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As the efforts failed for Covid-19 vaccine, people are dying but the world is more
worried to fix the economy locally and globally. Surprisingly, no country seems to
think so far about the reasons behind this unprecedented calamity despite being
majority of the people on this earth are God believers. The whole world including
the superpowers are crying, begging by leaving no stone unturned to get rid of
this virus but failed to knock the door of the Creator with the same efforts, as He
is the All Knower, the Deliberate Designer Who created everything and sustains all
alone and can eradicate this Virus. The Most Merciful God united the humanity
with Covid-19 and we must thank Him as He did not kill us all with massive
earthquakes despite our grave sins and misdeeds in the world. So it is time for the
people to ask forgiveness as our God is the Most Merciful to forgive sins and
never get tired to forgive but the people can be tired to ask Him to forgive. So we
must all grovel before Him to forgive us with a pledge that we will avoid sins and
live with universal brotherhood as children of Adam ( Peace be upon him ) who
worshiped only One God and we all do the same.
Instead of Beating Around the Bush by talking about economies, GDP etc. at this
juncture, all the countries must ask and request their people of all religions to
start calling God for help and follow the scriptures as it is essential in Hinduism,
Christianity, Islam and Judaism to worship only One God without joining partners
to Him like demigods, idols or trinity etc. as many people doing that for the sake
own wishful practices which is a grave sin and against the teachings of major
religions, as all the scriptures say, There is only One God, worship Him, Ekam
Evadvitiyam, He is One only without a Second. There is no deity but God. If the
people of all religions honestly worship One God will wash away the grave sins
and please God to eradicate the deadly Virus as this is the stone left to be
unturned and also help the people to fulfill the second essential part to follow the
last prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) as mentioned in all religious scriptures of all

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