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Our campaign is called “healthy food, happy to cook”.

We think this campaign is important

because nowadays parents don’t have time to cook so they buy ready-meals which are
unhealthy and It got added ingredients which get fat and in consequence, it gets tiredness and
bad performance at school. So, we think it’s important to promote healthy children lives which
provide yours to have better performance at school through the reinforce of the concentration
in studies. Recent research suggests that a healthy child will be a happy, agile and an active
child, not only physically, if not intellectually and emotionally.

Our plan has three proposals: Firstly, to have healthy breakfast with professional’s nutritionist
and parents at school to generate consciousness about how important is to have a balanced
diet and give to children the example at home.

Secondly, to set up classes to teach children the importance about eating healthy food (and the
consequences of poor nutrition) and how to cook cheap and healthy meals. This proposal takes
part on the annual education, so you will end the school year with a recipe book of easy meals
to encourage your parents not to buy ready/meals. The student with the best book
presentation will win a year of free healthy food in different healthy supermarkets.

And thirdly and lastly, to open a healthy kiosk operated by students of the last year of studies
(and ban all the vending machines and the sale of junky food), to give them the possibility to
earn money for the study trip, through the sale of healthy food. It will be controlled by a
“health student delegate” who has the obligation to verify the food sold in the kiosk.

We think you should support our campaign because the best way to help children’s nutrition is
with their parent’s best example.

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