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República bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del poder popular para la educación

U.E ”Santa Joaquina de Vedruna”
Cantaura. Estado. Anzoátegui

Teacher: Author
Daniela prado Marco Freites

Cantaura, Mayo de 2020

1- What is google classroom?
Google Classroom is Google's tool for education.
It is a platform that allows you to manage what
happens in the online classroom , in a
collaborative way. It started in 2014, and its
use had an exponential increase among teachers
from different parts of the world.

2- What is google classroom for?

The various features of Google offer to the
education environment, are associated with a
GMAIL account and provides the possibility to
create documents; share information in different
formats (videos, spreadsheets, presentations and
more), schedule meetings and carry them out
virtually, among many other purposes.
This tool allows you to manage distance or mixed
learning (semi-face to face), in which the
educational community can access from different
devices facilitating access regardless of place or

3- Importance of google classroom in the actual

educative model
Google classroom is one of the most used online
classroom tools, the actual educative model implies
the management of digital media to comply with
the virtual classes, in this way, teachers and
students stay safe in their homes and can keep
studying at the same pace as in a normal class

4- Are teachers and students ready to use google

classroom in my community?
-Due to the different issues with Ethernet
connection, the lack of Ethernet or inexperience
in digital media management, or the lack of
technology, the teachers and students of our
community Don´t have the required resources to
access to this kind of digital tools.







Teacher: Daniela prado

AUTHOR: Marco Freites

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