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Maddox Zenner

Ms. Gutz

Honors English P4

6 March 2020

Climate Change.

What world would you like to leave to your children? One where we still have trees, plants, and

wildlife would surely be your answer. If we do not stop carbon emissions, irreversible damage will be

done to our earth, leaving this planet scarred and abused by the previous generation. Since the 1980s,

scientists have been concerned with what we are putting in the atmosphere, this is commonly called

global warming or climate change. Climate change is the idea that the earth’s temperatures and weather

patterns change. Climate change continues to be a hot topic in modern politics. If we are to slow or stop

the effects of climate change, we must first realize that climate change is man-made, and the more fossil

fuel we burn, the worse the problem will get. Though some still believe that climate change is natural, or

even deny it entirely.

First, since humans have used more fossil fuel and output more carbon, the temperature of the

earth have risen. Therefore, humans cause global warming. Carbon in the atmosphere has risen by 40%

since in the last three decades and methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon are at unprecedented levels (Fears).

With this information, we are sure that humans have at least been the cause for these greenhouse gasses

entering the atmosphere. Scientist discovered that gases like methane and carbon dioxide (the same gasses

humans have polluted the earth with) cause heat to be trapped in the earth’s atmosphere (News current).

Therefore, gasses that humans have output into the atmosphere have caused temperatures to rise, so that

must mean that climate change was made by man.

Secondly, what must we do to stop the effects climate change? So, if carbon dioxide, methane,

and nitrous oxide are the causes of climate change, and humans are the cause of carbon and other

greenhouse gasses entering the atmosphere, what exactly is it that humans are doing that output these

gasses? Many countries, including China (the largest producer and user of coal), have concluded that

machines and factories that utilize fossil fuels, emit the most greenhouse gasses (Borenstien). When the

U.N was tasked write a report on climate change, their researchers stated “In the last century, humans

have been burning a lot more coal, wood, and oil for energy. Because of this, millions of people have

stayed warm, traveled by car or plane, and done all the things that fossil fuels have allowed us to do. But

all this activity has produced a huge increase in greenhouse gases” (Newscurrent). So, if machines that

use fossil fuel for energy emit greenhouse gasses and greenhouses gasses cause climate change, then the

only way to stop the effects of climate change is to switch to renewable energy for necessities like cars,

heating, and electricity. That could mean to giving up some modern luxuries that require a fossil fuel

factory to produce.

Some may claim that climate change is a “hoax”, and that is it fabricated, and used things

for population control through cannibalism (yes you read that correctly). What they fail to realize is that

their reasoning and logic is ludicrous. In an article shared by the website Infowars, then posted on The

New American, it states “but taking our meat away and forcing us to eat bugs isn’t the only way in which

globalists hope to change our dietary habits. In addition to substituting hot dogs with houseflies, there’s

another source of protein that climate hysterics want us to consider: each other” (Murphy). The

“Globalists” they are referring to are people like me that believe in climate change and pray for a better

earth. Later in the article, the author elaborates on his ridiculous point that “Globalists” use climate

change as method of population control through cannibalism. It takes no genius to realize why this is

hysterical. He cites no sources other than his same website, leading me to believe, these articles that

Infowars and The New American write are purely conspiracy theories and fear mongering. These websites

prey on individuals that either are quick to jump on the bandwagon without taking the time to research for
themselves, or people that don’t understand the topic and are looking to these exuberant people who

sound knowledgeable and whose sites are designed to appear professional. They then advertise their

snake oil products through manipulative adverts, that say things such as “It’s not a matter of if you will

need storable foods, but when.” Infowars is especially the culprit for these appeal to fear fallacies. The

main goal for these crooked websites, is to make a make money off these easy to manipulate individuals.

Websites like these are essentially modern snake oil salesmen, hiding through the digital barrier. Global

warming is just another one of the methods that these con artists use to make a quick buck. They do not

truly care about the planet and the future generations, but rather their own profit.

Manmade climate change has clearly already begun its attack on the human race, so we must act

immediately to stop it in its tracks. Truly the only blocking us from tackling this threat, is the spread of

false information. What are we to do in culture where villainy and lies can spread at an unprecedented

rate? These lies that plague us are only to be stopped with proper research and factchecking. We must

have zero tolerance for these con artists. Since we are now certain that climate change is made by man,

and the emission of greenhouse gasses increase the earths temperature, spotting these falsehoods will be

the easiest task for tackling climate change.

Work Cited

"Greta Thunberg Arrives in New York City." NewsCurrents Read to Know, 09 Sep 2019. sirsdiscoverer,

Morin, Monte. "Warming Hiatus Heats Debate Over Trapped Gas." Chicago Tribune, 24 Sep 2013, pp.
12. sirsdiscoverer,

Rosenthal, Elisabeth. "What Ever Happened to Global Warming?" New York Times Upfront, 02 Apr 2012.

Fears, Darryl. "Report Strongly Ties Humans to Global Warming." Washington Post, 28 Sep 2013.

"EPA Repeals Clean Power Plan." NewsCurrents Read to Know, 23 Oct 2017. sirsdiscoverer,


September 2019

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