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To keep inviting simple, just remember this one thing:

It’s about
Y O U R P R O D U C T,
O R Y O U R O P P O R T U N I T Y.

Although you are excited, as you should be, about doTERRA's life-changing products and
business opportunity, if you don't find out their needs, desires, and dreams, your message, no
matter how much passion or excited it is delivered with, will feel pushy and fall flat.

But if you keep their goals, interests, and needs in front of you at all points of your conversation
you will find that people feel loved, served, and appreciative of your time.
*Watch a training video on the 7 Characteristics and also 2 other qualities we look for.
So whether you are sharing an oil sample, having a recruiting phone call, chatting at a class, or
following up using these sample invite scripts, remember…’s about them.

Conversation Starters & Tips:
� Start your conversation with things you have in common then ask a question or two.
� Have you ever used essential oils? Awesome! What have you used them for?
� Are you open to natural healthcare or using natural solutions?
� A lot of people use prescription drugs and they have some nasty side effects, but some
people have figured out a way to get their health back naturally (wait for a response). Are you
open to try something natural?
� What do you know about essential oils? How do you know so much?
� Have you experienced doTERRA before?
� Have you used natural remedies? If yes, what kind(s)? If no, are you interested in learning
more about natural solutions without the synthetic side effects?
� What do you love to do? (if they ask you, tell them you love to help people get healthy or find
natural solutions for big health needs)
Giving a Sample with Knowledge of a Health Issue/Goal:
Hey ________! I was just thinking of you because I know you/your family has been dealing with
________ (or has been wanting to ________). Are you open to trying something natural for that? I’ve
been using Essential Oils for a while and they’ve been working great. I’d love to give you one to try
for ________. Are you open to trying it if I drop one by/mail you one?

Ok…here’s what I’m going to give you - ________. It’s best used by ________(putting it on your feet,
rubbing it on the back of your neck, breathing it in cupped hands) and use ________ drops/day.

I’d love to call you back in a couple days to see how it’s working for you. Keep this in mind -
different oils work for different people, so let’s see what kind of results you experience with this
one. If needed, we can try a different one but I’m really excited for you to try this one. When we’ve
found what works for you we will have found a safer, more cost-effective way to deal with ________
(repeat back their need or goal).

Giving a Sample with NO Knowledge of a Health Issue/Goal:

Option 1:
Have you heard of essential oils before? (If not…) They are the smelly (aromatic), healing part of
plants. I’ve used them for ________. I’d love to give you a free sample to try out and see how it works
for you.

Option 2:
Hey ________ I’ve got a gift for you! I’d love to swing by and drop it off. You’re going to absolutely
love it. I don’t know if this is going to be something you’re looking for, but I was thinking about
you (or I know we just met but…) and I know everyone, every so often, struggles with health. What
I love to do is to make sure people are equipped and ready to tackle those health issues with a
natural solution. What’s the biggest health issue that comes up for you every so often…or that
you’re dealing with right now?
Option 3:
One thing I’m good at is helping people get back to a positive place in their health. I don’t know
if there are any health issues you’re dealing with but if there are I’d love to have that discussion
with you to see if I could come up with a solution to help you tackle those.

(If they say yes to receiving a sample from any Option above...)

So that I know the best sample to give you, do you mind me asking - what are some health issues
or goals you or your family have? How long has that been an issue/goal? How has that been
affecting you (or your family)?

Ok…here’s what I’m going to give you - ________. It’s best used by ________ (putting it on your feet,
rubbing it on the back of your neck, breathing it in cupped hands) and use ________ drops/day.

I’d love to call you back in a couple days to see how it’s working for you. Keep this in mind -
different oils work for different people, so let’s see what kind of results you experience with this
one. If needed, we can try a different one but I’m really excited for you to try this one. When
we’ve found what works for you we will have found a safer, more cost-effective way to deal with
________ (repeat back their need or goal).

Sample Follow-Up (2 days later)

“Hi, this is ________ (identify where they know you from if necessary). I wanted to touch base and
see if you had time to try the ________ (name the oil sample given) for ________ (name their health
concern) yet.”

(If yes...) Great! How was your experience? (Awesome or Not Awesome)

Tell me about it. (Listen to what they say. If not awesome, give them a new sample to try for that
same issue. If they had an awesome experience, invite them to a class or one on one to hear and
experience more).
Class Invite (After Sample is Given & a Positive Experience)
Hey I am hosting a class this week/next week where we are educating people about how to use
essential oils to take control of their health and the health of their family naturally. It’s been really
powerful and easy for me. I’d love to have you come! I thought of you because ________.

I’m having a class (list a few different times/dates). Would one of those times work better for you?

It’s phenomenal! I’m finding people are really loving being empowered in their health to have
natural options on hand.

(You can even share a personal story from yours or your family’s experience.)

Class Reminder Text

I’m really excited to see you tonight! I have a surprise for you! Feel free to bring a friend who is
looking for solutions to their health issues as well and I’ll have a surprise for them too. See you
at ________!

Invite to a One-on-One “Class”

Hey ________! I’ve been thinking about you. I don’t know if this would interest you or not, but
I know you’ve been dealing with ________. I’ve had some pretty amazing experiences with my
own health and have been working with others who have as well using natural solutions (share
specific experiences or a short, relevant story).

A friend of mine has taught me how to take care of my family using essential oils. Would you like
to learn how to use them for the common health concerns of you and your family?

Great! Does tomorrow or the next day work better for you? I look forward to seeing you and
letting you experience them/learn more then.
Last Minute Class Invite (no Sample Given)
REMEMBER: This is NOT ideal. You want attendees in your class who have had at least one positive
experience with oils. Your closing rate will be higher because they won’t be there to see if they work,
they will be there to purchase because they already know they work.

Option 1:
Hey ________! I know this is totally last minute, but I am teaching a class tonight about how to use
essential oils as a natural way to help with all sorts of health needs or goals. I know you’ve been
dealing with ________. OR I know you like natural things OR have been getting more interested in
natural things so I thought of you. I’d love to have you!

I’m having a class this ________ (date & time) in ________ (city/place) or I have another one next
week. Which of those work better for you?

Option 2:
Are you open to natural remedies? (If yes...) What kind(s) have you tried? (If no...) Are you interested
in learning more about natural solutions for your health needs/goals?

I’ve found that natural solutions are amazing—you get powerful results without the side effects
of medications. Have you ever heard of essential oils? Would you like to learn more about them?
I’ve been learning a lot about them lately and I’m hosting a class on essential oils (when and
where). Would you like to come and learn? (give time and date/s) Great! I really believe you’re
going to love it! When you come you can experience some of the oils for yourself. (Add a personal
experience whenever appropriate.)

Invite to Host a Class

I love to share how to use essential oils as a natural solution for health challenges! If you have
been thinking of other people who could benefit from essential oils, hosting a class could be a
good way to do that! Would you be willing to host a small class with 4-5 of your friends? I’ve got
some great hostess gifts for you, and your friends will be grateful you introduced them.
Invite for Your Host to Use with Their Attendees
Have you ever heard of essential oils? I’ve been learning about them lately and I’m hosting a
hands-on workshop to learn about and experience essential oils (when and where). My friend
________ is coming to teach it. Would you like to join me? I can text or email you the details -
which is better? Great! (get their contact info if you don’t have)

I’m so excited about what this will mean for my family and I really believe it will help you too!
(Add a brief personal oil experience whenever appropriate)

Email or Text Invite

Hey I’d love to connect about something specific. Do you have 5-10 minutes this afternoon or in
the morning? (don’t ever just text or email video links without first getting a “yes” to the above - you
can hop on a phone call and do any of the above invite, text them, or email them. Calls seem to work
the best!)

(If you got permission to send a video link...)

I’d love to hear what you think of this! Can we touch base for a few this evening or in the
morning after you watch it?

48 Hour Class Follow-up Call if No Purchase

Hey ________, this is ________ am so grateful you could come to my essential oil class the other
night. I learned more about ________ (a health concern they were worried about). What did you like
about what you experienced with the oils and learned in the class? What other questions do
you have?

I’d love to help you get set up with the kit that is right for your needs. It’s been amazing to see
how doTERRA meets every family’s needs and every budget. What kit do you feel best meets
your family’s needs? (or, Where do you see yourself getting started?)
2 Week Class Follow-up Call if No Order:
Have you been using your oil I gave you? What have you been experiencing?

What other questions do you have for me?

I’d love to help you get set up with the kit that is right for your needs and budget. What kit do
you feel best meets your family’s needs? (or, Where do you see yourself getting started?)

Helpful Sharing Tips to Remember:

� Avoid claims or any use of words like cure, heal, injury, illness, ailment, medicine, disease,
or specific disease names.

� Instead, use words like help, support, promote, and strengthen.

� Refer to issues as occasional and not chronic and focus on responding to product
questions by relevant yet more general body system (e.g. digestive, respiratory,

� If someone asks about a specific health concern, respond with “If I were you, I would...”
and/or guide them to online or printed resources to reference for themselves.

� Invite product shares or business builders to continue to be participants in classes or

trainings to grow in their knowledge of oils and understanding of how to properly use and
share them.

To skill up on inviting and recruiting, click here and check out the

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