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My Future Plans

I'm Gleb and I'm an eleventh-grade student. And I want to tell you about my plans
for future. Of course, my friends and I often discuss such themes as our plans for
future. As for me, I would not want to work immediately after the graduation. I
would like to get a quality education, that is why I tried to study hard and I can
claim proudly that I have achieved success in it. I would say that I am a creative
person by nature and interesting ideas for decorating interior and designing clothes
are often born in my head, so I would like to be a fashion designer.

I think fashion is a very popular and developing industry. And clear case, vogue
influences millions of people around the whole world. In my opinion, most people
especially women try to follow fashion trends for being stylish and attractive. But I
believe that in any case it is important to adhere to the golden mean in fashion that
doesn’t look like a dummy from the fashion boutique.

I admire a designer like Marcelo Miracles, who creates his own designs and
sketches for clothes. It is very popular in Europe. I also like the style of Vladimir
Bikmaev , very interesting, because he is fifty-seven years old, and he dresses very
aesthetically and simply. He creates his own fashion style and enjoys the interest of
young people.

I subscribe specialized literature about fashion and its history; also I try to follow
fashion shows of famous designers. It’s very interesting and exciting for me and I
feel that I can achieve success in this field. I dream to become a well-known
designer and create my own unique clothing line. I think my clothes will be
memorable and beautiful. I will try to do everything possible for it.

Also, this profession gives me the opportunity to visit different countries and to get
acquainted with their culture and history.

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