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Q.1-5.What value will come in place of question mark (?

) in the number-series
given below?
Q.1. 30 16 10 8 8 ?
(1) 10
(2) 7
(3) 11
(4) 9
(5) 6
Q.2. 380 465 557 656 762 ?
(1) 875
(2) 872
(3) 870
(4) 874
(5) 873
Q.3. 400 240 ? 86.4 51.84 31.104
(1) 140
(2) 142
(3) 144
(4) 145
(5) 143
Q.4. 1 5 14 30 55 ?
(1) 92
(2) 91
(3) 93
(4) 94
(5) 90
Q.5. 6 9 18 45 135 472.5 ?
(1) 758
(2) 759
(3) 755
(4) 756
(5) 752
Q.6-10.What value will come in place of questions mark (?) in the question
given below?

 
1 1 1 2

Q.6.  27  3  125  3   64  3  ? ? 3

(1) 16
(2) 14
(3) 12
(4) 13
(5) 15
1 2 3 4
Q.7. of of of of 36465 =?
11 13 15 17
(1) 32
(2) 22
(3) 26
(4) 24
(5) 28
Q.8. 1087.05 + 187.005+ 87.005=?
(1) 1361.066
(2) 1361.556
(3) 1361.055
(4) 1361.060
(5) 1361.511
Q.9. 1782 +129 × 6 =? ÷ 2
(1) 5112
(2) 5232
(3) 5018
(4) 5116
(5) 5106
Q.10. 1.1664 = ?
(1) 1.10
(2) 10.8
(3) 1.08
(4) 1.18
(5) 1.28
Q.1.(4) Q.2.(1) Q.3.(3) Q.4.(2) Q.5.(5) Q.6.(3) Q.7.(4) Q.8.(4) Q.9.(1) Q.10.(3)

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