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Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano

English Week
María Fernanda Bolaños Galindo Cód. 1710010930

News Brexit is not a 'rejected' global cooperation of the United

Kingdom: five key points of Theresa May's speech at the UN
The article begins by speaking with the Brexit whose term refers to the departure of the
United Kingdom from the European Union because Theresa May affirms that it is not a
global cooperation, her affirmations were given at the UN meeting
Initially he began by affirming that the exit of his country from the European Union does
not mean leaving aside international cooperation or multilateralism, affirming that his
priorities in his leadership is to be able to fulfill the democratic wishes of the population
and the international cooperation that they have ideas and related values
He also clarified his dissatisfaction with Russia for the use of chemical weapons in the
streets of Great Britain by saying that those Russians with military intelligence had
violated international standards since they had been imprudent.
She was firm in affirming that although many did not agree with her position she would
defend the right to say it by clarifying that the independence of the media is the basis of
democracy in the United Kingdom.
I also firmly ask for international cooperation for those who feel vulnerable to
globalization, giving priority to satisfying needs, seeking the strengthening of strong and
responsible states that take into account the common concerns of the people
He also referred to anti-Semitism where I address issues of discrimination asking to
eradicate all kinds of hate and phobia that leads to forms of prejudice and discrimination
against minorities
From my point of view I agree with the affirmations of Minister Theresa May, her
affirmations are focused on a common well-being, on the responsibility that she has as
a leader and representative, if she does not agree with the actions and thoughts of the
European Union. It is valid to take an exit vote because as a state it is in its right and it
has the sovereignty to do so, but I affirm that this was not associated with a way out of
international cooperation and multilateralism, in addition if they are being violated by
chemical attacks on the part of other nations it is even more important to go out and try
by other means to reach agreements that first avoid military expiation and all kinds of
faults to international standards
And it seems supremely important to me to call for the eradication of hate from
prejudices of minorities who also have rights.

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