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1. Introduction: Reason Why should read Divergent? Why did I choose

this book?

My opinion.
It has cliff-hanger story. Why?
Divergent has a fascinating story. Why?
Summary about the book.
Simile between Principal idea of book and event in this moment.

2. General information

Writer: Veronica Roth

Published in April 24 of 2011
It’s a novel.
Take place in Chicago
The topic in general is dystopia (Dystopia is a fiction society it’s
undesirable in itself)

3. Whish audience

Teenage and Adult until 20 to 27. Why?

Kind people like to read science fiction and romance.
I chose this book because I think that divergent has excellent characteristics since it join
together to science fiction and romance. Also, it has a cliff-hanger and fascinating story
since that story is in future version of Chicago where there are five different factions. Each
faction play a role on society and has a virtue as Dauntless think bravery is keen, Erudite
love knowledge, Abnegation is pro-self-sacrifice, Amity hearts friendship, and Candor is
into telling it like it is. Beatrice grew up in an Abnegation family. But when she turns 16,
she decides to join Dauntless but she doesn't feel selfless enough to be a good
Abnegation; and partly because her test result showed that she was Divergent, meaning
she fit in all factions. But joining Dauntless isn't just about showing up and saying "I can"
otherwise starting a new and own life. Along the way, Beatrice takes a new nickname Tris.
She has to compete to get into Dauntless, all while hiding that she's really Divergent.
Then, Tris figures out that the Erudite faction wants to overthrow the Abnegation
government. And they're going to do so by mind-controlling the Dauntless army. But Tris
doesn't get brainwashed (because she's Divergent), so she destroys the villain's plan, and
rescues everyone. Except for her mom and dad, who die to help her. I feel that the story is
based on Divergent can be simile with events are happening at present since the principal
idea at book is that people are divide for groups have a principal characteristic and how
person wants to get absolute power to have power over people to her or his earnings
/ˈɜːnɪŋz/ and this is happening now since presidents and other people are power only
them earnings /ˈɜːnɪŋz/.

Writer: Veronica Roth

Published in April 24 of 2011
It’s a novel.
Take place in Chicago
The topic in general is dystopia (Dystopia is a fiction society it’s
undesirable in itself)
I believe that Teenagers and adult people between 20 and 27 enjoy reading Divergent
because the majority people in there years like thinks or topics about science fiction,
novels, mystery, romance that implicate real topic since with this can show to exaggerate
/ɪɡˈzædʒəˌreɪt/ the reality /rɪˈælɪtɪ/ on science fiction romance etc.. and they understand
that what happening nowadays. /ˈnaʊəˌdeɪz/

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