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Corry Alliance Church Plan for Reopening

Here's what we are doing:

Following the county and state guidelines, we will be reopening Corry Alliance Church
on a limited basis for worship THIS SUNDAY, May 17.
To say we are excited is a colossal understatement. We also want to be as prayerful
and careful as possible so we can do it the right way, and the safe way. What does this
mean for our church family? We’ve created this page to help you have detailed
information about our efforts to provide a safe worship experience for you and your
family. Plans are still developing, and we will try to keep this page as up-to-date as
possible. Check out our Facebook page for information too.

We are having worship services at 8 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. this week.

Sunday evening service and Refuge Youth will begin at 6 p.m. Refuge Youth will end a
half-hour earlier than normal at 7:30p.m.

Families can and should sit together, but there must be at least 6 feet between you and
the next family or individual sitting in your particular row.

We ask everyone to maintain six feet of social distancing as you move into the building.

We encourage everyone to bring your own hand sanitizer. Even though we will have
hand sanitizer in the lobby, we encourage you to bring some as well.

We encourage everyone to wash or sanitize hands upon entering and after any
interaction with others.

We will not require people to wear face coverings in the church, but you are welcome to.

We will not pass the offering plates during service. We will provide a box in the lobby for
you to deposit tithes. We also encourage you to use online giving.
As much as we want to, there won’t be hugs or handshakes.

Nursery availability will depend on worker availability.

There will not be Children’s Church on 5/17. We are encouraging families to worship
and sit together. This will give us time to ramp up with staffing and procedures.

After each service the pews will be disinfected and wiped down.

If you have any concerns or health issues, we strongly recommend you remain at home
and watch our online service. We will continue to provide services for online viewing
through our Facebook page and church website.

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