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NOMBRE Camilo Villalobos GRUPO 23

Escoge el número que corresponda a la respuesta de la pregunta y escríbelo

1-What's she like? A-He's quite cute with curly hair and huge brown eyes. 8
2-What does he like doing? B.- She likes sports and she's really into riding her bike 7
3-What do they look like? C. He's ambitious and very hard working. 4
4- What's he like? D-She's quiet and very serious. 1
5- What do you like doing? E-He's really into computer games. 2
6- What does she look like? F-I like painting and making things with my hands. 5
7- What does she like doing? G-She's short with black hair and green eyes 6
8-What does he look like? H-They're not identical twins but they're both blonde with green
…………………………………eyes 3

Exercise 2:
Lee las preguntas y escoge la opción con respuesta correcta escribe la letra en el espacio
1. What's she like? c
a. She's tall with long dark hair.
b. She likes playing tennis.
c. She's really friendly.

2. What does she like doing? a

a. She likes dancing.
b. She's tall and very graceful.
c. She's really talkative.

3. What do you look like? c

a. I'm friendly with a good sense of humour.
b. Playing tennis.
c. I'm tall, blonde with blue eyes.

4. What do you like doing? c

a. I'm quite shy really.
b. I'm short with long black hair.
c. Pretty much any sport, really.

5. What does he look like? b

a. He's look like short dark hair and brown eyes.
b. He's got short dark hair and brown eyes.
c. He looks like short dark hair and brown eyes.

6. What is he like? b
a. He likes playing computer games.
b. He's great fun to be around.
c. He's tall, dark and handsome

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