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----Consultas Davox----

select * from Ga_Abocel whERE num_celular IN (3178944606) and

cod_situacion <>'BAA'
SELECT * FROM GA_INTARCEL WHERE num_celular IN (3178944606)
SELECT * FROM co_info_novedades_to WHERE COD_CLIENTE IN (29509083)
SELECT * FROM co_inf_nov_error_to where num_novedad in (697394)
SELECT * FROM co_errores_davox_scl_td where cod_error=1377

-----consulta factura de venta----

select * from ga_ventas where num_venta=124336571
select * from Ga_Equipaboser where Num_abonado in ('93052275')
select * from fa_histdocu where cod_cliente=32494041 and
select * from fa_factdocu_nociclo where cod_cliente=32494041 and
select * from siscel.fa_ejec_prebilling_th where pbl_descerr like
select * from ge_cargos where cod_cliente=32494041 and

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