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Noun Phrase in Grammar

“He” as a subject in a noun phrase

In “He buys me a bracelet”

There are some functions in a noun phrase

Noun or Pronoun is the head of a noun phrase

In “He eats a chocolate cake”

“He” as a subject in noun phrase

“He buys me a powder blush”

“Me” is a noun phrase as an indirect object

There are some functions in a noun phrase

“Today the air feels fresh”

Do you think there is a noun phrase as a subject?

“The air” as a subject in a noun phrase

In “Sarah wears a dress”

“A dress” is a noun phrase as a direct object

There are some functions of in noun phrase

Can you see it guys?

Some functions of noun phrase are as a subject, indirect object, and direct object
“He” as a subject in noun phrase

There are some functions in a noun phrase

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