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The Skill Of Confidence

By : Dr Ivan Joseph

Ryerson University, 14 January

The easiest way to build self confidence ; repetiton, repetition, repetition. Mr. Ivan Joseph give the
example of his repetition. He said when he did his speech, he practiced in front of the mirror, then
he went in font of his kids, then he get in front of the glen gool, he felt a little more nervous. By the
time he got to the ACG , he won’t have a single once of nervousness because of his ability to

Mr. Ivan Joseph give another example of repetition; JK Rowling, how many publishers she took her
Harry Potter back to? Mr. Ivan Joseph believe the number was 12 or 13? He thought 12 times
somebody said no. Maybe if shouldnt be repetition, maybe the nswer should be persistence. So that
one way to build self confidence.

The other one, self talk ; we al have a self talk that plays in our head. Example for women, the first
thing that about comes : omg! I look fat in these pants. We need to get our own self affirmations.
The example like Muhammad Ali affirmation “i am the greatest”. Mr. Ivan Joseph said that who else
is going to tell you? That we need to reaffirm like “i am the captain of my ship and the master of my

How do you build self confidence? Get away from the people who will tear you down. We are
coaches or educators, we are teachers, we are people who will create value in the world.
Interpretation feedback the way they choose. No one will believe in you unless you do. We’re
supposed to be different, folks and when people look at us, believe in yourself.

So i got the 5 key to practice an build the skill of self confidence :

1. Practice and persist no matter what

2. Talk positively to yourself, remind yourself of why you’re awesome
3. Get away from the people who wont support you
4. Build other people confidence by focusing on what the did well
5. Interpretation feedback as positively as you can focus on what you did or do well yourself.

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