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Pergamon J Biumechanics. Vol. 2X. No. 3. pp. 309 320.

Copyright rl‘ 1994 Elsevter Smnce LI*J
Printed in Great Britain. All rights res‘ervsd
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T. L. Norman,* D. Vashishtht and D. B. BurrS
*Departments of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Orthopedics, West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV 26505, U.S.A.; tInterdisciplinary Research Center in Biomedical Materials, Queen Mary
and Westfield College, University of London, London, U.K.; IDepartments of Anatomy and Orthopedic
Surgery, Indiana University and Biomechanics and Biomaterials Research Center, IUPUI, Indianapolis.
IN 46202, U.S.A.

Abstract--The longitudinal fracture toughnesses of human cortical bone were compared to those of bovine
cortical bone to test the hypothesis that although human osteonal bone is significantly weaker and more
compliant than primary (plexiform) bone, it is not less tough than primary bone. The fracture toughness
indices, critical strain energy release rate (G,) and critical stress intensity factor (K,), were determined for
human Haversian bone and bovine bone under tension (Mode I) loading using the compact tension
method. The effects of thickness, crack growth range and anisotropy on fracture indices for slow stable
crack growth in cortical bone were determined. Plane strain assumptions required for application of linear
elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) to bone were investigated. Longitudinal oriented fracture toughness
tests were used to assess the crack inhibiting effect of human bone microstructure on frature resistance.
Human bone I<, calculated from the stress concentration formula for 2 and 3 mm thick specimens equaled
4.32 and 4.05 MN m-3iz, respectively. Human bone G, calculated from the compliance method equaled
827 N mm ’ for 2 mm thick specimens and 595 N m- ’ for 3 mm thick specimens. It was found that crack
growth range, thickness and material assumptions affect fracture toughness. K, calculated from G, using an
anisotropic relation provided the lowest estimate of K, and equaled 3.31 MNme3’* for 2 mm thick
specimens and 2.81 MN m- 3’2 for 3 mm thick specimens. Both K, and G, were significantly reduced after
being adjusted to ASTM standard thickness using ratios determined from bovine bone. The fracture
toughness of bovine bone relative to human bone ranged from 1.08 to 1.66. This was compared to the
longitudinal strength of bovine bone relative to the longitudinal strength of human bone which is
approximately equal to 1.5. We found that even though human bone is significantly weaker than bovine
bone, relative to its strength, the toughness of human and bovine bone are roughly similar, but the data
were not sufficiently definitive to answer the question of which is tougher.

Keywords: Fracture toughness, crack propagation, human bone, bovine bone, fracture mechanics.

NOMENCLATURE Burr (1989) proposed that, although human osteonal

bone is weaker and more compliant than primary
crack length, measured from the vertical axis bone, it is not less tough than primary bone. It is not
through the loading pins unusual for reduced material stiffness in composite
thickness of the specimen
compliance materials to improve the material’s fatigue properties
crosshead displacement (Fine and Ritchi, 1978).
Young’s modulus in the longitudinal, circum- The matrix of tough fiber-reinforced composite ma-
ferential and radial directions terials transfers internal loads around and between
in-plane shear modulus
critical strain energy release rate fibers (Beardmore et al., 1980; Kelly and Davies,
critical stress intensity factor 1976), providing the greatest toughness for a given
critical load strength (Cooke et al., 1973). Fiber-reinforced com-
specimen width dimension, measured from the posites, like bone, are often highly anisotropic and
vertical axis through the loading pins have low transverse strength because of the direc-
shape factor
poisson’s ratio tionality of the fibers (Beardmore et ul., 1980). This
yield stress design is a compromise between competing needs:
high strength in the predominant load direction. but
not at the expense of properties in the transverse and
INTRODUCTION thickness directions.
Haversian bone is similar in its osteonal arrange-
Cortical bone fracture toughness, or bone’s resistance ment to these very tough fibrous composite laminate
to crack growth, is an important factor in resistance of materials reinforced with discontinuous fibers. Haver-
bone to monotonic and fatigue failure. Martin and sian bone is both laminated, and also contains large
numbers of osteons, each having poor shear strength
and a weak osteon-matrix interface (cement line). The
Received in jinal form 2 May 1994. cement line provides many sites for crack arrest (Burr

310 T. L. Norman er al

~‘f al., 1988: Currey, 1962); delamination increases (LEFM); the critical stress intensity factor (K,j de-
fracture toughness (Ascenzi and Bonucci, 1967; Mar- scribes the stress field near a crack tip. and the critical
gel-Robertson, 1973; Piekarski, 1970; Pope and strain energy release rate ((;,) measures the energy
Murphy, 1974: Simkin and Robin, 1974). Corondan required to extend a preexisting crack. Both depend
and Haworth (1986) showed that crack propagation on load level, crack geometry, and mode of fracture:
in bone is inhibited by increased numbers of osteons Mode I (opening mode). Mode IT (shearing mode),
and by larger osteons. Comparing the morphology of and Mode III (tearing mode). Linear elastic fracture
fractured surfaces of bone with that of sections adjac- mechanics requires the assumption that human bone
ent to the fracture, they found that bone tends to is linearly elastic and a continuum. Specimen size
break where there are fewer osteons and where os- must be restricted to satisfy plane strain assumptions.
teons are smaller. Bone did not break in adjacent One reason that fracture toughness of human bone
regions where osteon density and size were greatest. in which Heversian systems predominate is not well
Fracture toughness of human bone in which Haver- defined is that specimens obtained from human bone
sian systems predominate is not well defined. Based cannot meet ASTM size requirements. Cortical thick-
on the similarities between bone and other fiber-rein- ness and bone curvature reduce the size of test speci-
forced composites that are tough, we hypothesized mens that can be cut from human bone. Relatively
that the resistance of human bone to crack growth thick specimens are required to meet size standards
was equivalent to that of bovine plexiform bone. Be- when plane strain assumptions are used. According to
cause specimens from human bone cannot meet the ASTM standard for plain strain fracture tough-
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) ness testing (Brown and Strawley, 1966),
size requirements, a second goal of this work was to B> 2S(K,/a,,)’ where B is the specimen thickness, K,
investigate the effects of specimen thickness and crack is the Mode I fracture toughness and gYais the yield
length on fracture toughness measurements. A third stress for the material. Thickness calculated from this
goal was to investigate the effect of material property formula can vary greatly depending on the values of
assumptions on calculated fracture toughness. K, and gys chosen (Moyle and Gavens, 1986). The
standard ASTM specimen has thickness. 8, equal to
width, W, divided by two. K, is a thickness-dependent
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE property, which reaches a constant minimum value
when plane strain conditions are approached.
The two commonly used fracture toughness indices Ten fresh bovine tibias were obtained within 24 h
are derived from linear elastic fracture mechanics after slaughter to study the effect of thickness on


,- - 7 r - -,

(a) (W
Fig. 1. Compact tension specimen: orientation with respect to tibia (a) and configuration indicating
dimensions (b). Distance markers were placed on the compact tension specimen with a lead pencil at
distances of 7,8,9,10,11,12 and 13 mm (a,-a,). The specimen width dimension, W, is equal to 14 mm.
Fig. 2. Illuminated human bone compact tension specimen. The vertical lines on the specimen are the
distance markers The crack is shown fully grown.

Fracture toughness 313

fracture toughness. The age and sex of the bovine were controlled at a crossheaddisplacementrate averaging
not known although typically animals are slaughtered 0.26cmmin- 1 (+ 0.06cm min- ‘) during loading, un-
at about the age of 2 years.. Microscopic inspection loading and reloadingfor compliancemeasurements,
indicated that all tibiae were predominantly primary and automatically loaded at a displacementrate of
bone. A typical specimen, randomly selected, had an 0.05cmmin- ’ for critical load measurements during
osteon population density of 2.80 osteon per mm2 and crack growth. Crack growth in each specimenwas
2.67% porosity. Compact tension specimens (Fig. 1) monitored by a traveling microscopeattached to the
of 2, 3,5,7 and 9 mm thicknesses were machined from testingmachinewith illumination provided by a fiber-
the mid-diaphysis of the tibias to dimensions of optic light to ensureoptimumcrack visualization.The
17.5 x 16.8 mm (W= 14 mm) using procedures out- critical load (Fig. 3) was measuredas the applied
lined by Normen et al. (1991).Test data werecollected compact tension load corrsponding to specific in-
on six specimens for each thickness.The orientation crementsin crack extension. A manually operated
of the specimens correspondedto longitudinal crack switch was triggered as the crack passedspecified
propagation. Specimenswere taken from lateral and intervals to designatecritcial loads. Compliance(C)
mediallocationsof eachtibia. The 7 mm thick speci- calibration cruves(Fig. 4) for bovine and humanbone
mencorrespondedto the minimumstandardoutlined
in ASTM E-399(1985),which specifiesthat thickness,
B, is equal to width. W, divided by two. Each speci-
menwasinspectedunder a microscopebeforetesting
to ensure premature failure did not occur due to
machining. Specimenswere machined within 24 h
after obtaining the bone and testedwithin 36h after
machining.Specimenswerekept moistat all stagesof
the machiningprocesswith physiologicalsalineand
stored in salineat 4°C before testing.
Four tibiae from two humanmales,66 and 68 years
old, were obtained fresh through the Human Gift x r : l l
Registry at West Virginia University. The tibiae were x

machinedinto 15 compact tension specimenstaken ; g d 6 x 0:

0 x l
from the lateral, medial and posterior corticesof the 0

mid-diaphysisof the tibiae (Fig. 1) with the same .,--.L-.-.l-~L--~-~-.

8 9 10 11 12 13-14

overall dimensionsas bovine bone specimenspre- Crack Length, a (mm)

viously described.However, 2 and 3 mm thick speci-
menswere the largest that could be machinedfrom Fig. 3. Critical load plotted against crack length for human
the human bone due to bone curvature and cortical and bovine bone compact tension specimens tested at
bone thickness.Test data were collected on ten hu- a crosshead displacement rateof 0.05cmmin- I. Thesedata
man bonespecimens, five for eachthickness,and five show that the critical load depends on specimen thickness.
specimens wereusedfor systemcalibration. The tibiae
were kept frozen in physiological saline at -20°C
until machining. All specimenswere kept moist in
physiologicalsalineuntil testing.Approximately two
days lapsedbetweenthawing and testing. 2mm Bovine
3mm Bovine
Fracture toughness tests were conducted to 5mm Bovine
measure:(1)compliance,and (2)critical load for differ- 7mm Bovine
ent lengths of crack extension. Three specimensof
bovine boneweretestedat eachthicknessfor compli- 3mm Human 0
ance,and threespecimens weretestedfor criticai load.
Three 2 mm and three 3 mm thick humanbonespeci-
menswere tested to determinecompliance,and two
2 mm and two 3 mm thick human bone specimens
were testedto determinecritical load.
The experimental setup was similar to previous
investigationsthat usedcompact tension specimens 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
(Behiri and Banfield, 1980,1984;Norman et al., 1991, Crack Length, a (mm)
1922a;Wright and Hayes, 1977).A test specimen,
saturatedin physiologicalsaline,was placedin a fix- Fig. 4. The slope of the loading/unloading curve, compli-
ture (Fig. 2) designedaccordingto ASTM E399(1985) ance, at each increment in crack extension of human and
bovine bone compact tension specimens plotted against
for fracture toughnesstesting, and mounted in an crack length. These data show that compliance depends on
Instron (model TT-C) electromechanicaltesting ma- specimen thickness and that human bone is more compiiant
chine(Canton,MA 02021).Screwspeedwasmanually (less stiff) than bovine bone.
314 T. L. Norman et ul

werecalculatedby C=d/P, the slopeof the displace- where

ment (d) and load (P) curve (Norman et LJ/.,1991).
~11’?33-43 h , 1= %f!?.: - “i .’f!! ’
h,I =---.
(133 u1.3
METHOD OF ANALYSIS a22433 -43 %+33 --UiC>
th2 = , b,,=-m--m-.

a33 fl33
K, is calculated using experimentaldata and the
stressconcentration formula given by for plane strain, and

Kc=----BW0.5’ (1)
for plane stress.In the above expressions,
where P, is the critical load, B is the thickness,W is
the specimenwidth (Fig. 1) and all = l/E,, a13= -v13/EI = -v3JE3,
a22 = W2, a23 = - ~23/E2 = - vA2iE3,
Y,=29.6(+~‘5-185.5(;J1.5+655.7(;~.5 as3 = l/E,, a12= -vlz,!E1 = -vzlJEz,
a36 = 0 (due to elasticsymmetry), ue6= l/G, 2,
- 1017($y’s +638.9 ($‘Y
wheresubscripts1,2 and 3 correspondto the longitu-
dinal, circumferential and radial directions, respec-
In the above expression,a is the crack length defined tively. Orthotropic materialpropertiesobtainedfrom
in Fig. 1. G, is calculatedfrom the compliancemethod mechanicaltestsof humantibia wereassumed (Knets,
and is given by 1978):
E, = 18.4 GPa, v,,=O.32.
E2=8.51 GPa, v23=0.62.
E3=6.91 GPa, vr2=o.31,
where C is the experimentally measuredspecimen
compliance. G12=4.91 GPa.
Although compact tension testing correspondsto
K, and G, are calculatedfrom experimentaldata
Mode I (tension) loading, Mode II (shearing)and
usingequation(1)and (2),respectively,for bovine and
Mode III (tearing)loadingcan alsobepresent.This is
humanbone.Human boneK, is alsocalculatedfrom
why we report total K, and G, instead of values
G, usingthe isotropic [equation (3)] and anisotropic
associatedwith Mode I only (K,, and G,,). However,
Mode II and Mode III contributions are small for [equation (4)] relations.
Mode I configurations(Sun and Manoharan, 1989).
This assumptionwas verified for the current invest- RESULTS
igation by calculating Mode II G, using the finite
elementmethod (Norman et al., 1992b). Average K, for longitudinal crack propagation in
The critical stressintensity factor and the critical bovine bone varied from 4.68 to 6.73MN m- ‘I2 over
strain energy releaserate are related by well-estab- the 2-9 mm thickness range tested (Fig. 5) and
lishedrelationshipsfor isotropic materialsin LEFM equaled4.76MN m- 312(S.D.= + 1.09MN mM3j2)for
under plane strain conditions as the 7 mm thick specimens,the recommendedASTM
sized specimen.Average G, for longitudinal crack
propagation varied lrom 240 to 988Nm-’ over the
samethicknessrange(Fig. 6) and equaled596N m ’
(S.D.= + 134N m-‘) for the 7 mm thick specimens.
wherev is Poisson’sratio and E is the elasticmodulus. The standarddeviations are basedon a least-squares
The planestrain relation agreesreasonablywell with fit of the data.
experimentalresultsfor bovine bone(Behiri and Bon- AverageK, for 2 and 3 mm thick humanbone speci-
field, 1980, 1984).Equation (3) can be extended to mensequaled4.32MN m 312(S.D.= k 0.58MN m I 1
account for material anisotropy for bone. The rela- and 4.05MNmm312 (SD.= f0.76 MNmm312), re-
tionship betweenMode I K, and G, for anisotropic spectively(Table 1).G, for 2 mm thick specimenswas
materials is written as (Liebowitz, 1968;Sih er a[., equal to 827Nm-’ (S.D.= +I58 Nm-‘) and was
1965) equal to 595Nm-’ (S.D.= $-267Nm-‘) for 3 mm
thick specimens.
A comparisonof relative strengthand toughnessof
human and bovine bone showedthat relative to its
Fracture toughness

1500 / / I

1 / , I , / I ()LL-L-L--L
* k 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Thickness, B (mm) Thickness, B (mm)

Fig. 5. The effect of thickness on the average K, for bovine Fig. 6. The effect of thickness on the average G, for bovine
bone compact tension specimens. The data indicate that K, bone compact tension specimens. The data indicate that G,
exhibits a plane stress stage (Bi3 mm), transition stage exhibits plane stress and transition stages but does not
(3 <B < 6 mm) and plane strain stage (B > 6) commonly ob- appear to reach the plane strain stage, where G, reaches
served in metal and reaches a constant value at about a constant value. The data also show the effect of crack
6-7 mm. The data also show the effect of crack length on length on fracture toughness measurements: increasing crack
fracture toughness measurements: increasing crack propaga- propagation length increases G,.
tion length increases K,.

Table 1. Critical stress intensity factor (K,) and critical strain energy release rate (G,) for
2 and 3 mm thick human bone compact tension specimens

2mm 3mm
Crack length, a
(mm) G,*(N m-t) K,P(MN m-312) G,*(N m-l) K, t(MN rnm3j2)

I 648 3.13 404 3.30

8 884 4.34 480 4.04
9 949 4.88 900 4.82
10 758 4.08 957 5.63
11 514 5.60 820 5.60
12 491 5.12 295 3.95
13 326 4.99 200 4.03
Average 661 4.68 519 4.48
(kS.D.) (220) (0.65) (308) (0.89)
(0.5 <a/W< 1.0)
Average 827 4.32 595 4.05
( + S.D.) (158) (0.58) (267) (0.76)

*G, calculated using the compliance method [equation (2)].

tK, calculated using the stress concentration formula [equation (l)].

Table 2. Relative fracture toughness calculated of bovine and human bone. The relative
fracture toughness is approximately the same as the relative strength of bovine bone to
human bone (- 1.5) within the variability of the data. Standard deviations are indicated in

Relative toughness
Bovine Human (bovine/human)

Thickness G K G
(mm) (Nm-t) (MNmm3/‘) (Nm-‘) (MN?e3i2) G, ratio K, ratio

2 896 6.29 827 4.32 1.08 1.46

(131) (1.40) (158) (0.58)
3 981 6.13 595 4.05 I .66 1.66
(14‘Y (1.59) (267) (0.76)
316 T. L. Norman et al.

strength, the toughnesses of human and bovine bone

are roughly similar. but the data were not sufficiently
definitive to answer the question of which is tougher.
Relative toughness of 2 mm thick bovine and human
bone specimens equaled 1.08 and 1.46 for G, and K,,
respectively (Table 2). The same ratios for 3 mm thick
specimens equaled 1.66 for G, and K,. These ratios
indicate that the absolute toughness of bovine bone is
greater than human bone for both specimen thick-
nesses. When the ratios are normalized by the ratio of
longitudinal strength of bovine bone to the longitudi-
nal strength of human bone which is approximately
1.5 (Cowan, 1989), the data indicate that relative to
its strength, the toughnesses of human and bovine
bone are roughly similar. The 2 mm thick specimens
yielded ratios of 0.72 for G, and 0.97 for K,, indicating
that relative to its strength, the toughness of human
bone is greater than bovine bone. For the 3 mm thick
specimens, the same ratio was 1.11, indicating that
relative to its strength, bovine bone is tougher than
human bone, Thus, although the toughnesses of hu-
man and bovine bone are roughly similar the data are
not sufficiently definitive to answer the question of
which is tougher.
K, and G, varied with crack length, i.e. as a/W
decreased so did K, and G, (Figs 5 and 6). Our tests
were conducted over a crack range of 0.5 <a/ W-c 1.0,
while previous studies (Table 3) were conducted for
a/W<0.7. To minimize differences with previous in-
vestigations and to comply more closely with ASTM
recommendations, we report our results for
K, and G, also varied with specimen thickness. K,
reached a limiting value at approximately B=7 mm
(Fig. 5) using bovine bone specimens, which was the
minimum recommended ASTM geometric criterion
for W= 14 mm used in this study. K, exhibited the
three stages commonly observed for metals (Ewalds
and Wanhill, 1986; Krafft et al., 1961): (1) plane strain
for thicker specimens where K, becomes constant
(2) a transition stage where K, increases with decreas-
ing thickness and (3) a plane stress stage where K,
decreases rapidly with decreasing thickness. By con-
trast, average G, (Fig. 6) exhibited stages 2 and 3, but
the curve did not reach a limiting value (stage 1) even
at B=7 mm.
Human bone K, and G, were significantly reduced
after being adjusted to ASTM standard thickness
using thickness ratios determined from bovine bone.
Using O.S<a/W<0.7 averages, the ratio of K, for
7 mm bovine specimens to K, for 3 mm bovine speci-
mens was equal to 0.71 (Fig. 5). The ratio at 7 to 3 mm
for G, was 0.60. The ratios for 2 mm thick specimens
were equal to 0.76 and 0.66 for K, and G,, respective-
ly. After applying these ratios, human bone K, was
reduced to 3.28 and 2.88 MN rn-‘!’ for 2 and 3 mm
specimens, respectively (Table 4). G, was reduced to
546 Nm-’ for 2 mm specimens and to 357 Nm-r for
3 mm specimens. Although human bone and bovine
bone are different, the effect of thickness on human
Fracture toughness 317

Table 4. Fracture toughness of human bone compact ten- plane stressand transition stagesbut did not appear
sion specimens adjusted for material assumptions and thick- to reach the plane strain stage.K, measuredfor bo-
ness. The effect of material property assumptions and thick- vine boneexhibited planestress,transition and plane
ness are significant
strain stagescommonly observed for metals. It is
2mm 3mm noteworthy that plane stressconditions begin at ap-
proximately 2-3 mm for bovine bone and approxim-
Gc Kc Gc Kc ately 2 mm for metal.It is reasonableto assumethat
Experimental (Table 2) 827 4.32 595 4.05 for thicknessesavailable for human bone (x3 mm),
(adjusted for thickness) (546) (3.28) (357) (2.88) the bone is in the transition phasebetween plane
Calculated from stressand planestrain.Thus,the fracture toughnessof
equation (4) - 3.31 - 2.81 humanbone requiresmodification if resultsare to be
(adjusted for thickness) (2.52) G-3 comparedto other materialsthat meetASTM thick-
Resultsfrom this experiment provided an indica-
tion of what the adjustmentsmight be for bovine
bone.Although this adjustmentis important for com-
paring valuesof K, and G, for humanbone to other
- Fit of Experimental Data (k0.85) materials, it is not necessarywhen comparing the
---Q-- Isotropic, Plane Strain Relation
- * - Orthotropic. Plane Strain Relation
sametype of material, specimenconfiguration and
loading to assess bonefracture resistance.We recom-
mend maintaining the ASTM recommendedthick-
nessfor bovine bone. For human bone, it is not
possibleto meetthis criterion. We suggestthat 2 or
3 mm specimens with W= 14mm be usedfor human
bone.This is about the largestthat can be machined
0 200 400 600 600 1000 1200 and would makecomparisonswith the current study
G (N/m) possible.Similar geometry, crack growth range and
loading rate mustbeusedto makea valid comparison
Fig. 7. K: plotted against experimentally measured G,. Kf is amongspecimens.
calculated from experimental data using the stress concen-
tration formula and from G, using the isotropic and anisot- We also found that crack length, or a/W, greatly
ropic plane strain relations. These data show that K, cal- affectsmeasuredK, and G,. Decreasingcrack a/W
culated from the stress concentration formula gives the high- decreasesaverage fracture toughnessand standard
est prediction of fracture toughness and that K, calculated deviations. ASTM specifiesthat a/W should be be-
from the anisotropic relation [equation (4)] assuming tween0.45 and 0.55 when conductingfracture initia-
orthotropic material properties provides the lowest estimate
of G,. tion experiments.Bonfield et al., (1978, 1980) have
demonstratednear constant valuesof K, within the
range alWc0.7. Previous investigations (Table 3)
only consideredalWc0.7. In the current study, we
bone fracture toughness can be estimated using bo- measuredfracture toughnessover a crack range of
vine bone data assumingthe thicknesseffect is inde- 0.5<a/W < 1.O,which is larger than the rangeusedby
pendent of microstructure. previous investigatorsand recommendedby ASTM.
The stressconcentration formula predicts higher Therefore,we decidedto report K, and G, over the
valuesof Kz than either isotropic or anisotropicrela- entire test range (Table I), but only considered
tions (Fig. 7). The anisotropic relation predicts the 0.5<a/W-co.7 in analysis, comparisonsand dis-
lowest K, of the three methodsinvestigated.K, was cussion.We recommendthat alWc0.7 be usedin
calculated using the latter method for 2 and 3 mm future studies.
humanbone specimens(Table 4). K, and G, are derived from theory based on
LEFM. The critical stressintensityfactor is a measure
of crack tip stressesand, therefore,characterizeslocal
(near tip) behavior. Severalinvestigators(Behiri and
This study investigatedlongitudinal fracture tough- Bonfield, 1980,1984,1989;Bonfield et al., 1978)have
nessof human Haversianbone to assess the effect of concludedthat K, is an adequatemeasureof fracture
human bone architecture on fracture resistance.We toughnessfor bovine bone but its useas a fracture
alsoexplored plane strain assumptions.The effect of parameter for human bone is lesswell defined. In
thicknesscould not be examinedusing human bone a compositematerial like Haversianbone,the plastic
specimens;therefore, tests using bovine bone were zone aheadof the crack tip may bealteredand conse-
used.Bovine bonedoesnot have the samemicrostruc- quently may be quite different from that predictedby
tural featuresas humanbone, but it doesprovide us stressconcentration formulas used to calculate K,.
with an estimateof the effect of thicknesson human This raisesconcern over the suitability of using
bonefracture toughness.G, of bovine boneexhibited a parameter basedon LEFM to calculate fracture
318 T. L. Norman et al.

toughness of human bone. LEFM has been applied to modulus in the circumferential (Ez) and radial (15,)
reinforced polymers in several investigations (Guess directions that are much less than the longitudinal
and Hoover, 1973; Hamilton and Berg, 1973; Owen modulus (E,) used in the isotropic relation. This cha-
and Bishop, 1973; Wu, 1967, 1968) and shown to be nges the relationship between K,’ and C;<.
an adequate criterion for the onset of fracture. Our results for K, and G, for hot:ine hone are within
It is clear, however, that K, does not describe the the range reported by others using the compact teu-
same stress field singularity that is determined for an sion method (Table 3). The fracture toughnesses re-
isotropic elastic solid (Tirosh, 1973). Formulas used to ported in this study for 2 and 3 mm thick specimens
calculate K, from LEFM theory lead to values of K, are slightly larger than those previously reported.
that probably cannot be compared to other loading Differences among all reported values of fracture
conditions or specimen geometries (Grootenboer and toughness can be explained by considering the effects
Weersink, 1982). K, calculated from LEFM is an of specimen thickness, size (IV/B), crack growth range
adequate relative measure of fracture toughness as (a/IV) and displacement rate. We have tabulated these
long as the same type of bone is compared. e.g.. with our summary of previous investigations in order
Haversian bone, where the microstructure among to point out the differences among tests. In the current
specimens does not vary greatly. In this study, an study, we have examined the effect of thickness and
alternative methodology was proposed, in which K, crack growth range on fracture toughness and found
was calculated from G,, which had been experi- these effects to be significant. Displacement rate has
mentally measured by the compliance method, using also been shown to significantly affect fracture tough-
the anisotropic relation [equation (4)]. Adoption of ness (Behiri and Bonfield, 1978, 1980. 1984).
LEFM to determine G, for anisotropic materials is The only other investigation of humun hone fracture
permissible (Grootenboer and Weersink, 1982; Guess toughness was conducted by Bontield et ul. (1985).
and Hoover, 1973; Sun and Manoharan, 1989; Whit- Their reported K, of human bone corrected for size
ney et al., 1982). The strain energy release rate quan- using bovine bone (Charalambides, 1984) ranged from
tifies net change in potential energy that accompanies approximately 4.7 MN m 3’2 at age 25 to approxim-
an increment of crack extension. It measures global ately 2.1 MN m - ‘I2 at age 90. Our values of K, for
behavior, and is not influenced directly by local human bone are within the range reported by Bon-
microstructural features found in Haversian bone. field et al. (1985). K, calculated using the stress con-
Beacause of this, G, should provide a good estimate of centration formula [equation (l)] for 2 mm specimens
fracture toughness for human and bovine bone. ranged from 4.32 to 2.52 MN m -3!2, depending on the
Although G, has been shown to be a valid measure method of calculation and whether an adjustment was
of fracture toughness for anisotropic materials, G, made for thickness. This range for 3 mm thick speci-
calculated for bovine bone compact tension speci- mens was 4.05-2.00 MN m - 3’2.
mens in this study failed to achieve a constant value It has been proposed that although human bone is
(plane strain) even though K, did. This suggests that mechanically weaker in bending and tension than
assumptions of LEFM differ for cortical bone. How- bone of most other animals, its osteonal structure has
ever, in a previous study, Behiri and Bonfield (1984) adapted to prevent crack growth, thereby extending
showed that K, and G, were linearly related for bo- bone’s fatigue life (Carter and Hayes, 1976; Carter
vine bone with specimen thicknesses less than 3 mm, et al., 1976; Martin and Burr. 1989). Increased fiber
verifying that LEFM is valid over the specified thick- (osteon) discontinuity increases toughness in three-
ness range. At this time, we are unable to adequately point bending (Alto and Pope, 1979) suggesting that
address this discrepancy. However, if we assume that a history of active Haversian remodeling may not
G, should reach a minimum value at 7 mm, then for reduce bone toughness although remodeling reduces
thicknesses greater than 7 mm, G, may be under- bone strength. The relatively low material stiffness of
estimated. At the 2 and 3 mm thicknesses used in this human bone may enhance its fatigue life further (Fine
study, failure to achieve plane strain most likely has and Ritchie, 1978). Materials with low shear strength
negligible effects on fracture toughness. often have good fatigue and impact properties be-
Experimentally measured G, was compared to cause greater displacement is possible along shear
Kf calculated from experimental data using the stress planes before failure. Weakness of the osteonal inter-
concentration formula [equation (l)] and from G, face allows it to divert or stop cracks by blunting the
using the isotropic [equation (3)] and anisotropic leading edge of the crack and trapping it within the
[equation (4)] relation. These data showed that K, lamellar structure. Crack deflection serves the dual
calculated from the stress concentration formula gives purposes of energy absorption and diversion of the
the highest prediction of fracture toughness, whereas crack from the plane of maximum stress, features that
K, calculated from the anisotropic relation gives the increases fracture toughness. The value of osteons was
lowest. K, calculated from the isotropic relation pre- shown by Moyle and Bowden (1984). who found that
dicts K, closes to experimental measurements as ex- the work of fracture was positively although weakly,
pected; the stress concentration formula and the iso- correlated (r’=0.31) to the fractional area occupied
tropic relation both assume isotropic material proper- by osteons. Osteons only provide great toughness for
ties. The anisotropic relation introduces Young’s a given strength (Cooke et al., 1973).
Fracture toughness 319

Results from this study show that the absolute Charalambides, B. (1984) M.Phil. Thesis, University of Lon-
values of K, and G, for human bone are lower than don.
Cooke, F. W., Zeidman, H. and Scheifele, S. J. (1973) The
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