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THE INQUISITOR SKE TCHBOOK *JOHN BLANCHE® Tu ec n os legendary are director, has been the Cee ey oe eee eos ear a ren ms eee ed development of a new game world, with See ne ec Peete cet er eee ee ee ee) ese eee Pee ee ee ee eee) penta A BLACK LIBRARY PRODUCT SRC Kew AT Ay Hove ae Will > iUistor was the Fst game project | have worked on i whic mas relly Ba rcv: wit in tercice heey coe j ‘we were aiming todo something abit diferent to what cur games has Gane Bee, and to really deve into the nature of heroes and villains inthe Warhar=ee 60,009 universe. When John brought in his first concept sketch the imperil Guard Veteran it was clear that even existing archetypes were going to benefit rom 2 tarougs ‘going-over. a Ie started witha ist of tiles ~ diferent names ike the arco“ageine thelr /* rest and the sycophantos. | wrote two or three lines Mesh each of ese sea) ‘out, while John started doing sketches and paintings, Asl saw what jobs was ans © @ the broad concepts were honed dow into distinctive character types and eves Spe ic ame characters, while some of what | was writing inthe Ingastor nggticae-- © duced elements which John built upon his ar, suchas the es of osm = Deathwatch Space Marine rather than the Grey Knight we Rad ona en Keen on ERROR After John had produced dozens of sketches we then narrowed down the eld => the fifteen miniatures we Had the resources to make as 2main range, =¢beiew= me ‘it wasn't an easy process. Obviously there were key figures thet simply Rad to B= oon inlet note won - Med, se Fatal cow ney aoc Tne et Je*Dic KQbuins Gu tayey te pene Waa a ae in deciding which new characters 1 introduce to the hector. since al ad the ASKS J ‘ments. In the end, we chose the characters we felt were Gaséd upon the STOngest and most diverse archetypes, mixed with no small amount of persorl favouritism {or my part as much inspired by the actual pictures John had produced 2s the wader- lying concepts themselves — as you will see in this fine Book f course, perhaps the greatest achievement of Inquisitor was ro expisin al about thse flying skulls John Keeps putting mn hes paintines WThGrpe Designer of che Inquisitor game ‘tank that whenever one develops 2 nev world, or part of bigger world, there sa real opportunity to try some- thing new. The development of the Inquisitor game allowed us to focus on some aspects f the Warhammer 40,000 universe that had always been there, but never properly developed — such asthe rogue traders and the Adeptus Mechanicus. We were also able o introduce characters who were not solders, but had ‘their part to play as denizens of the wider 4OK background. I was particularly interest- ‘ed in the more medieval and arcane characters ike cultists, redemptionists and _amazing new concepts lie the arco-flagellant. That particular character's genesis ‘actually started with Alan Mester. who produced a wonderful list of provocative titles. ‘words lke "arco-fagellan, “ésemonhos:' and ‘chrono-sladiator. ‘These served to inspire my oneal concent drawinss; Gav responded to them with more background notes. and intr I responded to those. Beyond that, though, there ‘was no set patter to developins these characters — if you define the brief 100 rigidly, ifs easy to lose that inexplicable sperk that brings a character to life. “his freedom also extended to the deliberate speed and looseness these sketches, Inspired by olé punk faranes and the spontaneous creativity of action painting and ‘expressionism. on this project my methodology was to deliberately not be too precious. The freedom ro ir ideas, take them wherever they wanted to go, was liberating I have been producins sketches for more than ten years, but usually the games only featre the finished produc: However. inspired by Jes Gootiwin's book of ‘concept sketches, The Gothie & the Elanzoh, | have started to pay more attention 10 ‘them. In these sketches, you can see not just the ideas that made it into the Inquisitor ‘game but many more besides that bt for this book, would have been discarded. BENCHE HegaOre S — ae ge what Is A and was wrong? Great and po days such ean ENaW aus fom within, We ae threatened wit soning, Inf ed ton ee WE an afford no luxury of morality. We can only do thet ohaa e Beced 10 do to survive, pe — MP Ve wre ITIEIERE TOE # bls Wem Jor nil in Inn Tey erect ll physically strong ot have the most dangerous weapons but no door inthe Imperium ff closed to an Inquisitor. They can go where they wanvneed to in order to route out heresy, 7 blssphemy or trsitors. They arp able to call onthe resources of an entre wordt eee their purpose, Space Marine Chapters, the Impecial Guard, Soronitas, even Imperil Assasins ae al ut thet beck and call s a > err) A sovisitors are the let hand of the Emperor, the Adeptus Terra and = with itr ist hind. They ae monks Tay pve aces, and awareness of, things no other hucans hav. AATF Imperium is a mighty conglomerate of millions of vorids spread over unimaginably large } / distance. Over te cops an extindinary burearay hs ctoned ts ty oat ne ae gett edifice. Because fits size and eompleiy ti is anex impose eat eet i ‘mistakes happen, por décisions are made, or are delayed for ridiculous lengths of time. z ay jal oes sumound us. Funets are prety much lf to their own vices a lofi as certsnthings ae done (eg Psykers dealt with, ete). Sot plafets may have harsh Bovernments who keep the Poptlace under the lash, otbers may be barely governed ual, Soe planets re pontated by the Imperial Fah and rule by the clergy ofthe Ecckarchy-othcts may huvé little awareness of such thingand be desolate bral legs worlds All one sone allegiance to the Emperor even if hiss little more than & di varencss gr collesion of Ply ne oppoctnty nds an ge 0 4 Tork agains the lpesiufe are quite auerous, Sometimes hss through inorance = Sometimes through weakness (greed, avarice). Sometimes this is through fear (mutants ear tne imperium and wha it epresens for obvious reasons). Sometimes this is because i Be eric and watrear fp of ther agencts (og Chto, alien) yy rium organigations have some clement of police force about them. All ROLY ORDE Regen pi 7 ee oe apts ot stess BOS THE Geb) Ce Ball HESTON 9 ~ $v Noo SPricT Oo SemIGs see Be [ripeeme Twsegemm > Cour JO All (foes frdtes 9 eprperenT. * Aa es Sb. eee ‘Slave Runner ~ Trading in slaves is not against Imperial Law, though itis banned by some Imperial Commanders. Alien slaves can be more valuable than human slaves t00. ‘Although the Slave Runner does not care about the misery and abuse heaped upon his charges he does want them to stay inthe best physical condition forthe best price, and so. | f era con aatninal chilly eiitl first ald. <> a ag ———sarae oneweed A Gey 4 RY DENG Al 5 = ial ¢ iG Vs Peso” ; 6" cadet’ [s Cults PUG Pirato-renegade ~ Adventure and booty are this character's goals. If you can Pine —_ he'll take i. Interesting twist is the Pirato-grafter who steals body pavts and organs from his wietims and has them grafted on to his own body Desperado ~ Down-trodden and a fusiive, the Desperado will hire his guns and blades to the highest bidder. No job too small or dirty: back-stabbing, cold-blood killings, patricide ‘and infanticide, all are missions he'll take, ifthe price is right. In fac, his grandmother is for sale right now at a bargain price Gunslinger — He's the man to beat. Flashy, and fast, he wants to carve himself a reputation across the whole sector as the man you face at your peril. Calm, imposing and deadly accurate, the gunslinger isn't adverse to do alittle enforcement work, or doing. ‘g00d deeds if his overgrown machismo is appealed 10. Stage k brymte ey, Driget ©! Med ‘eel +f we at — Unioee precio? fom Tue osm ccna 009 | parity sons) 1) Spyies VO i Eajous oF ME OFey \ a | Fs eye = AGel Dict wert h pa ae a © Aun LETS gevereurl Were? a gatarie AcKcnete prgt vat Ps oe o At) See pen, THe Aegis hw ‘ — ee Pee | Catsius tagl—A Raman compar alc Knownas a leunecino woo a00d Catling talc an ing gles and predictng ee movement Hoc Stouts equi Cow OSE Ats Ket AT Ht 3 CorreledD WITH msy LoeimynS Gx wake NioMfefous conylec Ale Siu BEND -BUNO- Bin0- RSRAARTH - Raveqave ASTROpATH= 40 a. Tau TW Sout Tate “Wuno s «ov - asters 2 ie Nebte moet ee ccs =e 4 aac ek Cacsehee Bese Rages — Fe orn Las -pisTe ES ea FisMctein sewn eects ¢ rs Jastxopath — Astrotelepath, capable Physically blind but possesses a sixth | esas A i Spate — Ge Cte CMT s | Fitwee Hee - L: boiling hatred and anger, his muscles super-charged with adrenal fluids, causn Lopes Hy Mpal S Wats of Powe aa = ee ‘rco-Flagellant~ The Eclesarchy may enlist the services ofthe Adeptus Mechanicts (0 ete tum a notable Heretic ino an Arco-Flagellant. Implanted with fenzy-ndicing cienics — dispensers and emotive pater regulators, the Arco-Flagellant can be tured into mass z iS » ) ‘ : me | tic Shih ob Seni « Wee Pile afte? oo ea bbeen a driving force in the ee ee ecco developing the dark and gothic Scag ee ay See es ednas WORKSHOS NRTAyY «Games: Workshop: MADE & BROUGHT TO YOU BY SKOTINKA

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