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Ejercicio. Llena la siguiente tabla.

Verbo regular To classify - Clasificar

Pronoun Present tense Pronoun Past tense

You You
He He
She She
It It
We We
You You
They They

Verbo irregular To grow - Crecer

Pronoun Present tense Pronoun Past tense

You You
He He
She She
It It
We We
You You
They They
Ejercicio: Investiga la traducción de los siguientes verbos y continua con el
ejercicio anterior.

Infinitive Presente tense Past tense Español

I, You, We, They He, She, It
to add
to arrange
to attempt
to base
to be
to become
to begin
to boil
to charge
to develop
to discover
to divide
to drop out
to emit
to heat
to identify
to leave
to name
to orbit
to place
to see
to start
to turn

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