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Volume 24 No. 5.

January 1995

Journal of

The Gemmological Association and

Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain
E.M. Bruton

A.E. Farn, D.G. Kent, RK. Mitchell

Honorary Fellows
R.T. Liddicoat Jn1'., E. Miles, K. Nassau, E.!\. Thomson

Honorary Life Members

D.J. Callaghan, E.A. Jobbins

Council of Management
CR Cavey, T.J. Davidson, N.W. Decks, E.C Emrns,
RR Harding, 1. Thomson, V.I'. Watson

Members' Council
A.J. Allnutt, P.J.E. Daly, P. Dwyer-Hickey,
R Fuller, B. Jackson, J. Kessler, C. Monnickendam,
L. Music, J.B. Nelson, K. Penton, P.G. Read, 1. Roberts,
R Shepherd, R Velden, CH. Winter

Branch Chairmen
Midlands: J.W. Porter
North West: 1. Knight

A.J. Allnutt, MSc., Ph.D., rCA L. Bartlett, BSc., M.Phil., FCA, DCA
E.M. Bruton, FCA, DCA CR Cavey, FCA
S. Coelho, BSc., rCA, DCA AT Collins, BSc., Ph.D.
B. Jackson, FCA, E.A. [obbins, BSc., CEng., fIMM, FCA
C.B. Jones, BSc., Ph.D., FCA D.C. Kent, FCA
R.D. Ross, BSc., FCA P. Sadler, SSc., PGS, PCA, DCA
E. Stern, rCA, DCA Prof. 1. Sunagawa, DSc.
M. Tilley, GC, FCA C Woodward. BSc., FCA, DCA

The Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain

27 Greville Street, London ECIN 8SU
Telephone: 071-404 3334 Fax: 071-404 8843
^Journal of

Dr R.R. Harding
Production Editor
M.A. Burland
Assistant Editors
M.J. O'Donoghue
P.G. Read

Associate Editors
S.M. Anderson London Dr C.E.S. Arps Leiden
G. Bosshart Zurich Dr A.T. Collins London
Dr J.W.Harris Glasgow Prof. R.A. Howie Derbyshire
DrJJMLOgden Cambridge Dr J.E. Shigley Santa Monica
Prof. D.C. Smith Paris E. Stern London
Prof. I. Sunagawa Tokyo Dr M. Superchi Milan
CM. Woodward London

Any opinions expressed in The Journal of Gemmology are understood to be the views of the
contributors and not necessarily of the publishers.

Cover Picture
Photomicrograph of maw-sit-sit (MSS1) in plane polarized light. Kosmochlor (bluish-green and yellow, due to
different orientation), amphibole (white) and chromite/magnesiochromite (black, opaque).
(See Studies on kosmochlor, jadeite and associated minerals in jade of Myanmar, p.315)

ISSN: 1355-4565
314 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

In this issue...

The Far East again figures strongly in the The third paper deals with the history of
papers published in this issue and there is pearl production in the Gulf of Mannar
new information on gems from Myanmar, and Sri Lanka. A fascinating insight is
Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Siberia. given into how pearls were traded and
The first paper deals with the relation- who controlled the trade from the earliest
ship of jadeite with kosmochlor - the times. An account of the fluctuations in
intense green mineral now found in maw- production culminating in its cessation in
sit-sit but first identified in extra-terrestrial the 1950s implicates misguided, if well-
rocks. The composition of maw-sit-sit is meaning, government interference.
discussed and the authors present the case Over the past thirty years Siberia has
for calling it jade. been best known in the gem world as the
The recent development of deposits of source of Russian diamonds. But over the
ruby at Mong Hsu, again in Myanmar, has centuries it has provided a wide range of
been extremely rapid - amazingly so when gem and decorative materials, many of
one contrasts it with the several centuries which were utilized in the Faberge work-
of painstaking output from Mogok. shops and became well known. Not so well
However, this is a result not only of market known, perhaps, are the reserves of
hunger for the fine stones from this local- Siberian jet, which was also a popular
ity, but also of the improvement in material for carving. The paper by
communications, the removal of 'procedu- S. Glushnev fills a gap in the general
ral' obstacles and the availability of new appreciation of the history and develop-
technologies. With such technologies it is ment of Siberian jet and comes at a time
possible at one end to quickly extract gem when interest in the potential of Siberian
gravel by the ton and at the other to use a materials is reawakening.
higher percentage of the product by heat- Finally two papers on peridot and syn-
treating stones to improve their colour. thetic diamond provide topical
Many rubies from Mong Hsu are heat- information on stones that may well
treated and the methods of distinguishing become more significant in the trade.
them from untreated stones, using - yes -
new technology, are outlined by C.P.
Smith. R.R.H.

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565
J. Gemm., 1995, 24,5 315

Studies on kosmochlor, jadeite and associated

minerals in jade of Myanmar
Win Htein* and Aye Myo Naing**

*Universities' Research Centre (URC), University of Yangon, Yangon, Myanmar

** Myanma Gems Enterprise (MGE), Yangon, Myanmar

characters of jadeite, pure or impure.

Abstract By petrographic and X-ray diffraction
Physical, optical and X-ray data are studies, some amphiboles and pyroxenes
given for jadeite, kosmochlor and other including kosmochlor (previously known
associated minerals in various jades of as ureyite, Fleischer, 1965) were found
Myanmar. Jadeite jade is a monomineralic (Figures 1 and 2) in association with jadeite
or polymineralic crystalline in some jade specimens (Naing, 1990). The
aggregate. In the polymineralic variety, present work has also confirmed the occur-
jadeite occurs in intimate associations rence of kosmochlor as a terrestrial mineral
with edenite, richterite, tremolite, kosmochlor (Ou Yang; 1984, Harlow and Olds, 1987)
and enstatite. Maw-sit-sit is and supported the probable existence of
essentially composed of kosmochlor and jadeite-kosmochlor solid solution (Mevel
chromite/magnesiochromite with or and Kienast, 1986). However, the amphi-
without amphiboles and enstatite, but boles associated with jadeite and described
devoid of pure jadeite. in the present work are different from
The occurrence of kosmochlor is confirmed those described by Mevel and Kienast.
as a terrestrial mineral. In addition, neither albite nor quartz has
Jadeite-kosmochlor solid solution yet been found in any of the true jade spec-
suggests that the term 'jade' could be imens studied, but some jade-like rocks do
extended to include kosmochlor as a occur in the jade mine areas, for instance
jade mineral in the gemmological sense. the locally called 'pa-lwan' resembles jade
but contains albite, quartz and minor
epidote. 'Maw-sit-sit' from Tawmaw is
Introduction regarded as a kind of jade-like material
Jade of Myanmar (Burma) has a world- (not real jade) by most jade dealers and by
wide reputation for its fine quality. There Myanma Gems Enterprise, but the speci-
are various jade types differing in colour, mens shown in Figures 3,4 and cover
transparency and mineral association, and picture do not contain pure jadeite.
many quality grades including Imperial,
commercial and utility, are produced from Nomenclature of jade
Myanmar. They are subdivided into sub- Gemmologically the term 'jade' is
grades in the jade trade. These qualities applied to only two mineral species -
and varieties of jade may be directly jadeite and nephrite. For some jades of
related to the mineralogical and chemical Myanmar, the term jade will refer not only

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565
316 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

Fig. 1. Sp. No. J4 consisting of jadeite, richterite/ Fig. 2. Sp. No. J13 consisting of jadeite, richterite/
edenite, tremolite and kosmochlor. edenite, kosmochlor and tremolite.

Fig. 3. Sp. No. MSS 2. Maw-sit-sit consisting of kos- Fig, Sp. No. MSS 3. Maw-sit-sit consisting of kos-
mochlor, tremolite, edenite/richterite and mochlor, enstatite, chromite and
chromite. magnesiochromite.
J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5 317

to jades composed only of jadeite but also variable saturations to nearly black.
to jadeite plus other associated mineral or Qualitative point analysis on vividly
minerals. When a jade specimen is essen- coloured specimens by JEOL JXA 840A
tially monomineralic, the term 'jadeite jade' electron probe micro-analyzer provided
or 'pure jade' will be used. If the specimen the following information on the chemical
is polymineralic the term 'impure jade' will constituents which may be causing the
be applied in the present work. colour:
Mevel and Kienast have demonstrated
by electron probe microanalysis that a Emerald-green to light green:
wide range of solid solution exists between Cr(colour saturation depends upon
pure jadeite and nearly pure kosmochlor Cr concentration). Kosmochlor itself
(i.e. kosmochlor 85 jadeite 15). is deep emerald-green especially in
Physical characteristics of jade
Texture Greyish-green and greenish-grey:
Well formed, individual crystals of Fe, Mg, + Cr
jadeite have not yet been found in
Myanmar. All the jade samples are Yellowish, brownish and reddish:
compact, massive and generally granular Fe (Ti, V, Cr and
aggregates. The states of aggregation may Mn were not detected in jades of
be different from one specimen to another. these colours)
Commonly, fine- and coarse-grained
aggregates are associated in a single jade Mauve and pinkish:
specimen. Lath-shaped, elongated or Manganese
fibrous aggregates of prismatic crystals can
be seen in hand specimens. The con- Dark green and greenish black:
stituent crystals may be subparallel or Mg, Ca, Fe (constituent elements of
randomly oriented and their textures are amphiboles which may be responsi-
commonly best displayed on weathered ble for these colours)
crusts. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray
fluorescence (XRF) analyses showed that Hardness
the mineral and chemical compositions of The relative hardness varies in practice
crusts were not significantly different from from slightly greater than 6 (coarse-grained
those of fresher parts of the rock. aggregate) to 7 (for fine-grained aggre-
Vitreous to subvitreous. Specific gravity
Diaphaneity Ranges from 3.30 to 3.36 with a mean
Ranging from transparent (highest value 3.327 (by hydrostatic weighing
degree of diaphaneity) through translucent method). The lower values are due to the
to semi-opaque (lowest), except included presence of amphiboles.
grains of chromite/magnesiochromite
which are opaque even at the thickness of Refractive index
petrographic thin sections (0.03mm). Mineral grains from each specimen were
Colour immersed in liquid and the immersion
Jades of Myanmar can be found in many liquid was adjusted to the RI of the grains.
hues ranging from almost white through Thus, only a single mean value for each
purple, blue, green, yellow, red and pink in specimen could be measured on the Abbe
318 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

Refractometer with a sodium light source. and kosmochlor are predominant over
The results from 21 specimens range from chromite/magnesiochromite, to light green
1.6530 to 1.6556. The mean value is 1.6545. when associated with jadeite. The deeply
coloured kosmochlor (in maw-sit-sit)
Optical characteristics shows strong pleochroism from bluish-
Jade of Myanmar is either a monominer- green, deep green to yellow, whereas the
alic aggregate of jadeite or a polymineralic light green variety is weakly pleochroic
pyroxene-amphibole rock with some from light green to light greenish-yellow
oxides. In polymineralic jades, edenite, (in jadeite jade).
richterite, tremolite, kosmochlor and Kosmochlor occurs as lozenge-shaped,
enstatite may be intimately intergrown rectangular or tabular square or as colum-
with jadeite. nar crystals. In thin sections, its relief is
higher than jadeite and associated amphi-
Jadeite boles. It has characteristic pyroxene
In thin sections jadeite is colourless in cleavages, one set being good while the
plane polarized light (PPL), but some other set is poor. Parting is common.
grains appear dusty with streaks mainly
due to oriented, fine acicular inclusions. Edenite and richterite
XRD methods indicate that these inclusions Edenite and richterite are calcic and
are probably rutile and ilmenorutile. Some sodic-calcic amphiboles (Leake, 1978). In
jadeite grains also contain liquid inclu- impure jades they are intimately inter-
sions, noticeably in wedge-shaped grown with tremolite, jadeite and
spherical and dumb-bell forms. kosmochlor, but the amphiboles can be dis-
Crystal habit varies, stout prismatic gran- tinguished easily from pyroxenes in thin
ular forms are common, but columnar and sections.
fibrous aggregates also occur, sometimes Both minerals are usually colourless in
bent and radiated like a cock's tail. Simple plane polarized light (PPL), but they show
and lamellar twins are not uncommon. In pleochroism from colourless to greenish-
thin section under a polarizing microscope yellow when associated with
the coarse grains usually show wavy chromite/magnesiochromite. They occur
extinction. Jadeite is distinguished from as rectangular, six-sided, tabular, bladed or
associated amphiboles by its pronounced fibrous forms and simple twins are some-
pyroxene cleavages, higher extinction times present. Edenite and richterite show
angles, lower birefringence and positive characteristic amphibole cleavages and
optic sign. moderately strong interference colours in
thin sections. It is extremely difficult to
Kosmochlor (previously known as ureyite) differentiate between edenite and richterite
Kosmochlor occurs in some jadeite jades and mineral species identification was
and in all maw-sit-sit specimens studied. based on XRD analysis, even though this is
In jadeite jade it is intimately intergrown not entirely satisfactory.
with jadeite and with amphiboles. In
maw-sit-sit it occurs as a replacing mineral X-ray powder diffraction data
around grain boundaries and along frac- Using a computer controlled Rigaku X-
tures of both chromite/magnesiochromite ray diffractometer intensities were
(Cover picture) and enstatite. measured between 10° to 70° 29 at a scan-
Its body colour ranges remarkably from ning speed of 8°/min. The X-ray patterns
vivid green in maw-sit-sit where of jadeite and kosmochlor were compared
chromite/magnesiochromite is predomi- with the JCPDS(1986) standard data (Table
nant to less deep green where amphiboles I). Due to the high scanning speed of the
J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5 319

goniometer, very weak lines are not diffraction lines given in Fleischer's report
detected and are not listed in Table I. are almost the same as the present data,
Specimen J21 is a mineralogically pure but their intensity ratios are different.
jadeite and J14 is a polymineralic specimen Compared with the JCPDS data, the pres-
containing jadeite, kosmochlor and amphi- ence and absence of diffraction lines and
boles. The jadeite results for J21 and J14 their intensities differ slightly as the com-
are almost the same within the accuracy positions vary from MSS1 to J13. Some of
limits of the method. the diffraction lines of kosmochlor overlap
The X-ray patterns of kosmochlor occur- those of jadeite, and this tends to confirm
ring in maw-sit-sit (MSS) and jadeite jade that solid solution is possible between kos-
(J13) are compared with those of natural mochlor and jadeite as described by Mevel
ureyite (Fleischer, 1965) and synthetic kos- and Kienast (1986). Similarly, edenite, rich-
mochlor (JCPDS, 1986). Six out of seven terite and tremolite have overlapping

Table I. X-ray powder diffraction data

Jadeite Kosmochlor

22-1338 J21 J14 26-1484 MSS1 MSS2 J13
d(A) Int d(A) Int d(A) Int d(A) Int d(A) Int d(A) Int d(A) Int

6.22 15 6.232 11 6.267 12 6.3 29 6.311 29 6.258 18 6.293 111

4.5 5 4.57 3 4.458 31
4.35 5 4.371 5 4.39 18 4.378 27 4.401 12
4.29 45 4.304 29 4.3 26 4.35 25 4.362 13 4.354 19
3.25 5 3.262 7 3.25 10 4.06 15
3.1 30 3.112 27 3.11 31 3.58 7
2.922 75 2.928 73 2.926 76 3.15 5 3.14 83 3.133 100 3.144 62
2.831 100 2.836 100 2.838 100 2.958 100 2.963 90 2.984 24 2.992 87
2.527 2 2.87 65 2.87 69 2.875 33 2.861 48
2.49 20 2.499 17 2.495 27 2.519 28 2.518 100 2.52 24
2.417 25 2.424 19 2.424 29 2.511 40 2.511 20
2.206 10 2.206 9 2.212 12 2.451 35 2.462 27 2.45 9
2.161 5 2.164 8 2.16 11 2.235 5
2.046 10 2.046 6 2.182 18
1.993 2 1.998 6 2.1 22 2.105 32 2.101 11
1.968 15 1.971 11 1.972 16 2.073 12 2.065 26 2.079 11 2.081 23
1.93 2 2.017 10
1.887 5 1.889 5 1.891 6 1.965 6 1.977 19
1.839 2 1.915 9 1.9 15
1.761 10 1.761 11 1.764 12 1.866 3
1.684 10 1.685 10 1.687 11 1.809 5
1.651 2 1.652 5 1.781 2 1.768 17
1.624 5 1.627 6 1.71 10 1.712 30 1.713 9
1.611 5 1.613 6 1.611 8 1.708 8 1.691 15
1.572 20 1.573 15 1.574 18 1.671 5
1.552 15 1.552 14 1.554 12 1.667 5 1.654 13
1.499 10 1.5 8 1.5 10 1.646 6 1.652 35 1.652 13
1.488 10 1.488 10 1.492 10 1.625 25 1.625 29 1.629 7
1.596 15 1.599 46 1.601 12
J21 - Jadeite jade, almost pure 1.576 5 1.577 31 1.573 10 1.576 28
J14 - Jadeite associated with 1.52 6 1.523 27 1.523 6
amphiboles and kosmochlor 1.512 2 1.51 35 1.508 7
MSS1 - Vivid green kosmochlor 1.494 10 1.496 15
MSS2 - Green kosmochlor 1.482 4 1.472 39
1.466 2
J13 - Light green kosmochlor 1.452 7 1.432 15
associated with jadeite 1.391 4
1.382 12 1.378 9 1.369 23
320 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

diffraction lines since their mineral struc- Acknowledgements

tures are very similar. The authors wish to thank the Director
and technical staff of URC for providing
Conclusions laboratory facilities and their assistance.
The jades of Myanmar may be defined as Grateful acknowledgements are also made
jadeite/kosmochlor-bearing rocks with or to the officials of Myanma Gems Enterprise
without other minerals. Jadeite occurs as a who provided the specimens for this study.
monomineralic aggregate or frequently in Special thanks are due to Mr E. Alan
association with edenite, richterite, tremo- Jobbins and Mr Robert E. Kane for their
lite, enstatite and kosmochlor. As helpful and constructive review of the
described by Mevel and Kienast (1986), manuscript.
kosmochlor and jadeite form a solid solu-
tion series, and so kosmochlor could be References
classed as a jade mineral. Maw-sit-sit is a Fleischer, M. 1965. Ureyite. American Mineralogist, 50,
jade variety essentially composed of kos- Harlow, G.E., Olds, E.P. 1987. Observations on terrestrial
mochlor and magnesiochromite/chromite ureyite and ureyitic pyroxene. American Mineralogist, 72
with or without the associated minerals 126-36
JCPDS, 1986. Mineral powder diffraction file. International
enstatite, edenite, richterite and jadeite. Centre for Diffraction Data, 1601 Park Lane, Swarthmore, PA
The quality of a jade specimen mainly 19081, USA
Kohn, J.A., Comeforo, J.E., 1955. Synthetic asbestos investigations,
depends on colour, transparency and II: X-ray and other data on synthetic fluo-richterite,
lustre. The emerald-green colour is due to -edenite, and -boron edenite. American Mineralogist, 40, 5/6,
Cr which is an essential component of 410-12
Leake, B.E., 1978. Nomenclature of amphiboles. American
chrome jadeite and kosmochlor. Other Mineralogist, 63, 11/12, 1023-52
colours depend on impurity elements Mével, C., Kiénast, J.R., 1986. Jadeite-kosmochlor solid solution
(colouring agents) and associated minerals and chromian sodic amphiboles in jadeites and associated
rocks from Tawmaw (Burma). Bull. Mineralogie, 109, No. 6
present. Fine- to medium-grained texture Morimoto, N., 1988. Nomenclature of pyroxenes. Mineralogical
with fused or sutured boundaries of granu- Magazine, 52, 535-50
lar jadeite commonly provide high degrees Naing, A.M., 1990. Quantitative and qualitative studies of
Myanma jade. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, University of
of transparency and glassy lustre. Yangon
The optical properties and X-ray diffrac- OuYang, C.M., 1984. A terrestrial source of ureyite. American
tion patterns of kosmochlor occurring in Mineralogist, 69, 1180-3

jade and maw-sit-sit vary in such a way as

to suggest a wide range of solid solution
between jadeite and kosmochlor. This is
consistent with the work of Mevel and
Kienast (1986) and for gemmological pur-
poses the term 'jade' should be extended to
include kosmochlor as a jade mineral.
J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5 321

A contribution to understanding the infrared spectra

of rubies from Mong Hsu, Myanmar
Christopher P. Smith

Gübelin Gemmological Laboratory, Lucerne, Switzerland

1994; Smith and Surdez, 1994). The rough

Abstract ruby crystals from this source are charac-
The infrared absorption of the rubies terized by unique dark blue to violet core
from Mong Hsu was analyzed in order colour zones. These blue to violet colour
to classify the absorption features
zones can be readily removed with heat
recorded. In the mid-infrared region, it
treatment, resulting in attractive, richly
was possible to distinguish two separate
coloured rubies. However, within some
types of spectra. The first type was
crystals dense whitish clouds may form
recorded in non-heat-treated ruby
during heat treatment, reducing the trans-
samples in the region from 1900 to 3400
parency of the gemstones. In addition,
cm-1, identifying inclusions of diaspore.
various other forms of cross-hatch and
The second type was recorded in heat-
flake-like cloud patterns as well as stringer
treated ruby samples in the region from
formations and prominent sequences of
3100 to 3600 cm-1, indicating structurally
growth structures, are the most typically
bonded OH groups. Detailed for the
observed internal features. For a further
first time in corundum, the building of
description of the inclusions observed in
OH groups is accomplished as a direct
Mong Hsu rubies, the reader is referred to
result of the dehydration of diaspore
inclusions, demonstrated through heat the publications listed above.
treatment experiments. Hlaing (1991,1993) indicated a primary
marble source and secondary deposits with
associated minerals including tourmaline,
Key words red-brown garnet, staurolite, pyrite, tremo-
Corundum, Ruby, Infrared spectroscopy, lite and quartz. The primary and
Diaspore, Heat treatment, Structural secondary source minerals can provide
OH groups important insights into the geology sur-
rounding Mong Hsu. Mineral inclusions
Introduction such as apatite (microprobe), dolomite
Ever since its development in 1991, the (scanning electron microscope - energy dis-
mining region near the town of Mong Hsu persive system (SEM-EDS)), fuchsite and
(in Shan state, north-east Burma) has pro- muscovite micas (SEM-EDS and X-ray
vided an intriguing new source of diffraction (XRD)), serpentine (XRD), kaoli-
gem-quality rubies for the jewellery, gem- nite (microprobe) and diaspore (SEM-EDS
mological and scientific communities. As a in combination with XRD), have been iden-
result, these rubies have received a lot of tified in the rubies from Mong Hsu and the
attention in the gemmological literature initial findings have been published by
(see for example Hlaing, 1991,1993,1994; Smith and Surdez (1994). In this paper, the
Laughter, 1993a,b; Clark, 1993; Henn and absorption features present in the mid-
Bank, 1993; Peretti, 1993; Kammerling et al, infrared spectrum were also briefly

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565
322 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

described. During subsequent research, it region were recorded and could be distin-
became possible to identify the causes of guished, with only slight variations
these absorption features as well as an occurring within the individual types.
interactive alteration which takes place as a These two types of absorption spectra are
result of heat treatment. It is the purpose distinctly separate, dependent upon the
of this paper to present this new informa- presence of certain mineral inclusions in
tion to aid in understanding the infrared non-heat-treated rubies and the influence
spectral characteristics in rubies from of heat treatment.
Mong Hsu.
Infrared spectroscopy has been an Methods and materials
important method of analysis for classifica- A total of 31 Mong Hsu rubies were
tion in mineralogy for several decades (see examined in the near- to mid-infrared spec-
for example Frederickson, 1954; Farmer, tral region (approx. 200 to 7000 cm 1 ). A
1974; Suhner, 1984; Rossman, 1988). Unicam 9624 FTIR spectrophotometer, uti-
Recently, it has also become an increas- lizing a beam condenser and diffused
ingly valuable tool in gemmology and is reflectance unit for sample measurement,
successfully applied for the identification with a straight transmitted and internally
of gem materials, the distinction between reflected beam path, respectively (4.0 cm 1
natural and synthetic gemstones, and iden- increments, 200 scans), were used to test
tifying various treatments (see for example nine non-heated, partly polished crystals,
Suhner, 1979; Lind and Schmetzer, 1983; eight heat-treated, partly polished crystals
Fritsch and Stockton, 1987; Martin et al, and 14 heat-treated faceted rubies.
1989; Schmetzer, 1989; Fritsch and Polarized infrared spectral analysis was
Rossman, 1990; Schmetzer and Kiefert, made with a Perkin-Elmer 1720 spec-
1990). The part of the spectrum of most trophotometer equipped with stationary
interest to gemmologists is the region filters and a rotatable sample holder (4.0
above 400 cm'1, the mid-infrared region. cm 1 increments, 15 scans). Heat treatment
This region is particularly useful because it experiments were performed in a Thermal
is here that absorption features relating to Technology Group 1000A graphite hot
structural OH groups and water stretching zone furnace with temperatures of 1500°C
frequencies are located (Farmer, 1974; in a pure 0 2 atmosphere, without the use
Fritsch and Stockton, 1987). of 'Borax'-related coatings, for a period of
The infrared spectrum of corundum is five hours.
dominated by absorption features resulting
from Al-O stretch frequencies and lattice Non-heat-treated samples
absorption, with peaks located at approxi- A series of absorption bands in the mid-
mately 760, 642, 602 and 450 cm 1 (Wefers infrared range 1900 to 3400 cm_1 were
and Bell, 1972), while the mid-infrared recorded in several of the non-heat-treated
region, where hydroxyl bands are typically Mong Hsu rubies. These included typi-
located, is generally free of absorption fea- cally a series of peaks; one was located
tures (see for example Rossman and between approximately 1990 and 2040 and
Smyth, 1990). another slightly broader peak with the
The rubies from Mong Hsu possess the maximum positioned between 2120 and
dominant absorption features typical of 2145 cm 1 ; in addition to two absorption
corundum, in the region of approximately bands with maxima located at approxi-
300 to 1000 cm 1 . In a d d i t i o n , t h e y mately 2885,3025 cm 1 (Figure 1).
frequently display absorption bands in the Polarized spectral analysis revealed a
region between 1900 and 4000 cm 1 . Two pleochroic effect which consisted of more
distinct combinations of bands in this latter prominent absorption peaks recorded
J. Gemm., 1995, 24,5 323



O 0.60"

2 -
CO 0.40—



i i i i 1 i i \ i 1 i i
' 1 ' ' I
3500 3000 2500 2000

Fig. 1. The non-heat-treated Mong Hsu ruby samples commonly possess OH bending and stretching frequencies
assigned to diaspore (ocAlOOH), with absorption peaks in the infrared region from approximately 1900 to
3400 cm-1 superimposed on the spectrum of corundum. The dashed line indicates an area of the spectrum
corrected for a spurious peak attributed to C0 2 .

along the vibrational path parallel to the was possible to positively identify the
c-axis of the corundum crystal and a secondary mineral phase as the aluminium
weaker, yet identical, spectrum recorded oxyhydroxide diaspore (see for example
along the vibrational path perpendicular to Farmer, 1974; p. 148, figure 9.8). As
the c-axis of the corundum crystal. Features described in the introduction, diaspore was
in this spectral area are commonly related independently identified in the rubies from
to OH group absorptions (Farmer, 1974). Mong Hsu by scanning electron
Such absorption features are not generally microscopy in combination with XRD
seen in pure corundum, which is anhy- micro-sampling techniques, recorded with
drous (i.e. a mineral which does not a Gandolfi camera. The diaspore occurred
possess water or hydroxyl groups in its as 'veins' which penetrated and traversed
structure). the stones (Figure 3), as well as coatings at
For the identification of this additional the surface of the crystals (Figure 4). It is
mineral phase, only the spectral range very important to mention, however, that
above approximately 2000 cm 4 was avail- this infrared absorption spectrum was also
able because of the dominant Al-O and recorded in crystals with polished parallel
lattice absorption which masks much of the windows and no sizeable mineral inclu-
region necessary to properly identify a sions, veins or external coatings (Figure 2).
mineral by this method. However, the These absorption peaks were even
mid-infrared region, which contains the recorded when the spectral analysis was
structural OH stretching frequencies, has taken through areas which were specially
long been used as a means to identify and isolated (i.e. 'masked' in order to ensure
distinguish the several hydrous alumina that the areas measured were free of the
phases (Frederickson, 1954). Therefore, it inclusion features just described).
324 J. Gemm., 1995,24, 5

Fig. 3. Mong Hsu ruby crystal (2.54 ct) traversed by

irregular veins of diaspore. Overhead illumi-
nation, 22x.

A subordinate presence of boehmite was

also indicated in the mid-infrared spec-
trum, with absorption bands centred at
approximately 3080 and 3290 cm'1 (see for
example Frederickson, 1954; Suhner, 1984;
Hager and Greiff, 1994). Boehmite has
been identified as an inclusion in corun-
dum by other researchers (Sahama et ah,
Fig. 2. The spectrum shown in Figure 1 was obtained
1973; White, 1979), however, the identifica-
from this high quality, partly polished, 2.21 ct tion of boehmite in the rubies from Mong
Mong Hsu ruby crystal. This crystal possessed Hsu has not yet been verified by X-ray
the unique dark violet core colour zone which diffraction.
is typical of the corundum crystals from this
deposit, while no diaspore was found as coat-
ings, in twin lamellae or in veins. Transmitted Heat-treated samples
fibre-optic illumination, 9x. In contrast, many heat-treated Mong
Hsu rubies were found to possess a more

Fig. 4(a) and (b). Many Mong Hsu ruby crystals are coated with diaspore

a) A transparent essentially colourless coating of diaspore filling recesses at the surface of this 2.75 ct Mong
Hsu ruby crystal prior to heat treatment. Overhead illumination, 20x.

b) The same area of the 2.75 ct ruby crystal after heat treatment, where the diaspore coating has gone
through a dehydration process and transformed into a translucent, whitish, polycrystalline mass.
Oblique fibre-optic illumination, 20x.
J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5 325


0 .6

II 0 .4


40 0 0 3 5 00 300 0 2500 2000


Fig. 5. Heat-treated Mong Hsu ruby samples typically display absorption peaks ascribed to structural OH groups
bonded within the corundum lattice, in the infrared region between approximately 3100 and 3600 crrr-.
The dashed line indicates an area of the spectrum corrected for a spurious peak attributed to CO 2,

localized concentration of absorption fea- imposed on an underlying absorption

tures in the region from approximately band. The series of sharp peaks observed
3100 to 3600 em:'. These consisted of a here are related to structural OH groups
series of sharp peaks, with the primary bonded within the corundum lattice
peak located at approximately 3310 cm', (Eigenmann and Giinthard, 1971;
accompanied by a shoulder at approxi- Eigenmann et al., 1972; Volynets et al., 1972,
mately 3292 em:' and weaker peaks at 1974; Beran, 1991; Moon and Phillips, 1994;
approximately 3232, 3187 and 3368 em:' Hager and Greiff, 1994; also refer to the
(Figure 5). Polarized spectral analysis panel on pages 326-8).
revealed these absorption peaks to be of a Not all heat-treated samples possessed
strongly pleochroic nature, with maximum the complete series of absorption peaks,
peak intensity recorded when the vibra- while other samples indicated a complete
tional path was perpendicular to the c-axis lack of structural OH. OH was recorded in
of the corundum crystal, while they were the translucent whitish clouds which had
very weak when the vibrational path was formed during the heat-treatment process
parallel to the c-axis of the corundum and additionally in transparent areas of
crystal. These peaks were rarely super- some rubies (Figure 7). Dependent on the
326 J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5

Additional comments on the structural bonding of OH in corundum

Although the incorporation of hydrogen series of sharp absorption peaks which are
in the structure of corundum is a subject present in the mid-infrared region of the
not well known to many gemmologists, it spectrum.
has been a topic studied in great detail by
The prominence and number of absorp-
past researchers, especially in Austria,
tion peaks recorded in the mid-infrared
Australia, the former Soviet Union and
spectrum are dependent on the concentra-
Switzerland. Most of the previous work
tion of OH bonding. The individual wave
detailing the structural bonding of OH
number positions of the absorption peaks
groups in corundum has been carried out
are dependent, either singly or in combi-
on Verneuil-grown synthetics of various
nation, upon which trace element the OH
colours and composition (see for example
has bonded to; such as titanium (Ti), vana-
Eigenmann and Gunthard, 1971,1972;
dium (V), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe),
Eigenmann et al, 1972; Volynets et al,
silicon (Si), nickel (Ni) or cobalt (Co). The
1972,1974; Beran, 1991). In addition,
most typically encountered structural OH
structural OH absorption peaks have been
groups recorded in corundum are those
recorded in hydrothermally grown syn-
attributed Ti, V, or Fe bonds, as illustrated
thetic rubies (Belt, 1967; Peretti and Smith,
in Figures 5 and 6 (Eigenmann and
1993,1994) and in natural corundums,
Gunthard, 1971; Eigenmann et al, 1972;
including a ruby from Sri Lanka and a sap-
Volynets et al, 1972,1974; Moon and
phire from Montana (Beran, 1991),
Phillips, 1994; Hager and Greiff, 1994).
sapphires from Australia (Moon and
Polarized infrared spectral analysis has
Phillips, 1994), sapphires from southern
shown these absorption traits to be highly
Vietnam (Smith et al, 1994), rubies from
pleochroic, indicating a crystallographic
the Mong Hsu mining region in Burma
orientation of OH bonding, dependent on
(Smith and Surdez, 1994), as well as corun-
the element, either in a direction perpen-
dums from various other sources (Hager
dicular or parallel to the c-axis (Eigenmann
and Greiff, 1994).
and Gunthard, 1971,1972; Eigenmann et
Past researchers have indicated that al, 1972; Volynets et al, 1972,1974; Beran,
hydrogen atoms are typically incorporated 1991; Moon and Phillips, 1994).
within the structure of corundum as a
The rubies from Mong Hsu described in
charge compensation mechanism bound to
the present paper were found to possess
various transitional metal ions present as
structural OH groups only after heat treat-
trace elements, occupying an interstitial
ment; however, non-heat-treated natural
site between two oxygen atoms (O2) or
and synthetic corundums may possess
also possibly trapped by cation vacancies
similar structural OH groups. Verneuil
(Eigenmann and Gunthard, 1971,1972;
synthetic corundum typically contains
Eigenmann et al, 1972; Volynets et al,
structural OH groups (see for example
1974; Beran, 1991; Moon and Phillips,
Eigenmann et al, 1972; Volynets et al,
1994). Similar replacements have also
1974). This is attributed to the high hydro-
been identified in other principally anhy-
gen supply involved with the Verneuil
drous minerals (see for example Martin
growth technique (Beran, 1991; see also for
and Donnay, 1972). The influence these
example Nassau, 1980). While Hager and
traces of hydrogen have on the corun-
Greiff (1994) and the present author have
dum's spectral properties is observed as a
observed structural OH absorption in the
J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5 327

o ~~ B
.; .. ,-'

_____ ___/ A

I i i i i i
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000

Fig 6: The stru ctur al OH absorp tion pea ks illustrated here are attributed bonds occurring wit h metal ions
(Ti,V or Fe) in a transition al sta te. Altho ugh they may be observed in non-heat-treated na tura l and
synthe tic cor und um, mo re typically they are record ed in natur al sapp hires from basa ltic sources,
as we ll as in synthe tic coru nd ums grow n by the Verne uil (flam e-fusion ) or hyd rotherm al growth
meth od s. No n-hea t-treated natural coru nd ums from metam orph ic sources typi cally do not show
evide nce of OH gro ups in the mid- infrared region of the spec trum, while un altered flux-grown syn-
th etic corund u ms are always free of struc tural O H. (A) Flux-grown sy nthe tic ru by; (B) nat ural
rub y from th e Mogok stone-tract, Burm a (Mya nmar); (C) flame-fusion syn the tic ruby; (0) na tural
blue sapphire from Thailand; (E) hyd rothermally-grown sy nthetic rub y. Also note th e difference
in the intensi ty of th e stru ctura l OH abso rption peaks p resent in hyd roth ermally-gro wn sy nthetic
corundum, compare d wi th th e patt ern in natura l cor und um or flame-fus ion synthe tic cor un d um .
The dash ed line indicates an area of the spectru m correc ted for a sp urious peak attri buted to CO 2,
328 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

mid-infrared spectra of non-heat-treated

natural corundums as well, in the
present author's experience the occur-
rence of structural OH in non-
heat-treated natural corundum is more
restricted than this general statement
might at first imply. The structural OH
groups attributed to Ti, V or Fe bonds
are much more typically recorded in
non-heat-treated blue sapphires from
basaltic sources (for example Australia,
Cambodia, Thailand, southern Vietnam, Fig 7. Whitish clouds in a partly polished 1.21 ct
etc.) than in non-heat-treated rubies or Mong H s u ruby. Heat-treated Mong H s u
rubies frequently develop dense whitish
sapphires from other types of sources clouds, which form along certain growth areas.
(i.e. metamorphic). Additionally, struc- Structural OH absorption peaks are typically
tural OH is readily observed in present w h e n a spectral analysis is taken
non-heat-treated hydrothermal syn- through these clouds, and they may also be
thetic corundum; however, the recorded in transparent areas of these stones.
Oblique fibre-optic illumination, 12x.
concentration and intensity of the OH
bonding and its absorption features are
concentration of OH, several samples pos-
considerably stronger than those
sessed only a single peak located at
recorded in either natural or other syn-
thetically grown corundum (Figure 6). approximately 3310 cm 1 ; others showed
Heat-treatment experiments with both this in combination with a second peak at
natural and synthetic corundums have approximately 3232 cm 1 , while the most
shown that OH bonding can be intense spectra also possessed an addi-
increased or decreased depending on tional small peak located at approximately
the precise conditions (see for example 3393 cm 1 . In all the tested samples of heat-
Eigenmann and Giinthard, 1971; treated rubies from Mong Hsu, the peak at
Eigenmann et ah, 1972; Moon and approximately 3310 cm 1 was the strongest,
Phillips, 1994). The results of the work with the next most prominent peak at
reported above indicate that hydrogen approximately 3232 cm * being one fourth
can be diffused into the corundum to one half the intensity of the first. The
structure, forming OH groups, through relative intensity of the peaks located at
annealing in a hydrogen atmosphere approximately 3187 and 3368 cm 1 varied
under different conditions, thereby pro- depending on the sample, while the peak
ducing or intensifying the respective occasionally observed at approximately
absorption peaks. Whereas annealing in 3393 cm"1 was the weakest in all cases.
an oxygen atmosphere under certain Other researchers, however, have indi-
conditions may reduce or eliminate cated different sequences of peak intensity
structural OH bonding and its absorp- recorded in various synthetic corundum
tion features. samples (Eigenmann and Giinthard, 1971;
While the mid-infrared region of the Eigenmann et al, 1972; Volynets et ah, 1972,
spectrum for corundum has not been of 1974; Beran, 1991; Peretti and Smith, 1993,
great interest to gemmologists in the 1994).
past, recent work has proved this to be a
fruitful research area for rubies and sap-
phires. Experimental results
Once the two different types of mid-
infrared absorption spectra had been
J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5 329

Fig. 8a. A 2.75 ct, partly polished Mong H s u ruby Fig 8b. The same crystal after heat treatment at 1500°C
crystal prior to heat treatment, possessing a in a pure 0 2 atmosphere, for a period of five
dark violet core colour zone a n d a mid- hours. As can be readily seen, although the
infrared absorption spectrum related to dias- dark violet core colour zones were successfully
pore. Oblique fibre optic illumination, lOx. eliminated, dense, whitish, clouds formed
during heat treatment and greatly reduced the
transparency and quality of this crystal.
Structural OH groups are now present in the
mid-infrared spectrum, while the spectrum
identified, it was concluded that the struc- related to diaspore is no longer present.
tural OH groups present in the heat-treated Oblique fibre-optic illumination, lOx.
samples were being formed as a conse-
quence of the alteration and
dehydroxylation (dehydration) of diaspore
particles within the 'host' corundum
crystal. In order to verify and demonstrate
this occurrence, specially selected Mong
Hsu ruby crystals possessing the addi-
tional infrared spectral absorption features
related to diaspore (from 1900 to 3400 cm 1 )
were selected for heat-treatment experi-
ments (Figure 8). Before the heat-treatment
process was conducted, the partly polished
crystals contained dark blue to violet core
colour zones. In addition, one of the crys-
tals possessed coatings of diaspore (Figure Fig 8c. Evidence of the stress such rubies may experi-
ence during the formation of these clouds can
4a). Upon completion of the heat-treat- be seen by a special feature noted on the sur-
ment process, the blue to violet colour faces polished prior to heat treatment: the
zones had disappeared while in the areas presence of very fine, shallow cracking or
just outside the original position of the core crazing which was most concentrated in the
areas where the densest clouds reached the
colour zones, dense whitish clouds had surface and was less concentrated where the
formed, drastically reducing the trans- clouds w e r e less dense. Crazing is absent
parency of the crystals. Another special where there are no clouds, as can be seen when
phenonemon noted on the surface polished comparing the b and c images of this figure.
Overhead illumination, 14x.
prior to heat treatment and examined after
heat treatment without repolishing,
included the presence of shallow surface and present in higher concentrations when
cracks or crazing. This surface crazing was associated with the densest cloud forma-
associated with the whitish clouds which tions reaching the surface, while more
had become apparent upon heat treatment sparse when the clouds were less dense.
330 J. Gemm., 1995, 24,5

No surface crazing was present where no ment necessary in the (Al) and (O) posi-
clouds had formed (Figure 8). In addition, tions. Perkins et al. (1979) indicate the
the transparent, colourless coatings of dias- reaction as follows:
pore had transformed into translucent,
whitish polycrystalline masses (Figure 4b). 2 Diaspore = Corundum + Water
After heat treatment, the infrared spectra expressed in chemical formula as
of these crystals were taken again under
2(A100H) <->Al203 + H 2 0
the same conditions as previously tested.
The resulting spectra confirmed the forma-
This is a process which can take place in
tion of newly bonded OH groups within
either direction, with alteration and reverse
the structure of the corundum crystal with
alteration occurring as conditions fluctuate
peaks in the mid-infrared spectrum, from
above and below the equilibrium curve
3100 to 3600 cm'1, while the mid-infrared
(Haas, 1972; Perkins et al, 1979), diaspore
absorption relating to diaspore had disap-
being the stable phase within the lower
peared. A pure oxygen atmosphere was
temperature field at similar pressures
essential during these heat-treatment
experiments. This proves conclusively that (Figure 9). The result of this alteration
the building of structural OH groups process is commonly observed in nature,
within these ruby samples is solely related where diaspore is frequently found as a
to the alteration and dehydration of dias- coating on corundum crystals (see for
pore. Even though the concentration of example Haas, 1972; Wefers and Bell, 1972;
OH may be decreased under these condi- Klein and Hurlbut, 1985; Deer et al, 1993).
tions, it is not possible for hydrogen to be An early description detailing this phe-
diffused into the corundum lattice from nomenon was given more than a century
such an atmospheric source (see also the ago by Kenngott (1866). Inclusions of dias-
panel on pages 326-8). pore in corundum have also been
identified, occurring along irregular frac-
Discussion of non-heat-treated Mong Hsu tures (Schmetzer, 1987) and as a daughter
rubies mineral in three-phase inclusions
In order to discuss and understand the (Schmetzer and Medenbach, 1988). It is
simultaneous occurrence of corundum and important to mention that diaspore also
diaspore together in these samples, a brief forms as an independent mineral in several
description of their interwoven nature and deposits around the world, in particular as
relationship is in order. To begin with, alu- a minor to major constituent of bauxite
minium is an element which can be present ores.
in many different minerals, one of which is Once this relationship is understood, it is
corundum, the alpha form of aluminium easier to discuss the coexistence of both
oxide (A1203). Additionally, there are minerals in the rubies from Mong Hsu. In
several hydroxide forms of aluminium general, the different formation conditions
(oxyhydroxides and trihydroxides), includ- of these two minerals do not typically
ing boehmite, diaspore, nordstrandite, allow for the mineral diaspore to exist
bayerite, gibbsite, etc. (see for example while corundum is still growing, with dias-
Wefers and Bell, 1972). The similarity in pore having formed either prior to or
structure between corundum (ocAl203) and simultaneously with corundum. As
diaspore (ocAlOOH), with a close-packed described above, it is easy to explain the
hexagonal arrangement of aluminium and presence of diaspore as a coating on the
oxygen in the lattice, allows for a relatively ruby crystals from Mong Hsu, as an alter-
easy transformation to occur between these ation product due to corrosion of the
two minerals due to the small rearrange- corundum crystal in the presence of water
J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5 331

not visible, wi th a stand ard gemmological

microscope). This can be exp lained by a
growth in which a fluid is trapped within
the corundum in the form of tiny inclu-
sions. It has not been possible yet to
determine whether the fluids were Al-rich
6 (for an essentially primary formation of

I Oi d iaspore) or were a mixture containing
water (for an essentially secondary forma-
:.::: tion of diaspore). Tiny particles of
a: 4 diasp ore may form through a reaction
C!l taking place in ternally as the corundum


UJ crystal enters a new pressure/temperature
n, V environment within the stability field of
diasp ore. This reaction occurring in Mon g
Hsu is similar to that described by
o Fyfe-Holiander 1964 Schmetzer and Medenbach (1988) for sap-
phires but with a much smaller particle
size and a higher concentration of dias-
o po re. Polarized infrared spectroscopy of
350 400 450
non-heated samples indicate a preferred
orientation of diaspore within the corun-
dum 'host'. Although a detailed
Fig. 9. The ph ase equilibrium betw een diaspore and discussion of this p leochroic effect is
corundum has been a top ic studi ed in great
detail by past resear chers. This is a reversible outside the scope of this paper, the degree
reaction which is commonly encountered in of pleochroism signifies an epitaxial
nature. The p ha se trajec tory ind ica ted growth of diaspore and the 'host' corun-
here, is shown as an example, in the presence
of a pure water solu tion, betw een the temper- dum crystal.
atures of 350°C to 500°C and p ressures of 0 to The presence of diaspore in association
8 kilobars. How ever, more complex fluids are with the corundum crystals of Mong Hsu
typ ically enco untered in nature. The relative
conc entration s of th ese mixtur es will have a plays a vita l role in the subsequent pres-
significan t effect on the position of the phase ence of OH groups in the corundum
boundary. Di = diasp ore, Co = corundum and structure resu lting from heat treatment.
V = w at er vapour (H 20 ) (r eprinted fro m
Perk ins et al,1979)
Discus sion of h eat-treated Mong H su
at pressures and temperatures within th e rubies
diaspore stability field . It is also possible to In this section a brief description is given
exp lain the presence of diaspore in veins of the changes which occur in diaspore
penetrating cracks and narrow channels up on exposure to heat. In 1801 R.J. Haiiy
wi thin the corundum crys tal, by thi s same first described the mineral which he named
process (similar to the occurrence diaspor e, take n from the Greek word for
'scatter', because the mineral sha ttered
described by Schmotzer, 1987).
when heated (Wefers and Bell, 1972).
However, diaspore was additiona lly
Wh en exposed to temperatu res and p res-
identified intergrown wit hin the corun-
sures above its stability field, diaspore will
dum 'host' as an inclusion at a presumably
go through an altera tion process, as
tiny microscopic to sub-microscopic level exp lained in th e previous section . This is a
(i.e. visible as tin y pinpoint inclusions or reactionary process where the temperature
332 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

plays a more critical role than the pressure heat treatment (in pure 0 2 ).
(Weber, 1966). The mineral decomposition The highly pleochroic nature of the OH
which takes place is a process of 'dehy- groups measured in the heat-treated
droxylation' (dehydration) producing the samples and the presence of OH groups in
alpha form of aluminium oxide (corun- transparent areas of these crystals, sup-
dum), while releasing the hydroxyl ports the conclusion of not only a
components in the form of water vapour. formation of OH groups within the newly
When the process is complete, the original formed aluminium-oxide particles, but
diaspore crystal can lose up to 15 per cent also, and more intriguingly, an assimila-
of its original weight (see for example Fyfe tion into structurally bonded sites within
and Hollander, 1964; Wefers and Bell, the surrounding 'host' ruby. The diffusion
1972). The re suiting contraction of the of hydrogen into the structure with the
remaining crystalline material causes subsequent building of OH groups, during
cracks to develop and is responsible for the heat treatment experiments with both
shattering of the specimens described by natural and synthetic corundums has been
Hauy. demonstrated by Eigenmann and
As is common practice with rubies from Gunthard, 1971; Eigenmann et al, 1972;
virtually all sources around the world, the Moon and Phillips, 1994. OH groups in
rubies from Mong Hsu are typically heat natural and synthetic corundum have been
treated. This is performed in order to attributed to structural bonds occurring
remove the blue to violet colour zones as with various trace elements, such as Ti, V
well as improve the apparent clarity. For or Fe (Eigenmann and Gunthard, 1971;
non-heat-treated Mong Hsu rubies which Eigenmann et al, 1972; Volynets et al, 1972,
possess inclusions of diaspore, this can be 1974; Moon and Phillips, 1994; Hager and
considered as a strong indication for the Greiff, 1994; also refer to the panel on
presence of structural OH groups after heat pages 326-8). The rubies from Mong Hsu
treatment. When the diaspore has access to are evidently suitable for the transition of
the atmosphere (such as is the case when the aluminium hydroxide phase to struc-
present as a coating on the corundum's tural OH bonding. The cause for this may
surface or areas of the veins in close prox- be found in their major to trace element
imity to the surface), the excess atoms of chemical composition. This is a unique
hydrogen and oxygen released during the source of corundum, where the rubies
alteration process, form a water vapour commonly possess high trace element con-
(H 2 0) which will enter the atmosphere. centrations of chromium, titanium and
However, for the deeper recesses of the potentially vanadium, while iron is typi-
veins- which penetrate the corundum crys- cally incorporated in only negligible
tals, as well as the inclusions of diaspore amounts (Smith and Surdez, 1994).
within the corundum crystals, there is no An additional point of interest for gem-
such avenue of direct escape for these mologists and people within the gemstone
molecules into the atmosphere and so it is trade who are familiar with the rubies from
considered that a slightly different alter- Mong Hsu, has been the nature of the
ation process takes place. Internally, clouds which form during the heat treat-
diaspore particles alter to aluminium-oxide ment of the rubies from this source. From
(corundum) and hydrogen is bonded this work it seems likely that within the
within the corundum structure forming corundum crystals, concentrations of dias-
OH groups. In samples tested in this study, pore particles alter during exposure to
the concentration of structural OH bonding elevated temperatures and form tiny
is apparently defined by the amount of whitish particles of aluminium-oxide,
diaspore present within the crystal prior to which in high concentrations, scatter the
J. Gemm., 1995,24,5 333

light to cause the appearance of the clouds. demonstrated through heat-treatment

Similarly, it has been noted in rubies from experiments for the first time in the gem-
the Morogoro area, Tanzania, that planar mological literature. Recent work with
lamellae of AlOOH (both diaspore and other minerals (i.e. fluorite) lends support
boehmite) became translucent and whitish to this process for the formation of struc-
in appearance during heat treatment (Dr K. turally bonded OH groups (Gotzinger,
Schmetzer pers. comm., 1994). 1992).
In this study of Mong Hsu rubies, the
Conclusion mid-infrared absorption related to dias-
The rubies from Mong Hsu are a new pore has only been recorded in
source of corundum which is intriguing for non-heat-treated samples, while the
several reasons. One such area of interest absorption features related to structural
has involved the infrared spectrum. OH groups have only been recorded in
Although corundum is a typically anhy- heat-treated samples. This is also true for
drous mineral, these rubies commonly Mong Hsu ruby samples which have only
possess absorption features in the mid- received a slight degree of heat treatment,
infrared region of the spectrum. Two still possessing a pale blue to violet colour
distinctly different types of mid-infrared zone. This point could be of importance,
absorption spectra were distinguished: the because, although the blue to violet colour
non-heat-treated Mong Hsu rubies were zones may be removed with temperatures
found to possess associations of the alum- as low as 900°C (R.E. Kane pers. comm.,
inium oxyhydroxide diaspore by the 1993), diaspore will go through the dehy-
presence of their OH bending and stretch- dration process at temperatures well below
ing frequencies in the region of the this (see for example Haas, 1972; Perkins
spectrum from 1900 to 3400 cm 1 ; and the et ah, 1979). Therefore, it would be incor-
heat-treated Mong Hsu rubies typically rect to assume that a Mong Hsu ruby
possessed absorption features from 3100 to crystal is not heat treated simply because a
3600 cm 4 , related to structural OH groups pale blue to violet core remains; an infrared
bonded within the corundum structure. analysis may reveal that a low-temperature
Diaspore was found with the ruby crys- heat treatment has been performed.
tals from Mong Hsu in a variety of It should be emphasized that although a
associations including coatings on the large percentage of rubies from Mong Hsu
exterior surfaces, irregular veins penetrat- (roughly 75 per cent of a random selection)
ing the ruby crystals and as tiny included possess diaspore or structural OH, the
crystals. Microscopic to sub-microscopic mere presence of these mid-infrared spec-
diaspore inclusions intergrown within the tral features should not be used to indicate
corundum crystals were also indicated by the place of origin of a particular stone.
the mid-infrared spectra of samples, when
no visible coatings, twin lamellae, veins or Acknowledgements
sizeable mineral inclusions were present. The author wishes to express his appre-
The bonding of structural OH is occur- ciation to Mr T. Hager of the Department
ring as a charge compensation mechanism of Gemstone Research, Johannes
for various transition elements present in Gutenberg, University of Mainz, Germany,
trace quantities in the chemical make-up of for critical discussion of the manuscript
the rubies from Mong Hsu. The building and polarized infrared spectral analysis; Dr
of structurally bonded OH groups in K. Schmetzer, Petershausen, Germany, for
corundum, as a direct result of the dehy- his critical review of the manuscript and
droxylation (dehydration) of diaspore the loan of corundum samples with inclu-
inclusions was identified and subsequently sions of diaspore and boehmite; Dr J.L.
334 J. Gemm., 1995,24, 5

Emmett of Crystal Research Inc., 18 (5), 157-9

Hlaing, U.T., 1994. A trip to Mong Hsu. JewelSiam, 5 (1), 54-7
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1626-8. Translated from Zhurnal Prikladnoi Spektroskpii 1972,
17(6), 1088-91

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J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

The story of the Sri Lankan pearl

M.M.M. Mahroof

Colombo, Sri Lanka

The pearls found on the north-western

Abstract coast, the chanks* found in the sea
Sri Lankan pearling has had a history further north and the precious stones which
of over two millennia, though it is no were the products of the southern regions
longer commercially viable. In addition of the Island attracted merchants to Ceylon
to their intrinsic value, pearls were considered from ancient times. The pearls of Ceylon
auspicious objects in ancient are referred to as kauleya in an ancient
and medieval Sri Lanka. Hence, kings Sanskrit text and are said to have been pro-
gave pearls great importance. When duced in a river near the village Mayura
Portugal, the Netherlands and Britain, (Modaragam)V2
successively became paramount powers
in Sri Lanka, the auspicious qualities of These pearls would have been riverine
pearls declined in favour of their economic pearls not considered in the trade as equiv-
value which feature had always alent to pelagic (sea) pearls either in size or
been dominant in international trade. colour. They fetched lower prices.
Pearls were classified according to their During the late Anuradhapura period,
size, shape and purity. The failure of usually the years between circa AD400 and
ADIOOO, the Sinhalese kings, who ruled
the pearl industry in Sri Lanka is due to
well-meaning attempts of Government Ceylon, sent embassies to China between
to rationalize and place it on a scientific the years 405 and 762. Trade was one of its
basis in the first part of the twentieth purposes. Among the gifts of the Sinhalese
century. kings to the Chinese Emperors were pearls,
filigreed gold, gems and ivory.3 By that
time, the skill of Ceylonese craftsmen was
well-known to Asia and the world beyond
Introduction - the Chinese, the Indians and the Japanese
Today the pearls of Sri Lanka are a part of the early Middle Ages recognized and
of history, as pearling no longer takes valued their fine craftsmanship. Admiring
place.1 However, Sri Lankan pearls surface comments, for instance, are found in
occasionally when old collections are dis- Chinese works such as Kao-Seng-Chuan,
persed or when new settings replace older Liang-Shu, Kuang-Ming-Ming-Shih.4 Since
ones or heirlooms go on exhibition. Yet, pearls formed an essential item of the
for a thousand years and more, the Sri clothes of royalty and the aristocracy, pearl
Lankan pearl was well-known and much enhancement and adornment in clothes
in demand. Referring to the period 500BC were established technologies.
to AD400, usually known as 'the civilization
of the early Anuradhapura period 7 , the * A large kind of shell, Tarbinella rapa, prized by the Hindus,
standard history of Sri Lanka says, found especially in the Gulf of Mannar.

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565
338 J. Gemm., 1995, 24,5

Incidentally, the usual mode of trans- Duttha Gamini (101-77BC) to build a 'thupa'
porting pearls at that time was to ensconce to house the relics of the Buddha, the
them in very fine fabrics and carry them on Mahavamsa writes,
the person.
Tn a westerly direction from the city, at a
Status and role of the classical Ceylon distance of five //yojanas,,/ near the
pearl landing-place Uruvela, pearls in size like to
Apart from its intrinsic value, the pearl great myrobalan fruits mingled with coral,
six waggon-loads, came forth to the dry
has been admired in medieval Ceylon and land. Fishermen who saw them piled them
even today. For instance, some place- together in a heap and taking the pearls
names in Sri Lanka have 'pearl' in their together with coral in a vessel they went to
names. 5 'Muthu', the term for pearl in the king and told him of this matter/9
Sinhala and Tamil, the indigenous lan-
guages of Sri Lanka, also means 'acme' or From a review of the detailed descrip-
'excellence' in these languages. 6 Many tions of pearls in the ancient chronicles, it is
members of the Sinhala and Tamil commu- possible to sketch in some of the principles
nities in Sri Lanka have 'muthu' prefixed to of pearl classification in classical (i.e.
their names. This term also finds its place medieval) Ceylon. The classification was
in the Hindu pantheon. 7 based mainly on size and, often but not
The pearl is also a symbol of good luck in always, colour gradations.
classical Ceylon. That perhaps is why we Basic to the classification was the defini-
get so many references to pearls in ancient tion of a pearl of the best kind in Sanskrit
and medieval literature of Sinhala and literature.10 They usually call those pearls
Tamil. Like the lotus and the peacock, but 'muthu' (first class) and see them as per-
at a higher level, the pearl is or was, an fectly rounded globes of dazzling white
auspicious object. colour. That tradition came down to Sri
Ancient Ceylonese chronicles associated Lanka and entered the lexicons and the-
auspicious events such as the coronation of sauri of the Sinhala language. 11 The Tamil
kings or the births of princes with the language, working on a tradition from
'serendipitous' finding of pearls. For South India equally well-known for its
instance, the 'Mahavamsa' ('the Great pearls, calls them 'aani-muthu' (literally
Chronicle'), a work in the Pali language 'nail or tap-root pearl'). Such splendid
written by the Buddhist monk Mahanama pearls were rare, however.
in the sixth century and which tells the The normal pearl was called the common
history of Sri Lanka from 483BC onwards, pearl, that is from the point of view of
records such events. Describing the coro- poets who habitually lived in the world of
nation (really the consecration) of King the imagination. Human biology forms a
Devanampiya Tissa (247-207BC), an exact useful yard-stick in the taxonomy of the
contemporary of the Buddhist Emperor pearl in classical Ceylon, for several parts
Asoka of India, the Mahavamsa records, of the body were expressed in 'pearly'
terms. In those days a Beauty Queen, or
Tearls of the eight kinds, namely horse- any excellence in feminine shapeliness,
pearl, elephant-pearl, wagon-pearl, was called 'pancha kalyani' (a Sanskrit
myrobalan-pearl, bracelet-pearl, ring-pearl, word meaning 'the five excellences').
kakuda fruit-pearl and common (pearls)
came forth out of the ocean and lay upon These were long, lustrous, dark hair reach-
the shore in heaps/8 ing down to the hips; reddish, perfectly
shaped lips; soft skin; youth; and 'white,
Further, detailing the desire of King regular teeth'.12 Since very small, white,
regular teeth were compared to grains of
J. Gemm., 1995,24, 5 339

rice, it is fair to conclude that the modal tubes of gold anklets. These tinkled as the
pearl in the market of ancient and women walked and at least on one occa-
medieval Ceylon approximated to the size sion were the source of great tragedy and a
of female, regular teeth, white and great literary masterpiece.15 Irregular
sparkling.13 However, very small pearls pearls were generally large and human
are not impressive by themselves in a trop- ingenuity found for them similarities with
ical climate; even 'en pave', they tend to horses, waggons and elephants in their
look 'shabby-genteel'. Incidentally, the suggestive shapes. These pelagic elephant
most expensive rice in Sri Lanka is called pearls should not be confused with real
'muthu samba' (pearl collection). elephant pearl, a roundish encrustation
Ancient and medieval Ceylonese jew- rarely found in the tusks of elephants. 16 Its
ellers and goldsmiths (and the upper-class value is purely exotic.
and upper-caste elite who were their The myrobalan-pearl is of more interest.
regular and often their only customers) It is frequently mentioned in the ancient
divided other pearls into regular ones for Chronicles. For instance, the Mahavamsa
ornaments such as ring-pearls and recounting the building of the relic
bracelet-pearls. The biggest, most lustrous chamber of the 'thupa' as directed by king
and (almost) perfectly shaped pearls were Duttha Gamini, said that the platform of
used for necklaces (specially for royals) the Bodhi tree was paved with great
and diadems and plate-crowns. myrobalan-pearls. 17 The myrobalan is a
Two ornaments need special mention. fruit, used extensively in Sinhala tradi-
One was the 'sacred' royal necklace com- tional medicine and is one of the three
posed of the largest available pearls of very 'panacea' herbs.18 It is an auspicious article
good quality, 'corded' on gold thread, in and a recognized royal gift in ancient
descending order of size with the largest times.19
pearl in the centre as the pendant. The The sanctity of myrobalan attached quite
antipodal pearl of the pendant was the next naturally to the pearls of that name and
largest pearl in the necklace. This necklace shape. The myrobalan pearl or 'pearl the
was 'sacred' in the sense that it was the size of Amalka fruit' is a large pearl, often
insignia or the most important part of it the size of three ordinary pearls. Some
and could only be used by the sovereign.14 ancient and medieval poets in the East,
(It also came in handy when a long-lost with poetic licence, describe these as pearls
heir to the throne had to prove his legiti- 'exceeding the size of ducks' eggs'. These
macy.) descriptions seem to have got into several
Another important ornament usually stories in the Arabian Nights as well.
worn by kings was the golden breast-plate The median myrobalan-pearl was 'yel-
which covered the upper part of the chest. lowish' and imperfectly rounded, like
Buffered on a thick plate of gold and those of the South Indian coast. A per-
encrusted with corundums of different fectly-shaped myrobalan pearl, with good
colours and with spinels, it was as much a texture, was rare. A string of such pearls
protective device as an ornament. Pearls cost much. Even in the second century BC,
formed a part of this ornament mainly for according to the Mahavamsa, a string was
the purpose of setting off the splendour of worth nine-hundred-thousand pieces of
the other gems. money.20 Even assuming that the chroni-
Misshaped pearls of limited size and cler was referring to the copper coin rather
small pearls of dull colour were often used than the silver coin in use at that time, the
as leg and foot ornaments by upper-class price was high enough.21 These strings of
(and so mainly upper-caste) women. pearls also had another royal purpose. A
These pearls were enclosed in the hollow king or some other royal taking refuge in
340 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

lent of fish-eyes.
The traditional people involved in the
pearling industry could be classified as
a) the owners and members of the fishing
b) the pearl divers - local and foreign;
c) the officers of the king, whose duty
was to delineate, organize and dis-
tribute the shares of the pearl oysters
and be in charge of the administration
and security of the area. Also, they
would take charge of the king's share;
Fig. 1. Continental Shelf between S. India and Sri
Lanka: pearling locations
d) the king's administrator under whom
the pearling territory came;
another king's territory could always e) the pearl merchant at the spot;
placate his host with a few strings of f) the final pearl merchant who exported
pearls. the pearls.
Incidentally, the pearl divers received the
The organization of pearling in classical least reward and the final pearl merchant
Ceylon the highest.
Pearling differs from gemming of terres- Pearling was carried out on the north-
trial stones in four ways. Pearling is west part of the continental shelf (Figure
confined to some specific off-shore sites; 1), (that is, where the depth of the sea aver-
pearling takes place at irregular intervals ages a hundred fathoms or less) which
and sometimes, such as currently in Sri surrounds Sri Lanka and South India.22
Lanka, ceases altogether; there are seasonal The continental shelf fans out from Cape
variations in the supply and quality of Comorin (India) and surrounds Sri Lanka
pearls; and pearl-diving is a hazardous as a fairly narrow strip. The area was
activity. usually called the Pearl Banks of Sri Lanka
In classical Ceylon, pearls had some in- (Ceylon), currently known as the Gulf of
built advantages. Only the divers and Mannar and Puttalam (i.e. to the north-
pearl merchants came into contact with the west of Sri Lanka).23
pearl in its original condition. From them, The shallow waters and the consequent
by sale, gift or transfer, it passed into the high solar heating seem to have brought
hands of the royalty, the aristocracy and about a great increase in marine micro-
the rich, all of them belonging to the flora and micro-fauna which benefited the
upper-castes. Naturally, its use was pearl-oyster. While, the pearl-oyster was
limited to these people. Sumptuary rules pervasive throughout this marine zone,
denied the use of the pearl to the ordinary there were also specific concentrations.
man, assuming that he ever came into The oysters were more abundant on rocky
contact with one. While it was possible for 'paars' in five to six fathoms.24 Apparently
the ordinary man to come across precious the food-chain of the waters, in which the
stones by chance, that did not happen in oyster was a part, fluctuated throughout
the case of pearls. Such a chance 'discov- the years. And this meant that pearling
erer' could secrete the gem - even bury it - could take place only when the oysters
hoping for better times. Such entombment were plentiful. The pearl-oyster (Pinctada)
of pearls in a tropical country like Sri 'which is more nearly related to the mussel
Lanka, would dry them out to the equiva- than to the edible oyster' is (or really was)
J. Gemm., 1995,24,5 341

an erratic breeder of pearls, as Leonard official had his servants all over the envi-
Woolf, colonial administrator in Ceylon in rons of the pearl banks and so could have a
1907 and later a writer and publicist, rough tally of the number and value of the
noted.25 pearls after each pearling. Parakrama
When the seat of the Sinhala kings of Bahu I was a worldly-wise king and real-
Ceylon was in Anuradhapura between ized that pearls not under his control were
555BC and ADIOOO, the government had against his interests.
close control of pearling (Figure 2). This Whatever might have been the chain of
was so because the pearl banks were only control over pearling, the most important
60 miles north-west of Anuradhapura. aspect of Sri Lankan pearling was its
However, the incursions of invaders from export significance. The ancient and
South India forced the Sinhala kings to medieval trade routes which carried Sri
shift their capital away from the north. Lankan pearls to Europe, the Middle East
Thus in medieval Ceylon the capital shifted and the Far East were frequently changing,
in turn to Pollanaruwa (25 miles south of subject as they were to natural obstacles
Anuradhapura), Kurunegala (40 miles such as floods, pestilence and political
south of Anuradhapura), Gampola (50 problems like the oppression of kings and
miles south of Anuradhapura) and Kandy princes. Still, some traditional trade routes
(close to Gampola), the last three being in can be traced. There was the overland
fairly hilly areas. At each shift of the route which, though encroached upon by
capital, the central authority moved further the sea route from Europe to the lands of
away from the pearl banks. the Indian Ocean later, continued to be sig-
Thus, as time went on, more intermedi- nificant. This route connected Mannar or
aries were interposed between the Mantai, the township on the Mannar main-
pearl-divers and the royal authority. land, through the narrow sea channel
It was in exceptional circumstances, if between India and Sri Lanka, to the Indian
ever, that pearl-oysters were cast on the sub-continent.
shore. Hence, government had to organize The overland route pushed west through
or let others organize the pearling. The Kerala, Gujerat (both districts and now
medieval governments of Sri Lanka, con-
strained by considerations of distance,
preferred to do the latter, regulating those
who actually organized the pearling. In Pear! banks
the later Anuradhapura period, state offi- /•^Mafrinar
cials called 'danda-nayaka' were appointed
and established near pearl banks with civil
powers of administration as well as with
coercive authority, as their title of office
'Masters of Punishment' indicates. This
was intended to be a corrective to the the
tendency of some divers or pearl extractors
to hide or secrete some very large pearls.
In a later period, largely owing to the
strength and dynamism of King Parakrama
Bahu I (ADI 153-86), pearling as well as ter-
restrial gem development came under a
royal official close to the King. His official
title was 'antaranga-dhura' (confidential Fig. 2. Sri Lanka: pearling location and principle mer-
secretary or head of secret service).26 This chandising centres (towns).
342 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5



SUMATlV^f^-v/^ ^rH

Fig. 3. Pearl route up to circa 1500

states of India), Sind (now in Pakistan) and navigational procedures, only came as one
continued west to Persia, Iraq and into among the luxury articles (with high
Turkey, and then either joined the sea value /weight differential) including cinna-
route to Venice and thus into Europe, or it mon, gems, cloves and pepper which
branched to the east through Central Asia European adventurers and merchants
and became part of the Silk Route to China. either purchased or commandeered from
Another branch of the overland route the indigenes of Asia.
moved east from Kerala and joined up to In the early part of the Middle Ages, the
Bengal and then again to a branch of the Arabs were perhaps central to the pearl
Silk Route to China. However, there was trade in Ceylon and associated countries of
great scope for the sale of Ceylon pearls the region. Mannar, the base of pearling
among the kings and rulers of principali- operations, soon became an important
ties in India itself, theirs being an insatiable junction for the Arab trade. A well-
demand. Pearls, however, were not informed observer who was also Chief
highest among gems from the Chinese Justice of the Supreme Court of Ceylon in
point of view - they prized jade above all. 1811 wrote of Mannar in the Middle Ages
At any rate, the overland route was not dis- that it was the great emporium of all the
advantageous to the pearl trade. Pearls trade of the Arabs (Muslims) with Egypt,
were easily concealable on the person and Arabia, Persia, the coasts of Malabar on the
traders could sell stock either to the other west side and of Coromandel, the eastern
merchants in the locality or to the poten- shores of the Bay of Bengal, Mallaccas,
tates of the area. Sumatra, Java, the Moluccas and China on
The importance of pearls to the sea route the east.27 The Mannar merchants obtained
linking Europe to the countries of the pearls from their agents at Cooderamale. 28
Indian Ocean, which Barolomea Dias and The majority of the pearl trade reached the
Vasco Da Gama pioneered following Arab Middle East, Europe and many Asian
J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5 343

countries through their hands. Parakrama Bahu III was reigning in

Ibn Battuta, the Moroccan jurist and Gampola, he authorized the sub-king
traveller who visited Sri Lanka after 1325, Alagakonnara III to regulate the foreign
gives an insight into the nature of the pearl trade that was being carried out at
trade and administration of those days. Colombo, then (and now) the principal
Though Ibn Battuta was not a professional port of Sri Lanka.31 Alagakonnara was
student of pearls or a jeweller, he had the equally strict and unforgiving to his craft
practical knowledge of the cultivated man vassals. Hence, the pearl fishers of Chilaw,
of his time. Speaking of the Prince who among purveyors of exotic products, deliv-
controlled the region in which pearling ered the government's share to the
took place, he wrote, sub-king's palace.32
When the central authority was weak,
'One day I went to him [the Prince] while even merchants and adventurers from
there lay about him a large number of South India were not averse to interfering
pearls which had been brought to him from in the pearling in Sri Lanka. The Rajavaliya
the pearl fishery in his dominion. His (meaning, in the Sinhala language,
employees were busy sorting out and clas- 'Dynastic History') is a chronicle written in
sifying the best pearls from the rest. "Have
you seen any pearl-fishery in the countries the seventeenth century, and is of high his-
you come from?" he enquired of me. torical authority. It says of an incident
"Yes.," said I, "I saw them in the islands of early in the sixteenth century:
Qais and Kish, which belong to Ibn-us-
Sawamli." "I have heard about," said he. 'During the reign of Dharma Parakrama
Then he picked up a few pearls out of the Bahu, a Moorish pirate, Kadiriyana by
lot and said, "Are the pearls in those islands name, coming from the seaport Kayala,
like these?" "The pearls I saw," I replied, landed at Chilaw, accompanied by a large
"were inferior to these." He was delighted body of Moors, for the purpose of forcibly
at this and said, "These pearls are yours; do fishing for pearls at Chilaw and capturing
not be shy. You can demand of me what- elephants. Dharma Prakrama Bahu sent for
ever you desire." /29 Prince Sakala kala walla, entrusted to him a
large army and gave him permission to
The translator notes that the islands of attack/33
Qais and Kish later became the sites of
Hormuz and Bandar Abbas.30 From this excerpt, the following supposi-
The excerpt, perhaps, brings out the pres- tions could be drawn. Kayala (today called
ence of the nagging anxiety of the rulers Kayalpattinam) is a South Indian town in
and pearl merchants of Ceylon that pearls the Tinnevelli district (of present-day
from the Persian Gulf were frequently Tamil Nadu), directly facing Mannar
larger and more rounded than those from across the Gulf of Mannar. It was and is a
Ceylon. Some people believed that the tiny town traditionally known for its expertise
detritus which entered the pearl-oyster and on pearl and terrestrial gems, having a
caused the pearl to form, was more abra- solid body of pearl and gem merchants
sive in the Gulf than in the waters off with a great deal of capital. That a body of
Mannar. merchants could mount an attack was an
When the central authority of Ceylon indication of their resources and resource.
was strong, the government share of It was widely believed that the pearl mer-
pearling was dutifully forthcoming. chants of Kayalpattinam amalgamated
Sometimes an energetic sub-king took the Ceylon pearls with South Indian ones and
initiative. For instance, in the middle of the sold these off to the many princes and
fifteenth century, when King Vikrama princelings of the Indian sub-continent.
Incidentally, the exotically named Sakala
344 J. Gemm., 1995,24, 5

kala walla (it means 'an expert in all arts after 1563. He has left a full account.
and sciences' in Sanskrit) stood up to his Caesar Fredericke noted that pearling in
name and put down the Kayalpattinam Ceylon was done in the sea between Cape
incursion. Comorin (in India) and off Chilaw.34 All
the fishermen, that is those who plied the
Ceylon pearling under the European boats, were Christians (Roman Catholics)
Dispensation of the fisher caste and they paid dues to the
Ceylon, or at least its littoral, came under King of Portugal and the Churches of the
European colonial powers from 1505 to Friars of St Paul. The pearl-fishing boats
1948. The Portuguese ruled from 1505 to were usually guarded by three or four
1656 when they were replaced by the fursts (i.e. lightly-armed sloops). Three or
Dutch - really the VOC, the Dutch East four fishing vessels, which he calls barkes
Indies Company. In 1796 the VOC was and 'are like to our little Pilot boates' go
replaced by conquest by another company out to the sea and anchor. The depth of
water in those parts is only fifteen to eigh-
- the British East Indies Company. The
teen fathoms. There are seven or eight men
British Crown assumed responsibility in
in each barke and they comprise the entire
1802 and by annexing the Kingdom of
crew involved in this operation.
Kandy, the surviving indigenous monar-
chy in 1815 brought Ceylon under a single Caesar Fredericke saw the actual
rule. Ceylon became independent in 1948. pearling which he described. Each barke
cast a rope with a big stone at its end into
The three colonial Powers looked upon the sea. The diver descends into the sea
pearling as sometimes lucrative but essen- along this rope. The diver has his ears and
tially an adventitious source. They nose stopped and 'anointed with oil'. He
preferred cinnamon, which had great has a basket about his neck or under his
demand in Europe. The Portuguese army left arm. Within the limited time he is
which controlled the littoral and which under water, he collects the oysters into the
was officered by a few hidalgos on a base bag and tugs at the rope. He is pulled up
of Portuguese landless labourers and and into the barke. In the evening, the
lumpen-proletariat, did not have much barkes sail back to the shore. Fredericke
expertise on pearls. Further, the frequent noted that each barke dumped its oysters
incursions into the Gulf of Mannar by the into a heap, separated from the others.
fleets of the Zamorin, the indigenous These heaps lie till the end of the fishing
Prince of Calicut, often disrupted pearling. season when each crew opens its heap.
The Zamorin, of course, was a declared Sometimes there are more pearls in one
enemy of the Portuguese. The VOC, whose season and sometimes less. Caesar
senior officials were styled 'over-mer- Fredericke, explained the matter of
chants', 'merchants' and 'under-merchants' grading.
in Dutch, were more business-like. But 'There are certain experts in the pearls
they preferred to use Ceylon more as a whom they call Chitini which set and
transit station for cloves, pepper and other make the price of pearls according to their
spices they garnered from the Dutch East carats, beauty and goodness, making four
Indies. sorts of them. The first sort are the round
However, information of pearl and pearl pearls and they are called Aia of Portugal,
trading in Ceylon during that period is because the Portuguese do buy them. The
available in the histories, the annals and second sort which are not round, are called
diaries which European travellers to Aia of Bengal. The third sort which are not
Ceylon wrote after their sojourn in that so good as the second, they call Aia of
country. An important figure in this Canara, that is to say the Kingdom of
regard is Caesar Fredericke, the Venetian Bezenegar. The fourth and the last sort
merchant-adventurer who visited Ceylon which are the least and worst sort, are
J. Gemm., 1995,24,5 345

called Aia of Cambaia. Thus the price myrobalan- pearl. The Aia of Canara is the
being set, there are merchants of every common-pearl. The Aia of Cambaia are
country which are ready with their money those malformed pearls defying all classifi-
in their hands, so that in a few days all is cation.
bought up at the prices set according to the Caesar Fredericke's Chitini, the experts
goodness and carats of the pearles/35
who classified pearls, were obviously the
present- day Chetty community, found in
The grading of the pearls had the exotic
South India and Sri Lanka. They are a sub-
Indian names because the merchants
group of the Vaisyas who are held to be the
involved in pearling and substantive pur-
third group of the Indian caste-structure
chasers of pearls were Indian potentates.
engaging themselves in agriculture, cattle-
The finest kind of pearls were so called
breeding and trade.38 Sometimes called
because the Portuguese officers in control
Nattu kottai Chetties in Tamil Nadu (South
of the area of pearling had the pick of the
India), they were market-leaders in the
best pearls. It is not clear how much of this
import-export business, banking and gold,
went to the Royal Portuguese treasury
and the gemstones and pearl trade. They
maintained by the Captain-General, the
were businessmen of the utmost integrity.
head of the Portuguese establishment in
This is an essential requirement as the
Ceylon, and how much to private hands.
pearl-trade is largely carried out without
The Bengala in the second variety probably
recourse to legal documents. The actual
refers to Bengala (Bengal in India), tradi-
crafts of the goldsmith, the silversmith and
tionally known for its high level of
of pearl-enhancement jewellery, however,
craftsmanship. The third sort are those
are practised by the caste-groups, called
named after 'Canara' or 'Bezeneger'.
These, presumably, stand for Kannada and
Caesar Fredericke was a well-informed
Vijayanagar, respectively. The eponymous
observer. He himself says that he 'has sold
capital of the Vijayanagar empire, founded
rubies well there [in Sri Lanka] brought
by the two brothers, Bukka and Harihara
with [him] from Pegu'.40 After Caesar
in 1336, was situated in the Deccan region
Fredericke's time a large number of Aia of
of India and inhabited by people who
Cambai (Caesar Fredericke's term for
spoke the Kannada (Canarese) language,
Ceylon pearls) including the poor grades of
one of the Dravidian group of languages
bluish-greys went into South India. This
which includes Tamil.36 The Vijayanagar
was after the middle-1700s, when the
empire was famous for promotion of fine
colonial wars between Britain and France
arts and a delight in jewellery.
had pushed up a client-population of
Cambaia has the dubious honour of
feudatories, called 'poligars'. When the
being named for the worst sort of pearls in
British had settled the situation in their
Caesar Fredericke's estimation. It is
favour and had disbanded the levies of the
presently called Diu and is in the Gulf of
poligars, forcing the poligars into simple
Cambay, about 150 miles north-west of
land-ownerships as 'zamindars' and
Bombay. In Caesar Fredericke's time it
wealthy 'country gentlemen', these men
was a small town, a place where
took to conspicuous expenditure to keep
Portuguese influence was felt.37
up their status. And pearls were an impor-
In spite of the Indian 'naming of pearls', tant part of such aspirations.
a correlation could be made between this
Throughout the centuries, a large
classification and that of the medieval
number of pearls from Ceylon went to the
chroniclers of Sri Lanka. The Aia of
Middle East and not Europe. Some of
Portugal is the first-class pearl or the 'ani-
these pearls were taken up by Arab traders
muthu' in Tamil. The Aia of Bengal is the
who bought the oysters, either by them-
346 J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5

selves or through their agents. Another tise and the ability to hold on to pearls for a
group of pearls were those bought by mer- long time. And further, every mile away
chants of Indian towns such as from the pearling area added to the
Kayalpattinam and sold, together with chances of the outsider being robbed or
those of South Indian pearls, to Middle questioned about how he got the pearl. So
East traders. The divers, a large number of most outsiders disposed of their finds as
whom were Arabs, took pearls from their soon as they could, receiving only one to
share of the oysters to their native towns. ten per cent of the actual value of the
(Since they knew the trade, they could get pearls.
good prices.) For instance, during the
pearling in Sri Lanka in 1906, which lasted The strangulation of the Ceylon pearl
from 20 Febn lary to 3 April, there were fishing
4090 Arab divers from the Persian Gulf out The end of the pearl fisheries in Ceylon
of a total of 8667 divers. was the result of apparently excellent
A persistent feature of pearl-fishing is the motives. The Government of Ceylon, at
hazardous nature of the occupation, and that time under the de facto authority of the
Caesar Fredericke's description of diving British Governor and subject ultimately to
continued to be true all along. This lack of the Secretary of State for Colonies at
change was a result of several factors. Westminster, decided to apply science to
First, governments did not see the point in this field of activity. The declared purpose
rationalizing an uncertain trade. Secondly was the development of the pearling area
the pearl traders and middlemen did not in the north-west of Ceylon,
care to add to their prime costs. This was
understandable since the British 'to make it a busy scene of scientific opera-
Government insisted on dividing the tion in pearl-fishery economy, to locate
whole harvest of oysters into three equal pearls in live oysters without opening
parts, taking two parts which it subse- them, and to induce those oysters which are
barren, to produce pearls/42
quently auctioned off at the site.
Thirdly, the strongest opposition to any
Reviewing the official and private docu-
reform of diving came from the divers
ments in this matter, four strands in the
themselves. Divers were hardy, whip-
Government's thinking could be traced.
cord-like individuals with ice-cold nerves
First, there seemed to be a time correlation
and proud of their powers of endurance.
in the barren periods (i.e. when no pearling
James Steuart, Master Attendant during
took place or when the 'harvest' was negli-
the first part of the nineteenth century and
gible). For instance, during the British
well-informed in matters of pearl-fishing,
period, after the pearl-fishing of 1815 there
noted that the divers remained under
was a gap of 13 years which ended in 1827.
water for only 53-57 seconds, if they were
There followed further gaps between 1837
working at a depth of nine fathoms.41
and 1854,1864 and 1873, and 1892 and
During the nineteenth and twentieth cen-
1902. 1903 signalled very successful pearl-
turies there was increasing centralization
fishing which in 1905 netted the
in the trade of pearls and the decreasing
Government a sum of Rs. 3,500,000 which
number of leaders in the trade became cor-
would be an astronomical sum in today's
respondingly more important. They
became the ultimate possessors of all good-
quality pearls resulting from Ceylon Secondly, these time gaps could be
pearling. Questions of economics and ascribed to biological and geo-thermal
geography determined this situation in the (really, marine-thermal) conditions such as
following way: outsiders lacked the exper- the availability of nutrients to oysters, lack
J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5 347

or plenitude of predators and with this pearl fishing has been noticeably flourish-
knowledge remedial action could be taken. ing since 1955 and about 2000 persons are
Provision of salt-water lagoons appeared engaged in the industry.) 47
to be one solution. At a social level, the loss of the pearl
Thirdly, there was a widely held belief industry in Sri Lanka did not seem to have
that pearling in Ceylon was over-extended, had much impact on those who would nor-
that too many individuals were concerned mally buy and wear pearls. After the
with it, and that this had led to the subse- disappearance of the Kandyan kingdom in
quent pollution of the beaches and the 1815, pearls as articles of ornamentation
surrounding area of the pearling zone. and ceremonial decoration of the elites,
Fourthly, some rationalization should be declined in importance. In modern times,
introduced into pearling, an occupation the pearl has been an article of feminine
which had been unchanged for upwards of wear. However, it does not go well with
two millennia. the sari, and most women in Sri Lanka
Hence the Government of Ceylon wished wear the 'thali', the chunky gold necklace
to privatize pearling. A former Surveyor- as a symbol of marriage. This obviates the
General of Ceylon, an expert on geography wearing of a string of pearls about the
and geographical systematics, wrote that in neck.
the early years of this century, the Despite the low-profile of pearls in the
Government of Ceylon sold its monopoly jewellery of Sri Lanka and its tragic end as
of pearling in the Gulf of Mannar and an industry, pearls in Sri Lanka have had 'a
Portugal Bay to the Ceylon Company of storied past undreamt in history'.48
Pearl Fishers.43 It was believed that the
highest officers in the country took a part Notes
in the floating of the company and that two 1. Sri Lanka, the island lying off the tip of South India, was
known as Ceylon till 1972 when it became a republic. In
Americans, Mr John I. Solomon and Mr this article, 'Ceylon' and 'Sri Lanka' are used according to
Dale, were the financiers. On the recom- context.
mendation of James Hornell, the 2. C.W. Nicholas and S. Paranavitana, A concise history of
Ceylon from the earliest times ... 2505 (Ceylon University
Government Marine Biologist, it was Press, Colombo, 1961) p. 102. I have discussed relevant
decided to appoint Louis Siedle, then a gemmological topics in M.M.M. Mahroof (a) 'The Muslim
famous gemmologist, to 'pioneer the lapidary; some aspects of the gem folkways in Sri Lanka'
Journal of Gemmology 1989,21, 7, 405 (b) 'The Sri Lankan
implementation of their plans'. 44 ruby; fact or fable' in Journal of Gemmology 1992, 23,1, 20.
These plans were not successful and 3. Nicholas and Paranavitana, ibid., p. 164.
4. Sylvain Levi, 'Chino-Sinhalese Relations in the Early and
some thought that the main cause was the Medieval Ages' tr. John M. Seneviratne in Journal of the
step which the company took of cleaning Royal Asiatic Society, Ceylon Branch (JRASCB), Colombo
the fishery banks which 'resulted in the (1915/1916) xxiv, 74.
disturbance of the oysters'.45 The Marine 5. 'Muthu' is the term for pearl in the Sinhala and Tamil languages
which are indigenous to Sri Lanka. The thirteenth
Biologist, it was reported, however, was of century Sinhala thesaurus, the Amarakhosha Ven.
the view 'that the dearth of oysters is due Meddepola Wimalajothi ed., Bastian & Co., Colombo
1934, gives the Sanskrit form 'mowkthikam' as equivalent
to premature decay of oysters'.46 to 'muthu' in Sanskrit (p. 149). This Amarakhosha is
The Pearl Fisheries of Sri Lanka never thought to be a particular revision or version of the work
recovered from this project. Since pearl- of the same name by the Sanskrit writer of the sixth
century, Amarasinha.
fishing has taken place for two thousand 6. For instance, 'muthu mandapaya' (in Sinhala) and 'muthu
years on the South Indian part of the Gulf mandapam' (in Tamil) stand for 'grand palace'. 'Muthu
of Mannar, it is fair to postulate that it was Silavam' (NW coast of Sri Lanka) and 'Muthu Raja wela'
(SW coast, close to Colombo) are among the 'pearly' geographical
the cleansing efforts of the company that names.
had upset permanently the ecology of the 7. 'Muthu Kumaran' (pearl prince) is one of the names of
Skanda, the younger son of Siva in the Hindu pantheon.
pearl banks of Mannar. (In Tuticorin, in 8. Ven. Mahanama, The Mahavamsa or the Great Chronicle of
the Chidambaran district of Tamil Nadu, Ceylon, tr. and ed. Wilhelm Geiger and M.H. Bode.
348 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

Government Information Department, Colombo. 1950 ff. 537, reprinted in I.L.M. Abdul Aziz, Ethnology ...,
reprint of original 1912 edition, p. 78. MICH, Colombo, 1957 reprint, p. 57. Also, M.M.M.
9. Ibid. p. 189. Uruvela was a port about forty miles away Mahroof and M. Azeez, An ethnological survey of the
from Anuradhapura, the capital of ancient Ceylon. Muslims of Sri Lanka, Sir Razik Fareed Foundation,
10. Kalidasa, one of the greatest of Sanskrit poets, lived in the Colombo 1986, Chap I (by M. Azeez).
fifth century. (All dates unmarked in this article are AD.) 28. Ibid., Sir Alexander, Coodera malle is a town south of
11. Amarakhosha5, p. 149. Mannar. It means in Tamil, 'horse mountain'.
12. R.L. Brohier, Discovering Ceylon, Lake House Investments, 29. Mahdi Hussain, The Rehla of Ibn Battuta (India, Maldive
Colombo, 1973, p. 82. Islands and Ceylon) (translation and commentary), Orient
13. The rice grain averages one-seventeenth inch in width. Institute, Baroda, India, 1976, p. 218.
Perhaps the 'pancha kalyani' tooth is twice that width. 30. See notes 3 and 4.
14. From the sixth century, 'ekavali' or string of pearls was 31. Nicholas and Paranavitana, 2 p. 299
one of the five items of the Sri Lankan royal insignia. 32. B. Gunasekera (ed.), Rajavaliya, or A historical narrative of
(Nicholas and Paranavitana, p. 166). Sinhalese Kings ..., Government Printer, Colombo 1900, p.
15. The 'Silappadikaram' (which means in Tamil 'the chronicle 212. Chilaw is a port some forty miles north of Colombo;
of the anklet'), a classic Tamil epic of the fourth Wanni is north of Anuradhapura; Sabaragamuwa is a
century, is based on such an event. The hero is accused of province east of Colombo.
stealing the queen's anklets, when he was really trying to 33. Ibid. The Rajavaliya is a sixteenth century work, in historical
sell his wife's anklets. The king in the story orders the authority next to the Mahavamsa8.
hero killed. The hero's wife smashes her remaining anklet 34. 'The voyage and travell of M. Caesar Fredericke,
in the presence of the king. Sapphires in it leap out - the Marchant of Venice, into the East India and beyond the
queen's anklets had pearls. The king dies in mortification, Indies ...' in Hakluyt's Voyages (with an introduction by
as does the queen. V. Chelvanayakam, Thamil Ilakiyya John Masefield, Everyman's Library, Dent/Dutton,
Varalaru ('History of Tamil Literature'), Sri Lanka London, vol. iii, p. 224. Where necessary, the English
Achakam, Jaffna, Sri Lanka, 1965, ff. 66. spelling of the original has been modernized in this
16. There is a photograph of an elephant pearl (ivory pearl) article.
with the caption 'the elephant pearls are more expensive 35. Ibid.
than oyster-pearls and hence very highly prized in the 36. Nicholas and Paranavitana, 2 p. 308.
East' in S.E.N. Nicholas Commercial Ceylon, Times of 37. Caesar Fredericke34, p. 205.
Ceylon, Colombo, 1933, p. 29. 38. Nicholas and Paranavitana 2 , p. 36.
17. Mahavamsa8, p. 203. 39. Goldsmiths including pearl enhancers are called 'asar' in
18. Myrobalan is called 'kadukkai' in Tamil, literally 'bitter the Tamil language; meaning 'artificer'. They are called
fruit'. Tamil literary works, either in Sri Lanka or South 'naide' in Sinhala caste-structure. See the two lists of
India, never compared pearls with 'kadukkai'. This caste-stratification in Ralph Pieris, Sinhalese social organization;
information came from Mr M.A. Othman of Schofield the Kandyan Period, University Press, Colombo, 1956.
Place, Colombo, who specializes in the literature on 40. Caesar Fredericke34, p. 227.
medical herbs. 41. Cited in R.L. Brohier12, p. 49.
19. Mahavamsa8, p. 80. 42. Ibid. p. 46.
20. Mahavamsa8, p. 203. 43. Ibid.
21. Nicholas and Paranavitana 2 , p. 102. H.W. Codrington, 44. Ibid.
Ceylon coins and currency, Colombo Museum Series no. 3, 45. S.E.N. Nicholas16, p. 49.
Government Printer, Colombo 1924, passim. 46. Ibid.
22. P.G. Cooray, An introduction to the geology of Ceylon, 47. L. Thamilvaanan, Thamilaka Mavatta Nool Varisai;
National Museums of Ceylon, Colombo 1967, p. 73. Chidambaranar Mavattam (in Tamil) (District Gazeteers of
23. L.J.B. Turner (Superintendent of Census and Director of Tamil Nadu Series; Chidambaram District), Manimekalai
Statistics, Ceylon), Handbook of commercial and general Publications, Madras, 1986, p. 68.
information for Ceylon, Government Printer, Colombo 48. The present writer is working on an extensive history of
1922, p. 89. gems and gemcrafts in Sri Lanka from which the present
24. Ibid. article is an excerpt.
25. Leonard Woolf, Growing: an autobiography of the years 1904
to 1911, Hogarth Press, London 1977, p. 86.
26. Nicholas and Paranavitana, 2 p. 250. [Manuscript received 28 May 1993]
27. Sir Alexander Johnston CJ, 'Letter to the Secretary ...'
Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Gt. Britain, 1827, i,
J. Gemm., 1995, 24,5

Siberian sapropelic coal:

a unique type of workable jet
Stanislav Glushnev

Institute of Fossil Fuels, Moscow, Russia

sumer goods, industrial goods and jew-

Abstract ellery.
The composition and workable properties
of sapropelic coal from Eastern Terminology
Siberia and referred to as 'jet', is discussed. In 1934 the Russian petrologist Y.
Apart from Eastern Siberia, jet is Zhemchuzhnikov wrote the following
found in other parts of the former USSR, about jet:
in the Crimea, the Caucasus,
Kamchatka, Sakhalin and Central Asia. Perhaps it is difficult to find another fossil
Jet from the Caucasus, the Crimea and fuel, which is associated with so many
Eastern Siberia was used mainly for the false and vague concepts as jet. Even the
manufacture of artifacts. In the 1930s, definitions of this 'mineral' in the various
for about ten years, a jet industry existed encyclopedias, reference books and hand-
in the USSR aimed at the production of books are very different and often
contradictory. The essential characteristics
consumer and industrial goods from of this type of coal are hardly ever given.
Siberian sapropelic coal. Interest in Therefore, this material under the name
certain types of jet for the manufacture 'jet7 (author: Siberian sapropelic coal),
of artifacts has now reawakened. which is used in industry, has nothing in
common with the jet known for many cen-
turies in different countries.2
In 1987 a book by Helen Muller entitled The Siberian sapropelic coal having the
Jet was published by Butterworths 1 and characteristics of workable jet, is basically
was translated into Russian by the author. different from true jet. Classical jet is a
Muller collected information on jet from compact, hydrocarbon impregnated black
the UK, France, Spain, Germany and the wood (vitrain would be more precise
USA but did not have access to information petrologically) having a conchoidal frac-
on Russian jet. This is the reason why the ture and an attractive lustre. It is easily
present author, a senior scientist of the worked and polished. These properties
Institute of Fossil Fuels, decided to study may be due to the bituminization of the
the history of jet working in the former original raw material.
USSR. In Moscow and Irkutsk a jet indus- True jet consists of carbonaceous frag-
try using the workable jet from deposits of ments of the ancient conifer genus
Siberian sapropelic coal was organized, Araucarioxylon subjected to bituminiza-
which operated for ten years. At other tion34. The wood had been bituminized by
times jet-working centres existed in the the permeation of hydrocarbons. In the
Caucasus and the Crimea. The industry Siberian sapropelic coal referred to as 'jet',
was engaged in the production of con- there are virtually no traces of any woody

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565
350 J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5

structure and it consists entirely of compo- main horizons in the sedimentary succes-
nents of sapropelic origin. sion - an upper and a lower. Both upper
Sapropel is an unconsolidated mud or and lower jet-bearing beds consisted of
mire with the consistency of jelly and is sapropelic formations different in density
composed of plant remains, chiefly algae, and hardness and presented a gradual
which have putrefied in anaerobic condi- transition from a hard and compact mass
tions on the beds of shallow lakes or seas. to an evidently shaly structure. Jet suitable
Sapropelic coal (or sapropelite) is a coal for working was excavated from the
originating from these muds and includes Matagan field and freed from adhering
the varieties cannel, boghead and torban- shaly material with an axe. The jet occurred
ite. Among the vast deposits of sapropelic in the form of plates, 20 to 25cm thick, up
coal in eastern Siberia are the jet-sapro- to l m wide and 2m long. After some time,
pelites which differ from the coals in their a dried slab of jet became so hard that it
compact texture, low ash content, con- could not be cut with an axe, but only
choidal fracture, brownish colour and broken into irregular pieces displaying
brown streak. conchoidal fracture and a dull lustre.
The Siberian jet is generally a beautiful
Some characteristics of Siberian jet or jet- black and leaves not a black but light
sapropelite. brown, almost yellow streak on a porcelain
Pieces of Siberian jet had been found in plate. In places pieces of blackish-brown
the vicinity of Irkutsk for many years, and and brown jets with spots have been found
by the end of the nineteenth century in the coal beds.
several dozen tons had been taken to Siberian jet is characterized by a plastic-
Irkutsk. Here the cathedral of the Virgin of ity eminently suitable for working. Thin
Kazan was built, containing a remarkable plates were easily folded. Such a plate
icon. Its panels were decorated with jet and when heated to 90-100°C was so soft, that
adorned with gold and silver. Carved under slight pressure it could be folded
ornamentations of jet embellished the inte- into a ring or turned into a spiral. Heated
rior and also some exterior parts of the jet-sapropelite was very easily worked
cathedral. Skilful local craftsmen fashioned with various cutting, planing and drilling
chibouks (long Turkish tobacco pipes), tools. The characteristic plasticity and elas-
spoons and food bowls from jet, and the ticity were especially valued by the master
peasants took chips of jet and burnt them craftsmen because they could cut and turn
as substitutes for candles and kerosene the finest sculptures and bas-reliefs from
lamps. The first deposit of workable sapro- the heated jet, and their tools for such fine
pelic coal - Siberian jet - was discovered in work were specially adapted for these
the Irkutsk coal basin near the settlement properties.
of Mataganinl931. Siberian jet appears to be resistant to air
The 'jet' in the deposit rarely consisted of and water and was not affected by 50 per
the finest material. There were significant cent sodium hydroxide at room tempera-
components of sapropelic coals of different ture, nor by 35 per cent hydrochloric acid
kinds, heterogeneous carbonaceous rocks, at 80°C. Sulphuric acid began to react with
combustible shales, and bogheads of differ- it at concentrations above 50 per cent.
ent ash contents, cleavages and densities. Nitric acid reacted with it below 0°C at
In a sizeable lump of good quality Matagan concentrations above 20 per cent. Ethanol
jet it was not possible to distinguish any and acetone did not react with the jet
signs of cleavage or any other break in its below zero, but benzene, toluene, ether
uniform structure. and chloroform dissolved it.
The jet-bearing beds occurred in two Plates of jet could be glued together and
J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5 351

also to wood and similar materials by the able for the manufacture of large items. (Jet
use of simple joiner's glue or waterproof had been imported to Russia from England
adhesive. Jet could also be decorated with during the New Economic Policy (NEP),
many paints or lacquers, and some glazes before the Siberian jet deposits had been
adhered to it very firmly. Thus Siberian jet discovered.)
has shown itself to be an extremely adapt-
able material. Articles made from Siberian jet

Chemistry and petrography of Siberian jet

The Siberian jet is an end member of a
series of sapropelic coals. Simple and
approximate analyses of jet samples have
given the following results: moisture 0.94-
1.4%; volatiles 71.3-73.7%, coke 14.0-15.3%,
ash 11.8-12.0%. The composition of the
organic matter of Matagan jet was: carbon
61.5-72.7%, hydrogen 9.1-9.6%, oxygen
15.5-25.4%, and nitrogen 2.4-3.0%.
Some physical properties of Siberian jet
are as follows: density l.l-1.22g/cm 3 ,
Moris7 hardness 2.5-3.0, limit of durability
(kg/cm 2 ) on compression 650-1100, on Fig. 1. Cigarette case of Siberian jet which belonged to
V. Petrov. c. 1933
expansion 110-154, on winding 100-325.
The shock velocity (kg cm/cm 2 ) is 5-6.
In a transparent microscopic section, the
Matagan jet shows a basic mass of horizon- Matagan sapropelic coal has received its
tally orientated clots of sapropel of reputation as an important workable mate-
flattened lenticular shape and slices of dis- rial as a result of the work of a group of
persed thin threads of darker organic engineer-innovators headed by the mining
matter. In the basic material indistinct, engineer V. Petrov5. They laid the founda-
yellow bodies without sharp contours were tion of the jet industry based on the
observed, but their identity is unknown. Siberian sapropelic coals of the Matagan
They are probably algae of the genus Pila, deposits. In consequence, the factory
which had undergone partial decomposi- 'Gagat' (Jet) was built in Moscow, and
tion. Perhaps the yellow, oval bodies were several 'Artels' (Association for common
a product of coagulation of the sapropelic work) such as 1st May, Medsanlabor,
constituent. In any case, the pure, sapro- Universalnye izdeliya and Utiltokar sprang
pelic character of the Matagan jet is up. At these enterprises a large range of
evident. more than 70 different artifacts was
It is interesting that Y. Zhemchzhnikov, produced. These included inkstands
who recognized the useful qualities of (Figure 2), caskets, tobacco pipes, cigarette
Matagan sapropelic coal, was disinclined cases (Figure 1), soap containers, buttons,
to call it 'jet', because the former had been vases, candlesticks, chess sets, salt cellars
closely associated with algae and not with (Figure 3), knife handles, forks, walking
trees. Incidentally, as regards technological sticks and umbrella handles. In addition,
properties, foreign as well as Russian jets master engravers also made from Siberian
of mixed humus-sapropelic nature are jet a range of ornaments including rings,
quite different from Siberian jet, because beads, pendants, cameos and gems
the former are more fragile and not suit- (Figures 4a, b and c).
352 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

Fig.2. Inkstand of Siberian jet made by the factory 'Gagat'

The Artel '1st May' manufactured jet Siberian jet has attracted the attention of
ornaments which found a ready market scientists and engineers because of its resis-
with fashionable women in France, tance to acids and alkalis and its dielectric
Germany and the USA. Francs, marks, and properties. Research teams have studied
dollars to the total sum of 50 000 roubles the replacement by jet of non-ferrous
were transferred quarterly to the Artel metals and their alloys such as copper, alu-
account. Such a sum in the 1930s was very minium, type metal, brass and Babbit's
considerable. metal.
The industrial concern 'Metallob'edine-
nie' succeeded in saving several dozen tons
of pure copper by using jet in the manufac-
ture of 300 000 door handles. The concern
Toligraphob'edinenie' ordered 600 tons of
jet to produce print type. The workshops of
the trust Tromsviaz' produced jet panels
for radio equipment. In addition to
Moscow, there were jet factories in the
Siberian towns of Irkutsk and
Unfortunately, by 1939 the jet supplies in
the Matagan deposit were completely
exhausted, and the jet industry had to find
Fig.3. Salt cellar of Siberian jet other raw material. The Burtin jet deposit
situated 70km to the North-West of Irkutsk
J. Gemm., 1995,24, 5 353

Fig.4a. Jet jewellery. Jet ring with agate and two types Fig.4b. Siberian jet ring with agate
of earrings

was urgently inspected and geologists esti-

mated its jet supplies to be 30 000 tons. Jet
in this new deposit differed from the
Matagan jet in hardness, but nevertheless
yielded good quality articles.
Beds of excellent jet were also found in
the Khakharei deposit in the Irkutsk coal
basin. However, the Second World War
started soon after, and put an end to the jet
industry on a large scale in the USSR.

Over half a century has passed since
Russian jet workshops ceased to function Fig.4c. Two bracelets with Caucasian jet
and in the popular domain the kind of arti-
fact once made in jet is now made with
synthetic polymers. Nowadays it is expedi- mining engineer V. Petrov. She presented
ent to use the Siberian jets only in the the material about the Siberian jet, which
traditional way for a specialized market in belonged to her late fathers to the photog-
personal ornaments and other carved rapher Serge Ivanov, who took the
items6, although there is enormous poten- photographs.
tial for new sources of jet-sapropelite
among the coals in the remote regions of References
eastern Siberia. 1. Muller, Helen, 1987. Jet. Butterworths, London
2. Z h e m c h u z h n i k o v , Y.A., 1934. Materaly k p o z n a n i y u
prirody gagata. Khimiya tverdogo topliva, torn V, vyp.5, stro.
Acknowledgements 404-414
3. Seward, A.C., 1904. The Jurassic flora. British M u s e u m
The author is greatly indebted to Mrs Publication, Part II. London
Helen Muller who showed great interest in 4. Fox-Strangways, C , 1892. The Jurassic rocks of Britain.
the history of Siberian jet, and to Vol.I, Yorkshire Memoir of the Geological Survey, HMSO,
Yaroslavna Petrova, the daughter of the 5. Petrov, V.N., 1933. Gagat. Chast I. Gizlegprom, Moskva
6. Glushnev, S., 1991. Khochu naiti gagat-chudo chyornoe.
Gazeta Moskowskaya Pravda, N 150
354 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5
J. Gemm., 1995, 24,5 355

A preliminary investigation
of peridot from Vietnam
Robert C. Kammerling and John I. Koivula

GIA Gem Trade Laboratory, Santa Monica, USA

Ethiopia (Koivula et al, 1993b), New

Abstract Mexico, USA (Fuhrbach, 1992), Sri Lanka
Gem-quality peridot is being (Gunawardene, 1985) and Tanzania
obtained from two areas in Vietnam. (Stockton and Manson, 1983). Peridot from
This article reports on the gemmology of other localities is occasionally cut into gem-
that material being mined in Lam Dong stones, including material from pallasitic
P r o v i n c e . Classical gem t e s t i n g meteorites (Sinkankas et al, 1992).
procedures reveal properties consistent
with those reported in the gemmological Background to study
literature for peridot from other sources While on a visit to Vietnam in November
and none was found to be diagnostic of 1992, one of the authors (RCK) visited the
this particular locality. gemmology department of the Research
Centre for Industrial Mineralogy, Hanoi
University. Here he was shown a wide
assortment of gem materials that had been
recovered from areas throughout the
Peridot is a gem material whose use
country and that were felt by university
dates back to antiquity. It is first docu-
staff members to have commercial poten-
mented from the island in the Red Sea
tial. Among this collection of rough
known variously as Zeberget, Zabargad or
gemstones were what appeared to be
the Island of Saint John (Webster, 1983). A
several hundred carats of rough peridot.
very good and fairly recent report on this
deposit and the gemmology of its peridot
Additional information about
can be found in Giibelin (1981). Although
Vietnamese peridot was subsequently pro-
small amounts of this material still occa-
vided in July 1993 by Saverio Repetto of
sionally appear in gem markets, apparently
the Gemological Institute of Vietnam
no commercial mining has been under-
(GIV), a Hanoi-based joint venture firm
taken since nationalization in Egypt under
involved in the purchasing, cutting and
Nasser in the 1950s (Koivula et al, 1993a).
marketing of gem materials. According to
In terms of volume, today's major commer-
Saverio Repetto, two deposits were discov-
cial sources are the San Carlos Apache
ered in mid-1993, one in Lam Dong
Reservation in Arizona, USA (Koivula,
Province, southern Vietnam, and another
1981; Koivula et al, 1992a) and China
in Gia Lai Province, central Vietnam, near
(Koivula and Fryer, 1986), while Myanmar
the Cambodian border (Figure 1). In their
(Burma) continues to produce limited
first few weeks of operation, the two locali-
quantities of stones that are exceptional
ties reportedly produced an estimated
both in size and quality (Kammerling et al,
100-200kg of peridot.
1994). Other commercial or potentially
commercial sources of peridot include On a subsequent visit to Vietnam in

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565
356 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

Fig. 1. Local miners remove peridot from what would appear to be a gem-encrusted nodule of basalt in Gia Lai
Province, central Vietnam, near the border with Cambodia. Photo courtesy ofSaverio Repetto.

November 1993, one of the authors (RCK) brownish-green of low to moderate satura-
learned that the deposit near the tion in medium light to medium dark
Cambodian border was at the time being tones.
mined by the local populace. The rough
peridot was reportedly taken by vehicle Refractive indices
over rough roads from the mining area to RI readings were taken using a GIA GEM
the city of Pleiku where, the author was Instruments Duplex II refractometer and
told, Thai buyers were coming to make near-sodium equivalent light source. The
purchases. values determined were a= 1.650,6= 1.665-
1.667 and y= 1.687-1.688, with resulting
Current investigation birefringence of 0.037 to 0.038.
The test sample for this investigation
consists of five faceted peridots ranging Pleochroism
from 1.60 to 5.56 carats (Figure 2). These Using a calcite dichroscope with a fibre-
were provided by Saverio Repetto and are optic illuminator, weak pleochroism in
reported to come from the Lam Dong local- very slightly brownish-green and yellow-
ity. Their properties, determined using ish-green was observed.
standard gem testing equipment, are
described below. Absorption spectrum
A Beck desk-model prism spectroscope
Appearance revealed iron-related absorption bands
All five stones were transparent. They typical for peridot at approximately 453,
ranged in hue from yellowish-green to 473 and 493nm.
J. Gemm., 1995, 24,5 357

Fig. 2. These five faceted peridots, ranging from 1.60 to 5.56ct are the study sample used in the current investi-
gation. Photo by Maha DeMaggio, GIA.

Chelsea colour filter 'Lily pads': The one type of inclusion that
When viewed through the Chelsea filter, is most characteristic for peridot from most
all stones appeared yellowish-green. localities is often referred to by gemmolo-
gists as a 'lily pad' inclusion. All five
Specific gravity specimens in the test sample displayed
SG determinations by the hydrostatic these highly diagnostic inclusions (Figure 3).
weighing technique produced values 'Lily pad' inclusions are actually cleav-
ranging from 3.33 to 3.35. ages that result from the rupturing of
minute fluid-filled negative crystals, the
Inclusions filling usually being carbon dioxide and
The five specimens were examined natural glass. They form as circular to
microscopically in order to document their ovoid planar discs, known as decrepitation
suite of internal features. As with peridots halos, surrounding tiny whitish to trans-
from other localities such as Egypt parent negative crystals that may appear
(Gubelin, 1981), Arizona (Koivula, 1981), dark brown to black under certain methods
China (Koivula and Fryer, 1986) and New of illumination. These 'lily pads' form
Mexico (Fuhrbach, 1992), the geological along the directions of imperfect cleavage
mode of formation of Vietnamese peridot in peridot and quite often behave as thin
limits the types of possible inclusions that films, appearing brightly iridescent if illu-
may be found therein. While not diagnostic minated from above (Koivula, 1981).
of their Vietnamese source, some of these The majority of 'lily pad' inclusions
internal features may be considered gem- observed in the Vietnamese peridots exhib-
mologically diagnostic of peridot in ited sufficiently high relief to be detected
general. Following are descriptions of all relatively easily using darkfield illumina-
those internal features noted in the present tion. However, some had such low relief
investigation. that they could go virtually unnoticed
358 J. Gemm., 1995, 24,5

Fig. 3. This 1.1-mm 'lily p a d ' inclusion is typical of Fig. 4. These 'lily pad 7 inclusions are so thin as to be
those found in Vietnamese peridots. almost unnoticeable in darkfield illumination.
Photomicrograph by John I. Koivula, GIA. Field of view approximately 3mm.
Photomicrograph by John I. Koivula, GIA.

Fig. 5. In reflected fibre-optic light the 'lily pad' inclu- Fig. 6. White, smoke-like veiling is one of the internal
sions shown in Figure 4 behave as thin films, characteristics noted in Vietnamese peridot.
becoming very easy to see. Field of view Field of view approximately 2.5mm.
approximately 3mm. Photomicrograph by John I. Photomicrograph by John I. Koivula, GIA.
Koivula, GIA.

(Figure 4) unless incident fibre-optic illu- (Kohlstedt et al., 1976). These inclusions are
mination was employed to take advantage easily recognized, always appearing as
of their thin-film reflectivity (Figure 5). ghostly white flowing streamers when
Smoke-like veiling: An internal feature viewed with a combination of darkfield
perhaps best described as smoke-like and pinpoint fibre-optic illumination.
veiling and already noted in peridots from One of the test samples, a 2.77ct pear-
San Carlos, Arizona (Koivula, 1981), Hebei shaped stone of distinctly brownish-green
Province, China (Koivula and Fryer, 1986), colour (again, see Figure 2) contains sub-
and Kilbourne Hole, New Mexico parallel dark brown bands (Figure 7).
(Fuhrbach, 1992) was found in four of the These are similar in appearance to some of
test stones (see Figure 6). This feature is the white veil structures described above,
believed to result from incomplete solid differing only in their colour. Their dis-
solution-unmixing which occurs as the tinctly brown coloration may result from
peridot is brought to the earth's surface iron concentrated along dislocation zones,
and cools in the host (basalt?) - and visible or from chemical alteration of the peridot.
strain caused by decorated dislocations Chromian spinel: Chromian spinel is a rel-
J. Gemm., 1995,24, 5 359

atively common type of solid mineral

inclusion in peridot (Dunn, 1974). It crys-
tallizes in the isometric crystal system and
when seen as an inclusion generally
appears as opaque, black octahedra or
anhedral, rounded masses exhibiting
reddish-brown coloration at thin edges.
Distorted octahedra, some flattened to an
almost tabular habit, are also encountered.
These crystalline inclusions are typically
surrounded by tension fractures that result
from the expansion of the spinel against
Fig. 7. Subparallel dark brown bands, similar to some
the host peridot. One such inclusion was of the white veil structures shown in Figure 6,
noted in our test sample, exhibiting a were observed in one of the test samples. Field
slightly rounded but still recognizable iso- of view approximately 2mm. Photomicrograph
by John I. Koivula, GIA.
metric habit (Figure 8).
Biotite: The mineral biotite has been doc-
umented previously as an inclusion in
peridots from other localities, for example,
Myanmar (Burma) (Gubelin, 1974), San
Carlos, Arizona (Koivula, 1981) and Hebei
Province, China (Koivula and Fryer, 1986).
In our test sample of Vietnamese peridots,
two very small, translucent brown, euhe-
dral, micaceous-appearing inclusions
tentatively identified as biotite were
Optically active intergrowth: In the 2.77ct
sample, an elongated, sharp-edged inter- Fig. 8. Only one r o u n d e d octahedron (0.15mm) of
what appears to be chromian spinel was noted
growth zone was detected which was in the Vietnamese peridots. Note the slightly
virtually undetectable in darkfield illumi- reddish-brown colour at the edges of the inclu-
nation, but was clearly visible in polarized sion. Photomicrograph by John I. Koivula, GIA.
light, displaying vivid interference colours
(Figure 9). The extremely low relief exhib-
ited in darkfield lighting indicates that the
zone has similar if not identical optical
properties to those of the surrounding
peridot. The image noted in polarized
light, however, proves that the optical ori-
entation of the intergrowth zone differs
from that of the host. The specific nature of
this intergrowth zone is unknown. It is
possible that it resulted from solid solution
unmixing or chemical alteration, dendritic
intergrowth or perhaps a form of twinning.
Similar optically active areas have been Fig. 9. An optically active intergrowth zone, display-
ing vivid interference colours in polarized
observed in peridot nodules from Arizona light, was observed in one of the test stones.
although the authors are not aware of this Field of view approximately 4mm.
feature having been documented previ- Photomicrograph by John I. Koivula, GIA.
360 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

Table I: Gemmological properties of Vietnamese peridot 1

Diaphaneity: Transparent
Colour: Medium light to medium dark, yellowish-green to
brownish- green of low to moderate saturation
RI: a= 1.650 p= 1.665-1.667 y= 1.687-1.688
Birefringence: 0.037-0.038
Pleochroism: Weak, very slightly brownish-green and yellowish-green
Chelsea filter: Yellowish green (negative reaction)
Absorption spectrum: Diffuse bands at 453,473 and 493nm
SG: 3.34 ±0.01
Magnification: 'Lily pad' inclusions surrounding negative crystals;
smoke-like veiling; chromian spinel(?); biotite mica(?);
optically active intergrowth.

^ased upon examination of five faceted stones from Lam Dong Province, ranging from 1.60 to 5.56ct.

ously in photographs. the past few years, first entering this arena
The gemmological properties are sum- with its rubies and pink to purple sap-
marized in Table I. phires (Kane et ah, 1991) and holding
potential as an economically viable source
Chemical analysis of other gems including sapphires (Koivula
Quantitative chemical analysis by et ah, 1992b; 1993c) and now peridot.
energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence The peridot from Lam Dong Province in
(EDXRF) was performed on one specimen. southern Vietnam exhibits gemmological
This indicated the presence of magnesium, properties that are similar to those of
iron and silicon - essential components of peridot from other localities around the
peridot (Mg,Fe)2 S i 0 4 - as well as nickel, world and their internal features are
chromium, manganese and calcium. This typical of peridots from basaltic volcanic
chemistry is consistent with that of peridot environments. We have not as yet discov-
from other localities (see, for example, ered any features or properties which are
Fuhrbach, 1992). unique to the peridots from Lam Dong
Based on the refractive indices and the Province.
direct correlation of RI and chemical com-
position in this material (Mg- and Fe- References
contents) (see Deer et ah, 1992), the Deer, W.A., Howie, R.A., and Zussman, J., 1992. An Introduction
to the rock-forming minerals. 2nd edn. Longman G r o u p
Vietnamese peridots consist of approxi- Limited, Harlow, p.11
mately 10 per cent fayalite (Fe 2 Si0 4 ) and 90 Dunn, P.J., 1974. Chromian spinel inclusions in American peridots.
per cent forsterite (Mg 2 Si0 4 ). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologische Gesellschaft, 23,
4, 304-7
Fuhrbach, J.R., 1992. Kilbourne Hole peridot. Gems & Gemology,
Discussion 28, 1, 16-27
Gübelin, E., 1974. Internal World of Gemstones. ABC Edition,
Vietnam has been widely recognized as a Zurich, Switzerland.
commercial source of gemstones only in Gübelin, E., 1981. Zabargad: the ancient peridot island in the
J. G e m m . , 1995, 2 4 , 5 361

Red Sea. Gems & Gemology, 17, 1, 2-8 Koivula, J.I., Kammerling, R.C., and Fritsch, E., 1992a. Gem
Gunawardene, M., 1985. Peridot from Ratnapura District, Sri news: update on peridot. Gems & Gemology, 28, 1, 60
Lanka. Journal of Gemmology, 19, 8, 692-702 Koivula, J.I., Kammerling, R.C., and Fritsch, E., 1992b. Gem
Kammerling, R.C., Scarratt, K., Bosshart, G., Jobbins, E.A., news: update on Vietnamese gems. Gems & Gemology, 28, 4,
Kane, R.E., Gübelin, E.J., a n d Levinson, A.A., 1994. 274-5
Myanmar and its gems - an update. Journal of Gemmology, Koivula, J.I., Kammerling, R.C., and Fritsch, E., 1993a. Gem
24, 1, 3-40 news: peridot from Zabargad. Gems & Gemology, 29, 2, 134-5
Kane, R.E., McClure, S.F., Kammerling, R.C. Khoa, N.D., Mora, Koivula, J.I., Kammerling, R.C., and Fritsch E., 1993b. Gem
C., Repetto, S., Khai, N.D., and Koivula, J.I., 1991. Rubies news: peridot from Ethiopia. Gems & Gemology, 29, 1, 59
and fancy sapphires from Vietnam. Gems & Gemology, 27, 3, Koivula, J.I., Kammerling, R.C., and Fritsch, E., 1993c. Gem
136-55. news: spinel from Vietnam. Gems & Gemology, 29, 3, 213-14
Kohlstedt, D.L., Goetze, C., Durham, W.B., and Vander Sande, Sinkankas, J., Koivula, J.I., and Becker, G., 1992. Peridot as an
J., 1976. N e w techniques for decorating dislocations in interplanetary gemstone. Gems & Gemology, 28, 1, 43-51
olivine. Science, 191, 1045-6 Stockton, C.M., a n d Manson, D.V., 1983. Peridot from
Koivula, J.I., 1981. San Carlos peridot. Gems & Gemology, 17, 4, Tanzania. Gems & Gemology, 19, 2, 103-7
205-14 Webster, R., 1983. Gems, their sources, descriptions and identification.
Koivula, J.I., and Fryer, C.W., 1986. The gemological characteristics Fourth Edition by B.W. Anderson, Butterworths,
of Chinese peridot. Gems & Gemology, 22, 1, 38-40 London, UK, Chapter 7

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Some observations on a gem-quality synthetic yellow

diamond produced in the region of Vladimir (Russia)
Federico Sosso

Istituto Gemmologico Italiano, Viale Gramsci 228, I 20099 Sesto S. Giovanni, Milan, Italy

diamonds and is not a distinctive property

Abstract of synthetics.
The gemmological properties of a Using a gemmological microscope, an
synthetic yellow diamond reported to angular grain line separating a narrow
come from Vladimir, east of Moscow, colourless zone from another yellowish-
Russia, are described. The infrared spectrum brown area may be seen (Figure 3). The
of the synthetic resembles that of a intensity of colour in the brown zone varies
natural yellow diamond but growth patterns when the diamond is rotated around an
revealed by fluorescence in imaginary axis perpendicular to the table
ultraviolet radiation are distinctive. of the stone (Figure 4). The simple pattern
of two intersecting graining lines, corre-
sponding with the distribution of the
colour zoning, is different from the grain-
Introduction ing seen in Russian diamonds from
In December 1993 the Istituto Novosibirsk by Shigley et a\. (1993).
Gemmologico Italiano (IGI) was presented However this simple pattern has been
with a faceted synthetic yellow diamond observed in natural yellow diamonds in
weighing 0.15ct by Fabio Pignataro, a gem- our laboratory.
stone dealer. The diamond was stated to
come from the region of Vladimir east of Inclusions
Moscow in Russia. This is a possible new The Russian synthetic diamond contains
source of synthetic diamonds and a brief a cloud of tiny, grey, poorly-reflecting 'pin-
summary of our gemmological investiga- point' inclusions (Figure 5), not obviously
tion is given below. oriented. Some of these small inclusions
intersecting the table facet of the diamond
Colour and colour-zoning were analyzed using a SEM-EDS system
The colour of the stone is an intense with quite surprising results (Figure 6). In
brownish-yellow when observed in both addition to iron and nickel, a small quan-
reflected and transmitted daylight and in tity of caesium was detected. (The chlorine
strong fibre optic light (Figure 1). When recorded in the EDS spectrum is probably
exposed to a mercury lamp, the diamond the result of contamination.) Both iron and
displayed a strong green overtone, evenly nickel have been previously reported
distributed on the pavilion facets (Figure (Shigley et a\., 1987,1993; Moses et a\.f
2). Probably such a colour arises in 1993) and derive from flux material used in
response to the intense green emission the crystal synthesis. The origin of the
component of the mercury lighting. caesium is not clear. It may have been a
This phenomenon has also been component of the metal alloy, or it may be
observed in many natural yellow (fancy) a contaminant from a previous experiment

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565
364 J. Gemm., 1995,24, 5

Fig. 1. The 0.15 ct d i a m o n d of intense b r o w n i s h - Fig. 4. As the stone is slightly rotated (compared to
yellow colour from Vladimir, east of Moscow. the position of Fig. 3) the longer grain line
Magnification 5x. appears to be masked by a dark brown rectan-
gular area. Diffuse and oblique illumination,
magnification 6x.

Fig. 2. When illuminated with the mercury light, the Fig. 5. Inside the diamond, a cloud of tiny greyish
diamond exhibits a green overtone over the pinpoint inclusions is visible. Dark-field illu-
pavilion facets. Oblique illumination, magnifi- mination, magnification lOx.
cation 5x.

in the high pressure cell. Or again, since

the small metal inclusions intersecting the
diamond table are softer, their surfaces lie
slightly below the table, and as small 'pits'
they may have trapped some possible
coating material. It does not seem likely
that a rare element like caesium was a com-
ponent of the solutions used to release the
diamond from the flux-alloy or during its
cutting and polishing.
In spite of the presence of a cloud of
metallic inclusions the diamond was not
Fig. 3. Near colourless zone limited by two intersect- attracted by a simple magnet, suggesting
ing grain lines is visible through the pavilion
facets. Diffused-transmitted light, magnifica-
that the magnetic attraction, previously
tion 8x. reported in the General Electric (Koivula et
ah, 1984), Sumitomo (Shigley et ah, 1986)
J. Gemm., 1995,24,5 365

Counts (X1 0 )

2 4 6 8 10
Range (keV)
Fig. 6. SEM energy-dispersion graph showing the peaks of iron, nickel and caesium present in the metallic inclu-
sions. (The peak on the left - chlorine - is due to contamination.)

and De Beers (Shigley et al., 1987) synthetic Ponahlo, 1992). Through the table of the
diamonds, does not depend solely on the diamond it is possible to see a cross-shaped
presence of metallic inclusions. area which fluoresces greenish-yellow to
both long- and short-wave UV radiations
Luminescence phenomena (Figure 7), the response to long wave UV
One of the most prominent characteris- being slightly stronger. Outside the central
tics of this Russian synthetic yellow cross-shaped area the stone is inert and no
diamond, which is useful in distinguishing other growth sectors are visible.
it from natural diamonds, is the arrange- The cathodoluminescence pattern
ment of distinct growth sectors which (Figure 8), matches the UV fluorescence in
strongly luminesce when exposed to ultra- the central zone of the stone but also
violet rays or to an electron beam (see reveals lines in a square pattern arranged
366 J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5

In conclusion, cathodoluminescence
analysis indicates the presence and shapes
of different growth sectors (Shigley et ah,
1993) and helps to indicate the crystal as
synthetic. Also the UV luminescence
pattern of this diamond leads to the same

The diamond was cooled to 273K and
then to the spray refrigerant temperature
Fig. 7. The square sectors and the four arms arranged
(240K), but no absorption bands or lines
to form a cross pattern are clearly visible due were visible with a hand-held spectroscope.
to their intense fluorescence in UV radiation. Measurement of the infrared spectra in a
Magnification 5x, ten minutes exposure. Fourier Transform infrared (FT-IR) spec-
trophotometer (see Figures 9 and 10)
at forty-five degrees with respect to the revealed that the diamond is a mixture of
main arms of the central cross. It was not Types lb and IaA, with the following
possible to determine which of the visible absorption features in the 'nitrogen region':
lines or arms represented cubic or octahe- 1132cm 1 ,1344cm 1 , (related to lb nitrogen
dral growth zones. impurities) and 1282cm1 (related to IaA

Fig. 8. Two SEM images of the synthetic diamond: (left) secondary electron image of the diamond table; (right)
cathodoluminescence topograph: symmetric arrangement of square growth-sectors. The brightest central
'cross-shaped' area closely matches the UV luminescence pattern.
J. Gemm., 1995,24,5 367

Fig. 9. Mid-infrared absorption of the yellow synthetic diamond showing the lb and la A N-related features.

Fig. 10. Mid-infrared absorption of a natural yellow diamond. Note the strong similarity with the spectrum of the
studied diamond.
368 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

nitrogen impurities). This pattern is very Acknowledgements

similar to those reported by Shigley et al. The author wishes to thank Willy
(1993) and Moses et al. (1993), for synthetic Andergassen for all the FT-IR work.
diamonds grown in Novosibirsk. Thanks are also due to Benito Piacenza and
to R. Giomo who tested the specimen with
Conclusions the SEM. The pictures in this paper are due
Although the Russian gem-quality syn- to the kindness of Armando Piana.
thetic diamonds coming essentially from
Novosibirsk (Southern Siberia) have been References
known since 1991 (Koivula and Collins, A.T., 1980. Spectroscopic investigation of a canary
yellow diamond. Journal of Gemmology XVII, 4, 213-222.
Kammerling, 1991), this is the first gemmo- Koivula, J.I., and Fryer CW., 1984. Identifying gem-quality
logical examination of a synthetic diamond synthetic diamonds: an update. Gems & Gemology, 20, 3,
produced in the Region of Vladimir, east of Koivula, J.I., and Kemmerling, R.C, 1991. Gem news: gem-
Moscow. quality synthetic diamonds from the USSR. Gems &
Documentation of the properties of this Gemology, 27, 1, p.46.
Moses, T.M., Reinitz, I., Fritsch, E., and Shigley, J.E., 1993. Two
synthetic diamond - e.g. pinpoint metal treated-colour synthetic red diamonds seen in the trade.
inclusions, colour zoning, UV fluorescence Gems & Gemology, 29, 3, 182-190.
and infrared absorption spectrum - indi- Ponahlo.L, 1992. Cathodoluminescence (CL) and CL spectra of
De Beers experimental synthetic diamonds. Journal of
cates that the diamond was manufactured Gemmology, 23, I, 3-17.
by a process very similar to that used in Shigley, J.E., Fritsch, E., Stockton, CM., Koivula, J.I., Fryer,
Novosibirsk. CW., and Kane, RE., 1986. The gemological properties of
the Sumitomo gem-quality synthetic yellow diamonds.
Perhaps the most important and diag- Gems & Gemology, 29, 1, 38-45.
nostic gemmological property of this Shigley, J.E., Fritsch, E., Stockton, C.M., Koivula, J.I., Fryer,
diamond is the strongly zoned UV fluores- CW., Kane, RE., Hargett, D.R, and Welch, C.W., 1987. The
gemological properties of the De Beers gem-quality syn-
cence related to the different growth thetic diamonds. Gems & Gemology, 23, 4,187-206.
sectors which does not resemble anything Shigley, J.E., Fritsch, E., Koivula, J.I., Sobolev, N.V.,
seen in natural stones. Malinovsky, I.Y., and Pal'yanov, YN., 1993. The gemolog-
ical properties of Russian gem-quality synthetic yellow
diamonds. Gems & Gemology, 29, 4, 228-248.

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J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5 369


ested in purchasing samples of treated

From N.P.G. Sturman
material, modern synthetics, etc., for our
reference collection.
Dear Sir
Treated amber Yours etc.
With reference to the Letter from Richard Nick Sturman
Hughes (]. Gemm., 24(3), 185-6) regarding Advisor, Bahrain Laboratory
the article 'A note from the Bahrain 1 October 1994
Laboratory - 3' (J. Gemm., 24(1), 42-4), I
quite agree with his observation that 'the
colour of amber may darken over time' as I From W.W. Hanneman
have seen some examples of amber with a
darker surface colour and lighter interior Dear Sir
colour that I most probably would not call On the glass filling of diamonds
surface-treated amber. All these examples In his interesting two-part article on
have been what I would consider as old, diamond-filling glasses (J. Gemm.: Part I,
possibly even antique, pieces (by this I 1993, 23(8), 461-72; Part 2,1994, 24(2), 94-
mean the period that has passed since the 103), Dr Nelson spoke of the difficulty of
pieces were fashioned, as all amber is measuring the optical properties of explo-
antique in age!) and, as such, I believe the ration batches of these materials. These
exposed (surface) colour has indeed altered problems also hold true for high RI gem
without intentional interference. In other materials. I would like to offer a simple
words, the colour was not altered on solution.
purpose to improve the appearance. Take a small piece of the specimen,
However, the visual gemmological fea- polish two facets meeting at an angle of 25
tures of the amber we discussed in the or 30 degrees and, using a Hanneman-
article were so different from untreated Hodgkinson refractometer, determine the
amber examined in both this laboratory index of refraction for any wavelength of
and the Gem Testing Laboratory of Great visible light that one might wish. It will
Britain and of a type that was evidently also allow one to measure dispersion and
fashioned recently that, in our opinion, we the magnitude of birefringence in doubly
had no alternative but to call it surface refracting materials. Details are available
colour enhanced (treated) amber. I cer- from the address below.
tainly would not have purchased it as
natural untreated amber, if it was offered to Yours etc.
me as a potential customer. Therefore, it is W.W. Hanneman
our opinion that in this case and in some Hanneman Gemological Instruments,
other examples we have seen (see /. Gemm., Castro Valley, CA 94546, USA
23(7), 398-9), the surface colour has in some 13 September 1994
way been artificially altered on purpose.
We would appreciate receiving any
information about this subject from indi-
viduals or companies involved in modern
enhancement methods and would be inter-

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565
370 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5


Diamonds Gems and Minerals

Instruments and Techniques Synthetics and Simulants

clinopyroxene compositions with K in solid solu-

Diamonds tion. This conclusion contradicts the traditional
view which holds that K is too large to be incor-
Characterisation study of diamond and p o r a t e d in the pyroxene structure. These
diamond-like carbon. diopside and omphacite inclusions have a high
D.P. DOWLING et al. Surface & Coatings degree of crystal perfection and anomalously
Technology, 53 (2), 1992, p p 177-83 (Sep 15), 11 large unit-cell volumes, and a defect-free struc-
figs, 1 table, 19 refs. ture is observed by TEM on K-bearing regions.
A comparative characterization s t u d y of These results imply that clinopyroxene can be a
d i a m o n d a n d diamond-like carbon films significant host for K in the mantle and that some
deposited using plasma-enhanced CVD is pre- clinopyroxene inclusions a n d their d i a m o n d
sented. The films were examined using scanning hosts may have grown in a highly K-enriched
electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction, X- environment. R.A.H.
ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Auger
electron spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Gem News.
As a result of these studies structural and chem- J.I. KOIVULA, R.C. KAMMERLING AND E. FRITSCH.
ical information w a s obtained on the carbon Gems & Gemology, 30 (1), 1994, p p 47-57, illus. in
films. The SEM examination indicated the pres- colour.
ence of high levels of stress in the diamond films.
The International Colored Stone Association
The ability of XPS and Raman spectroscopy to
distinguish between diamond-type carbon (sp3 reported two attempts to pass cubic zirconia as
hybridised) and graphitic carbon (sp2 hybridised) d i a m o n d s ; in one case the imitation was in a
is demonstrated. (Author's abstract) D.P.D. parcel of rough diamonds and was in the form of
an octahedron and even had etched 'trigons'; the
Potassium in clinopyroxene inclusions from other case involved CZ baguettes and round bril-
diamonds. liants salted in a parcel of similarly sized and cut
G.E. HARLOW AND D.R. VEBLEN. Science, 251 (8), diamonds.
1991, p p 652-5. Enhancements
Analytical TEM, EPMA and single-crystal XRD . Care,is required with filled diamonds as heat
data support the conclusion that high K contents, from repairs can damage the filling as can also
< 1.5 wt.% K 2 0, of some diopside and omphacite prolonged ultra-sonic cleaning. Long exposure
inclusions from d i a m o n d s represent valid to short-wave ultraviolet radiation caused dis-
coloration. R.J.P.
D.P. Dowling D.P.D. R.J. Peace R.J.P.
K. von Gehlen K.v.G. K.A. Riggs K.A.R.
R.K. Harrison R.K.H. R.E. Samson R.E.S.
R.A. Howie R.A.H. E. Stern E.S.
L.C. Hsu L.C.H. L.T. Trembath L.T.T.
M.J. O'Donoghue M.O'D.
For further information on many of the topics referred to consult Mineralogical Abstracts or Industrial
Diamond Review.

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565
J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5 371

Diamonds and their sources in the Venezuelan A new find of microscopic diamonds in meta-
portion of the Guyana Shield. morphic rocks: evidence that the high- pressure
H.O.A. MEYER AND M.E. MCCALLUM. Economic metamorphism in the Kokchetav massif was
Geology, 88 (5), 1993, pp 989-98,5 maps. regional in scope.
Two sources are suggested for the diamonds. V.S. SHATSKIY, N.V. SOBOLEV, A.A.
The secondary source is the 2000m thick Roraima ZAYACHKOVSKIY, Y.M. ZORIN AND M.A. VAVILOV.
g r o u p of Proterozoic age. The m a i n sources Doklady, Russian Academy of Sciences, Earth
probably are unknown Proterozoic kimberlites or Sciences Section. 322 (1), 1992, p p 128-32.
lamproites in t h e Guyana Shield of t h e The literature is reviewed and the geology is
A m a z o n i a n craton. N o evidence exists to
discussed. Chemical data are tabulated for
support an African source. K.A.R.
garnets, pyroxenes a n d amphiboles. Two
microphotos are shown, and the Raman spec-
t r u m of the d i a m o n d is given. The authors
Three generations of diamonds from old conti- conclude that probably the Kokchetav massif
nental mantle. was submerged in the mantle in a manner similar
S.H. RICHARDSON, C D . CANHAM AND S.R. PUGH. to the Dora Maira coesite-bearing rocks of the
Nature, 366 (6452), 1993, pp 256-8. Alps. K.A.R.
Major elements, Rb, Sr and Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd iso-
topic data are presented of peridotitic garnet, Diamond inclusions in the rock-forming min-
clinopyroxene inclusions in d i a m o n d s a n d erals of metamorphic rocks.
macrocrysts from the Proterozoic Premier kim- T.Y. YEKIMOVA, L.D. LAVROVA AND M.A.
berlite. The peridotitic inclusion minerals have PETROVA. Doklady, Russian Academy of Sciences,
compositions reflecting an origin in harzburgite Earth Sciences Section. 323 (2), 1992, pp 101-3.
(clinopyroxene-bearing) assemblages. The The previous work is reviewed. The diamonds
harzburgitic garnet inclusions and kimberlite commonly occur in garnet, quartz, biotite, pyrox-
have Nd and Sr isotopic features consistent with ene, etc. The petrography and mineralogy are
an Archaean age (> 3000 m.y.) and a metasoma- discussed. Four microphotos are shown. The
tized mantle source. Lherzolitic garnet a n d work suggests that diamonds can be formed in
clinopyroxene inclusions gave a preferred Sm- the crust as well as the mantle. K.A.R.
Nd isochron age of 1930 m.y. (-100 m.y. less than
that of the nearby Bushveld complex) suggesting
a link analogous to that between harzburgitic Gems and Minerals
diamond formation and komatiitic magmatism
in the Archaean. The last generation of dia-
[On the mineralogical characteristics of ruby
monds (with eclogitic inclusions) was formed and sapphire of Xinjiang, China.] (Chinese with
-1150 m.y. ago prior to the kimberlite emplace- English abstract)
ment. R.K.H. P. ABDUKADER AND L. W A N G . Journal of
Mineralogy & Petrology (Kuangwu Yanshi), 13 (4),
1993, pp 68-74,1 map.
Detailed mineralogical examination of rubies
Solid carbon dioxide in a natural diamond. and sapphires from Xinjiang is reported. They
M. SCHRAUDER AND O. N A V O N . Nature, 365
have D 3.96-3.99 g/cm 3 ; hardness parallel to c
(6441), 1993, p p 42-4. 2034-2570 kg/mm 2 (Mohs 8.8-9.24), perpendicu-
The discovery of solid C 0 2 in the IR spectrum lar to c 1947-2392 k g / m m 2 (Mohs 8.5-9.0);
of brown-yellow diamond of unknown location el.761-1.762, col.768-1.771; and unit cell parame-
is reported. The C 0 2 is presently at 5 GPa and ters a 0.4756, c 1.2960 nm. Electron microprobe
must have been trapped at even greater P in the analyses gave Si0 2 0.06, 0.11; A1 2 0 3 99.28, 98.71;
mantle corresponding with d e p t h s of - 2 2 0 - C r 2 0 3 0.16, 0.70; T i 0 2 0.02, 0.03; FeO 0.40, 0.37;
270km. At these P free C 0 2 should react with MnO 0.06, 0.02; MgO 0.01, 0.05; CaO 0.00, 0.00;
olivine and pyroxene. The survival of free C 0 2 at N a 2 0 0.01, 0.00; K 2 0 0.02, 0.01; Co 0.02, 0.01; Ni
depth indicates the presence of an environment 0.01,0.01; Totals 100.05,100.02. Analyses are also
of different mineralogy such as a fully carbon- reported for inclusions of rutile. Comparisons
ated metasomatic vein or a block of subducted are m a d e with ruby and sapphire from other
sediment. R.K.H. localities. R.A.H.
372 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

Specific surface area and ultramicroporosity in Achat als Nebenproduct der Tonmineral-
polymorphs of silica. bilding.
M.A. BUSTILLO, R. FORT AND M. BUSTILLO. H. HARDER. Zeitschrift der Deutschen
European Journal of Mineralogy, 5 (6), 1993, p p Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, 43 (1/2), 1994, pp 19-
1195-1204. 37,2 tables, 7 illus. in colour, bibl.
A detailed study of the specific surface area Worldwide agate occurrences have been exten-
(SSAj) and the volume of pores between 10 and sively discussed in the literature, and their origin
400 A (ultramicroporosity or UMP) in different by high or low temperature processes compared.
types of silica phases from different localities and Recent isotope investigations suggest agate for-
geological settings is reported. It was found that mation at lower t e m p e r a t u r e s . The author
small p r o p o r t i o n s of other minerals in the explains agate formation as a by-product of clay
siliceous rocks can alter the SSA and UMP sub-
mineral formation at low temperatures.
stantially. Opal-A (diatomite) has SSA 23.87m 2 /g
Experiments at low temperatures with solu-
and UMP 9.90%; opal-CT has 7.76-14.05 m 2 / g
and 6.68- 8.50%; a-cristobalite has 1.93-2.43 m 2 /g tions containing up to lOOOx more silicon than
and 1.27-1.52%; a-tridymite has 1.93-2.56m2/g aluminium and iron can lead to a water-rich pre-
and 1.05-1.62%. There is a loss of SSA and UMP cipitate with gel-like texture, chemically similar
in the diagenetic transformation opal A ^ o p a l - to agates. Agates are mostly found in strongly
CT -^opal-C (a-cristobalite). The host rock in decomposed volcanic rocks. During the weather-
which the silica phase is formed may play an ing process Fe-rich clay minerals are formed. The
important role in the SSA: e.g. opal-CT formed in remaining solution contains ions not incorpo-
a sepiolite rock has a greater SSA than opal-CT rated into the clay mineral structure; these have
formed in a limestone. The UMP is characteristic a relatively high Si content and a low Fe and Al
of the silica phase, though in opal-CT this may content. Contents of sodium and potassium were
vary in relation to the texture. R. A.H. probably high. Acid surface water will neutralise
the basic solution in the cavities and thus precip-
itate the Si0 2 . Numerous rotations of different
Jade in Switzerland. fillings and precipitation of hydroxide silicate led
H. GIESS. Bull. Friends of Jade, 8,1994, pp 1-46,3 to the banded and layered agate structure during
photos, 10 figs, 3 maps. geological times.
Nephrite sites in Switzerland are described Larger quartz crystals contain less iron and
with notes on early settlements and the artefacts aluminium than the surrounding agates. These
they produced. No jadeite has been found in situ. crystals are grown from purer solution which
M.O'D. existed during formation of the agate gels from
which diagenetically the chalcedony fibres grow.
A gem collection never before published. The
Dactyliotheca of H.H. Pope Leo XII. Zur Entstehung von verkieselten Holzern.
G. GRAZIANI, M. MARTINI AND P. EVANGELISTA. H. HARDER. Aufschluss, 44 (1), 1993, pp 23-31.
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Silicified wood ( / woodstone / ) predominantly
Gesellschaft, 43 (1/2), 1994, pp 49-72, 2 tables, 2 • consists of fine-grained or fibrous quartz with
illus. in black-and- white, 3 in colour, bibl. some larger idiomorphic quartz crystals; opal is
The collection containing 388 gems, ornamen- rare. The quartz must have grown from only
tal stones and rings was given by H.H. Pope Leo slightly supersaturated solutions. Silicified wood
XII to the Mineralogical Laboratory of the contains up to 0.9% Fe 2 0 3 and ^ 0.4% A1 2 0 3 con-
'Archiginnasio' of the ancient Rome University centrated in the fine-grained parts. This indicates
'La Sapienza' in 1824. Details have not been pub- that weakly basic weathering solutions were neu-
lished before. The items have been divided on tralized by acid solutions formed by wood decay,
precipitating e.g. Al hydroxides, which then
basis of cut and shape, later identified in contem-
absorbed colloidal silica which slowly silicified
porary catalogues. Precise description has shown
the wood. In the pore space of the hydroxide-
some differences b e t w e e n the antique and silica precipitates, diagenetic quartz
modern identification. Some theories concerning crystallization took place, with the larger quartz
interpretation of some marks in a ring and two grains growing from genuine solutions. The
collets are discussed, as are country of origin of results of experiments of colloidal silica enrich-
the rings and of the collection as a whole. E.S. ment are reported. K.v.G.
J. G e m m . , 1 9 9 5 , 2 4 , 5 373

Jadeitites, albitites and related rocks from the Crystal markets faceted synthetic alexandrites
Motagua Fault Zone, Guatemala. with definite colour change blue-green to violet-
G.E. HARLOW. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, red. Also by the firm J.O. Crystal, synthetic
12 (1), 1994, p p 49-68,1 map. emeralds under the name of 'Empress culture
Jadeitites are found as weathered blocks in tec- emeralds'. Lastly a synthetic blue sodalite from
tonized serpentinite in a 15-km zone N of the China weighing 32.98 ct, SG 2.42. E.S.
Motagua fault zone; they occur with albitites,
albite-mica rocks, omphacite/taramitic amphi- Transparenter, schleifwuerdiger, gruener
bole-bearing metabasites, chlorite-actinolite Barium-Orthoklas aus Minas Gerais, Brasilien.
schists, talc- carbonate rocks a n d antigorite J. KARFUNKEL AND M.L.S.C. CHAVES. Zeitschrift
schists. In addition to jadeite, the jadeitites also der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, 43
contain micas, omphacite, albite, titanite ± zircon, (1/2), 1994, p p 5-13,1 map, 1 table, 3 graphs, 1
apatite and graphite. Conditions of jadeite for- illus. in black-and-white, bibl.
mation are 100-400°C a n d 5-11 kbar. Fluid The green, transparent, cuttable mineral was
inclusions, coarse textures, vein structures and found south of Felicio dos Santos, Minas Gerais,
rhythmic zoning of pyroxene indicate that an Brazil, and was identified as barium-orthoclase,
aqueous fluid was involved. Jadeitites are either: a feldspar variety previously unknown in this
(1) metasomatic modifications of former felsic-to- colour; it is found in small veins in quartz-mica
pelitic inclusions that underwent silica depletion schist. It is to be hoped that mining will prove
plus Na exchange and enrichment, or (2) solution economically viable. The light green colour with
precipitations derived from such a source. They perfect transparency could lead to a future
may have formed in a relatively high-P/T setting demand as an ornamental stone or collector's
with substantial flow of sodic fluid in a tec- item. E.S.
tonized zone. Most Guatemalan jadeitites are
extensively altered to analcite, albite, taramitic A photo essay dedicated to Bill Hicks.
amphibole, (clino)zoisite ± nepheline a n d J.I. KOIVULA. Australian Gemmologist, 18 (10),
preiswerkite; this alteration reflects depressur- 1994, p p 323-6,12 illus. in colour.
ization + heating to below the jadeite ± fluid = This set of p h o t o m i c r o g r a p h s taken with
analcite reaction at high aNa. With progressive N o m a r s k i Differential Interference Contrast
alteration, analcite and nepheline are replaced by shows the beauty of surface patterns on 'rough'
albite. R.A.H. crystals. Some faces may show superficial growth
features while others may reveal dissolution or
etching of previously formed faces. These fea-
Gemmologische Kurzinformation.
tures reflect a crystal's internal symmetry. Thus
identical crystal faces display similar forms.
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen From these superficial 'imperfections' the author
Gesellschaft, 43 ( 1 / 2 ) , 1994, p p 1-4, 6 illus. in poses a question on the nature of perfection itself.
colour, bibl. R.J.P.
In the south-east of Finland, about 130km
north of Helsinki, some yellow, yellowish- green, Gem News.
green and pale blue beryls of gem quality were J.I. KOIVULA, R.C. KAMMERLING AND E. FRITSCH.
found by a Finnish mineral collector. In the Gems & Gemology, 30 (1), 1994, p p 47-57, illus. in
region of Eskishehir in Turkey, a district known colour.
for the occurrences of meerschaum and beryls, A jade cutting factory on the Myanmar-Thai
some cuttable emeralds were found. The crystals border w a s described. At the time of the visit
w e r e u p to 2cm long in a matrix of quartz, n e p h r i t e from British Columbia w a s being
feldspar and black mica. Details of constants are carved.
given. Amethysts from the Auvergne, France, are
mentioned. The crystals are relatively small and Tucson '94
full of inclusions, but have a very good colour. Gem materials from Arizona were well repre-
Also from France, near St. Leger the rare stolzite sented a n d included turquoise a n d a bright
(lead tungstate) h a r d n e s s 3, SG 8.37, the cut greenish-blue chrysocolla chalcedony; emeralds
sample weighs 2.15ct. U n d e r the n a m e of from Brazil were offered by several dealers. A
'Nicholas created alexandrite' the firm J.O. pleasing aroma emanating from rough emerald
374 J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5

from the Carnaiba area in Bahia state was due to spessartine. NIR absorption spectra revealed a
the n a t u r a l oil from the peroba tree. Carved small quantity of hydrospessartine. E.S.
amber both from the Dominican Republic and
the Baltic states w a s often in the form of Nature and cause of colour in Indian beryls.
dinosaurs (presumably due to the success of the J. PANJIKAR. National Academy Science Letters, 16
film Jurassic Park). Materials from Madagascar (1), 1993, pp 13-15.
included emeralds from Tulear, aquamarine, The blue in Kashmir beryls is due to Fe2+ occu-
morganite, colourless phenakite, apatite and a pying the channel portions in the lattice with
w i d e range of garnets. Rubies from the n e w absorption spectra of 32 000 to 11 500cm-1. Beryls
mining area of Mong H s u in M y a n m a r were from Rajasthan have absorption bands due to Fe2+
notable for their bright consistent colour. and Fe3+ in the octahedral and tetrahedral sites,
respectively. It is assumed that some replace-
There was greater availability of Mexican
ment of Fe3+ for Al3+ also occurs at the octahedral
obsidian with striking iridescent colours. An
site. Orissa beryls also have absorption peaks 11
intertwined 'rope' from a single piece of obsidian or ± the c-axis, both of which are related to Fe2+in
was an unusual carving shown. Cat's-eye opaL tetrahedral and octahedral sites. In the case of
from Brazil was plentiful with fine fibres and beryl from Andhra Pradesh, Fe sorption has been
readily absorbed water which i m p r o v e d the observed in the IR region. Gujarat beryl shows
transparency as well as causing the body colour absorption with the polarization 11 c-axis due to
to become browner. These effects were reversible Fe2+/Fe3+ charge transfer. It shows an absorption
as the water evaporated. Opal from Ethiopia was band due to the presence of Fe3+ in the octahedral
of two types: pale yellow, orange and b r o w n site. R.E.S.
with either weak or no play-of-colour visually
similar to Mexican fire opal; a dark b r o w n to Campolungo, Schweiz: Neufund der grossten
reddish-brown body colour with strong play-of- Korund-Kristalle der Alpen.
colour in a mosaic p a t t e r n of rectangular to A . ROVETTI, R. ROVETTI AND M . PACCIORINI.
rounded patches. Russian goods were offered by Lapis, 19 (9), 1994, pp 35-6,11 photos (7 in colour),
many dealers including drusy uvarovite garnet 4 figs., 2 maps.
on a chromite matrix and hessonite and deman- A rose-violet corundum crystal measuring 5cm
toid garnets. in length and found in a dolomite matrix with
From the state of Orissa in India were shown similar b u t smaller crystals at C a m p o l u n g o ,
bright b r o w n i s h - o r a n g e hessonite garnets Ticino, Switzerland, is believed to be the largest
together with rhodolite garnets of a very purple crystal of c o r u n d u m so far to be found in the
hue. R.J.P. Alps. M.O'D.

Leuchtend orangefarbige Spessartine aus Emeralds from the Mananjary Region,

einem neuen Vorkommen In Namibia. Madagascar: internal features.
T.H. LIND, U. H E N N , H. BANK. Zeitschrift der D. SCHWARZ. Gems & Gemology, 30 (2), 1994, p p
Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, 43 (1/2), 88-101,19 illus. in colour.
1994, 39-47, 3 tables, 3 graphs, 1 illus. in black- This excellent review is the first of its kind
and-white, 1 illus. in colour, bibl. about emeralds from the Mananjary region in
The new occurrence was found in 1992 in the eastern Madagascar. Inclusions are reported and
north of Namibia near the confluence of the river compared with those in emeralds from other
Maria with the river Kunene, very close to the localities especially from Africa. Although most
Angolan border. It was first called Kunene spes- of the internal features are similar to other emer-
sartine, then Dutch spessartine (because of its alds from schist-type deposits, Mananjary
orange colour); it has also been marketed as man- emeralds can be separated by association of
darin spessartine. The occurrence is of primary certain mineral inclusions with specific liquid
nature, the crystals often rhombdodecahedra. inclusions. These minerals include talc, carbon-
The orange colour is evenly distributed. The ates, amphiboles (mostly of the
largest stone found weighted 55.4 ct, but nor- actinolite/tremolite series) and quartz. However,
mally stones up to 15 ct were found. SG 4.09-4.15; the latter is a common constituent of emeralds
RI 1.790-1.797. It was found to be a pyrope spes- from most African localities so is of little diag-
sartine, the spessartine content being 80-90 per nostic significance. The presence of talc -
cent, with visible absorption spectra near to pure especially when it appears in a fibrous or sheaf-
J. Gemm., 1995,24, 5 375

like form - is a good diagnostic feature for Na is assigned to 2b and H 2 0 to 2a. Local stere-
Mananjary emeralds. R.J.P. ochemistry and analytical results suggest that Na
is bonded to two H 2 0 groups in the channel.
What's new in minerals? L.T.T.
J.A. SCOVIL. Mineralogical record, 25 (5), 1994, pp Jades of North America.
377-82,15 photos (12 in colour). J. SINKANKAS. Bull Friends of Jade, 8,1994, pp 67-
A m o n g gem-quality minerals noted are 104.
emerald from Hiddenite, North Carolina, green This is a major revision of the jade section of
dravite from the Mikhaylovskoye mine, Chita v o l u m e 2 of Gemstones of North America.
Oblast, Russia, peridot (as a crystal 3.2cm high) Additional material is given for the states of the
from Pyaung Guang, Myanmar, elbaite from the USA and for other north and central American
Bennett mine, Buckfield, Maine, and red beryl countries. Each country or state description has
from the Violet claims, Wah Wah Mountains, its own list of references. M.O'D.
Utah. M.O'D.
Fluorite from Seiles, Andenne, Belgium:
The incorporation of alkalis in beryl: multi- Coloration, fluorescence, and a remarkable
nuclear MAS NMR and crystal-structure study. crystal geometric discoloration phenomenon.
HAWTHORNE AND P. CERNY. Canadian DILLEN. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen
Mineralogist, 29 (2), 1991, pp 271-85. Gesellschaft, 43 (1/2), 1994, p p 73-84, 2 tables, 3
The stereochemical details of the incorporation graphs, 5 diagrams, 6 illus. in colour, bibl.
of alkali ions into the beryl structure were exam- A study of experimental and literature data
ined by multi-nuclear MAS NMR spectroscopy reveals that the violet and blue coloration of flu-
and single-crystal structure refinement. The 29Si orite from Seiles, Belgium, cannot be caused by
signal is narrow in alkali-poor beryl, and broad- the mere presence of rare earth elements but
ens with increasing alkali content, a result of the
should be attributed mainly to high energy radi-
different short-range next-nearest-neighbour
configurations produced by the incorporation of ation. The fluorescence which typifies some of
alkalis into the structure; the value of this substi- the coloured fluorite samples could be caused by
tutional b r o a d e n i n g is calculated from the specific colour centres which are not present in
proposed local configurations and the method of non-fluorescing samples. A particular discol-
Sherriff & Grundy (1988). Substitutional broad- oration phenomenon with a trigonal pattern is
ening is observed in the 27A1 spectra that also described and tentatively related to enhanced
show only [6]-coordinate Al to be present, in oxygen diffusion along disturbed boundaries of
agreement with the current and earlier X-ray penetration twin crystals. E.S.
results. Two 7Li signals are observed, indicating
that Li occurs both as a framework constituent
and as a channel species. The crystal structures
of the four samples were refined, to R indices of Instruments and Techniques
2-3 per cent using Mo[Koc] radiation. The <Be-0>
distance expands linearly with increasing Li = Be
substitution at this site, but the O-Be-O bond Miniature fibre optics.
angles remain unchanged. This substitution pro- T. LINTON. Australian Gemmologist, 18 (10),
duces a bond-valence deficiency at the 0(2) 1994, pp 329-31,2 illus. in black-and- white.
anion. This is compensated by lengthening of Si- This informative article will be welcomed by
O(l) and Si- 0 ( l ) a , and contraction of Si-0(2) practising gemmologists who have to examine
with increasing Li = Be substitution. All samples set stones. The miniature fibres are usually hand
of alkali-bearing beryl examined show residual held and ensure quick, effective and simple illu-
electron density in the channels due to occu- mination. They can be used with the microscope
pancy by alkali ions; all show more density at the and many other instruments. R.J.P.
2a site than at the 2b site. Comparison of these
residual densities with known alkali contents Computer assisted gem identification.
confirms previous work that assigned Cs to the P. READ. Australian Gemmologist, 18 (10), 1994,
2a position. The electron density observed at the
pp 332-3,4 illus. in black-and-white.
2b position correlates well with the Na contents
and is insufficient to account for the H 2 0 ; thus The history and development of this topic were
amply covered and showed how the increased
376 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

capac ity of the personal computer allowed a microscopy (to reveal cha racteris tic crys ta l-
much wider scope for gemstone identification as growth p atterns and colo u r zoning ) sho u ld
well as enabling the textual data to be expan ded. p rovide the necessa ry di stinguishing evide nce.
The C EMDATA programme is n ow in its fifth The crys tallography of the new syn thetic is thor-
upd at e ena b lin g the mo st recent ad vances in oughly discussed including the marked colour
gemmo logy to be incorporated . R.J.P. zoning seen in crystal specimens. R.J.P.

Synthetische Rubine aus Griechenland.

Synthetics and Simulants U. H ENN ANDCC MILISENDA. Zeitschrift der
Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, 43 (112),
Crystallization of diamond from a silicate melt 1994, pp 15·17,2 illu s. in black-and-white, 2 in
of kimberlite composition in high-pressure and colour, bibl.
high-temperature experiments. A new type of synthetic rub y from Greece has
M. ARIMA, K. N AKAYAMA, M . AKAISHI, S. c?me on to the market. It is manufactured by the
YAMAOKAAND H. KANDA. Geology, 21 (11), 1993, firm Douros in Piraeus and is known under the
pp 968-70. name of Douros. Physical properties are those of
A series of experiments wa s carried out at high corundum and under the microscope flux
P (7.0 an d 7.7 CPa) and high T (1800- 2000°C) residues can be seen, typical for a flux growth
usin g a modified belt-type high-? apparatus with environment. E.5.
a 32mm bore diameter. Diamond crystallized
and grew in a volatile-rich kimberlite melt of an Gem News.
ap h an itic gro u p 1 kimberlite fr om Wesselton J.I. KOIVULA, R.C KAMMERLINGAND E. FRJTSCH.
mine, South Africa . The diam ond has w ell- Gems and Gemology, 30 (1), 1994, pp 47-57, illus. in
d ev el oped 1l11 } faces and its morphol ogical colour.
ch a racteristics resemble those of natural Synthetic sapphires had been diffu sion-treated
d iamond but d iffer from th ose of sy n th eti c with a cobalt compound. The Chelsea colour
diam ond grown from metallic solvent-catalysts. filter, spe ctroscopic and UV examinations readily
The kimberlite melt ha s a strong solvent-eatalytic confirmed the cobalt whilst microscopic exami-
e ~ fec t on diamond formation, supporting the
nation re vealed gas bubbles andlor cu rved
VIew th at som e natural diamond cr ystallized colour banding of the synthetic.
from volatile-rich melt in the upper mantle. Beryl triplets were offered as em erald simu-
L.CH. lants. Chatham introduced a new pink synthetic
sapphire with less than 0.2 per cent w Iw
Synthetic rubies by Douros: a new challenge for chrom ium trioxide. Apart from h a v in g an
gemologists. orangey-red flu orescence to short wave UV of
H.A. HANNI, K. SCHMITZERAND H. BERNHARDT. equal in tensity to the red fluorescence under
Gems & Gemology, 30 (2), 1994, pp 72-86,3 tables, long-wave UV, it showed all the gemmo logical
23 illus. in colour. charact eri stics of a Chatham flu x-grown syn-
Intr oduced in 1993, thes e synthetic rubies are thetic ruby. Synthetic material from Ru ssia
p roduced by controlled spontaneous nucleation included h ydrothermal emeralds, synthetic
and slow cooling techniques by unseeded flux rubies by a number of techniques, flux-grown red
growth. Although conventional methods may and bl~e spinels, numerous quartzes including a the synthetic nature of these stones, sophis- new p ink quartz, and synthetic malachite and
heated methods such as energy-dispersive X-ray turquoise. Cubic zirconia was available in many
fluo resce n ce (EDXRF ) and UV v isible spec- colours to gether with a yellow-green which
tr ophot ometry ma y have to be em p loy ed . would make an effective simulant for peridot.
EDXRF spe ctra show ed chromium, titan ium and R.J.P.
iron in varying amounts together with lead . The
Dou ros product most closel y resembles the
Ram aura sy n th e tic rub y an d the presence of
ye llow flu x particles ofte n associa ted with
rounde d bubbles are easily recognized. Without
th ese, ch emical analysi s and im m ers ion
J. Gemm., 1995,24,5 377

Book Reviews

Jades from China. used to denote jade (or 'precious stone') is inter-
A. FORSYTH AND B. MCELNEY, 1994. Museum of esting but there is little new information.
East Asian Art, Bath, p p 422, illus. in black-and- These are small points or would be if this was
white and in colour, hardcover. Price £105.00. a smaller catalogue. Clearly the p r o m i s e of
ISBN 1897734 03 4. further work on the background of so excellent a
The Museum of East Asian Art in Bath opened collection remains and it w o u l d be unfair to
in April 1993 and the present catalogue describes expect everything to go in one volume, especially
and illustrates jade objects at present in the one in which the illustration is the main aim - and
M u s e u m ' s custody. About 50 per cent of the in this the book succeeds admirably. The price is
artefacts come from the collection of the second not unreasonable for today and serious students
author, p r e s e n t e d to the M u s e u m by him as will welcome so prodigal a display of illustra-
founder. The remainder of the objects come from tions. M.O'D.
two collections on long-term loan to the
Museum, the Peony and Rannerdale collections. Red coral, jewel of the sea.
The book opens with a note by the authors par- B. LIVERINO, translated [from the Italian] by J.H.
ticularly concerning the difficulty of dating jade Johnson, 1989. Analisi-Trend, Bologna, p p 208,
objects. This topic is constantly under discussion. illus. in black-and-white and in colour (Industrial
A chronological table, short glossary with illus- history series) Price £31.50.
trations and maps follow, the text and labelling Books on coral are rare a'nd though several
in English and Chinese. Introductory essays books in Italian have been published since the
cover jade as a raw material, jade supplies to early 1970s the major texts have not been trans-
China and working with jade. Then come jade lated. For this reason the present work is to be
culture and dynastic essays before the catalogue welcomed, with its profusion of good-quality
itself begins. The introductory essays are in colour p h o t o g r a p h s which, given the w a r m
English and Chinese. colour of most coral artefacts, make a pleasing
The chief feature and one seldom seen today is effect. The aim of the book is to present not only
that each object is illustrated in colour. As there the artistic but also the historical, social and eco-
are 354 objects and some have more than one nomic importance of coral recovery and
photograph more than 400 colour photographs fashioning to the people of the area round Torre
are included. Each description of an artefact del Greco: in this town the author has established
includes descriptive name, place of origin and a Museum of Coral and Cameos.
period, description and note of publication Early chapters describe the origin, zoology and
where applicable. If similar pieces exist in the formation of coral and early methods of fishing,
collection these are referred to. This main section both in the Mediterranean and elsewhere, partic-
is arranged chronologically and each division has ularly in the Pacific. The history of coral working
a short essay in English and Chinese. The book is examined from archaeological sources and
ends with a bibliography of 100 entries which then by centuries. Other uses of coral - in phar-
could perhaps have been extended to match the macology and as ornament - are outlined before
importance of the text. an account of the present state of the industry.
In a book of this kind reviewed in a journal The final chapter concentrates on the centre of
dealing with the scientific background of the pro- Torre del Greco and its importance in the history
duction of worked specimens, we first need to of coral. Despite the absence of a bibliography
ensure that the coverage of the mineralogical and which would have been especially welcome the
gemmological area is correct and balanced. The book can be recommended for students and for
essay on jade as a raw material tells us surpris- everyone with an interest in this particular mate-
ingly little about the mineralogy of the jades rial. M.O'D.
though what there is seems adequate enough.
The account of how various characters have been

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565
378 J. Gemm., 1995,24, 5

Proceedings of the
Gemmological Association and
Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain
and Notices

OBITUARIES Keith Richard Willmott MA (Oxon) (D.

Malcolm (Mac) James Hanslip (D. 1950) 1990 with Distinction) died on 29 October
died on 16 July 1994 aged 68. 1994.
When Mac left school, he trained as an
engine fitter in Devonport dockyard, com-
pleting his apprenticeship in 1946. Mac
then left the dockyard and joined his
father's watchmaking business, qualifying
as a fellow of the Gemmological
Association in 1950. One year later he
joined the firm of Conroy Couch Jewellers
in Torquay, part of the R. W. Yeo group of
companies, as the Senior Sales Assistant.
Promotion within the company took Mac
back to Plymouth as manager of Samuel
Edgecombe Ltd., where he remained until
the mid 1960s when he transferred to the
Technical Centre in Exeter, the head office
for Ron Yeo's group of companies. As well
as a training centre where students could
learn all aspects of the jewellery trade,
Exeter was the head office from which Mac
travelled to all the company's shops, his
expertise and enthusiasm taking him to the Richard Willmott
position of Chairman of R. W. Yeo
(Associated Companies) Ltd.
Mac enjoyed being involved with the Richard Willmott started his career after
staff of his shops. Always passionate about graduating with a first class honours
gemstones and jewellery, he loved being degree in mathematics from Oxford
behind the counter meeting people, and University followed by two years' research
relished the opportunity of working on the at Cambridge. From there he embarked on
sales floor of the company's various shops various teaching and journalism assign-
when covering for holidays or helping out ments around the world. However, his
at Christmas. interest in gemmology started in his twen-
Mac is survived by his wife, two daugh- ties when he collected books on famous
ters and two grandchildren. A man who gems. He often joked about his early disas-
loved 'people', Mac will be missed by all trous attempts at buying rough gems from
those who knew him. D. Garrod the mines in Sri Lanka.

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565
J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5 379

At the age of 45 he realized his long term NEWS OF FELLOWS

interest in gemmology and obtained his On 24 October 1994 Michael
FGA with distinction in 1990. He also O'Donoghue gave an address to
found time to travel across the Australian Gemmologia Europa V in Milan. His
Nullabor Plain by train, stopping at all the subject was Ruby and sapphire: treatment,
gem mines along the way, and started his synthetics and imitations, and special
Gem Technical Services business in the free emphasis was given to the heat-treated
trade zone in Sri Lanka. Among other sapphires from Montana, USA, specimens
things, he employed local gem cutters to of which were demonstrated. A display of
produce replicas of crown jewels and rare books on ruby synthesis and mineral
celebrity jewellery (such as the Taylor colour alteration was also provided and
Burton necklace) made from cubic zirconia. slides shown by courtesy of Eric Emms of
His article 'Diamond replicas - possible but the GAGTL.
just7 (J. Gemm., 1993,23 (8), 486) dealt with Alan Jobbins and Ken Scarratt also
the history of making replicas and the contributed lectures in this series concern-
practical problems he encountered in ing the natural origins and resources of
obtaining accurate information on famous ruby and sapphire.
originals. During the last few years he
started T h e Diamond Extravaganza' to MEMBERS' MEETINGS
produce and promote his CZ replicas to the London
jewellery trade and to various museums*. The 1994 Annual Conference was held on
His clients included famous names such as 23 October at the Great Western Royal
Christies, Garrards and De Beers. Replicas Hotel, Paddington. A full report of the
made by Richard have been the subject of Conference was published in the December
recent articles in various trade publications 1994 issue of Gem and Jewellery News.
including The Retail Jeweller and were fea-
tured on a BBC television programme The The following meetings were held at 27
Diamond Empire earlier in 1994. Greville Street, London EC1N 8SU:
Sadly, Richard became ill during this On 28 September Alan Clark gave a talk
time and was not able to reap fully the ben- entitled Diamonds in the retail trade.
efits of his unique enterprise or to realize On 22 November Cally Hall gave a talk
his long-term ambition of starting a entitled Gemstones on display at the Natural
London Diamond Museum and he died History Museum: past, present and future.
aged 50 years. He is sadly missed by his On 5 December Stephen Kennedy spoke
numerous friends and colleagues around on Sapphires in the Laboratory.
the world.
Lynda Thorn Midlands Branch
On 28 October at Dr Johnson House, Bull
GIFTS TO THE ASSOCIATION Street, Birmingham, a Bring-and-Buy Sale
The Association is most grateful to Thor was held.
Johne of the Geologisk Museum, Oslo, On 6 November the Autumn Seminar
Norway, for the gifts of ruby crystals in was held at the Cobden Hotel, Hadley
matrix and feldspar variety sunstone, both Road, Birmingham.
of which are from Norway. On 25 November at Dr Johnson House
Grenville Millington gave a talk entitled
How to buy gemstones.
The Branch's Annual Dinner was held on
* The CZ replicas and museum artefacts are now being sold. For infor-
mation, please fax 0171 258 1810 or write to Diamond Extravaganza,
3 December.
c/o PO Box 1041, London W2 3ZW.
380 J. Gemm., 1995,24, 5

North West Branch out below.

A visit to the Liverpool Museum of The vote of thanks was given by Vivian
Geology was organized on 19 October. Watson and in conclusion Eric Bruton
On 16 November at Church House, thanked the Goldsmiths' Company for
Hanover Street, Liverpool 1, the Annual once again allowing the GAGTL to hold
General Meeting was held at which Irene the ceremony at the Hall.
Knight and Joe Azzopardi were re-elected
Chairman and Secretary respectively. Address by Alec Farn
'Ladies, Gentlemen and Fellow
PRESENTATION OF AWARDS Gemmologists, it gives me considerable
The Presentation of Awards gained in pleasure to be here this evening to talk to
the 1994 examinations was held at you and present the awards. I hope that
Goldsmiths' Hall, London, on 25 October. you will enjoy your visit.
The President, Mr Eric Bruton, presided 'We are extremely fortunate in having
and welcomed those present. He this great hall for our annual awards cere-
announced that a total of 1059 students had mony. It is to the Worshipful Company of
taken the gemmology and gem diamond Goldsmiths that we address our thanks.
examinations in 1994,599 of whom had 'Although I am a retired director of the
been successful. The 197 students who had original pearl testing station founded in
passed the Diploma examination came Hatton Garden in 1925,1 am not going to
from a total of 26 countries representing all talk about pearls. It is fatal to ask someone
five continents. Award winners from 14 of my age to talk at a Presentation of
countries attended the Presentation, from Awards Ceremony. The opportunity to
as far away as Brazil, the People's Republic reminisce is too great an offer to miss. I
of China, the Republic of China and the must remember that some of you are not
USA. only younger than myself but come from
The awards were presented by Vice- countries hundreds - if not thousands - of
President Alec Farn and his address is set miles away. That in itself is a compliment

Prize Winners at Goldsmiths' Hall: from left Alicia Arnold (Preliminary Trade Prize), Neil Rose (Tully Medal) and
Deborah Wilson (Anderson Medal).
J. Gemm., 1995, 24,5 381

to the London scene.

'I like to think of myself essentially as a
trades person. My father was the manager
of a pawnbroker and retail jewellers shop
in south east London. The well known sign
of a pawnbroking establishment together
with a public clock hung outside my
bedroom window. I was employed in four
other pawnbroking shops in various parts
of London and lived-in at two of them, the
last of which was the most important. At
that time I knew very little about gem-
stones and gemmology was a new word in
my vocabulary.
'My own introduction to the Goldsmiths'
Hall was of a non-gemmological nature in
the mid-thirties. I was working and living-
in as a member of staff in an old
established jewellers in London's Oxford
Street. We held a fine stock of both antique
and modern silver as well as important
jewellery. Occasionally our silver buyer
would obtain tickets to lectures at the Vice President Alec Farn
Goldsmiths' Hall on silversmiths, their
work and like matters of historical interest. T passed the first year exam and received
These lectures were very popular. A col- a certificate from Chelsea Polytechnic.
league and myself always attended - there Then the war intervened. Some six years
was a free buffet and claret. This may have later in 19461 was demobbed but my pre-
been a reason for the popularity of the lec- war job no longer existed. I was ex-service
tures, especially to young men in their and unemployed. I wrote to Basil
twenties earning quite modest salaries! Anderson, hoping that he might know of a
T specifically mention my colleague vacancy in the retail jewellery trade. He
whose name was George E. Ratcliffe, FGA. replied promptly and asked me to go to see
He obtained his diploma in that very him. He offered me a job in the laboratory.
impressive and important year (1934) I was considerably taken aback - all I had
when R. Keith Mitchell beat Robert was a first year certificate nearly seven
Webster for the Tully Medal - you had to years old and a brand new demob suit. I
be extremely good to do that. It may have thought he must have mistaken me for
been the claret at one of the lectures or just someone else. A week or two later I joined
genuine friendship which inspired George the Laboratory of the Diamond Pearl and
Ratcliffe to say to me: "You know, you are Precious Stone Trade Section of the
really ignorant about gems and gemmol- London Chamber of Commerce. This
ogy. You ought to go to evening classes at evening I am wearing their tie in their
Chelsea Polytechnic." I did in fact go to honour and as a compliment to all of you
Chelsea Poly. The instructor was a tall, fair successful FGAs.
haired young man over six feet tall. His 'My first year at the laboratory was trade
name was Basil Anderson. You may have gem testing with a vengeance. We had
heard of him. monocular microscopes which were back-
382 J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5

aching to use standing up and awkward to as he became Master of the Mint three
use sitting down. Monobromonaphthalene years later.
was the main immersion liquid. Each stone T h e Trial of the Pyx was an annual event
and pearl was tested individually. In that at the Goldsmiths' Hall when silver coins
year we tested 104 849 rubies and sap- were tested by a jury composed of
phires, 62 616 natural pearls and 7553 members of the Goldsmiths' Guild. There
cultured pearls. We worked together as a was a strong link between the Goldsmiths'
team for 25 years before successive retire- Company and the Royal Mint in the Tower
ments began to take their toll. With B.W. of London.
Anderson's retirement I changed from 'This present Hall was completed in 1835
junior to senior in all-too-swift escalation following a commission by the
and found myself with young faces around Goldsmiths' Company to their surveyor,
me. It was quite a contrast when you con- Stephen Hardwicke. It followed a recon-
sider the birth years of that first foursome - struction of the previous hall which was
Robert Webster 1899, Basil Anderson 1901, built after the Great Fire in 1666. This in
C.J. Payne 1905 and myself, the youngest, time had become dilapidated and needed
1916. propping up. It was eventually demolished
T would like to dwell a little upon the in 1829.
history of this magnificent building, its 'On the opening day of the present Hall
Livery hall and the Goldsmiths' Company. in 1835 words described it as "marked by
As early as 1339 the Company acquired a an air of palatial grandeur not exceeded by
site and building in the goldsmiths' quarter any other piece of interior architecture in
of the City of London. King Edward I in the metropolis". The Duke of Wellington,
1300 required that all silver articles were to victor of the Battle of Waterloo (1815), was
be of the same sterling standard as the the Goldsmiths' Company's principal
coins of the realm and that they were to be guest at the celebratory dinner since the
assayed by the wardens of the Goldsmiths' King, William IV, was indisposed.
Guild. Before they left the workers they T h e recent refurbishment of this hall is
had to be marked with a leopard's head interestingly described in the Goldsmiths'
which signified London. The Sterling Review of 1989/90. Many unexpected
Standard was 11 ounces 2 pennyweights in problems arose requiring long consulta-
the pound Troy, or as it is recognized tions with technicians with a wide range of
today, 925 parts per thousand pure. skills. The day fixed for the official opening
T h e Goldsmiths' Company has a link by HM Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of
with gemmology from the year 1666, the Edinburgh was fast approaching. In an
date of the Great Fire of London when the article describing the tension experienced
Goldsmiths' Hall was burned to the in the run up to this, the Clerk of the
ground. In that same year Isaac Newton Goldsmiths' Company had the comments
proved that white light has a composite by the Duke of Wellington on the result of
nature. Sir Isaac Newton, as he later the Battle of Waterloo in mind when he
became, was appointed Warden of the quoted: "It was a damned nice thing - the
Mint in 1696. Lord Montague, the nearest run thing you ever saw in your
Chancellor of the Exchequer at the time, life."
had authorized a new coinage because the Tt is interesting to note how the word
old coins had been badly clipped around "hallmark" has entered our vocabulary.
the edges by the populace who used the After 700 years of assaying we can truly
clippings as a source of income as scrap say that the Goldsmiths' Company has left
silver, etc. He was obviously very efficient its mark upon the trade.
J. Gemm., 1995,24,5 383


Recognizing Treatments and Synthetics
14-15 February
An opportunity for you to handle treated and synthetic gem materials currently
encountered in the trade, plus materials which have recently appeared.
Improve your technique for detection work on these materials.
Price £223.25 (including sandwich lunch)
Identification of Beads and Necklaces
22 February
Baffled by beads? Artificial, artistic, mineral, organic - a survey and discussion led by
the Bead Society, with an opportunity to bring your own enigmas, gather tips on identi-
fication, detection, relative values and on cataloguing your collection. Learn from
experts in gemmology and archaeology, people who appreciate beads of all kinds.
Price £35.25 (including sandwich lunch)
Enquire Within: Emerald
1 March
A valuable and concentrated look at all aspects of emerald: natural rough and cut
stones, treated, synthetic and imitation stones.
Price £111.63 (not including lunch)
Weekend Diamond Grading Course
4-5 March
This successful course concentrates on the practical aspects of polished diamonds, using
lOx lens, microscope and colour comparison stones. Mounted stones, simulants and
clarity enhanced stones will be seen. Of great value to all involved in diamond trading
and appraisal, the course is taught by Laboratory staff.
Price £246.75 (not including lunch)

Preliminary Workshop
15 March
A day of practical tuition for Preliminary students and anyone who needs a start with
instruments, stones and crystals. You can learn to use the lOx lens at maximum effi-
ciency, to observe the effects and results from the main gem testing instruments and to
understand important aspects of crystals in gemmology.
Price £47.00; GAGTL students £33.49 (including sandwich lunch)

Enquire Within: Ruby and Sapphire

4 April
A concentrated look at all aspects of these gems: natural rough and cut stones; treated,
synthetic and imitation stones.
Price £111.63 (including sandwich lunch)


Just phone, fax or write for details to Doug Garrod at the GAGTL Education Office -
27 Greville Street, London EC1N 8SU. Tel: 0171-404 3334 Fax: 0171-404 8843
384 J. Gemrn., 1995,24,5

'When the mathematician Archimedes MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF

was called upon to prove the quality of MANAGEMENT
gold in a crown he was literally "out of his At a meeting of the Council of
depth". The gold could have been alloyed Management held on 26 October 1994 at 27
during manufacture. Still pondering the Greville Street, London EC1N 8SU, the
problem he stepped into his rather full business transacted included the election of
bath. As he sat down water poured over the following:
the sides. Observing this he realized that a
body must displace its own volume or bulk Transfers from Ordinary Membership to
when immersed. Excited by this revelation Fellowship
and its portent he shouted Eureka meaning Jargiello, Barbara, London. 1994
"I have it", and dashed naked to verify the Hamza, Mohamed Hassan, Kandy, Sri
experiment. It is doubtful whether many Lanka. 1994
gemmologists today will be carried away
with such enthusiasm, but who knows
Diamond Membership
whether from among our present success-
Zhang, Shuyun, Shanghai, China. 1994
ful students we may yet read of similar
Stossel, Hilary, London. 1994
T h e excitement, though, this evening is
the presentation to you of your well-earned
Alexander, Maria K., Buenos Aires,
diplomas. These are your hallmarks as
Argentina. 1994
qualified gemmologists.
Armstrong, Michael J., Whitley Bay. 1994
'During my thirteen years in retirement
the gemmological world has moved on Au Yang So Wah, Natasha, Kowloon,
apace. I look back now with pleasurable Hong Kong. 1994
nostalgia to that small intimate laboratory Bao, Deqing, Hubei, Hong Kong. 1994
where we used to speak of Angstroms and Barcados, Alexander J., Toronto, Ont.,
the familiar names were Burma, Ceylon, Canada. 1994
Siam, the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Bossenbroek, Anna E.H., Doom, The
Mannar. Netherlands. 1994
'On that retrospective note I will con- Chan Kin-Chung, John, Chai Wan, Hong
clude and say "thank you" to you all for Kong. 1994
listening so patiently to my reminiscences/ Chan, Kwok Keung, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF Chan Wai Ching, Joanne, Kowloon, Hong
At a meeting of the Council of Chan, Yuk Victoria, Burnaby, BC, Canada.
Management held on 7 September 1994 at 1994
27 Greville Street, London EC1N 8SU, the Chua, Virna Ngo, New Territories, Hong
business of the meeting included the elec- Kong. 1994
tion of the following: Chung, Yam Ming, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Gold Laboratory Membership Cooke, Joanne T., Petchburi, Thailand. 1994
Clive Ranger Ltd, Cardiff Cookson, Ian P., Sheffield. 1994
Dragland, Frode R., Sortland, Norway.
Ordinary Laboratory Membership 1994
Chard (1964) Ltd, Blackpool Gamst, Terje, Lannavaara, Sweden. 1994
Cranbrook (Jewellers) Ltd, Basildon Goldschmidt-Husein, Asli, St. Ingbert,
Dianoor Jewels Ltd, London Wl Germany. 1994
J. Gemm., 1995,24,5 385

Gunell, Carola M v Kirjala, Finland. 1994 Duann, Teresa, Taichung, Taiwan.

Hasler, Christian, Toronto, Ont., Canada. Glaser, Sonja, Zurich, Switzerland.
1994 Greenbank, Patricia, Kendal.
Hindley, Stuart W., Worksop. 1994 Hill, Rebecca Mary, Edinburgh.
Hui, Sze Wai, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 1994 Ho, Mary Malai, London.
Kam Siu Tong, John, Tsuen Wan, Hong Hopkinson, Barrie, Nottingham.
Kong. 1994 Horniblow, Kathy, Henfield.
Kon, Kiang Fung, North Point, Hong Hsu, Ming-Hung, Taipei, Taiwan.
Kong. 1994 Hui, Mu-Cheng, Taipei, Taiwan.
Kwan, Wai Shun, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Iwata, Kaoru, Kingston-upon-Thames.
1994 Jensen, Brenda, Nesbru, Norway.
Louie, Miu Man, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Jiranek, Jaroslav, Ostrava-Svinov, Czech
1994 Repub.
Mann, William M., Gloucester. 1994 Kathoon, June S., Holte, Denmark.
Ng, Lok Chung Angela, North Point, Hong Koneru, Suresh, London.
Kong. 1994 Kou, Wai Hung, Taipei, Taiwan.
Or, Chi Ching, New Territories, Hong Lee, Chiu-Hsia, Taipei, Taiwan.
Kong. 1994 Lin, Kuei-Yu, Fiona, Taipei, Taiwan.
Paredes Quevedo, Juan C, Madrid, Spain. Loughran, Anna, London.
1994 Lundsrud, Berit, Sandvika, Norway.
Smyth, Lesley J., London. 1994 Makri, Hariklia, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Syren, Riitta A., Pirkkala, Finland. 1994 Mclnnes, John, Edinburgh.
Tang Man Wah, Connie, Kwai Chung, Merrigan, Noel J.P., Cambridge.
Hong Kong. 1994 Messent, Judith A., Colchester.
Tang, Wai Chun, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Mittel, Rita, Lusaka, Zambia.
1994 Moreland, Lena, London.
To, An You, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 1994 Mourtzanos, Stefanos, Kensington.
Varey, Irena M., Leicester, 1994 Nakamura, Shukubin, London.
Welton, Andrew V., Hayes. 1994 Obles, Maria Angeles, Madrid, Spain.
Ying, Kai Yiu, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 1994 Quintin-Baxendale, Brian W.,
Young, Patrick Pak-chee, Taipei, Taiwan. Rickmansworth.
1994 Shu, Xingying, Wuhan, China.
Zhao, Xinmin, Wuhan, China. 1991 Smith, T.J., Dartmouth.
Sugg, Duncan, High Wycombe.
Sugiyama, Shigeru, Cambridge.
Ordinary Membership Susan-Roet, Violet E., HD Naarden, The
Abbott, Deborah, Harrogate. Netherlands.
Abrmian, Levon, London. Tsai, Pei-Lun, Taipei, Taiwan.
Ankh, Catrin, Arsta, Sweden. Turner, Caroline, Southwold.
Au, Ming Cheung, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Tzou, Jyh-Jeng, Taipei, Taiwan.
Bailey, Alison, Hong Kong. Webster, Paul Timothy, Greenford.
Bailey, Henry, London. Wu, Ching-Lin, Taipei, Taiwan.
Barker, Cyrine, London.
Chan, Hsiu-Yin, London. The family of one of our late members on
Churchill, David, Halifax, Nova-Scotia, the Belgian/Dutch border has some bovmd
Canada. copies of The Journal ofGemmology for sale
Crowley, Mark, Dunkineely, Co. Donegal, at £2.00 per issue. From 1965-75 they are
Ireland. bound in red and from 1975-85 they are
386 J. Gemm., 1995,24, 5

bound in grey; subsequent issues are loose. CORRIGENDA

A member in Wales has a set of The On p. 285 above, first column, letter from
Journal of Gemmology (January 1972 to date) Professor Hurlbut, second paragraph, first
for sale at £2.00 per issue, as well as back line, for 'it low surface tension' read 'its
numbers of Boletin del Instituto Gemologico low surface tension'
Espanol, Revue de Gemmologie and the Indian On p. 270 above, under Sampling and
Gemmologist. sample preparation, first paragraph, last line,
Please contact Mary Burland at the for 'Knamti' read 'Khamti'
GAGTL who will forward enquiries. On p. 276 above, second column under
References, for 'Noeting, F.' read 'Noetling, F.'


Meetings are held in the GAGTL Gem Tutorial Centre, 2nd Floor, 27 Greville Street,
London E O N 8SU (entrance in Saffron Hill).

The charge for a member is £3.50. Entry will be by ticket only, obtainable from the
20 March Jewellery at Sotheby's Alexandra Rhodes
12 June Annual General Meeting
16 October Recent developments in the diamond industry Howard Vaughan

Midlands Branch

19 February Gem Club - Composite gems

24 February Inclusions in silica gems Clive Burch
19 March Gem Club
31 March Jewellery through the ages Nigel Dunn

Meetings will be held at Dr Johnson House, Bull Street, Birmingham. Further details
from Mandy MacKinnon on 0121-444 7337.

North West Branch

15 March A taste of Scottish gemmology* Alan Hodgkinson
17 May Diamonds in the Laboratory Eric Emms
* Please note that this meeting will start at 7.00 p.m.

Meetings will be held at Church House, Hanover Street, Liverpool 1. Further details
from Joe Azzopardi on 01270 628251.
J. Gemm., 1995,24,5 387

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388 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

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J. Gemm., 1995, 24, 5 389

We specialize in small group intensive tuition, from scratch to F.G.A. Diploma in
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• GEMMOLOGICAL STUDY TOURS full range of oculars &
We organise a comprehensive programme of study tours for the student & the objectives, wavelength
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We offer a comprehensive range of gem testing instruments, including
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For further details of these and our other activities, please contact-
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Museums, Educational
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I have what is probably the largest • Wide range of unusual gems,
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390 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

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J. Gemm., 1995,24,5 391

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392 J. Gemm., 1995,24,5

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Guide to the preparation of typescripts for publication in
The Journal of Gemmology
The Editor is glad to consider original arti- Illustrations Either transparencies or pho-
cles shedding new light on subjects of gemmo- tographs of good quality can be submitted for
logical interest for publication in The both coloured and black-and-white illustra-
Journal. Articles are not normally accepted tions. It is recommended that authors retain
which have already been published elsewhere copies of all illustrations because of the risk of
in English, and an article is accepted only on loss or damage either during the printing
the understanding that (1) full information as process or in transit.
to any previous publication (whether in Diagrams must be of a professional quality
English or another language) has been given, and prepared in dense black ink on a good qual-
(2) it is not under consideration for publication ity surface. Original illustrations will not be
elsewhere and (3) it will not be published else- returned unless specifically requested.
where without the consent of the Editor.
All illustrations (maps, diagrams and pic-
Typescripts Two copies of all papers should tures) are numbered consecutively with Arabic
be submitted on A4 paper (or USA equivalent) numerals and labelled Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. All
to the Editor. Typescripts should be.double illustrations are referred to as 'Figures'.
spaced with margins of at least 25mm. They
should be set out in the manner of recent Tables Must be typed double spaced, using
issues of The Journal and in conformity with few horizontal rules and no vertical rules. They
the information set out below. Papers may be are numbered consecutively with Roman
of any length, but long papers of more than numerals (Table IV, etc.), Titles should be con-
10 000 words (unless capable of division into cise, but as independently informative as possi-
parts or of exceptional importance) are unlike- ble. The approximate position of the Table in
ly to be acceptable, whereas a short paper of the text should be marked in the margin of the
400-500 words may achieve early publication. typescript.
The abstract, references, notes, captions and Notes and References Authors may choose
tables should be typed double spaced on sepa- one of two systems:
rate sheets. (1) The Harvard system in which authors'
On matters of style and rendering, please names (no initials) and dates (and specific
consult The Oxford dictionary for writers and edi- pages, only in the case of quotations) are given
tors (Oxford University Press, 1981). in the main body of the text, e.g. (Gtibelin and
Koivula, 1986, 29). References are listed alpha-
Title page The title should be as brief as is betically at the end of the paper under the head-
consistent with clear indication of the content of ing References.
the paper. It should be followed by the names
(with initials) of the authors and by their (2) The system in which superscript numbers
addresses. are inserted in the text (e.g.... to which Gtibelin
refers.') and referred to in numerical order at
Abstract A short abstract of 50-100 words is the end of the paper under the heading Notes.
required. Informational notes must be restricted to the
Key Words Up to six key words indicating the minimum; usually the material can be incorpo-
subject matter of the article should be supplied. rated in the text. If absolutely necessary both
Headings In all headings only the first letter systems may be used.
and proper names are capitalized. References in both systems should be set out
A This is a first level heading as follows, with double spacing for all lines.

First level headings are in bold and are flush Papers Hurwit, K., 1991. Gem Trade Lab notes.
left on a separate line. The first text line follow- Gems & Gemology, 27, 2,110-11
ing is flush left. Books Hughes, R.W., 1990. Corundum.
B This is a second level heading Butterworth-Heinemann, London. p. 162
Second level headings are in italics and are Abbreviations for titles of periodicals are those
flush left on a separate line. The first text line sanctioned by the World List of scientific periodicals
following is flush left. 4th edn. The place of publication should always
be given when books are referred to.
Volume 24 No. 5. January 1995

Journal of


Studies on kosmochlor, jadeite a n d associated minerals

in jade of M y a n m a r Win Htein and Aye Myo Naing 315

A contribution to u n d e r s t a n d i n g the infrared spectra of

rubies from M o n g Hsu, M y a n m a r C. P. Smith 321

The story of the Sri Lankan pearl M.M.M. Mahroof 337

Siberian sapropelic coal: a unique type of workable jet

S. Glushnev 349

A preliminary investigation of peridot from Vietnam

R.C. Kammerling and J.L Koivula 355

Some observations on a gem-quality synthetic yellow diamond

p r o d u c e d in the region of Vladimir (Russia) F. Sosso 363

Letters 369

Abstracts 370

Book Reviews 377

Proceedings of The Gemmological Association and Gem Testing

Laboratory of Great Britain a n d Notices 378

Copyright ©1995
The Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain
Registered Office: Palladium House, 1-4 Argyll Street, London W1V I A D

ISSN: 1355-4565

Produced by Quadrant Offset, Hertford, England.

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