall be demolished as described in the Contract or as
instructed by the Engineer. The existing structures and installations shall be removed in such a way
as to leave no obstructions to the new Works. Those structures and installations, which are to be
partially demolished, shall be shored, braced and supported in such a manner that the integrity of
the structure shall be maintained. All supports shall be kept outside the right of way.
(b) The Contractor shall carefully remove and store materials salvaged from demolished structures and
installations. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, such materials shall become the property of
the owner. This material shall be carefully transported and stored in an acceptable manner upon the
owner's adjacent property or at a location to be identified by the Engineer.
(c) Whenever materials are stored within the right-of-way, the Contractor shall be responsible for its
care and preservation until its authorised removal. The Contractor shall satisfactorily dispose of all
material designated by the Engineer as having no salvage value by means of its legal removal from
the site, burning using a high intensity burning process that produces few emissions, burying in
trenches or pits in approved areas within the right-of-way in accordance with the requirements of the
Engineer. Hazardous material shall be disposed of according to Federal and local regulations.
(d) The Contractor shall remove structures and installations or part of structure and installations, which
obstruct with the installation of a new structure or installation.
(e) Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer any voids below ground level in existing structures or
installations shall be filled with natural sand or crushed fine aggregate. Latrine pits, septic tanks etc.
shall be cleaned out and disinfected and the contents disposed of generally in accordance with the
requirements for hazardous materials before the filling with approved material.

202.3 Construction Requirements for Demolition and Removal of

Existing Road Pavements
(a) Method and Equipment
Existing road pavements shall be demolished by excavation, scarifying or milling using appropriate
equipment approved by the Engineer.
(b) Disposal or Storage of Materials
Material resulting from the demolition of existing road pavements shall be disposed of or stored as
instructed by the Engineer.

202.4 Construction Requirements for Existing Public Utilities

(a) Disconnections
Before the commencement of demolition operations, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer who
shall arrange for the disconnection of all disused public utilities, including electricity, telephone,
sewer, water and other facilities encountered.
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(b) Protection of Existing Public Utilities

Existing utilities, which are to remain in place, such as sewers, drains, water pipes, conduits, poles,
etc. are to be carefully protected from injury and are not to be displaced.
(c) Relocation of Existing Public Utilities
The Contracting Authority shall arrange with the appropriate authorities for the necessary relocation of
any public utilities, which would otherwise obstruct the Works.

202.5 Measurement and Payment

Pay Item 202.P1: Clearing and grubbing at inlets and outlets of hydraulic structures square metre (m2)
The unit of measurement for clearing and grubbing at inlets and outlets of hydraulic structures is in square
metre (m2) measured within the limits of the areas designated by the Engineer, which are cleared and grubbed
in accordance with these Specifications.
Pay Item 202.P2: Cleaning out of hydraulic structures
Pay Item 202.P2.1: Pipes with an internal diameter up to and including 750 mm cubic metre (m3)
Pay Item 202.P2.2: Pipes with an internal diameter exceeding 750 mm cubic metre (m3)
Pay Item 202.P2.3: Box culverts up to and including 1.5 m vertical dimension cubic metre (m3)
Pay Item 202.P2.4: Box culverts exceeding 1.5 m vertical dimension cubic metre (m3)
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre (m3) of material removed from hydraulic structures where
instructed by the Engineer so that the structures are cleaned as specified. Payment under this item will
normally only be made once during the duration of the contract.
Pay Item 202.P3: Take up or down and set aside for reuse or remove to store off Site the following
Item Unit
(a) Blockwork and stone work cubic metre (m3)
(b) Paved areas and the like, brickwork square metre (m2)
(c) Kerbs, channels, edgings, combined drainage and curb blocks, fencing, linear metre (m)
safety fences and the like, copings, string courses and the like, and
(d) Road lighting columns, brackets and wall mountings, traffic signs, reflecting number
road studs, gates, stiles, street furniture, communications cabinets,
posts, brackets, signal indicators, shelves, racking, frames, electronic
units and the like
(e) Chamber covers and frames, gully gratings and frames and the like number
(f) Individual blocks, features or stones number

The measurement for take up or down and set aside for reuse or remove to store off-site block work,
stonework, paved areas and the like, brickwork, kerbs, channels, edgings, combined drainage and kerb blocks,
fencing, safety fences and the like, copings, string courses and the like, cable, road lighting columns, brackets
and wall mountings, traffic signs, reflecting road studs, gates, stiles, street furniture and the like;
communications cabinets, posts, brackets, signal indicators, shelves, racking, frames, electronic units and the
like; chamber covers and frames, gully, gratings and frames and the like; individual blocks, features or stones
shall be the volumes, areas, lengths or numbers stated in the Contract.

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203.1 Scope
The works covered by this Section of the Specification comprise the formation by cutting or filling of the
earthworks for roadways, paths, open drains and all incidental works other than underground services
Ancillary works, such as temporary drainage and soil conservation measures are also specified for the
protection of permanent works during construction and the prevention of damage to the site and adjacent
areas as a result of soil erosion.
The Contractor shall be responsible for locating acceptable locations for disposal of unsuitable material and
for obtaining the necessary approval of the relevant Authorities.

203.2 General
203.2.1 General
The Contractor's responsibility for care of the Works shall include the protection of earthworks.
It is expected that control measures will include the following:
(a) Control of over surface run-off;
(b) Movement of vehicles and equipment will be controlled and limited;
(c) The area exposed will be minimised;
(d) Construction of sediment control measures if directed by the Engineer.
Protect earthworks and in particular road formations from the effects of erosion and deposition. Grade
earthworks and particularly sub grades to drain at all stages without ponding. Where run-off must cross the
formation, ensure that the stream is a broadsheet flow which crosses roughly at right angles to the alignment
and minimises the likelihood of sub grade softening.
When rain is likely or when work is not proposed to continue in a working area on the following day,
precautions shall be taken to minimise ingress of any excess water into earthworks material. Ripped material
remaining in cuttings and material placed on embankments shall be sealed off by adequate compaction to
provide a smooth tight surface.

203.2.2 Stockpiles
Should insitu or stockpiled material become over wet as a result of the Contractor not providing adequate
protection of earthworks, the Contractor shall be responsible for replacing and/or drying out the material and
for any consequent delays to the operations.
Place stockpiles to minimise effects on site and adjacent areas. Keep clear of tops of slopes to avoid
causing instability.
Locate stockpiles clear of natural drainage lines and provide temporary drainage as necessary.

203.2.3 Protection of Completed Earthworks

In areas where earthworks, including open drains, have been completed and no further treatment is
specified other than top soiling and grassing or hydro seeding, then the top soiling and seeding shall be
carried out as specified at the earliest practicable date.
Areas of exposed completed earthworks shall, if directed, be stabilised using temporary grassing, within 28
days of formation.

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203.2.4 Reinstatement
Fill temporary drains and remove structures when no longer required. Filling shall
be placed and compacted as specified later in this Section. Reinstate surfaces (including areas formerly
occupied by stockpiles) as follows:
(a) within the area of the permanent works finish as specified;
(b) areas outside the permanent works which were formerly developed in any way shall be reinstated to
their condition at commencement of the Contract;
(c) undeveloped areas outside the permanent works shall be reinstated as specified for "Dryland

203.3 Classification of Excavation

The work described in this section, regardless of the nature or type of the materials encountered, includes
excavating and grading the roadway, excavating in borrow pits, excavating below grade, excavating
channels, removing slide material, and disposing of all excavated material. These activities may be
performed in making cuts, embankments, slopes, roadway ditches, approaches, parking areas, highway-
driveway intersections, and in completing related work.
The work excludes these items if they are designated as pay items in the Contract:
1. Haul.
2. Excavation for roadway and ditches.
3. Removal of unsuitable materials.

203.4 Unsuitable Material Excavation

Unsuitable material is that occurring below the designed floor level of cuttings and below the nominated
depth for stripping topsoil beneath embankments, which the Engineer deems to be unsuitable for
embankment or pavement support in its present position. Unsuitable material also includes material in
cuttings that the Engineer deems to be unsuitable for embankment construction.
Such material shall be excavated to the extent directed by the Engineer. The unsuitable material which is
removed from below fill embankments greater than 1.0 m deep or the face of cuttings shall be replaced with fill
material and compacted in accordance with the requirements of Sub-Clause 204.3.2
Unsuitable material which is removed from the floor of cuttings or below fill embankments less than 1.0 m
deep shall be treated as unsuitable sub-grade material and replaced and compacted in accordance with the
requirements of Clause 204.3
Unsuitable and sensitive materials such as silt or organic matter shall be removed from cut sub-grades to the
extent directed by the Engineer. Soft clay normally will not be regarded as being unsuitable material.
Holes so formed shall be backfilled with selected fill from excavations, or imported material. Both shall
comply with the following requirements:
(a) Maximum aggregate size 75 mm;
(b) A soaked California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of not less than that shown on the drawings (or where not
quoted on the drawings shall have a CBR value of not less than 3), the CBR value of the material shall
be determined by AACRA Test S-12 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual;
Section 5.12).
(c) Backfill material shall be compacted to 95% of AACRA Test S-11 density (ref: Division 802 and
AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.11).
All costs associated with reworking or replacing any material that the Engineer deems to have become
unsuitable because of inappropriate construction activities shall be borne by the Contractor.

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The Engineer may also order that material which is too wet to provide a stable platform for the construction
of the fill be removed and replaced with suitable dry material, and the Contractor shall be paid for this work,
provided that the Engineer is satisfied that, despite adequate temporary drainage installed by the Contractor
and permanent drainage that the Contractor may have installed on the Engineer's instructions, the wet
condition is unlikely to be remedied within a reasonable time and could not have been reasonably foreseen
and avoided by proper advance planning for construction being done during a dry period.
The removal of unsuitable material shall be paid for under Pay Item 203P2
For removing any stable material, payment will be made under this item should the instruction to remove be
given after completion of the excavations in accordance with the original instructions or should the thickness
of the layer to be removed be less than 200 mm. If not, payment will be made under 203P3 as for ordinary
excavated material which is taken to spoil.
For the purposes of this clause and of payment item 203P2 stable material shall be defined as material
which can be removed effectively by means of normal road-construction equipment such as bulldozers, road
graders, scrapers, mechanical shovels, backhoes or excavators, whereas unstable material shall be material
which can be removed effectively only by means of drag line scrapers or similar equipment.

203.5 Method of Classifying Roadway and Drainage Excavation

203.5.1 Classes of Excavation
The excavations of material from cut or borrow for fills (including excavations in existing roads where
specified or agreed) shall be classified as follows for purposes of measurement and payment:
(a) Soft excavation:
Soft excavation shall be excavation in material, which can be efficiently removed or loaded by any of
the following plant without prior ripping:
(i) A bulldozer with a mass of at least 25 tonnes, (which includes the mass of a ripper if fitted)
and an engine developing approximately 180 kW at the flywheel; or
(ii) A tractor-scraper unit with a mass of at least 30 tonnes and an engine developing
approximately 250 kW at the flywheel, pushed during loading by a bulldozer as specified in
Sub-Clause 203.5.1(a)(i); or
(iii) A track-type front-end loader with a mass of at least 27 tonnes and an engine developing
approximately 175 kW at the flywheel.
(b) Intermediate excavation:
Intermediate excavation shall be excavation (excluding soft excavation) in material which can be
efficiently ripped by a bulldozer with a mass of at least 35 tonnes when fitted with a single tine ripper
and an engine developing approximately 220 kW at the flywheel.
(c) Hard excavation:
Hard excavation shall be excavation (excluding boulder excavation) in material which cannot be
efficiently ripped by a bulldozer equipped with a single shank ripper with a mass of at least 51
tonnes when fitted with a single tine ripper and an engine developing approximately 310 kW at the
This type of excavation generally includes excavation in material such as formations of unweathered
rock, which can be removed only after blasting.
(d) Boulder Excavation Class A
Boulder excavation Class A shall be excavation in material containing in excess of 40% by volume of
3 3
boulders between 0.03 m and 20 m in size, in a matrix of softer material or smaller boulders.
Excavation in dolomite formations other than solid dolomite shall also be classed as Class A
excavation if the formation contains in excess of 40% by volume of lumps of hard dolomite between
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3 3
0.03 m and 20 m in size, in a matrix of softer material or smaller lumps of hard dolomite.
Excavation of solid boulders or lumps of hard dolomite each in excess of 20 m in size shall be
classed as hard excavation.
Excavation of fissured or fractured rock shall not be classed as boulder excavation but as hard or
intermediate excavation according to the nature of the material.
Where material contains 40% or less by volume of boulders or lumps of hard dolomite ranging from
0.03 m3 to 20 m3 in size, in a matrix of soft material or smaller boulders or lumps of hard dolomite,
then those boulders or lumps of hard dolomite between 0.03 m3 and 20 m3 in size shall be classed
as class B boulder excavation.
The excavation of the rest of the material shall be classed as soft or intermediate excavation
according to the nature of the material.
(b) Boulder Excavation Class B
All the equipment specified in subclauses (i) and (ii) above shall be in a good mechanical order. The
expressions "efficiently ripped", "efficiently removed" or "efficiently loaded" as used in this Sub-
Clause shall in this context mean ripped, removed or loaded (as the case may be) in - a manner,
which can reasonably be expected from the equipment in question, with regard to the production

203.5.2 Method of Classifying

The Contractor shall be at liberty to use any method he wishes to use for excavating any class of material,
but the method of excavating the material shall not dictate the classification of the excavation.
The Engineer shall decide under which one of the above classes any excavation shall be classified for
purposes of payment. In the first instance the classification shall be based on an inspection of the material to
be excavated, which classification shall be agreed on before excavation may be started. In the event of a
disagreement between the Contractor and the Engineer, the Contractor shall, if required, make available
such mechanical plant as specified in Sub-Clauses 203.5.1(a)(i) and (ii) at his own cost, in order to
determine whether or not the material can reasonably be removed. The decision of the Engineer as to the
classification shall thereafter be final and binding, subject to the provisions of Clause 3.1 of the Conditions of
Contract for Construction. The Contractor shall immediately inform the Engineer if and when the nature of
the material being excavated changes to the extent that a new classification for further excavation is
Failure on the part of the Contractor to advise the Engineer in good time shall entitle the Engineer to classify,
at his discretion, such excavation as may have been executed in material of a different nature.

203.5.3 Classes of Excavation for Excavations in Existing Roads

The system for classifying excavations in existing roads depends on the circumstances in each case, and
therefore on the construction methods which may be applied. Unless otherwise specified, and prior to any
excavations being made in existing roads, the Contractor and the Engineer shall agree as to which
classification system will be used and also as to the classification of the materials themselves. The two
systems of classification are, firstly in accordance with the Sub-Clause 203.5.3(a) and secondly in
accordance with Sub-Clause 203.5.1(b) and the considerations for determining the classification system are
as follows:
(a) Classification for purposes of excavation and processing shall be:
(i) Existing bituminous material shall be asphalt or other bituminous seal or base material
removed separately from the existing layers on the instruction of the Engineer. Where
underlying material is broken down or excavated together with bituminous materials, the
mixture will be classified as bituminous materials for payment purposes.
(ii) Non-cemented material shall be existing pavement material which can be ripped with the
teeth of a 140G Caterpillar or similar grader.
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(iii) Cemented material shall be existing pavement material which cannot be ripped with a type
140G Caterpillar or similar grader. Existing stabilised material will not necessarily be
classified as cemented material.
(iv) Cemented crushed stone shall be existing cemented material consisting of crushed stone.
Unless specified as such in the project specifications, cemented crushed stone will not be
classified as concrete.
(v) Milled material shall be bituminous material and/or cemented crushed stone excavated with
an approved milling machine. Milled material will be classified as such inly when milling is
specified or ordered by the Engineer in writing.
(b) Classification in accordance with Sub-Clauses 203.5.1(a) and (b)
This method of classification shall apply where excavations are not subject to the restrictions of Sub-
Clause 203.5.3 (a), but only to those of section 203.5.1. Where excavations can therefore be made
in the normal manner as in new construction, even in a restricted area, the classification of Sub-
Clause 203.5.1(a) shall apply. For excavations in borrow pits, Sub-Clause 203.5.1(a) shall always
Where extra over items of payment are provided for excavations in various classes of material, only
those extra over items relating to the appropriate classification system as determined above shall

203.6 Requirements for Excavation and Storage of Top Soil

203.6.1 Location of Stockpiles
Unless otherwise not nominated in the documents, place stockpiles to minimise effects on the site and on
adjacent areas. Keep clear of tops of slopes to avoid causing instability. Locate stockpiles clear of natural
drainage lines and provide temporary drainage as necessary. Stockpiled material is to be placed so as to
avoid damage to existing flora etc.
(a) Stripping and Stockpiling of Topsoil
Prior to the commencement of earthworks topsoil is to be stripped within the limits of the earthworks.
In particular topsoil is to be stripped from any areas to be covered by paving, structures or fill. Also
strip topsoil within the limits of clearing for underground services beyond the limit of earthworks.
Unless otherwise directed, the depth of stripping shall be to the bottom of the grassroots zone.
Grass shall be stripped together with topsoil. Avoid contamination by any other material. Unless
otherwise specified soils shall not be stripped from around existing trees closer than a distance
equal to twice the radius of the trees crown measured from the trunk.
The Contractor shall obtain the written consent of the Engineer to the use of any stockpile site,
which is not shown on the drawings. Proposals in this regard shall be submitted at least three
working days before stockpiling is due to commence and shall specify the maximum dimensions of
the proposed stockpile.

Hold Point 203-1

Process Held: Stockpiling at any site not shown on the drawings.
Submission Details: At least 3 working days before stockpiling is due to commence
the Contractor shall submit details of the location of proposed
stockpile sites specifying the maximum dimensions of the
proposed stockpile and proposed protective measures.
Release of Hold Point: The Engineer will review the submission, prior to authorising
the release of the Hold Point.
Any clearing and grubbing required for these sites shall be carried out in accordance with the Clause
2.04 of this Specification. Temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be taken in
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accordance with specified requirements. Topsoil stockpiles shall not exceed 2.5 m in height and the
maximum batter slope shall not exceed 2:1. If to remain unused for more than 4 weeks, topsoil
stockpiles shall be sown as specified for “Temporary Grassing”. Restoration of stockpile sites,
following completion of the work, shall be carried out in accordance with Division 713 of this

203.7 Construction Requirements for Excavation of Cut

203.7.1 Cuttings - Scope
Construction of cuttings shall include all operations associated with the excavation of material within the
limits of the batters including benching, terracing of cut batters, treatment of cutting floors and transition from
cut to fill.

203.7.2 Dimensions of Cuts

The dimensions of cuts shall be generally in accordance with the details of the typical cross- sections, as shown
on the drawings which may be further be defined or amended during the course of construction by
instructions from the Engineer. The Contractor shall first obtain instructions from the Engineer regarding the
slope of the sides of cuttings and the depth to which cuttings are to be taken, including the dimensions of
any in situ treatment of cuts that may be required.
All cuts carried below the specified levels shall be backfilled with suitable material and compacted to the
satisfaction of the Engineer at the Contractor's own expense. In the case of cuttings made in hard or boulder
material, where a certain amount of over break would be inevitable, the Contractor is, however, afforded the
opportunity of pricing an item to cover his costs in respect of unavoidable over break on the floor and
backfilling in such sections.

203.7.3 Excavation
Materials encountered in cuttings shall be loosened and broken down as required so that they are
acceptable for incorporation in the Works.
Cuttings shall have batter slopes as shown on the Drawings or as re-determined by the Engineer on the
basis of site inspection and investigation during the excavation. The tops of cuttings shall be neatly rounded
to the dimensions shown on the Drawings.
In all cuttings, undulations in the general plane of the batter shall not be permitted except that batters will
generally require progressive flattening at the ends of cuttings due to the presence of less stable material.
Cut faces shall be cleared of loose or unstable material progressively as the excavation proceeds.
The dimensions of cuts shall be generally in accordance with the details of the typical cross- sections, as shown
on the drawings which may be further be defined or amended during the course of construction by
instructions from the Engineer. The Contractor shall first obtain instructions from the Engineer regarding the
slope of the sides of cuttings and the depth to which cuttings are to be taken, including the dimensions of
any in situ treatment of cuts that may be required.
All cuts carried below the specified levels shall be backfilled with suitable material and compacted to the
satisfaction of the Engineer at the Contractor's own expense. In the case of cuttings made in hard or boulder
material, where a certain amount of over break would be inevitable, the Contractor is, however, afforded the
opportunity of pricing an item to cover his costs in respect of unavoidable over break on the floor and
backfilling in such sections.
The Engineer may, when he considers it necessary, instruct the Contractor to widen existing, completed or
partly completed cuttings either uniformly or by altering the slope of the sides of the cutting, or by cutting
benches, or in any other way. Those parts of cut slopes exceeding 2.5 m in depth and widened by less than
4 m measured horizontally shall be measured and paid for as in, items 203P1 and 203P6 Those parts of
widened cut slopes which are less than 2.5 m in depth, and parts widened by more than 4 m measured
horizontally, shall be measured and paid for as cut to fill or cut to spoil as the case may be.

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203.7.4 The Use of Cut Material

All suitable and approved materials excavated from the road prism shall, in so far as is practicable, be used
for the construction of fills, pavement layers and mitre banks and for such other purposes as shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
Coarse rock encountered in cuttings shall be utilized for the construction of the lower layers of fills high
enough to accommodate thick layers, or, where so required, shall be conserved and used as directed for
constructing the sides of embankments or for serving as protection against embankment or channel erosion.
The Engineer shall have full control of the use of all material obtained from cut excavations, but the
Contractor shall plan his operations and particularly his cut-to-fill operations in such a manner that all cut
material may be used to the best advantage of the Employer. This would mean that no material shall be
unnecessarily spoiled, borrowed or hauled. The Contractor shall neither borrow nor spoil any material
without the Engineer's approval and without satisfying the Engineer that this is necessary and the most
economical method of constructing the works.

203.8 Construction Requirements For Excavation of Rock

203.8.1 Excavation Below Grade
(a) Rock Excavation.
When the Contractor finds rock or other hard material at the sub grade elevation, it shall be
excavated the full width of the roadbed to at least 150 mm below sub grade, then backfilled with rock
fragments, gravel, or other free draining material not more than 100 mm in diameter.
If the Contractor uses a sub grade trimmer, the backfill shall be rock, gravel, or other free-draining
material not more than 50 mm in diameter. The Contractor shall save the finer free-draining material
from excavations or borrow pits to use in backfilling the top 150 mm of the sub grade. The Engineer
shall approve all such material.
(b) Sub-excavation.
At any time, the Engineer may order excavation below sub grade to remove soft and un-
compactable material. The replacement material shall be free-draining and granular, or other
materials as determined by the Engineer.
(c) Draining Rock Pockets.
If blasting below sub grade leaves a rock pocket that will not drain, the Contractor shall dig a trench
from the pocket bottom to the roadside ditch, then backfill both the pocket and the trench with rock
fragments, gravel, or other material approved by the Engineer, at no expense to the Employer.

203.8.2 Preserving Rock Below Sub-grade

The Contractor shall take care not to break down loosen, or damage the rock under the sub grade line,
except as provided by Clause 203.08.01(a)(i). Normally cuts will be made from the top, lift by lift, to protect
the rock bench that will remain. The Contractor shall be responsible for methods used and for any damage
caused to the roadbed, regardless of any previous approvals by the Engineer.

203.8.3 Scaling and Dressing

To leave rock cuts in a safe, stable condition, the Contractor shall scale and dress them, removing all loose
fragments and rocks not firmly fastened to the rock slope. The Contractor shall also remove any overhanging
rock the Engineer sees as a hazard to roadway users.

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203.8.4 Controlled Blasting

Controlled blasting refers to the controlled use of explosives and blasting accessories in carefully spaced
and aligned drill holes to provide a free surface or shear plane in the rock along the specified back-slope.
Controlled blasting techniques covered by this specification include pre-splitting and cushion blasting.
Not less than two weeks prior to commencing drilling and blasting operations or at any time the Contractor
proposes to change the drilling and blasting methods, the Contractor shall submit a blasting plan to the
Engineer for review. The blasting plan shall contain the full details of the drilling and blasting patterns and
controls the Contractor proposes to use for both the controlled and production blasting.
(a) The blasting plan shall contain the following minimum information:
(i.) Station limits of proposed shot.
(ii.) Plan and section views of proposed drill pattern including free face, burden, blast hole
spacing, blast hole diameter, blast hole angles, lift height, and sub drill depth.
(iii.) Loading diagram showing type and amount of explosives, primers, initiators, and location
and depth of stemming.
(iv.) Initiation sequence of blast holes including delay times and delay system.
(v.) Manufacturer’s data sheets for all explosives, primers, and initiators to be employed.
(b) Review of the blast plan by the Engineer will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the
accuracy and adequacy of the plan when implemented in the field.
Written notice shall be given to the occupants or their representative of residential or business
premises located within a 1 km radius of the blasting site. The notice shall include time of blasting,
frequency, duration, purpose, precautions being taken to prevent property damage and contact
details of the Contractor for enquiry. Provide reports of all enquiries and action taken to the Engineer
When using controlled blasting the Contractor shall:
(i.) Prior to commencing full-scale blasting operations, the Contractor shall demonstrate the
adequacy of the proposed blast plan by drilling, blasting, and excavating short test
sections, up to 30 m in length, to determine which combination of method, hole spacing,
and charge works best. When field conditions warrant, the Contractor may be ordered to
use test section lengths less than 30 m.
(ii.) Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall begin the tests with the
controlled blast holes spaced 0.75 m apart then adjust if needed until the Engineer
approves the spacing to be used for full-scale blasting operations.
(c) The Contractor shall completely remove all overburden soil and loose or decomposed rock along the
top of the excavation for a distance of at least 10 m beyond the end of the production hole drilling
limits, or to the end of the cut, before drilling the pre-splitting holes.
(d) The controlled blast holes shall be not less than 60 mm or more than 80 mm in diameter.
(e) The Contractor shall control drilling operations by the use of the proper equipment and technique to
ensure that no hole shall deviate from the plane of the planned slope by more than 250 mm either
parallel or normal to the slope. Drill holes exceeding these limits shall not be paid for unless
satisfactory slopes are being obtained.
(f) Controlled blast holes shall extend a minimum of 10 m beyond the limits of the production holes to
be detonated, or to the end of the cut as applicable.
(g) The length of controlled blast holes for any individual lift shall not exceed 6 m unless the Contractor
can demonstrate to the Engineer the ability to stay within the above tolerances and produce a
uniform slope. If greater than 5 percent of the presplit holes are misaligned in any one lift, the
Contractor shall reduce the height of the lifts until the 250 mm alignment tolerance is met. Upon
satisfactory demonstration, the length of holes may be increased to a maximum of 18 m with written
approval of the Engineer.

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(h) When the cut height requires more than one lift, a maximum 0.5 m offset between lifts will be
permitted to allow for drill equipment clearances. The Contractor shall begin the control blast hole
drilling at a point, which will allow for necessary offsets and shall adjust, at the start of lower lifts, to
compensate for any drift, which may have occurred in the upper lifts.
(i) Before placing charges, the Contractor shall determine that the hole is free of obstructions for its
entire depth. All necessary precautions shall be exercised so that the placing of the charges will not
cause caving of material from the walls of the holes.
(j) The maximum diameter of explosives used in pre-split holes shall not be greater than half the
diameter of the pre-split hole.
(k) Only standard explosives manufactured especially for controlled blasting shall be used in controlled
blast holes, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Bulk ammonium nitrate and fuel oil (ANFO)
shall not be allowed to be loaded in the pre-split holes. If fractional portions of standard explosive
cartridges are used, they shall be firmly affixed to the detonating cord in a manner that the cartridges
will not slip down the detonating cord or bridge across the hole.
Spacing of fractional cartridges along the length of the detonating cord shall not exceed 0.75 m
centre to centre and shall be adjusted to give the desired results.
Continuous column cartridge type of explosives used with detonating cord shall be assembled and
affixed to the detonating cord in accordance with the explosive manufacturer’s instructions, a copy of
which shall be furnished to the Engineer.
(l) The bottom charge of a presplit hole may be larger than the line charges but shall not be large
enough to cause over-break. The top charge of the pre splitting hole shall be placed far enough
below the collar, and reduced sufficiently, to avoid over-breaking and heaving.
(m) The upper portion of all presplit holes, from the top most charge to the hole collar, shall be stemmed.
Stemming materials shall be sand or other dry angular material, all of which passes a 9.5 mm sieve.
(n) If pre splitting is specified, the detonation of these holes shall be fired first.
(o) If cushion blasting is specified, the detonation of these holes shall be fired last on an instantaneous
delay after all other blasting has taken place in the excavation.
(p) Production blast holes shall not be drilled closer than 2 m to the controlled blast line, unless
approved by the Engineer. The bottom of the production holes shall not be lower than the bottom of
the controlled blast holes. Production holes shall not exceed 150 mm in diameter, unless approved
by the Engineer. Detonation of production holes shall be on a delay sequence toward a free face.
(q) The use of horizontal blast holes for either production or controlled blasting is prohibited.

Hold Point 203.2

Process Held: Drilling and blasting operations.
Submission Details: At least 5 working days before proposed drilling and blasting is
due to commence the Contractor shall submit details of proposed
drilling, and blasting techniques and a condition survey.
Release of Hold Point: The Engineer will review the submission, prior to authorising
the release of the Hold Point.

203.8.5 Slope Treatment

The tops of all roadway cut slopes, except solid rock cuts, shall be rounded in accordance with the Standard
Plan. If a layer of earth covers a rock cut, the slope shall be rounded above the rock as if it were an earth
When the Contractor removes stumps or any embedded material from the rounded area, the void shall be
backfilled and stabilized to prevent erosion.
All work required to complete slope treatment, including excavation, haul, and slope rounding, shall be
included in the unit bid price for roadway excavation.
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203.9 Borrow Excavation

BORROW Material used for embankment construction that is obtained from outside
EXCAVATION the roadway prism. Borrow excavation includes unclassified borrow,
select borrow, and select topping.

203.9.1 Borrow
Borrow is the excavation of material outside the roadway prism or outside the limits of any other excavation
area required by the contract. Before any borrow site can be used, it must be measured and approved by the
The Contractor shall use all suitable roadway excavation in embankment construction.
If the Contractor uses borrow excavation that results in excess roadway excavation, the excess borrow excavation
will be deducted from the appropriate borrow excavation quantity.
Any material excavated from a borrow site before the site is measured will not be paid for. The widening of
roadway cuts and ditches will be considered roadway excavation, not borrow.

203.10 Construction Requirements for Borrow Areas or Pits

203.10.1 Before Commencement of Borrow
Where applicable, strip and stockpile the overburden. After operations are complete, move all waste back
into the source. Neatly trim and flatten the side slopes to the extent practicable. Spread the stockpiled
overburden uniformly over the sides and bottom of the mined area. Establish a vegetative cover to blend the
site into the surrounding area.

203.10.2 Employer Located Borrow Source

(a) If identified in the Contract as doing such, the Employer shall acquire the permits and rights to
remove material from provided sources and to use such property for a plant site and stockpiles. Test
reports and available historical performance data verifying the presence of acceptable material may
also be available.
(b) No work shall be performed within an Employer provided source until a plan of operation for the
development of the source is approved by the Engineer. All work necessary to produce acceptable
material shall be performed including site development, preparation, erosion control, and restoration.
Do not excavate beyond the established limits. When applicable, the borrow area shall be shaped to
permit accurate measurements when excavation is complete.

203.10.3 Contractor-located Borrow Sources

(a) The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the provision of these sources, including established
commercial sources. Only sources that fulfil the contract quantity and quality requirements shall be
(c) The quantity and types of equipment and work necessary to select and produce acceptable material
shall be determined by the Contractor, who shall also be responsible for the securing of all permits
and clearances for use of the selected source.
(d) Copies of all documentation and laboratory test reports and available historical performance data
indicating that acceptable material is available from the source will be required to be supplied to the

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(e) Borrow pits will not be permitted on site unless prior written approval is obtained from the Engineer.
In seeking such approval the Contractor shall provide adequate information on the proposed borrow
pits including size, location and reinstatement.
(f) The Engineer may approve the winning of additional material on site by:
(i) uniform widening of cuttings; or
(ii) uniform flattening of cut batters; or
(iii) uniform grading of selected areas within the site
(g) Borrowing from external sources will not be permitted where suitable material is available on site.
Where borrow from external sources is proposed in the design, borrow areas are detailed.
Alternatively, the Contractor may elect to supply material obtained from his own sources. Where
external borrowing is necessary due to a shortfall in material available on site the Contractor shall
make his own arrangements to obtain suitable material at no additional cost. In all cases, obtain
necessary permits before commencing borrowing operations.
(h) Before any borrow site can be used, it must be measured and approved by the Engineer. Any
material excavated from a borrow site before the site is measured will not be paid for. The widening
of roadway cuts and ditches will be considered roadway excavation, not borrow.
(i) Do not excavate beyond the established limits. When applicable, shape the borrow source to permit
accurate measurements when excavation is complete.

Hold Point 203.3

Process Held: Developing and operating a material source.

Submission Details: At least 5 working days before proposed commencement, the
Contractor shall submit details of an accepted plan of operation
or written agreement for developing the source.
Release of Hold Point: The Engineer will review the submission, prior to authorising
the release of the Hold Point.

203.11 Water Course and Drainage Excavation

203.11.1 General
The Contractor's responsibility for care of the Works shall include the protection of earthworks the Contractor
shall generally plan and manage the works to minimise erosion on the site.
It is expected that control measures may include the following:
Control over surface run-off by:
(a) Construction of interception drains to divert run-off from undisturbed areas around the works area;
(b) installation of temporary and permanent open drains;
(c) early stabilisation of flood ways; and
(d) use of straw bales, silt fences, swales, contour ploughing or rip dozer cleat impressions, spreader

203.11.2 Open Drains

(a) Open-drain excavation shall involve the excavating of open drains and channels, including channels
to direct the course of streams, all as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

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(b) Open-drain excavation shall include all excavation required for constructing a channel with a bottom
width of less than 4 m or a V-shaped channel with side slopes steeper than 1:4, and total width at
the top of less than 5 m. Any excavation required for constructing a channel with a bottom width of
4 m or more, or a V-shaped channel with side slopes equal to or flatter than 1:4, or where the width
at the top exceeds 5 m, shall be classed as "cut" and shall be measured and paid for under section
(c) Open drains within the road prism, such as median drains, side drains and open drains on
excavation-slope benches, shall be classed as "cut" and shall be measured and paid for under
section 203.07, except where, on account of the shape of such open drains, excavation by bulk
excavating equipment would not be feasible and either hand excavation or special excavating
equipment, such as back-actors, draglines or similar equipment, would be required, in which case
such excavation shall be paid for as open-drain excavation.
(d) Open drains shall be constructed true to line, grade and cross-section and shall be so maintained for
the duration of the contract.
Care shall be taken to avoid excavation below the required grades for the open drains and any
excavation carried beyond the required grade shall be backfilled with suitable material and
compacted to at least 90% of AACRA Test S-11 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and Materials
Manual; Section 5.11) density by the Contractor at his own expense.
(e) Material resulting from the excavations for open drains shall be used in the construction of fills,
banks and dykes, or for other purposes, or shall be disposed of to spoil, all as directed by the
In respect of material resulting from open-drain excavation and not taken to spoil but used
elsewhere in the construction of the works, payment will be made for open- drain excavation as well
as for any item of permanent construction built from such material. Material from open- drain
excavation, which is taken to spoil, will be paid for as open-drain excavation only.
(f) If ordered by the Engineer, all existing open drains, but excluding open drains constructed by the
Contractor himself, shall be cleared and, where necessary, shaped by removing the sediment and
trimming the floors and sides. The specified requirements for constructing open drains shall apply
mutatis mutandis to clearing and shaping the open drains.
Measurement and payment in respect of the clearing and shaping of existing open drains not
classified as cut in accordance with the classification instructions in Sub-Clauses 203.5.1(a) and (b),
shall be made under item 203P9. Any pitching of open drains ordered by the Engineer shall be done
in accordance with the requirements of section 701.
(g) All culverts indicated by the Engineer shall be cleared. The Contractor shall remove all undesirable
materials, such as amongst others all silt, sediment, driftwood, debris and rubble that have
accumulated in and around the culvert inlet and outlet structures and in the culvert barrels. All
materials resulting from the clearing operations shall be disposed of at locations approved by the
Engineer. The clearing shall preferably be done by means of hand tools in order to prevent damage
to existing drainage and other structures. The Contractor shall repair all structures damaged by him
at his own cost, and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

203.11.3 Banks and Dykes

(a) Mitre banks, catch water banks and dykes shall be constructed of approved soil or gravel obtained
from open- drain excavation or, if no suitable material can be obtained from that source, from
suitable alternative sources, and be placed in such a way that the water will flow on the natural
ground and against the bank.
(b) The banks and dykes shall be properly compacted to 90% of AACRA Test S-11 (ref: Division 802
and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.11) density in layers not exceeding 150 mm in
thickness, unless thicker layers have been approved by the Engineer.

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203.11.4 Protection of Completed Earthworks

In areas where earthworks, including open drains, have been completed and no further treatment is
specified other than top soiling and grassing or hydro-seeding, then the top soiling and seeding shall be
carried out as specified at the earliest practicable date.
Areas of exposed completed earthworks shall, if directed, be stabilised using temporary grassing, within 28
days of formation.

203.12 Maintenance of Excavation

203.12.1 Maintenance and Cleanup
The Contractor shall maintain temporary erosion control measures in working condition until the project is
complete or the measures are no longer needed.
Clean sediment control measures, such as sediment retention ponds, sediment basins etc., when half full of
sediment. Use the sediment in the work, if acceptable, or dispose of it according to Subsection 204.14.
Replace erosion control measures that cannot be maintained and those that are damaged by construction
Remove and dispose of temporary erosion control measures when the turf is satisfactorily established and
drainage ditches and channels are lined and stabilised. Remove and dispose of erosion control measures
according to Subsection 203.05.
Restore the ground to its natural or intended condition and provide permanent erosion control measures.

203.13 Measurement and Payment

The Contractor shall accept the payment provided in the contract and represented by the rates tendered by
him in the schedule of quantities, as payment in full for executing and completing the work as specified, for
procuring, furnishing, placing and installing all materials, for procuring and providing labour, supervision,
constructional plant, tools and equipment, for wastage, transport, loading and off-loading, handling,
maintenance, temporary work, testing, quality control including process control, overheads, profit, risk and
other obligations and for all other incidentals necessary for the completion of the work and maintenance
during the period of maintenance.
The Contractor shall note that the cost of all works and materials for minor construction details at bridges, for
example small quantities of caulking compound and joint filler (other than expansion joints), anchor-bar
covers, etc, not shown in the schedule of quantities, shall be included in the tendered rates for concrete.
This clause shall apply in full to all pay items except where these requirements may be specifically amended
in each case.
A lump sum price for any of these items will not be accepted.
Pay Item 203P1: Classification of Excavation
The work described in this section, regardless of the nature or type of the materials encountered, includes
excavating and grading the roadway, excavating in borrow pits, excavating below grade, excavating
channels, removing slide material, and disposing of all excavated material. These activities may be
performed in making cuts, embankments, slopes, roadway ditches, approaches, parking areas, highway-
driveway intersections, and in completing related work.
The work excludes these items if they are designated as pay items in the Contract:
Pay Item 203 P2: Unsuitable Material
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre measured as bank volume of excavation.
This pay item refers only to unsuitable material as defined in Clause 203.4

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This pay item shall include all operations involved in the excavation, drying out, haulage, compaction or
other activity required for the re-incorporation of unsuitable material at an alternative location within the
Works or for its disposal as spoil.
The volume shall be determined by measurement or survey and calculation. If the material is such that the
bank volume of excavation cannot be measured, the Engineer shall determine the conversion factors to be
applied to the loose volumes measured in haulage units or to the measured stockpile volumes.
Any quantity ranges shown in the Contract are provisional quantities.
Pay Item 203P3: Disposal of Spoil Material off Site
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre measured as bank volume of excavation.
This pay item is the extra over amount for the disposal of excess material off site, in the event that it can not
be utilised of on site.
Pay Item 203P4: Excavation and Storage of Topsoil
The unit of measurement shall be cubic metre measured in stockpile.
The volume shall be determined by calculation using the End Area method.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for cleaning and preparing the stockpiling sites and also
for levelling and reinstating of the site after completion of the work for off-loading and spreading the material
if necessary, and for loading when required for use.

Pay Item 203P5: Excavation of Cuttings

Measurement of the material shall be cubic metres in the original position in the cut.
The quantity shall be computed by the method of average end areas from levelled cross-sections at intervals
not exceeding 20 m measured along the centre line of the road before and after removal of the material.
Pay Item 203P6: Controlled Blasting of Rock Face
Payment is by the linear metre of hole drilled.
Holes will be measured from the top of the rock surface to the elevation of the roadway ditch or to a bench
elevation set by the Engineer.
Quantities shown in the Plans are based on 0.76 m hole spacing.
Actual quantities will depend on field conditions and results from test sections.
Measurement and payment for roadway excavation and haul related to blasting shall be as provided under
those items in this section and shall include the volume of material excavated from the benches or setbacks
approved for drilling separate lifts.
Pay Item 203P7: Excavation for Open Drains
Excavating soft material situated within the following depth ranges below the surface level:
Pay Item 203P7.1: 0 m up to 1.5 m cubic metre (m3)
Pay Item 203P7.2: Exceeding 1.5 m and up to 3.0 m cubic metre (m3)
Pay Item 203P7.3: Etc, in increments of 1.5 m cubic metre (m3)
Pay Item 203P7.4: Extra over for excavation in hard material irrespective of depth cubic metre (m3)
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of material excavated in accordance with the authorised
dimensions, measured in place before excavation. Irrespective of the total depth of excavation, the quantity
of the material in each depth range shall be measured and paid for separately.
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for the excavation of the material to the required lines,
levels and grades, all temporary shoring and strutting, and the disposal of the material as directed. For
payment purposes a distinction shall be made between soft and hard material, as defined in clause

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Pay Item 203P8: Clearing and Shaping Existing Open Drains

The unit of measurement shall be a cubic metre of sediment removed, measured in place before removal.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for excavating the material, protecting the existing
drainage structures, trimming the floors and sides of the open drains and disposing of material as
Pay Item 203P9: General Earthworks
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre measured as bank volume of excavation.
This pay item shall be an average rate to cover all types of material encountered during excavation including
earth and rock.
This pay item shall include all activities associated with the excavation of material and the construction of
embankments, stockpiling of spoil, the haulage of material and any pre-treatment such as breaking down or
blending material or drying out material containing excess moisture, and trimming of batters except that:
• the extra costs of removal of material to spoil off site shall be paid under Pay Item 205P3
• the costs of excavating unsuitable material and incorporating into the work or hauling from site shall
be paid under Pay Item 203P2
• importation of material for general fill shall be paid under Pay Item 203P1
• extra costs for the replacement of unsuitable with general fill shall be paid under Pay Item 206P2
• the costs of preparation of fill subgrade shall be paid under Pay Item 207P1
• the costs of preparation of cut subgrade shall be paid under Pay Item 207P2
• extra costs for the replacement of unsuitable with select fill suitable for subgrades shall be paid
under Pay Item 207P3
• extra costs in processing select material for use as part of the pavement shall be paid under Pay
Item 4
• The base of the excavation shall be the designed floor level in accordance with the drawings and no
account shall be taken of level tolerances.
The volume of earthworks in cuttings shall be determined by calculation using the End Area Method.
Where unsuitable material from the foundations of shallow cuttings or material from cut to fill transitions is
excavated and placed into embankments the volume shall be calculated from joint surveys carried out
immediately prior to, and after subsequent removal of the unsuitable material, or by other methods which
may be approved by the Engineer.

Pay Item 203P10 Borrow Excavation

The unit of measurement shall be the compacted volume of imported fill in cubic metres measured in place.
The volume shall be determined by calculation from survey using the End Area Method.
This pay item shall include all activities associated with supply and placing of imported fill in embankments.
This pay item shall include all activities associated with the excavation of material from the borrow site and
the construction of embankments, the haulage of material and any pre-treatment such as breaking down or
blending material or drying out material containing excess moisture.
Payment shall not be made for excess widening of embankments or wastage by the Contractor.

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204.1 Scope
This section shall apply to the construction of embankments including earthen shoulders, miscellaneous
backfills with approved materials obtained from roadway and drain excavation, borrow pits and other
sources. It covers all work in connection with the cuts and fills, the removal to spoil of material unsuitable for
use, the construction and compaction of fills with various materials from the road prism or borrow material
from approved borrow pits, the compaction of the roadbed and finishing off of cuts and fills up to the stage
where fills are ready for placing the pavement layers. This section also covers the widening of existing
cuttings, fills and road-beds.

204.2 General Requirement for Embankments

In general the Employer will classify embankment construction as:
1 Rock embankment – in which the material in all or any part of an embankment contains
25 percent or more, by volume, gravel or stone 100 mm or more in diameter. Refer also
to Clause 204.04
2 Earth embankment – made of any material other than that used in rock embankment.
3 Unstable Base – if the Engineer is of the opinion that the natural earth base will impair an
embankment or make it unstable, the Contractor shall stabilise or remove and dispose of
the base material in keeping with this section.
4 Hillside Terraces – unless the Engineer directs otherwise, the Contractor shall terrace the
original ground or embankment on hillsides, on the sides of existing embankments, and in
transitions from cuts to fills. Refer also to Clause 204.06
5 Soft Base – on wet or swampy ground, the Contractor shall haul and spread embankment
material by methods that will disturb the base as little as possible. If the Engineer
approves, the Contractor may place the lower part of the fill by dumping and spreading
successive loads to form a uniform layer just thick enough to support equipment used to
place and compact upper layers.

204.3 Material Requirement for Construction of Embankment

204.3.1 Roadbed and Cut Materials
The Employer may test the roadbed and cut materials, which occur along the route of the roadway and,
should this be the case, the results of the tests will be shown on the drawings. The test results, if provided,
should be read in conjunction with these specifications. The intent is to give the Contractor a preliminary
indication as to the purpose for which the cut material may be used as well as the treatment if any which the
roadbed shall receive.
The Engineer will, however, give final instructions during construction regarding the use of cut material and
the treatment of the roadbed.

204.3.2 Fill
The Contractor shall place and compact filling to conform to the lines, grades, cross-sections and
dimensions shown on the drawings. Allow for the thickness of materials which will be placed in subsequent
Unless otherwise specified in the project specifications, fill material shall conform to the requirements
specified below:

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(a) The material shall not contain any rock fragments with a maximum dimension exceeding 500 mm.
except in the case of rock fills when it may be 750 mm. In the case of rock fills the material shall
contain sufficient finer fractions to fill the voids in order to obtain the maximum density. The Engineer
has the right to verify the result by means of random testing. If the rocks fill material is deficient in
fines, approved fines shall be added to the rock fill and placed as specified in Clause 204.4.02.
(b) Where it is possible by virtue of the quality of the available material, the minimum CBR tested in
accordance with AACRA Test S-12 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual;
Section 5.12) at the specified compaction shall be as follows:
Depth below final road surface Minimum CBR

(i) Up to 1.2 m - 3% at 90% of AACRA Test S-11 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and
Materials Manual; Section 5.11) density

(ii) 1.2 m – 9.0 m - 3% at 100% of AACRA Test S-11 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils
and Materials Manual; Section 5.11) density
If provision is made for it in the project specifications, the Engineer may allow the use of material not
meeting these requirements, i.e. clay or clayey material with a CBR less than 3% at 100% AACRA
Test S-11 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.11) density subject
to the requirements specified in the project specifications.
(c) Compaction requirements - minimum in-situ dry density
When the material is compacted to a percentage of AACRA Test S-11 (ref: Division 802 and
AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.11) density of 90% or 95% (as required):
Sand which for the purposes of this requirement is specified as non-plastic sand with not less than
95% passing through the 4.75 mm sieve, but with not more than 20% passing through the 75 µm
sieve shall be compacted to 100% of AACRA Test S-11 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and
Materials Manual; Section 5.11) density. Should more than 20% pass through the 75 µm sieve, the
sand shall be compacted to 93% of AACRA Test S-11 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and
Materials Manual; Section 5.11) density.
Where existing fills are to be widened or where new fills are to be constructed adjacent to existing
fills, the material so placed shall be compacted to at least 95% of AACRA Test S-11 (ref: Division
802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.11) density in order to minimise differential
settlement. For sand, the compaction shall be at least 95% or 100% of AACRA Test S-11 (ref:
Division 802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.11) density as specified
A maximum swell, as specified in the project specifications, shall apply.

204.4 Classification of Compaction

The method of processing and the compaction of fill material shall be classified as described below for
purposes of measurement and payment. The Engineer will decide in advance as to which classification of
compaction shall be employed. The classification of material for purposes of excavation shall not in any way
be taken into consideration in respect of the classification of the compaction of material.

204.4.1 Compaction to a Minimum Percentage of AACRA Test S-11 Density

Wherever a density requirement in respect of a fill or pavement layer is specified in these specifications, on
the drawings or in the project specifications or is prescribed by the Engineer in terms of a percentage of
AACRA Test S-11 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.11) density, the
Contractor shall be at liberty to employ any type of compaction equipment he may choose so as to achieve
such density over the full specified depth of the layer, provided always that he complies in all respects with
the general requirements of these specifications and that the equipment employed is adequate and suitable
for the purpose and will not in any way be detrimental to any part of the already completed works.

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204.4.2 Eight Roller Passes Compaction

Where the degree of compaction cannot be satisfactorily controlled by way of testing the in situ density on
account of the nature of the material, the Engineer may instruct that the material be placed and compacted
by eight passes (for every 200 mm of compacted layer thickness) by a combination of various items of
compaction equipment. The Engineer may also instruct that the required number of passes be increased or
decreased and that the payment be adapted accordingly.
The Contractor shall use a combination of all or any of the following items of plant: grid rollers, sheep's-foot
rollers, tamping rollers, flat wheel rollers, vibratory rollers, oscillatory rollers, or any other item of plant
deemed by the Engineer to be suitable. The Contractor shall base his tendered rates on the inclusion of four
passes by a vibratory roller or an oscillatory roller, two passes by a grid roller, and two passes by a tamping
roller in every eight passes by the combination of rollers.

204.4.3 Equipment
The plant shall be of any size and type as may be deemed to be suitable by the Engineer, except that the
following items of plant shall comply with the requirements stated below:
(a) Vibratory roller
(b) The vibratory roller shall be capable of exerting a combined static and dynamic force of not less than
120 kN/metre-width for every metre of loose-layer thickness at an operating frequency not
exceeding 25 Hz and shall move at a speed not exceeding 4 km/h.
(c) Oscillatory roller
(d) The oscillatory roller shall be capable of exerting a combined static and dynamic force of not less
than 120 kN/metre-width for every metre of loose-layer thickness at an operating frequency not
exceeding 50 Hz and shall move at a speed not exceeding 4 km/h.
(e) Grid roller
(f) The grid roller shall have a mass of not less than 13.5 tonnes when ballasted, shall be loaded to this
mass, and shall move at a speed of not less than 12 km/h.
(g) Tamping roller
(h) The tamping roller shall consist of a cylindrical drum fitted with specially designed tamping feet, and
shall have a total mass of not less than 13.5 tonnes, and shall be towed at a speed of not less than
12 km/h. The feet shall be rectangular in shape and shall have two or three consecutive rolling
faces, and shall be designed so as not to loosen any material during the process of rolling.

204.4.4 Rock Fill

When so directed by the Engineer, the rock fill shall be constructed as determined in Clause 204.5

204.5 Rock Embankment

204.5.1 Embankment Material
(a) Rock Embankment – in which the material in all or any part of an embankment contains 25 percent or
more, by volume, gravel or stone 100 mm or more in diameter. However, the maximum size of rock
which may be used in rock fill is 750 mm, and the layer thickness before compaction shall not be in
excess of one and a half times the average actual size of the rock.
(b) Rock material shall be broken down and evenly distributed throughout the fill material, and sufficient
fine material shall be placed around the larger material as it is deposited to fill the voids and produce a
dense, compact embankment. Where the proportion of oversized material exceeds 40% by mass,
additional fine material shall be obtained from other places in the work or by a change in the method of
winning fill material.
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(c) Stony patches with insufficient fine material to fill the voids shall be reworked with additional fine
material being blended in to achieve a dense, compact layer. The cost of any reworking shall be borne
by the Contractor.
(d) In placing embankment layers, the Contractor shall use equipment and techniques to avoid surface
heaving or other damage to the foundations and underlying embankment layers.

204.5.2 Embankment Construction

(a) Place rock in horizontal layers not exceeding 300 mm in compacted thickness. Material composed
predominantly of boulders or rock fragments too large for 300 mm layers may be placed in layers of
up to 600 mm thick. Incorporate oversize boulders or rock fragments into a 600 mm layer by
reducing them in size or placing them individually according to (b) below. Place rock layers with
sufficient earth and smaller rocks to fill the voids. Compact each layer according to (c) – Compaction
of Rock Embankment, before placing the next layer.
Construct the top 300 mm of the embankment with topping or other suitable material.
(b) Individual rock fragments and boulders.
Place individual rock fragments and boulders greater than 600 mm in diameter as follows:
(i) Reduce rock to less than 1.20 m in the largest dimension.
(ii) Distribute rock within the embankment to prevent nesting and fill the voids between them
with finer material;
(iii) Compact each layer according to (c) – Compaction of Rock Embankment
(c) Compaction of Rock embankment.
Adjust the moisture content of the material to moisture content suitable for compaction. Compact
each layer of material full width with one of the following:
(i) Four roller passes of a 45 tonne compression-type roller
(ii) Four roller passes of a vibratory roller having a minimum dynamic force of 18 tonne impact per
vibration and a minimum frequency of 1000 vibrations per minute
(iii) Eight roller passes of a 18 tonne compression-type roller
(iv) Eight roller passes of a vibratory roller having a minimum dynamic force of 14 tonne
impact per vibration and a minimum frequency of 1000 vibrations per minute.
Proportion the compactive effort for layers deeper than 30 mm as follows.
For each additional 150 mm or fraction thereof, increase the number of roller passes in (i) and (ii)
above, by four.
For each additional 150 mm or fraction thereof, increase the number of roller passes in (iii) and (iv)
above, by eight.
Operate compression-type rollers at speeds less than 1.83 m/s and vibratory rollers at speeds less
than 0.91 m/s.
Alternatively, the type of vibratory roller used, the operating speed, the number of passes and the
layer thicknesses can be determined by means of the following formula:
Pex n = 1500 (minimum)
where Pe = total static and dynamic force per metre width generated by the vibratory roller at the
operating frequency given by the manufacturer (kN/m)
n = number of passes required
h = thickness of the compacted layer in metres
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v = roller speed in metres per second

Operating frequencies shall be between 18 Hz and 30 Hz and Pe shall be at least 120 kN/m.

204.5.3 Constructing Toes for rock fill embankments

W/here required rock fill embankments shall be protected by special toes which shall be installed as shown
on the drawings and as directed by the Engineer
(a) The toe shall be constructed simultaneously with the rest of the fill and shall consist of selected
rock material varying in size between 150 mm and 750 mm. If shown on the drawings, a layer of
synthetic-fibre filter material and a sand blanket shall be installed at the interface between the
normal fill and the rock protection. Care shall be taken not to damage or tear such material.
(b) The toe shall be constructed and compacted as described in Sub-Clause 204.04.02 for rock fill, but
the following additional requirements shall be taken into consideration: The outer part of the toe
shall consist of larger boulders properly bedded by means of smaller fragments so as to form a
stable interlocking surface.
(c) If placing with mechanical construction equipment does not achieve the required results, the
equipment shall be supplemented by manual labour to select, bar and place keystones in between
the larger boulders until the correct placing is achieved and the rocks are firmly interlocked.
(d) No additional payment will be made for the supply and installation of synthetic-fibre filter material
and associated sand blankets as these are part of Pay Item 204P1.10.

204.6 Embankment Over and Around Structures

Unless otherwise approved, no filling shall be placed against concrete bridge abutments, wing walls or
retaining walls within fourteen days of casting. Walls shall be strutted as necessary to prevent movement
during placing and compaction.
Arrange the placing and compaction of filling over and around pipes, culverts, bridges and other structures
so as to avoid unbalanced loading or movement.
Unless otherwise detailed, the abutments and wings of bridges shall be filled as follows:
(i) Where the gap between the structure and undisturbed ground is less than 900 mm,
backfill with sub-base material complying with Clause 302
(ii) Where the gap between the structure and undisturbed ground exceeds 900 mm but is
less than 2 m, backfill the zone within 2 m of the structure with select material as defined
in (c) below, and backfill in the zone beyond 2 m of the structure with general fill.
(iii) Unless the Special Provisions specify otherwise, the Engineer may identify as “selected” any
material excavated within the right-of-way, including the excavation of local borrow.

204.7 Embankment Construction on Hillsides and Slopes

204.7.1 Hillside Embankments
Where embankments are to be constructed on or against any natural slopes or the batters of existing
embankments, and the existing slope or batter, is steeper than 10% in any direction, then horizontal terraces
shall be cut over such slopes or batters that will be covered by the embankment.
As each layer of new embankment is constructed, the existing slope or batter shall be stepped in successive
terraces, each at least 1 m in width. The terraces shall be cut to a minimum depth of 300 mm except where
the existing slope or batter is 25% or steeper, when the terraces shall be cut to a minimum depth of 600 mm.
The terraces shall be cut progressively as the embankment is placed. Wherever possible, terraces shall
coincide with natural discontinuities. Unless directed otherwise by the Engineer, the material thus excavated
shall be incorporated in embankments or identified as unsuitable and removed in accordance with
Clause 204.4
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No account shall be taken of the material removed in terracing when determining the General Earthworks
excavated volume.

204.7.2 Placing Fill for Embankment Construction

(a) The methods of excavation, transport, depositing and spreading of the fill material shall be selected so
as to ensure that the placed material in any lot is homogeneous. The embankment shall be constructed
so as to derive its stability from the adequate compaction of the fine material embedding the large rock
pieces rather than mechanical interlock of the rock pieces. The fine material shall be compacted to
meet the requirements of Sub-Clause 204.3.2
(b) Fill material for embankment construction shall be placed in layers parallel to the grade line and
compacted in accordance with Sub-Clause 204.3.2 The layers shall be of uniform compacted
thickness not exceeding 300 mm, except that where more than 25% by volume of the filling consists
of rock with any dimension larger than 150 mm, the Contractor may increase the compacted layer
thickness to 500 mm, provided he demonstrates that the relative compaction specified in Sub-
Clause 204.3.2 can be attained for the full depth of the layer.
(c) The maximum dimension, measured in any direction, of rock pieces in the fill material for
embankment construction shall not exceed two-thirds of the approved compacted layer thickness.
Any larger rock pieces shall be reduced in size for incorporation in the embankment layers.

204.8 Embankment Compaction

204.8.1 Earth Embankment
(a) Classify the material according to AACRA Test S-10 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and
Materials Manual; Section 5.10). For material classified A-1 or A-2-4, determine the maximum
density according to AACRA Test S-11 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual;
Section 5.11).
(b) For other material classifications, determine the optimum moisture content and maximum density
according to AACRA Test S-35 method C (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual;
Section 5.35).
(c) Adjust the moisture content of material, classified A-1 through A-5, to the content suitable for
compaction. Adjust the moisture content of material classified A-6 and A-7 to within 2 percent of the
optimum moisture content. Compact material placed in all embankment layers and the material
scarified in cut sections to at least 95 percent of the AACRA Test S-11 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA
Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.11) density. Determine the in-place density and moisture content
according to AACRA Test S-17 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section
5.17) or other approved test procedures.
(d) The moisture content to which the material shall be brought shall be just sufficient to bring the material
to the optimum moisture content for the compacting equipment being used and the compaction
required, provided that, should the moisture content of the material be in excess of 2% above the
optimum moisture content for specified AACRA density it shall be compacted only when so approved
by the Engineer. If not, it shall first be dried out to the required moisture content.

204.8.2 Restricted Areas

(a) The Engineer may, in restricted areas, permit the Contractor to spread, water and mix the gravel or
crushed stone in a windrow next to the pavement excavation. Care shall be taken so as not to damage
existing surfacing and not to pollute the mixed material with other deleterious material.
Where this method of mixing is impracticable or impossible the Contractor shall make use of concrete
mixers or any other equipment or method acceptable to the Engineer.
(b) Additional Requirements in Respect of Work in Restricted Areas

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Suitable equipment and methods acceptable to the Engineer shall be used in restricted areas so that
the required densities will be obtained throughout the thickness of the layer. If necessary, the layers
shall be placed in thicknesses, which are less than the specified layer thickness, as determined in
Sub-Clause 204.7.3(a)

204.8.3 Layer Thickness

(a) The layer thickness of fills will generally be determined by the maximum size to which the material can
be broken down in the borrow pits and cuttings and thereafter when it is processed on the road itself.
The layer thickness will normally be based on the pre-estimation of what the maximum size will be to
which the material can be broken down, and shall be such that the maximum size of the fragments will
be more or less equal to the layer thickness after compaction. The maximum layer thickness (after
compaction) required from the Contractor shall be 200 mm, but layer thicknesses as little as 100 mm
will be permitted.

204.8.4 Compaction
(a) Compaction shall be carried out in a series of continuous operations covering the full width of the layer
concerned, and the length of any section of a layer being compacted, wherever possible, shall be not
less than 150 m nor more than can be properly compacted with the available equipment.
(b) The Engineer reserves the right to order the Contractor to reduce the length of any layer compacted in
any single operation if the proper compaction of such layer is not being achieved
(c) The types of compaction equipment to be used and the amount of rolling to be done shall be such as to
ensure that specified densities are obtained without damage being done to lower layers or structures.
During compaction the layer shall be maintained to the required shape and cross- section, and all
holes, ruts and laminations shall be removed.

204.9 Maintenance and Stability of the Embankment

The general obligations of the Contractor in terms of the care of the works shall include the following:
(a) During construction, the road prism shall be kept well-drained and protected at all times.
(b) All windrows shall be cut away after construction to prevent the concentrated flow of water on
completed fill layers, but, where necessary, flat berms shall be constructed to prevent the undue
erosion of fill slopes.
(c) All permanent drains shall be constructed as soon as possible plus sufficient additional temporary
drains as may be necessary to protect the road prism.
(d) Ruts and potholes developing in the fills after completion shall be repaired, and damaged portions of
the fills shall be reshaped and re-compacted at the Contractor's own cost.
(e) All cut and fill slopes shall be maintained by the Contractor until the road has been certified as being
finally completed.
Proper precautionary and temporary measures shall be taken in all cases to ensure that the method or
procedure by which the fills are constructed will not impose loads on structures, especially on uncompleted
structures, which may damage or overstress such structures.

204.10 Measurement and Payment

204.10.1 General Directions

(a) Determining the Quantities

Upon completion of all work in connection with clearing and grubbing and working the roadbed, and
where the classification of the excavations change, the Contractor, at his own cost, shall take cross-
sections at 20 m intervals so as to determine quantities, and shall submit the results so obtained to
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the Engineer for approval. The Engineer will take control measurements to determine the accuracy
and adequacy of the cross-sections, and may instruct the Contractor to correct any faulty work and
to take such additional measurements and cross-sections as may be deemed necessary by him.
Such cross-sections shall be taken before any cut or fill work is done. Where the Contractor
proceeds with such work before final approval of the cross-sections and before the Contractor and
the Engineer have agreed on the cross-sections, the Engineer's decision regarding the cross-
sections to be used shall be final and binding on the Contractor.
Where there are valid reasons for believing that the roadbed is subsiding as fills are being
constructed, and after the roadbed work has been completed and cross-sections have been agreed
on, the Contractor may request that the fill quantities shall be adjusted accordingly. Such request
shall be lodged without delay, and the Contractor shall submit the required supporting evidence to
the Engineer. Where the Engineer is satisfied that significant subsidence is occurring, he, together
with the Contractor, shall decide as to how the extent of the subsidence is to be determined, and,
where no agreement can be reached, the decision of the Engineer shall be final. Any adjustments of
this nature shall be made only where the average subsidence exceeds 50 mm.

(b) Material from Commercial Sources

If specified in the project specifications, material from commercial sources shall be used for the
construction of fills. In such cases the items listed below shall be applicable, except that the
tendered rates shall also include full compensation for all transport costs, and no overhaul shall be
measured and paid for.

(c) Work in Restricted Areas

(d) Items 33.15 and 33.18 are applicable solely to work that has to be executed in a restricted area of
which the width is less than 3 m or the length is less than 150 m.
(e) Disposal Areas.
The Contractor shall locate his planned locations for disposal of surplus materials and shall obtain
the necessary approval of and pay the necessary fees to the relevant Authorities.

204.10.2 Pay Items

Pay Item 204P1: Cut and borrow to fill

(a) Material in compacted layer thicknesses of 200 mm and less:

Pay Item 204P1.1: Compacted to 90% of AACRA Test S-11 density cubic metre (m3)
Pay Item 204P1.2: Compacted to 95% of AACRA Test S-11 density cubic metre (m3)
Pay Item 204P1.3: Compacted to100% of AACRA Test S-11 density cubic metre (m3)
Pay Item 204P1.4: Eight roller passes compaction cubic metre (m3)
(b) Material in compacted layer thicknesses exceeding 200 mm:

Pay Item 204P1.5: Compacted to 90% of AACRA Test S-11 density cubic metre (m3)
Pay Item 204P1.6: Compacted to 95% of AACRA Test S-11 density cubic metre (m3)
Pay Item 204P1.7: Compacted to100% of AACRA Test S-11 density cubic metre (m3)
Pay Item 204P1.8: Eight roller passes compaction cubic metre (m3)

(c) Rock fill (as specified in Clause 204.4)

Pay Item 204P1.9: cubic metre (m3)

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(d) Toes for rock fill embankments. (as specified in Sub-Clause 204.5.3)
Pay Item 204P1.10: cubic metre (m3)
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of material measured in the compacted fill.
For sub items (a), (b) and (c) the quantity measured shall be computed by the method of average end areas
from levelled cross- sections prepared from the ground line after clearing and grubbing and the removal of
topsoil and the completion of any preparatory roadbed treatment which may have been ordered by the
Engineer, but prior to the construction of the fill, and the final specified or authorized fill cross- section
superimposed thereon at 20 m intervals along the centre line of the road. All measurement shall be neat,
and that part of the fill placed in excess of the authorised cross section shown on the drawings or directed by
the Engineer, will not be paid for irrespective of the tolerances in workmanship allowed under the contract.
Where the roadbed has subsided under the fills, the quantities shall be adjusted to make allowance for such
subsidence, as set out in the note at the commencement of this clause. Measurement of fill shall distinguish
between the alternative methods of processing and compacting.
The quantities for sub-item (d) shall be calculated from the authorised dimensions.
Material excavated for the construction of open drains, subsoil drains, culverts, bridge foundations and other
structures, shall, if suitable and if so directed by the Engineer, be used for the construction of fills, and
payment shall be made under item 204P1 irrespective of any payment made previously for the excavation
of such material. All such material shall be classified as soft excavation.
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for procuring, furnishing and placing the material,
including excavating as if in soft excavation, the cutting of benches, for transporting the material; for
preparing, processing, shaping, watering, mixing, and compacting the materials to the densities or in the
manner specified herein and for removing and disposing of up to 5% oversize material from the road after
Payment shall distinguish between the various materials and methods of processing and compacting
specified, as itemised above.
Pay Item 204P2: Extra over Item 204P1 for excavating and breaking down material.
(a) Pay Item 204P2.1: Intermediate excavation;
(b) Pay Item 204P2.2: Hard excavation;
(c) Pay Item 204P2.3: Boulder excavation
The unit of measurement shall be cubic metre of the material removed as specified.
Measurement of items 204P2 (a) (b) and (c) shall be in the original position in the cut or borrow pit, and the
quantity shall be computed by the method of end areas from levelled cross-sections at intervals not
exceeding 20 m measured along the centre line of the road in the case of cuts and in intervals not exceeding
10 m and parallel to one another in the case of borrow pits before and after the removal of the material.
Measurement of boulder excavation shall be by the volume of individual boulders being measured after
removal, or by taking the in-situ volume of boulder excavation to be equivalent to 50% of the loose volume of
the hauling vehicles.
The tendered rates shall be paid as extra over the rates applying to soft excavation in item 2331P1 and shall
include full compensation for additional costs to excavate and breakdown the various classes of material,
including the cost of all necessary additional effort, plant and tools, materials, labour and supervision.
The extra over payment shall distinguish between intermediate, hard and boulder excavation

Pay Item 204P3: Cut to spoil.

Material obtained from:
Pay Item 204P3.1: Soft excavation. cubic metre (m3);
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Pay Item 204P3.2: Intermediate excavation. cubic metre (m3);

Pay Item 204P3.3: Hard excavation. cubic metre (m3);
The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of material measured in its original position in cut and
computed by the method of average end areas from levelled cross-sections taken along the ground line after
clearing and grubbing and the removal of topsoil, if any, but prior to excavating the cut, with the final
specified or authorised cross-section of the cut super-imposed thereon at intervals not exceeding 20 m along
the centre line of the road.
Measurement of boulder excavation shall be by the volume of individual boulders being measured after
removal, or where this is considered to be impracticable, by taking the in situ volume of boulder excavation
to be equivalent to 50% of the loose volume in the hauling vehicles.
Where measurement by cross-sections is considered by the Engineer to be impracticable, cut to spoil may
be measured in the hauling vehicles, by taking the in situ volume of the material in the case of soils and
gravel to be the equivalent of 70% of the loose volume in the haul vehicles and, in the case of boulder
material, as equal to 50% of the loose volume in the haul vehicles
The tendered rates for cut to spoil shall include full compensation for excavating from the road prism and
roadbed in the various classes of excavation for loading, transporting the material, off-loading and disposing
of the material as specified, including shaping and levelling-off any piles of spoil material.
This payment item will also apply to the removal of unsuitable roadbed material, provided that it is stable
material. and that instruction in respect of its removal be given before the excavations reach the level of the
roadbed material to be removed, all as described in Clause 204.4
Except where the temporary storage of spoil material is ordered by the Engineer, the tendered rates shall
also include full compensation for the temporary storage of spoil material, the later loading, transporting, off-
loading and grading of the spoil material within the borrow areas, and for reinstating the storage site to its
original condition.

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205.1 Scope
This work consists of assessment of the subgrade material, removal and replacement, or stabilisation of
unsuitable material as necessary, and preparation of a graded roadbed for surfacing or surfaced roadbed for
paving. The compacted subgrade may be the surface layer of the subgrade, compacted in cut areas, or the
embankment material in fill zones.

205.2 General
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer when earthworks have progressed to a stage where the nature of
subgrade material can be assessed.
(a) Investigation in Cuttings can be carried out at the time of construction.
(b) Embankment Areas
The evaluation of subgrade strength in embankment areas shall be based on the best possible
information about likely sources of earthwork fill materials proposed for use within the design depth.
The Engineer may order the removal of unsuitable material or other treatments including variations in
pavement thickness to allow for the subgrade materials actually encountered.

Hold Point 4.1

Process Held: Final preparation of subgrade in accordance with Clause

Submission Details: At least one working day prior to reaching subgrade level the
Contractor shall provide notification that subgrade level will
been reached.
Release of Hold Point: The Engineer will inspect the subgrade and may direct removal
of unsuitable or further action prior to authorising the release of
the Hold Point

205.3 Sub- grade Preparation

205.3.1 Cut Subgrade Levels
(a) The floors of cuttings shall be excavated, parallel to the designed grade line, to a designed floor
level, which shall be at the underside of the pavement. In doing this, floors shall be excavated to a
level of not more than 50 mm above or below the designed floor level.
The CBR of the material in the floors of shall be ≥3% at 90% of AACRA Test S-11 density (ref: Division
802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.11).
(b) All material remaining in the floor shall then be ripped or loosened to a minimum depth of 300 mm
below the designed floor level for the width of the pavement as shown on the Drawings plus one
metre each side. The maximum dimension of particles in the ripped or loosened zone shall not
exceed 200 mm after re-compaction.

(c) The ripped or loosened material or replaced or treated material shall be re-compacted with each
layer being compacted to the appropriate density prescribed in Table 205.1. No account shall be
taken of the volume involved in loosening when measuring the volume of excavations except that
where material has been declared unsuitable.

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(d) After re-compaction, the floors of cuttings shall be trimmed parallel with the finished wearing surface
so that their levels do not vary from the designed floor levels by more than the tolerances specified
in Table 205.2.
Trim cut subgrade in earth to an even surface free of loose material and compact as specified in
Clause 2.06.4 to the density prescribed in Table 205.1. Excavation below design levels by less than
100 mm other than that made for the purpose of removing roots and boulders or replacement of
unstable material shall not be backfilled but made good by increasing the thickness of the lowest
pavement layer. Grade all depressions to drain to the edge of formation.
Hold Point 4.2

Process Held: Recompaction of floors of cuttings.

Submission Details: CBR results of material in the floors of cuttings and notification
that the floor has been ripped and compacted.
Release of Hold Point: The Engineer will consider the submitted test results, inspect
the excavated floor and may direct further action prior to
authorising the release of the Hold Point

205.3.2 Rock Subgrade

Remove all loose rock from the surface.
Treat the rock surface so that water cannot accumulate at any point. This shall be achieved by constructing
subgrade drains to connect depressions to the stormwater system or to longitudinal subsoil drains.
Subgrade drains shall be at least 150 mm wide and shall be cleared of all earth and debris. Backfill all
depressions and subgrade drains with coarse filter medium.

205.3.3 Fill Subgrade

Trim subgrade to an even surface free of loose material to the tolerances specified in Table 205.2.
After compaction, embankment material in the subgrade zone(s) below the underside of pavement
(select material layer or sub-base layer, where there is no select material layer) shall have a CBR value not
less than that quoted on the drawings for the depth(s) specified on the drawings (or where not quoted on the
drawings shall have a CBR value of not less than 3 for a depth of not less than 1 m). For the purpose of this
Sub-Clause, the CBR value of the material shall be determined by the Test Method as described in AACRA
Test S-12 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.12).

205.3.4 Clay Subgrade

Subgrade comprising clay soils of medium to high (CL/CH) and high (CH) plasticity need to be retained
moist within the range of –1% to +3% of standard optimum moisture content. To prevent drying out and to
limit possible surface heave, immediately after compaction the subgrade should be covered by the first
select fill or pavement layer.

205.3.5 Unsuitable Subgrade Material

Unsuitable and sensitive materials such as silt or organic matter shall be removed from cut subgrades to the
extent directed by the Engineer. Soft clay normally will not be regarded as being unsuitable material.
(a) Holes so formed shall be backfilled with selected fill from excavations, or imported material. Both
shall comply with the following requirements:
(i) Maximum size 75 mm
(ii) A soaked California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of not less than that shown on the drawings (or
where not quoted on the drawings shall have a CBR value of not less than 3), the CBR
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value of the material shall be determined by AACRA Test S-12 (ref: Division 802 and
AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.12). Backfill material shall be compacted
to the density specified in Table 205.1.

205.3.6 Subgrades Affected by Moisture

When a subgrade is unable to support construction equipment, or it is not possible to compact overlying
pavement only because of subgrade moisture content, then one or more of the following alternative actions
may be taken:
(a) Allow the subgrade to dry to a moisture which will allow compaction and the placement of pavement
material scarify the subgrade to a minimum depth of 150 mm and work as necessary to accelerate
(b) Re-compact as specified when moisture content approximates optimum.
(c) Excavate the soft material and place and compact selected materials to the standard specified in
Sub-Clause 205.4.1
The approach to be adopted shall be at the Contractor's discretion and expense. No extensions of time will
be granted in respect of any delay due to wet subgrade unless it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the
Engineer that the subgrade moisture content is due to other than the Contractor's work practices.

205.4 Conformance
205.4.1 Compaction
Compaction conformance requirements for work carried out under this Section of the Specification are
itemised in Table 205.1

Table 4.1

Item Compaction Requirement

1. Backfilling of grub holes Density of surrounding undisturbed soil.
2. Replacement of unsuitable material in cuttings other As for Item 1
than subgrades
3. Replacement of over excavation other than as As for Item 4 or 5 as relevant.
provided for by Cl. 2.07.2
4. General fill and foundation of embankments. 90% of AACRA Test S-11 density
5. Top 1.0 m of road embankments 95% of AACRA Test S-11 density.
6. Backfill within 2 m of structures 95% of AACRA Test S-11 density.
7. Replacement of unsuitable subgrade material 95% of AACRA Test S-11 density.
8. Cut subgrade in granular soils and clay soils having 95% of AACRA Test S-11 density.
soaked CBR>2
9. Cut Subgrade in clay soils having a soaked CBR 90% of AACRA Test S-11 density (i)
10. Foundation of shallow embankments 95% of AACRA Test S-11 density.
Notes on Table 205.1
(i) Moisture content to be in the range of -1 % to +3 % of the optimum moisture content

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205.4.2 Tolerances on Level and Shape

On completion of cutting, filling and all incidental operations and before the placement of covering materials,
finished surfaces shall conform to the tolerances in level and shape itemised in Table 205.2.

Table 4.2

Item Tolerance
1. Cut subgrade in earth Level: + 25 mm –Unspecified.
Straightness: 20 mm maximum departure from 3 m straightedge
both ways
2. Cut subgrade in rock Level: + 25 mm – Unspecified
Straightness: Unspecified.
3. Fill subgrade Level: + 25 mm – Unspecified .
Straightness: 20 mm maximum departure from a 3 m straightedge
both ways.
4. Unpaved areas in cut or fill Level ± 50 mm
5. Rock batters Level: + 50 mm- Unspecified

205.4.3 Sampling and Testing

All laboratory testing of work carried out under this Section of the Specification shall be performed in
accordance with procedures specified herein.
Work under this Specification shall be subdivided into lots or discrete work areas. The Engineer shall have
the right to reject a lot, which is visually non-homogeneous and/or non-representative.
The specified testing shall be taken at the random test locations established in each lot in accordance with
the specified frequency of testing which shall be appropriate to verify conformity and shall not be less than
that stated in Table 205.4. Where no minimum frequency of inspection or testing is stated, the Contractor
shall nominate appropriate frequencies in their Inspection and Test Plan(s).

Table 4.3

Number of Tests Max. results Max. results more Max. results

per Lot 0-2% below 1-2% below more than 2% below
1-2 Nil Nil Nil

3-5 1 1 Nil

6-10 2 1 Nil

10 20% 10% Nil

The Contractor shall include in the management review of their Quality System, a review of the appropriateness
of the frequency of testing nominated in the Inspection and Test Plan(s). Such review shall take into account the
frequency of nonconformity detected, including nonconformities remedied by simple reworking.

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Table 4.4

Clause Characteristic Test Method Minimum Frequency Of Testing


205.4.1; Compaction and AACRA Not less than:

Table 205.1 moisture content of Test S-11
One test per lot
backfill to structures;
replacement of 3
One test per 200 m
unsuitable subgrade; distributed evenly through-out full
replacement of depth and area
unsuitable foundation or
other confined One test every two layers
205.3.1 Compaction and AACRA Not less than:
moisture content of top Test S-11 3 tests per lot
205.3.5 2
layer of fill (subgrade); One test per 500 m
Table 205.1 cut subgrade and - One test per 50 m
foundation of shallow fill
205.3.1 Material properties (CBR AACRA Not less than:
and Sieve Size) fill and Test S-12 2
205.3.3 One per 1000 m
cut subgrade and
205.3.5 foundations of shallow One test per lot
205.3.1 Level tolerances of cut Level One full cross section per 20 m linear
subgrade and fill length. Provide levels at all changes
subgrade in grade and at intermediate points
205.4.2 no more than 3 m apart.
Table 205.2
Prior to testing, the Contractor shall work the lot to ensure uniform moisture content and compaction of all
material within the lot. The test/s then taken shall be considered to represent the total volume of material
placed within the lot. The compaction requirements specified in Table 205.1 are minimum requirements.
When density tests are carried out on a lot, the number of results falling below the specified value shall not
exceed the limits set out in Table 205.3

205.4.4 Protection of Earthworks

(a) Protect earthworks and in particular road formations from the effects of erosion and deposition.
Grade earthworks and particularly subgrades to drain at all stages. Where run-off must cross the
formation, ensure that the stream is a broad sheet flow which crosses roughly at right angles to the
alignment and minimises the likelihood of subgrade softening.
(b) When rain is likely or when work is not proposed to continue in a working area on the following day,
precautions shall be taken to minimise ingress of any excess water into earthworks material. Ripped
material remaining in cuttings and material placed on embankments shall be sealed off by adequate
compaction to provide a smooth tight surface.
(c) Should in-situ or stockpiled material become over wet as a result of the Contractor not providing
adequate protection of earthworks, the Contractor shall be responsible for replacing and/or drying
out the material and for any consequential delays to the operations.

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205.5 Measurement and Payment

Payment shall be made for all activities associated with completing the work detailed in this Specification in
accordance with Pay Items 205P, 205P2, 205P3, 205P4, 205P5, 205P6, 205P7 inclusive. A lump sum price
for any of these items will not be accepted. The Contractor shall allow in the pay items generally for the costs
associated with all testing required to prove conformance of the works as specified.
If any pay item for which a quantity of work is listed in the Contract has not been priced by the Contractor, it
shall be understood that due allowance has been made in the prices of other pay items for the cost of the
activity which has not been priced.

Pay Item 205P1 Preparation of Cut Subgrade

The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of subgrade measured to the edge of the overlaying
pavement or select material layer unless otherwise shown on the drawings. This pay item shall include all
activities associated with ripping, re-compaction, trimming and conformance testing of cut subgrade in
accordance with Clause 205.3.1

Pay Item 205P2 Preparation of Fill Subgrade

The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of subgrade measured to the edge of the overlaying
pavement or select material layer unless otherwise shown on the drawings. This pay item shall include all
activities associated with trimming compaction and conformance testing of fill subgrade in accordance with
Clause 205.3.3.

Pay Item 205P3 Unsuitable Material

The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre measured as bank volume of excavation.
This pay item refers only to unsuitable material as defined in Clause 205.3.5. This pay item shall include all
operations involved in the excavation, drying out, haulage, compaction or other activity required for the re-
incorporation of unsuitable material at an alternative location within the Works or for its disposal as spoil. The
volume shall be determined by measurement or survey and calculation. If the material is such that the bank
volume of excavation cannot be measured, the Engineer shall determine the conversion factors to be
applied to the loose volumes measured in haulage units or to the measured stockpile volumes. The quantity
ranges shown in the Contract are provisional quantities.

Pay Item 205P4 Replacement of Unsuitable With General Fill

The unit of measurement shall be the compacted volume of imported fill in cubic metres measured in place.
The volume shall be determined by calculation from survey. This pay item is the extra over amount above
the rate for general fill, for the replacement and compaction of general fill after the removal of unsuitable in
accordance with Clause 205.3.5.

Pay Item 205P5 Replacement of Unsuitable With Select Fill Suitable For Subgrades

The unit of measurement shall be the compacted volume of imported fill in cubic metres measured in place.
The volume shall be determined by calculation from survey. This pay item is the extra over amount above
the rate for general fill for the placement and compaction of select fill material suitable for subgrade after the
removal of unsuitable in accordance with Clause 205.3.5

Pay Item 205P6 Imported General Fill

The unit of measurement shall be the compacted volume of imported fill in cubic metres measured in place.
The volume shall be determined by calculation from survey. This pay item shall include all activities
associated with the excavation of material from the borrow site and the construction of embankments, the
haulage of material and any pre treatment such as breaking down or blending material or drying out material
containing excess moisture. Payment shall not be made for excess widening of embankments or wastage by
the Contractor.

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206.1 Scope
The works covered by this Division of the Specification comprise the construction and finishing to line, grade
and cross-section of select earth or granular material shoulders and slopes. The cross sectional design for a
road will be determined by the current geometric standards applied to the project, including technical
considerations such as problem soils in the sub-grade. The required standard cross-sections of the
particular urban road will be indicated by the AACRA as part of their construction package.

206.2 Definitions
(a) When referring to this as a surface: The area between the outside
edge of the travelled way and the shoulder breakpoint.
(b) When referring to this as a pavement layer: The upper pavement layer
lying between the outside edge of the base and the shoulder
The line along which the extended flat planes of the surface of the
SHOULDER shoulder and the outside slope of the fill and pavement intersect. This
BREAKPOINT edge is normally rounded to a predetermined radius.
Slopes in this sense shall mean the embankment or batter slopes
constructed and finished to the lines and grades shown on the drawings
or established by the Engineer

206.3 Materials
206.3.1 Slopes
Embankment slopes shall be finished using a select material, from cuttings excavated under the Contract,
from borrow sites or from other sources indicated in the Contract. Select(ed) material shall be crushed rock,
natural gravels, recycled building material or suitable soils, and the materials shall be free of clay lumps,
organic matter and deleterious substances. If necessary, the Contractor shall use working methods to yield
material for the selected material zone by breaking down oversize rock or by other means, including
processing through a crusher. Topsoil excavated within the limits of the project may be considered as select
material for purposes of slopes.

206.3.2 Shoulders
Shoulders on either side of a road may be of select or granular material. They shall meet the requirements
for gravel wearing course in the event that the shoulders will not receive a bituminous seal for any reason.
Paved shoulders shall consist of select material, sub-base, base and surfacing courses as specified or
shown on the drawings. Use of the same pavement structure for the shoulders as for the adjacent
carriageway shall be the preferred construction. (Ref: Section 300, Divisions 301, 302, 303).
(a) Select Material is designated as defined types as follows:
CBR15 Select material with minimum CBR of 15%
CBR12 Select material with minimum CBR of 12%
CBR10 Select material with minimum CBR of 10%
CBR8 Select material with minimum CBR of 8%

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CBR6 Select material with minimum CBR of 6%

(b) Select material properties

The select material shall have a maximum particle size not exceeding 75 mm, must not have a
Unified Soil Classification of ML, MH or CH, and shall be in accordance with Table 206.1

Table 4.5

AACRA Select Material Requirements

Test Description
Type Type Type Type Type
S-9 Liquid Limit max 40 max 40 max 40 max 45 max 45
S-36 Linear Shrinkage max 7 max 8 max 8 max 9 max 10
S-6 Passing 75 µm sieve max 45 max 45 max 50 - -
S-8 Plasticity Index x % Pass max 900 max max max max
0.425 mm sieve 1000 1200 1500 1800
S-12 % Swell in CBR test max max 1.3 max 1.6 max 2.0 max 2.5
S-12 4 day Soaked CBR min 15 min 12 min 10 min 8 min 6
(95% AACRA Test S-11
compaction) (i) (ii) (iii)

206.4 Construction Requirements for Finishing Slopes

The embankment batter slopes shown on the Drawings represent the estimated requirements for the
expected types of materials, but may be subject to re-determination by the Engineer depending upon the
materials encountered.
Compact embankment batter slopes with a tamping type roller or by walking with a dozer. For slopes 1.75:1 or
steeper, compact the slopes as construction of the embankment progresses.
If a slide or slip out occurs on a cut or embankment slope, remove or replace the material and repair or
restore all damage to the work. Bench or key the slope to stabilise the slide. Reshape the cut or
embankment slope to an acceptable condition.
Where required by the contract, construct steps on slopes of 0.75:1 to 2:1. Construct the steps
approximately 450 mm high. Blend the steps into natural ground at the end of the cut. If the slope contains
non-ripable rock outcrops, blend steps into the rock. Remove loose material found in transitional area.
Except for removing large rocks that may fall, scaling stepped slopes is not required.
When completed, the batters of embankments shall conform to those shown on the Drawings unless
otherwise authorised by the Engineer.
(a) For a vertical distance of 1 m below the shoulder, no point on the completed batter shall vary from
the specified slope line by more than 150 mm when measured at right angles to the slope line.
(b) At distances greater than 1 m vertically below the shoulder, no point on the completed batter shall
vary from the specified slope line by more than 300 mm when measured at right angles to the slope.
However, in no case shall the edge of the formation at the underside of the pavement be nearer to
the roadway than shown on the Drawings.
Undulations in the general plane of the batter shall not be permitted. Any loose material on the batters shall
be promptly removed as the work progresses.

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Where the Engineer re-determines the slope of any section of an embankment batter, which has been
completed in accordance with Sub-Clause’s 206.4.2 and 3, the Engineer shall order a Variation to the Work
for the resetting out and removal or addition of fill material and re-trimming of the batter.

206.5 Construction Requirements for Finishing Shoulders

206.5.1 Delivery and Spreading
Material shall not be placed over a layer with moisture content exceeding 90% of the laboratory optimum
maximum moisture content as determined by AACRA Test S-11 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and
Materials Manual; Section 5.11) or that has become rutted or mixed with foreign matter. Base, sub-base and
select materials, when delivered, shall have the moisture content within ± 2% of the modified optimum
moisture content. The material shall be spread in uniform layers as near as practicable to the required
thickness by direct tipping from suitable vehicles or by the use of a mechanical spreader. Segregation of
material during tipping and spreading shall be minimised. The tipping of material in heaps and spreading by
grader is not permitted. If material becomes segregated it shall be remixed to produce a non-segregated

206.5.2 Compaction and Finishing

Layers of base, sub-base and select material shall be not less than 100 mm in compacted thickness.
Maximum layer thickness shall be limited to that which will allow compaction to specified densities by the
equipment in use. Where a course of a particular material is composed of several layers they shall be of
approximately equal thickness within these limits.
During compaction, the moisture content of the materials shall be maintained in the range specified above
for delivery. Water spraying equipment used for this purpose shall be capable of uniformly distributing water
in controlled quantities over uniform widths.
On sections of pavement with one-way cross fall, compaction shall begin at the low side of the pavement
and progress to the high side. Each coverage of the rollers shall be approximately parallel with the centreline
of the roadway and uniformly overlap each preceding coverage. The outer metre of both sides of the
pavement shall receive at least two more passes by the compaction plant than the remainder of the
Surfaces of material to receive a bituminous surfacing shall be constructed slightly higher than the specified
levels and cut to profile by power grader or trimming machine towards the end of the compaction process.
Rolling shall then continue to produce the specified density and a tight, even surface without loose stones or
slurry of fines. Cuttings from the surface may be used to a maximum depth of 50 mm in the bottoms of adjoining
layers of material subject to non-contamination by other materials.

206.5.3 Matching to Existing Pavements

Unless specified otherwise, where the pavement is to be joined to an existing pavement, remove a strip of
the existing pavement at least 300 mm wide for its full depth and trim the edge to an angle of approximately
45º in steps of maximum height 150 mm before placing new pavement material.

206.5.4 Conformance Criteria

(a) Compaction Conformance
(i) Base course material shall be compacted to at least 100% of modified maximum dry
(ii) Sub-base material shall be compacted to at least 97% of AACRA Test S-11 density (ref:
Division 802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.11).
(iii) Select material shall be compacted to at least 95% of AACRA Test S-11 density (ref:
Division 802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.11).
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Final November 2004
Page 206-3

(iv) Where material is being placed which is not suitable for testing by standard laboratory
methods, then compaction operations shall be carried out in a manner to satisfy
conformance criteria. The Contractor may submit a method statement for compaction
which may negate the requirement for testing subject to approval by the Engineer
The Engineer may specify the type of compaction equipment, layer thickness (in the range
75-200 mm) and the means of adjustment of moisture content. Unless otherwise specified, a single
probe Nuclear Surface-Moisture Density Gauge may be used in direct transmission mode to
measure the in-situ density and moisture content during these compaction operations.
(b) Moisture Content
Base, sub-base and select material shall have moisture content in the range of 60% - 90% of the
laboratory optimum maximum moisture content as determined by AACRA Test S-11 (ref: Division
802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.11) when tested for compaction.
(c) Surface Tolerances
On completion of placement, compaction and trimming, shoulder courses shall comply with the
tolerances itemised in Table 206.2. Surface shape shall be such that water cannot accumulate at
any point. The shoulder layer is to be surveyed for level and thickness conformance.

Table 4.6

Item Criteria Tolerance

Shoulder layers:
Select Material for Surface Level: ± 5 mm If adjacent to concrete gutter
Shoulders + 10 mm - 0 mm If no gutter
Thickness: + unspecified – 0 mm
Straightness: 10 mm maximum departure from 3 m straightedge placed
on the surface both parallel and perpendicular to the
pavement centreline

206.5.5 Sampling and Testing

206.5.6 Procedures
(i) All sampling and testing of materials supplied and work carried out select material shall
be performed in accordance with the relevant AACRA, AASHTO or ASTM Standards.
(ii) Sampling and testing shall be based on representative homogenous lots or discrete
work areas. The Engineer shall have the right to reject a lot which is non-homogeneous
and/or non-representative.
(iii) The specified sampling and testing shall be taken at the random test locations
established in each lot in accordance with the specified minimum testing frequency in
Sub-Clause 206.5.5(d). Prior to testing the Contractor shall work the lot to ensure
uniform moisture content and compaction of all material within the lot.
The test(s) when taken shall be considered to represent the total volume of material placed within the lot.
(a) Materials

Testing of the materials shown in the drawings to be used for the construction of shoulders will
normally be performed on samples taken at the time of delivery to the site and after placement and
compaction in the pavement. However, the properties specified and conformance is applicable to the
materials in their final condition in the pavement. Conformance based on samples taken prior to
placement and compaction of the shoulder layer s dependent on no significant change in properties
due to handling, compaction, segregation or contamination during subsequent pavement works.
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Final November 2004
Page 206-4

(b) Compaction
No lot is to be tested until adequate compactive effort has been applied. Sections with obvious
defects, such as soft or loose patches or roller marks, must not be included in any lot tested for
The compaction requirements for lot conformance specified are minimum requirements.
When density tests are carried out on a lot, the number of results falling below the specified value
shall not exceed the limits set out in Table 206.3.

Table 4.7

Number of Tests Max No. of Results Max No. of Results Max No. of Results
in the lot 0-2% below 1-2% below more than 2% below
specified minimum specified minimum specified minimum
1-2 Nil Nil Nil
3-5 1 1 Nil
6-10 2 1 Nil
> 10 20% 10% Nil

(c) Frequency of Testing

The frequency of testing shall be appropriate to verify conformity and shall not be less than that
stated in Table 206.4. Where no minimum frequency of inspection or testing is stated, the
Contractor shall nominate appropriate frequencies in their Inspection and Test Plan(s).
The Contractor shall include in the management review of the Quality System, a review of the
appropriateness of the frequency of testing nominated in the Inspection and Test Plan(s). Such
review shall take into account the frequency of non-conformance detected, including non-
conformance remedied by simple reworking.

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Final November 2004
Page 206-5

Table 4.8

Clause Characteristic Test Method Minimum Frequency Of

Analysed Testing
Materials - Base and Sub-base
Table 206.1 Coarse & Fine AACRA Test S-4 One test per 1,000 t or lot of
206.5.4 Particle Distribution material whichever is greater.
Table 206.1 Liquid Limit AACRA Test S-9 One test per 1,000 t or lot of
206.5.4 material whichever is greater
Table 206.1 Plastic Limit (PI) AACRA Test S-8 One test per 1,000 t or lot of
206.5.4 material whichever is greater
Table 206.1 Particle Shape AS 1141.14 One test per 1,000 t or lot of
206.5.4 material whichever is greater
Table 206.1 In Place Density and AACRA Test S-17 One test per 500 t. of
206.5.4 Moisture Content compacted material.

Materials - Select Material

Table 206.1 Liquid Limit AACRA Test S-9 3 tests per source or
206.5.4 One test per 500 t whichever is
Table 206.1 Plastic Limit (PI) AACRA Test S-8 3 tests per source or
206.5.4 One test per 500 t whichever is
Table 206.1 4 day soaked CBR AACRA Test S-12 3 tests per source or
206.5.4 One test per 500 t whichever is

Layer Properties
Table 206.2 Surface Level and Survey One survey point per 25 m2
206.5.4(c) layer thickness
Table 206.2 Surface trim Deviation from 3 m 10 tests per 200 m length or part
206.5.4(c) straight edge thereof
Table 206.2 Layer Width Measure One test per 200 m length or
206.5.4(c) part thereof

Notes on Table 206.3

For small lots the number of compaction tests may be reduced as approved by the Engineer.

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Final November 2004
Page 206-6

Hold Point 206.1

Process Held: Placement of overlaying base, sub-base or select material layers.

Submission Details: At least one day before proposed overlay of base, sub-base or select
material layers the Contractor shall submit all test and survey results
demonstrating conformance of the layer for material properties,
compaction, level, surface trim and width.
Release of Hold Point: The Engineer will consider the submitted documents and may carry
out surveillance and audit, prior to authorising the release of the Hold

206.6 Measurement and Payment

Payment shall be made for all activities associated with completing the work detailed in this Specification in
accordance with Pay Items 206P1, 206P2.1-P2.5 inclusive and 206P3. A lump sum price for any of these items
will not be accepted. The Contractor shall allow in the pay items generally for the costs associated with all
testing required to prove conformance of the works as specified.
If any pay item for which a quantity of work is listed in the Contract has not been priced by the Contractor, it
shall be understood that due allowance has been made in the prices of other pay items for the cost of the
activity which has not been priced.

Pay Item 206P1: Embankment Slopes

The unit of measurement shall be square metre area for the thickness of the soil spread. Embankment
slopes shall be finished using a select material, from cuttings excavated under the Contract, from borrow
sites or from other sources indicated in the Contract. Topsoil excavated within the limits of the project may
be considered as select material for purposes of slopes.
Pay Item 206P2 Select Material
The unit of measurement shall be cubic metre in place. This pay item shall include supply, spreading and
compaction of select material at the specified moisture content. Material may be from on site or imported. If
the Contractor assesses that the specified select material type can not be sourced from on site then due
allowance shall be made in the pay item for importation of select material of the specified type. A separate
pay item shall be included in the Contract for each select material type.
Pay Item 206P2.1 CBR15
Pay Item 206P2.2 CBR12
Pay Item 206P2.3 CBR10
Pay Item 206P2.4 CBR8
Pay Item 206P2.5 CBR6
Pay Item 206P3 Match to Existing Pavement
The unit of measurement shall be linear metre constructed.
This pay item shall include all works associated with matching the shoulder layers to the existing pavement
as described in Sub-Clause 206.5.3 or as shown on the drawings. This pay item includes excavation and
removal of the existing pavement, compaction, and trimming.

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Final November 2004
Page 206-7


207.1 Scope
The works covered by this division is for the construction of reinforced soil wall systems. Where the
Contractor is responsible for the design of the reinforced soil wall system, the design shall be carried out by
an Engineer(s) experienced in the design of reinforced soil walls (RSW). Design, verification and certification
of the geotechnical aspects of the RSW design shall be carried out by a Geotechnical Engineer. Design,
verification and certification of all other aspects of the RSW design shall be carried out by a RSW Designer.
Registered and patented systems suitable for specific applications of reinforced soil walls are available to the
Contractor and the use of such approved systems may supersede some of the construction details set out
under this division of the specification.
In general, a reinforced soil wall system will consist of a granular filling which is reinforced with horizontal
layers of galvanised or plastic reinforcing strips which produce an apparent cohesion in the direction of the
strips and permits the fill to function as a homogeneous gravity structure. The vertical or sloping outer face of
the fill is clad with cladding panels, which are connected to the reinforcing strips. For this purpose the
"system" shall include the reinforcing elements, wall facings and any associated components such as
connections, joint fillers and sealants.
This Specification does not cover the requirements for construction of reinforced slopes or foundations.

207.2 Materials
207.2.1 Concrete Panels
Concrete panels shall be manufactured from materials, which comply with the relevant requirements of
Divisions 602, 604 and 615.

207.2.2 Steel Panels

Steel panels shall be made from cold-rolled steel plate which complies with the provisions of ASTM 1008
and shall be galvanised in accordance to the requirements of AACRA Test M-9 (ref: Division 802 and
AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 9.9) for grade 85 µm coating.

207.2.3 Reinforcing Strips and Ties

(a) Reinforcing strips shall be manufactured from hot-rolled steel which complies with the provisions of
ASTM 1011. The reinforcing strips shall be deformed in accordance with the design selected. The tie
strips shall be formed to the required shape prior to galvanising.

All reinforcing strips and tie strips shall be hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication in accordance with
AACRA Test M-8 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 9.8) for grade
85 µm coating.
(b) Reinforcing strips manufactured from polymeric material shall be demonstrated by testing as being
sufficiently strong, stable and durable to satisfy the performance and design requirements of the design
(c) For temporary walls, un-galvanised reinforcing strips and tie strips may be used.

207.2.4 Bolts and Nuts

Bolts and nuts shall comply with the requirements of M10 Grade 8,8 bolts, and M12 Grade 10,9 bolts. Nuts
shall be Grade 8. Where required, bolts, nuts and washers shall be hot- dipped galvanised.
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Page 207-1

207.2.5 Dowels
Dowels shall be formed from 20 mm diameter rigid plastic rods.

207.2.6 Tubes
Tubes shall be formed from 32 mm diameter PVC pipe.

207.2.7 Joint filler

The horizontal joint filler between the panels shall consist of two 85 mm long hard-rubber pads, and shall
have the following properties:
(a) A 90 ± 5 IRHD hardness.
(b) A 295 Pa breaking strength.
(c) Deformation under compressive loads of 15 kN and 40 kN shall not exceed 35% and 50%
respectively, and rubber pads may not exhibit any cracks during testing.
The vertical and horizontal joints shall be covered on the rear face with 400 mm minimum width
strips of unwoven synthetic fibre.

207.2.8 Fill material

All material which is used as fill behind cladding panels in the reinforced soil wall system shall comply with
the following grading and chemical requirements in addition to all of the requirements of Section 200.
A copy of all the results of the tests conducted on the material by the Contractor or his supplier shall be
submitted to the Engineer. Material which does not comply with these specifications shall not be used
without the written permission of the Engineer.

207.2.9 Grading
The material which is used as fill in reinforced soil wall systems shall fall within the unshaded section of
Figure 207-2. Intermediate material may be used only if approved by the Engineer and if its plasticity index
is less than 30.

FIGURE 207.2

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Final November 2004
Page 207-2

207.2.10 Chemical and Electro-chemical Properties

Except in the case of structures which will come into contact with salt water, in which case the requirements
will be set out in the design specifications, fill material shall comply with the following chemical requirements:

Table 4.3



Resistivity (Ohm-mm ) ≥10,000 ≥30,000

pH 5 to 10 5 to 10
Chlorides (ppm) < 200 <100
Sulphates (ppm) <1,000 <500
Sulphides (ppm) <300 <100
The resistivity shall be determined in accordance with the method prescribed by the patentee.
The project specifications will determine whether class A or class B requirements shall apply.

207.3 Manufacturing and Handling the Cladding Panels

207.3.1 Concrete Panels

(a) Concrete panels shall be manufactured in accordance with the dimensions and details shown on the
design drawings, and, where necessary, these details shall be adapted to suit joining onto existing
structures, inclined foundations, varying heights or other similar conditions.
(b) The concrete panels shall be manufactured in accordance with the provisions of Divisions 602, 604,
615, and shall have an off-shutter class F2 surface finish.
(c) Concrete panels shall be between 140 mm and 180 mm thick, whichever is required by the designer,
and shall be classified in accordance with the requirements as type 0, 1 or 2 and on the number of
reinforcing strips attached to each concrete panel.
(d) The date of manufacture and the classification of every panel shall be clearly marked on the back of
such panel.
(e) The concrete panels may be removed from the mould once the concrete has attained a cylinder
compressive strength of 6 MPa.

(f) The concrete panels shall not be stacked more than five panels high during storage. The bottom
concrete panels shall be supported off the ground by means of timber blocking, and adjacent
concrete panels shall be separated by timber blocks packed between the tie strips to prevent any
forces from being transmitted onto the tie strips.

207.3.2 Steel panels

Steel panels shall be manufactured in accordance with the details shown on the design drawings, from steel
plate 2.0 mm, 2.5 mm or 3.0 mm thick, according to requirements.

207.3.3 Accessories
The cladding panels shall be complete and shall be equipped with the following:

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(a) Tie strips for connection to the reinforcing strips.

(b) Dowels and tubes for joining the cladding panels to one another.

(c) Lifting devices for handling the cladding panels during transport and erection.

The minimum inner radius of bends in tie strips shall be 25 mm.

207.4 Construction
207.4.1 Foundation
The foundation plane for the reinforced soil structure shall be graded level to the heights shown on the
design drawings, and compacted to 93% of AACRA Test S-11 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and
Materials Manual; Section 5.11) density in accordance with the requirements of Division 204. Measurement
and payment for this work will be made under the relevant pay items of Division 204
A concrete footing shall be provided in accordance with the details shown on the design drawings, or as may
be directed by the Engineer.

207.4.2 Typical Construction Method for Reinforced Soil Wall Structures

(i) Concrete panels may be installed once the concrete reaches the cylinder compressive strength
of 15 MPa;
(ii) Concrete panels must be handled and erected by crane and may be lifted only by means of
lifting devices provided for this purpose;
(iii) Half concrete panels shall be used for the bottom row and special panels for the top row of
the wall;
(iv) The bottom row of cladding panels shall be placed accurately in position on the concrete
footing and properly braced to prevent movement during the placing of the first layers of fill;
(v) Only half cladding panels of the bottom row shall be placed in position at first;
(vi) The distance between the dowel and the tube of two adjacent half cladding panels shall be
accurately controlled with a steel spacer plate to ensure that successive cladding panels will
fit accurately in between the spaces between the half panels;
(vii) Freshly placed cladding panels shall be clamped in the vertical position to the previously
positioned cladding panels, with screw clamps and wooden wedges. Timber blocks shall be
placed between the cladding panels and the clamps to protect the concrete.
(viii) Each cladding panel shall be individually checked after having been placed with a plumb
bob and spirit level, and the distance between the dowel and the tube of the adjacent
cladding panels shall be checked. Horizontal joint filler shall be correctly positioned before
higher-lying cladding panels are placed. Clamps and wedges shall be removed as the
construction progresses and once the cladding panels have been anchored by the
reinforcing strips.
(ix) Fill material behind the cladding panels in the reinforced soil wall system shall be
constructed and compacted in accordance with the provisions of Sections 200 and 300 of
the specifications to at least 93% of AACRA Test S-11 density (ref: Division 802 and
AACRA Soils and Materials Manual; Section 5.11), except that the layer thicknesses may
vary between 100 mm and 375 mm so as to coincide with the reinforcing strips.
(x) Fill material shall not be placed right up to the cladding panels before the underlying
reinforcing strips have been covered, for a sufficient length from the centre of the fill, with
compacted earth so as to anchor the strips adequately to keep the cladding panel in
position. The filling shall therefore be made from the reinforcing strip ends to the cladding
panels, and the earth shall always be spread in a direction parallel to the walls.
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Page 207-4

(xi) During placing and compaction of the fills, no vehicle or heavy compaction equipment shall
come closer than 2 m of the cladding panels. The earth within 2 m of the cladding panels
shall be compacted by hand tamper or light hand-operated vibratory roller. Compaction to
90% of AACRA Test S-11 (ref: Division 802 and AACRA Soils and Materials Manual;
Section 5.11) density is acceptable in this 2 m region. No machine with steel tracks shall be
allowed on the freshly placed reinforcing strips.

207.5 Measurement and Payment

Payment shall be made for all activities associated with completing the work detailed in this Specification in
accordance with Pay Items
A lump sum price for any of these items will not be accepted.
The Contractor shall allow in the pay items generally for the costs associated with all testing required to
prove conformance of the works as specified.
If any pay item for which a quantity of work is listed in the Contract has not been priced by the Contractor, it
shall be understood that due allowance has been made in the prices of other pay items for the cost of the
activity which has not been priced.

Pay Item 207P1: Concrete panels

The unit of measurement shall be square metre for the class of concrete, type of panel and thickness
Pay Item 207P1.1: Special panels (Concrete)
Pay Item 207P2: Steel panels
The unit of measurement shall be square metre for the thickness of plate indicated.
Pay Item 207P2.1: Special Panels (Steel)
The unit of measurement shall be square metre for the special type of panel indicated. The unit of
measurement shall be the square metre of each type of cladding panel supplied. The quantity shall be
calculated on the basis of the specified dimensions on the surface, which will be visible in the completed
structure. The front surface of the panel only shall be measured in respect of special panels (eg corner
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for the labour, the supplying of all the materials, including
tie strips, dowels and tubes, bolts and nuts, lifting devices and the necessary jointing material, for
manufacturing, storing, loading, transporting and off-loading and all appurtenant work which may be
necessary for providing the cladding panels on the site, also for all royalties, design costs and technical
Pay Item 207P3: Reinforcing Strips
The unit of measurement shall be a metre of reinforcing strip, of the dimensions indicated, in the various
sizes installed.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for supplying all materials, manufacturing the reinforcing
strips, transport, handling and storing, and all the labour and accessories required for installation.
Pay Item 207P4: Excavation for concrete footings for walls:
In soft material cubic metre (m3)
Pay Item 207P4.1
Extra over sub-item 207P4 for excavation in hard material cubic metre (m3)
Measurement of and payment for excavation shall be as specified under Division 601, Clause 601.02 of
these specifications, except that no additional excavation shall be measured where formwork is required.

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Page 207-5

Pay Item 207P5: Concrete footings for walls

The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of the class of concrete indicated, cast in the concrete
footings for walls, calculated in accordance with the net approved dimensions for the concrete footings.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for supplying and placing the concrete and constructing
the concrete footings, including the supplying of any formwork, which may be necessary.
Pay Item 207P6: Erection of cladding panels:
Pay Item 207P6.1: Concrete panels square metre (m2)
Pay Item 207P6.2: Steel panels square metre (m2)
Pay Item 207P6.3: Special panels square metre (m2)
The unit of measurement shall be the square metre of cladding panel erected as measured on the front
surface of the wall.
The tendered rates shall include full compensation for the erection of the cladding panels, the installation of
jointing material, and the connecting of reinforcing strips to the cladding panels.
Pay Item 207P6.4: Infill concrete and finishing on top of the wall

The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre (m3) of infill concrete, of the class indicated, placed on top
of the wall.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for all labour, material, formwork and construction
equipment necessary for placing infill concrete and for finishing off the top of the wall.
Pay Item 207P7: Erection of cladding panels:
Pay Item 207P7.1 Extra over items
The numbers of the appropriate payment items in Sections 200 and 300 indicated for the construction of fills
comprising reinforced soil - cubic metre (m3). The unit of measurement shall be the cubic metre of fill placed
between the reinforcing strips in accordance with the approved dimensions of the reinforced fills bounded by
the reinforcing strips.
The tendered rate shall include full compensation for the additional costs of constructing the fills containing
reinforcing strips, and for any adjustments to normal backfilling methods as may be necessary for placing the
backfill material as specified in this section, including the trimming of layer planes for providing intimate
contact with the reinforcing strips.

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208.1 Scope
This section covers all work in connection with the protection of earthworks (including, excavations,
embankments, slopes, road bed and sub-grade) from the effects of weather.

208.2 Construction Requirements for Protection of Earthworks

208.2.1 General
(a) Earthworks shall be protected from the weather at all times. The Contractor's responsibility for care
of the Works shall include the protection of earthworks.
(b) The compacted layers of fill and the bottom of excavations shall be adequately drained and shaped
to prevent free water standing on or scouring the completed layer or the in-situ material. Any
windrows or ridges, which will impede the free drainage of water, shall be removed from the surface.
No fill material for a succeeding layer shall be placed if the underlying layer has been softened by
excessive moisture.
(c) All permanent drains and additional necessary temporary drains shall be constructed as soon as
possible to protect the earthworks.
(d) Ruts, potholes and other damaged sections of earthworks and slopes shall be reinstated immediately.
(e) Drains shall be so constructed as to avoid damage caused by erosion to embankments.
(f) Any runnels or erosion channels which develop during the Contract shall be back filled with suitable
material and the areas reinstated.
(g) The Contractor shall not allow erosion to develop on a large scale before effecting repairs and all
erosion damage shall be repaired as soon as possible.

208.2.2 Control Measures

In addition to those erosion and sediment control measures suggested in the Contract documents and the
Sediment and Erosion Control Measures Plan, the Contractor shall generally plan and manage the works to
minimise erosion on the site.
It is expected that control measures may include the following:
(a) Control over surface run-off by:
(i) construction of interception drains to divert run-off from undisturbed areas around the works
(ii) installation of temporary drains;
(iii) early stabilisation of flood ways; and
(iv) use of straw bales, silt fences, swales, contour ploughing or rip dozer cleat impressions,
spreader banks.
(b) Limit movement of vehicles and equipment to:
(i) a single approved stabilised construction entrance; and
(ii) prepared parking areas bounded by temporary fencing.
(c) Minimise the area exposed by :
(i) staging of clearing operations;
(ii) progressive stabilisation of the works as completed;
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Protection of Earthworks
Final November 2004
Page 208-1

(iii) provision of temporary grassing; and

(iv) contour ploughing to disturbed areas.
(d) Construction of sediment control measures such as:
(i) sediment retention ponds;
(ii) sediment basins;
(iii) sediment traps (various types);
(iv) silt fences; and
(v) buffer zones.
Unless specified elsewhere within the Contract, or directed otherwise by the Engineer, then the sediment
and erosion quality control measures will be provided, operated and managed, maintained or replaced as
necessary for the period of the contract, including the consolidation period and/or the Defects Notification
Period .

208.2.3 Earthworks Protection

(a) Protect earthworks and in particular road formations from the effects of erosion and soil deposition.
(b) Grade earthworks and particularly sub grades to drain at all stages without ponding.
(c) Where run-off must cross the formation, ensure that the stream has a broad sheet flow which
crosses roughly at right angles to the alignment and minimises the likelihood of subgrade softening.
(d) When rain is likely or when work is not proposed to continue in a working area on the following day,
precautions shall be taken to minimise ingress of any excess water into earthworks material.
(e) Ripped material remaining in cuttings and material placed on embankments shall be sealed off by
adequate compaction to provide a smooth tight surface.
(f) Should in-situ or stockpiled material become over wet as a result of the Contractor not providing
adequate protection of earthworks, the Contractor shall be responsible for replacing and/or drying
out the material and for any consequent delays to the operations.

208.2.4 Stockpiles
(a) Where locations are not nominated in the documents, place stockpiles to minimise effects on site
and adjacent areas. Keep clear of tops of slopes to avoid causing instability.
(b) Locate stockpiles clear of natural drainage lines and provide temporary drainage as necessary.
(c) Stockpile material is to be placed to avoid damage to existing flora etc.
(d) Where directed by the Engineer, stockpiles shall be temporarily grassed.

208.2.5 Protection of Completed Earthworks

(a) In areas where earthworks, including open drains, have been completed and no further treatment is
specified other than top soiling and grassing or hydro-seeding, then the top soiling and seeding shall
be carried out as specified at the earliest practicable date.
(b) Areas of exposed completed earthworks shall, if directed, be stabilised using temporary grassing,
within 28 days of formation.

208.3 Reinstatement
(a) Fill temporary drains and remove structures when no longer required.
(b) Filling shall be placed and compacted as specified under embankment section.

Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works

Protection of Earthworks
Final November 2004
Page 208-2

(c) Reinstate surfaces (including areas formerly occupied by stockpiles) as follows:

(i) within the area of the permanent works finish as specified; and
(ii) areas outside the permanent works which were formerly developed in any way shall be
reinstated to their condition at commencement of the Contract.

208.4 Measurement and Payment

Performance of work prescribed in this division is not payable directly but shall be considered as a subsidiary
obligation of the Contractor and covered under the contract unit price for performance of work done under
the various sections.

Standard Specification for AACRA Road & Bridge Works

Protection of Earthworks
Final November 2004
Page 208-3

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