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Matilde Moreira, 10ºB, Nº11

Infinitive Past Past Participle Meaning Example

Be Was/were Been/gone Ser/estar When I was younger, I dreamed of becoming important to society.
Bear Bore Born(e) Aguentar/resistir/Testemunhar Bella Tovey, a Jew who bore witness to the Holocaust, died at age 92.
Beat Beat Beaten Bater Cristiano Ronaldo beat Leonel Messi in the category of best football player.
Become Became Become Tornar-se Gal Gadot became a member of the Israeli army at age 21.
Begin Began Begun Começar I began to learn Finnish last week.
Bend Bent Bent Curvar-se My cousin bent over to catch her pencil and her back cracked.
Bite Bit Bitten Morder A German shepherd bit my father when we were choosing a dog to take home.
Blow Blew Blown Explodir In 2001, Al-Qaeda blew up the Twin Towers.
Break Broke Broken Partir A few days ago, I broke my father’s favourite chandelier.
Bring Brought Brought Trazer I often brought my lunch to school.
Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Divulgar/difundir Rock In Rio was broadcast live.
Build Built Built Construir I still remember the days when I built sandcastles.
Burn Burnt Burnt Queimar In 2017, a huge fire burnt Pedrogão Grande.
Burst Burst Burst Rebentar/explodir A bomb burst in Bagdad.
Buy Bought Bought Comprar Sarah bought a new house in the Hamptons.
Can Could (been able to) Conseguir I’ve always believed that I could do anything.
Catch Caught Caught Apanhar I caught the flu and now I’m sick.
Choose Chose Chosen Escolher We chose Paella dish for dinner.
Come Came Come Vir My parents came to visit me in Westport last August.
Cost Cost Cost Custar Two weeks ago I bought FoldiMate, a machine that folds the clothes by itself. It cost me £2.000.
Cut Cut Cut Cortar During this quarantine, I cut my hair twice.
Creep Crept Crept Andar (a passo de caracol) The cops cautiously crept forward to catch the killer.
Deal Dealt Dealt Acordar (negócio); Lidar com Despite the Pan Am’s success, the massive recall dealt it quite a blow.
Dig Dug Dug Escavar 10 years ago, I dug a deep hole in the sand to make sure that it didn’t have end.
Do Did Done Fazer What questions did they ask in the interview?
Draw Drew Drawn Desenhar Frida Kahlo drew several inspiring paintings while she was alive.
Dream Dreamt Dreamt Sonhar Sometimes I guess that I’m living in the dreams that I have dreamt.
Drink Drank Drunk Beber My brother drank a glass of milk two hours ago.
Drive Drove Driven Conduzir Colette drove me to the airport, so that I could catch my flight.
Eat Ate Eaten Comer The best moment in my life was when I ate steak and kidney pie.
Fall Fell Fallen Cair At age 11 I fell off a cliff.

Matilde Moreira, 10ºB, Nº11

Feed Fed Fed Dar de comer/Alimentar Last year, when I went to Fuerteventura, I fed a giraffe.
Feel Felt Felt Sentir I never felt like this before. I’m 100% sure that I’m missing something.
Fight Fought Fought Lutar Yesterday,I fought against my laziness and I finished all my tasks.
Find Found Found Achar Once, I found a 50€ note in my pocket and I used it to buy food to give to the homeless.
Flee Fled Fled Escapar/fugir The robber fled to Munich, but the cops found him in Vienna.
Fly Flew Flown Voar Last night, I flew 5000 miles to surprise my parents.
Forbid Forbade Forbidden Proibir The Bank of Portugal forbade citizens to use cheques to pay in gas stations.
Forget Forgot Forgotten Esquecer I forgot that I have an exam tomorrow. If I don’t pass it, I don’t get in Cambridge.
Forgive Forgave Forgiven Perdoar My mother forgave me for stealing 20€ from her wallet.
Freeze Froze Frozen Congelar The pie that I brought from London froze in the plane.
Get Got Got Obter I just got a great new! I’m going to be a godmother!
Give Gave Given Dar When I was in Scouts, I gave a hat to an orphan and he thanked me.
Go Went Gone/been Ir I went to the theatre last night.
Grow Grew Grown Crescer Finally, my palm tree grew! It’s been ages since I planted her!
Hang Hung/hanged Hung/hanged Pendurar/ Hesitar/Desligar I hung up the phone in her face.
Have Had Had Ter She had a headache yesterday.
Hear Heard Heard Ouvir I heard the new Taylor Swift’s single on the radio.
Hide Hid Hidden Esconder My cousin hid behind the bushes so that he could make a surprise to my aunt on Mother’s Day.
Hit Hit Hit Atingir/Bater/Alcançar A child hit me with a toy accidentally.
Hold Held Held Segurar The first time I held a baby I cried of joy.
Hurt Hurt Hurt Magoar I never hurt anyone.
Keep Kept Kept Manter/Continuar Raiden kept his promise.
Kneel Knelt Knelt Ajoelhar-se Dean knelt to ask Margot in marriage.
Know Knew Known Saber I knew the answer to the question that my teacher asked.
Lay Laid Laid Deitar-se/Pousar When I laid down an egg in the water, it sunk.
Lead Led Led Levar/Guiar I led Conchita Wurst to his dressing room in Eurovision.
Learn Learnt Learnt Aprender I learnt the first words in English when I was 2.
Leave Left Left Deixar/Sair A friend of mine left me alone in Monte Carlo.
Lend Lent Lent Emprestar I lent John my Polaroid.
Let Let Let Deixar Winnie let Tiger taste a bit of his honey.
Lie Lay Lain Deitar ( to be horizontal) I lay my brother in the cradle when he was a baby.
Light Lit Lit Iluminar A man lit me the way till the Catacombs in Paris.

Matilde Moreira, 10ºB, Nº11

Lose Lost Lost Perder I lost the confidence that I had in some people.
Make Made Made Fazer I made a wish in the fountain. I wished for peace in the world.
Mean Meant Meant Significar/Pretender When Donald Trump suggested injecting disinfectant in people I think that he meant it.
Meet Met Met Encontrar/ Conhecer I met an old friend from high school in the library.
Mistake Mistook Mistaken Confundir/Compreender mal When I first met Ted I mistook him with an old friend. In the end, they weren’t the same person.
Must Had to Had to Dever I had to leave my friends behind if I wanted to come back to Portugal. It wasn’t even a choice.
Pay Paid Paid Pagar I should be saving up, but I just got paid and I got bills to pay.
Put Put Put Pôr I put away £200 for my next summer holiday.
Read Read/red Read/red Ler My blog “Whitechapeljack” is read by a hundred people every day.
Ride Rode Ridden Andar de/Montar Once, during the holidays in my town, I rode a horse. However, I was very scared.
Ring Rang Rung Tocar Last Halloween, my friends and I rang to every single bell in my neighbourhood for fun.
Rise Rose Risen Erguer/Subir My cousins were doing a lot of noise. My mother’s temper rose with her voice as she was trying
to shout them up.
Run Ran Run Correr Yesterday, I went to the countryside and I ran 5 miles. I’m proud of myself!
Say Said Said Dizer Michelle Obama said “Success is only meaningful and enjoyable if it feels like your own”.
See Saw Seen Ver I never saw Titanic and I don’t think I will.
Seek Sought Sought Procurar I had a dream where I was stuck in a cruise so I calmed myself and sought for an escape route.
Sell Sold Sold Vender A lot of silver jewellery is sold in markets.
Send Sent Sent Enviar They sent me an email at 7 a.m.
Set Set Set Colocar/Atribuir/Preparar I set up a medical event. It was on edge, everyone liked it!
Sew Sewed Sewn Costurar My grandma’ sewed the dress that I had unstitched.
Shake Shook Shaken Agitar/Abanar I shook the milk, the chocolate and the Chantilly for hours to make a perfect milkshake.
Shine Shone Shone Brilhar Madonna was a star and she shone a lot for ages. Now, she’s just one more in the music industry.
Shoot Shot Shot Disparar/ Ter uma oportunidade Emily was jealous of Lucy, because she was accepted in Oxford. For revenge, she shot Lucy.
Show Showed Shown Mostrar/Aparecer I showed my parents the pros and cons why I should go to an EF summer course.
Shrink Shrank Shrunk Encolher The sweat that she was wearing shrank when she putted it in the washing machine.
Shut Shut Shut Fechar/Entalar My brother was so angry that he shut the front door in my face. Now, I’m the one angry.
Sing Sang Sung Cantar At a party, there was no DJ and people were starting to leave. So I sang some songs.
Sink Sank Sunk Afundar/Baixar In 1911, Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean, while sailing to New York.
Sit Sat Sat Sentar An old man sat down and read his book.
Sleep Slept Slept Dormir During the summer holidays, I slept at least 10 hours a day.
Slide Slid Slid Deslizar/Escorregar The child slid down in the water slide of the park.

Matilde Moreira, 10ºB, Nº11

Smell Smelt Smelt Cheirar My friend smelt lavender for the first time yesterday and she’s 15.
Speak Spoke Spoken Falar When my grandpa was alive he spoke three languages: Portuguese, English, and French.
Spell Spelt (spelled) Spelt (spelled) Soletrar I finally spelt Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch the other day.
Spend Spent Spent Gastar/Passar tempo My family spent tons of money to buy a brand new ecological car.
Spill Spilled/spilt Spilled/spilt Entornar/Derramar I spilt coffee in Elizabeth II’s clothes on my first day when I worked at the Buckingham Palace.
Spit Spat Spat Cuspir/ Chuviscar/ She spat the food out and after she wiped her mouth.
Spoil Spoiled/spoilt Spoiled/spoilt Mimar/Estragar The royals spoilt their kids with toys every day. That’s why they aren’t ambitious.
Spread Spread Spread Espalhar/Barrar The school spread the word about the election for the students association.
Stand Stood Stood Estar de pé/Suportar/Tolerar I stood by my feet the whole trip so that a pregnant woman could be sited. Now, I’m in pain.
Steal Stole Stolen Roubar A friend stole someone’s phone without telling me. Now, I’m about to get arrested.
Stick Stuck Stuck Espetar/Colar/Afixar Kate stuck an important Post-it in the wall, to make sure that she doesn’t forget about the party.
Sting Stung Stung Picar/Arder/Ofender A bee stung my knee. It’s getting infected.
Swear Swore Sworn Jurar My dad swore me that when I turn 18 he will take me to the Wimbledon’s Tennis Tournament.
Sweep Swept Swept Varrer/Empurrar Alice swept the ashes from her fireplace. She looks like Cinderella.
Swim Swam Swum Nadar I couldn’t turn down the challenge so I swam 1000 meters in less than 5 minutes. It was crazy.
Take Took Taken Tomar/Levar/Agarrar/Atender I took hours to get ready for my prom. It was a big night.
Teach Taught Taught Ensinar I wish I could pass the 1st Certificate exam with an A+ to taught English to kids.
Tear Tore Torn Romper/Arrancar Harry tore the gaze from his injury.
Tell Told Told Dizer/Contar Yesterday my mom told me that “Different doesn’t mean wrong” and I appreciated it.
Think Thought Thought Pensar I’ve always thought that life was a cup of tea. Turns out, it isn’t.
Throw Threw Thrown Atirar/Derrubar/Deitar fora/Dar On my last vacation, my brother threw up and fouled the whole car.
Understand Understood Understood Perceber I understood Karl Marx’s point of view when he described work as an activity to produce
livelihood resources.
Wake Woke Woken Acordar/ Aperceber-se I woke up this morning with an abdominal pain.
Wear Wore Worn Vestir/Usar/ Desgastar-se I wore that t-shirt so many times that now is draining.
Weep Wept Wept Chorar My mom wept when I first won a reward for being the best student in my grade.
Win Won Won Ganhar/Vencer Last year, Benfica won the First League.
Write Wrote Written Escrever Two days ago I wrote the first chapter of my novel.

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