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Tommy Ngo

Professor Cole

English Composition II

04 February 2020

Descriptive Writing Practice:

Imagine walking into a random parlor expecting to find something interesting and

instead, you find some weird lady and some weird man. This is what I experienced. My three

friends and I entered through a brown, creaking door to a place that looked like an 1800s tavern.

From there, I saw a lady dressed in the darkest clothing I’ve ever seen. Close your eyes. The

black, dark and lonely place was what this lady embodied while wearing expensive, luxurious,

white pearls, the ones a movie star would wear. I immediately jumped back after being startled.

Her loud and grim voice struck me and my friends with nervousness. She then called out her

friend, whom I believe was even scarier than her. He looked like a modern-day Frankenstein.

Someone so scary and dressed in such old, ragged clothing. My friends and I were then

swiveling our heads like a bobblehead looking back and forth at the two elders who were talking.

As they somewhat moved closer in, sandwiching us, but still giving us room, I grew colder and

thought I would die. My friend, Mark then had some courage to punch him in the face and came

in with an Italian voice, asking what they would serve. He was a brave one because who in their

right mind would say something so crazy at this moment. We were alone, where no one had our

location, with two strangers. Two strangers that could potentially kill us. Once she pulled out her

pocketknife, my heart dropped. I didn’t know what she would do. I just imagined scarlet red

blood dripping out of my friend’s mouth. He was somewhat out of line with his comments, so I

presumed that she would be out of line with her behavior. I merely fainted onto the dusty and
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moldy floor. This was no longer some adventure with my pals over break, but a nightmare. She

later put away her knife and told us to sit down while she went into what I thought was the

kitchen. Although this was never confirmed, it could’ve been where she kept the bodies, the ones

she had previously murdered. The four of us ran towards the “dining area” and immediately sat

down. The tables were extremely dusty as if someone had not used them in 200 years. Dust

bunnies and spider-webs filled the air. My friend Tyler even fell when he sat down. We later

realized it was because his chair was missing a screw, causing it to be as stable as a rocking boat

in high tide. As soon as the lady left, my friends were done. We wanted to leave because we

were all too young to die. We devised a plan to run out after she brought out what she intended

to bring out. I was extremely interested in what was in the back, so I was okay with waiting as

long as we did not die. Once she brings whatever she went to get out, we will distract her and run

out to safety. This was not going to be the next Hansel and Gretel story. We were not going to

let an interesting building that attracted our eyes lead to our demise. This retched smelling,

grotesque, minuscule “restaurant” or “cellar” was not going to be my resting place for the rest of

my life.

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