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The aircraft carrier is the supremacy of naval power, its presence inspires
fear in other nations like nothing else. This fear is reasonable, it can launch
dozens of aircraft that can cause a lot of damage in other navy’s, and it’s for
sure, it will accomplish missions like sortie deterrence and sea control
without problems.
It can weigh between 75,000 and 95,000 tons, and can carry up to 85
aircraft, some are over 350 meters long and require a crew of over 5000
sailors. It has two additional decks that other ships doesn’t have, including
the flight deck for take-off and landing, and a hangar deck for storage.
Depending on the size and design aircraft use different system for launching
like CATOVAR (Catapult Assisted Take-Off but Arrested Recovery), STOBAR
(Short Take-Off but Arrested Recovery), and STOVL (Short Take-Off and
Vertical Landing). Nowadays, Russians are creating an aircraft carrier
powered by nuclear reactor, this means it will be unstoppable, and it can be
as big as you can imagine and will carry more aircraft than any other carrier
created before.
The aircraft have forward presence, and they are a symbol of respect, if you
want to call yourself a navy.

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