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SHIELDBEARER GP) g(t ates vertabe tower of steel and brawn. A Steadtast rock, The final bastion forthe vulnerable, the weak, the geatle and the ‘alusle.A portable fortress, to withstand the Fy Bleges Ind by those who wish to get their eA eercite clave cn ou var BASTION ‘When you choose this archetype at 3rd level you become skilled enough in the art of defensive manoeuvres that you ‘may strike your opponents with counterattacks even as you parry their blows. These benefits are only available to you ‘while you are bearing at least one shield and are wearing ‘medium or heavy armour ‘Towering Defense. You may use two shields simultaneously. ‘The second shield may only grant a maximum of LAC, regardless of bonuses. Extra Reactions, You are able to use a number of reactions equal to your Proficiency bonus. Counter-Attack. When you take the Dodge action, and an enemy within range misses an attack roll against you, you ‘may use a reaction to make an attack against them, ‘Shield Bash. You may use your shield as a melee weapon. It deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage plus your Strength ‘modifier. This increases to 1d8 at 7th level, 1410 at 10th level and 1d12 at 15th level Crushing Blow. Once per round, you may attempt to st creature with a crushing blow from your shield. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw of a DC equal to 8 +-your Strength modifier + your Proficiency bonus or be stunned until the end of its next turn. You may use this feature a number of times equal to half your Fighter level, rounded down. Once you have used this feature, you may not use it again until you complete a short or long rest. Adrenaline Surge. When an ally within 30ft of you takes damage that would bring them to 0 hit points, you may use a reaction to yell encouragement, strengthening their resolve and boosting their adrenaline. They are instead brought to I hit point. At the end of their next turn, they Tose 1 hit point. Your ally must be able to hear you in order for this feature to take effect. Once you have used this feature, you may not use it again until you have finished a long rest. Guarp Starting at 7th level you may choose to protect a creature from harm. As an action, you may choose a creature that you can see within 5ft of you. This creature becomes protected until the end of your next turn, While under your protection inthis way, the creature increases their AC so itis equal to ‘yours. Ifyou take the Dodge action its effects -including your counter-attacks - are granted to the protected creature as well as yourself, ‘You may use a bonus action on your subsequent turns to ‘maintain this protection indefinitely. You must remain within Bit ofthe protected creature. You may move up to your speed when they move, outside of your turn, remaining in an available space within 5ft of them. Moving in this way detracts from your next turn’s movement. Ifyou become stunned, paralysed, petrified, prone, restrained, incapacitated or unconscious, move away from them, or for some other reason cannot reasonably continue the defence, the protection ends with immediate effect. ‘Once you have used this feature, you may not use it again ‘until you have completed a short or long rest. ‘VANGUARD ‘Starting at 10th level you are an immovable object. You gain advantage on checks made against any effect that would restrict your movement or cause you to move against your will When making an opportunity attack, you may attempt to trip the creature. The creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw of a DC equal to 8 +your Strength modifier + your Proficiency bonus or fall prone within your range. Furthermore, even creatures that Disengage cannot bypass your opportunity attacks, When you make opportunity attacks against creatures that have Disengaged, you do so at disadvantage. SACRIFICE ‘Starting at 15th level you are so tuned in to the battlefield that you know what the enemy will do before even they know it-and you are willing to protect those who don't When a creature is attacked with a projectile from an attack: or spell from a creature or object that you can see, you may use your reactions to come to their defence. For each reaction spent, you may move 10ft, up to a maximum of your movement speed. If you are able to cross the path of the projectile or move toa space adjacent to the target, you intercept the projectile and the attack is aimed at you instead Ifyou are already adjacent to the target, ou may use one reaction to intercept the projectile OneE-MAN PHALANX ‘Starting at 18th level you are an unstoppable force. When ‘moving, you can attemapt to move into a space occupied by a creature. When you do so, it and all creatures in a 25ft cube originating from you must make a Constitution save of a DC equal to 8 + your Strength modifier + your Proficiency bonus. (On a failure, they become frightened of you and are pushed ‘back by up to 15ft Ifthe creature whose space you attempted ‘to move into succeeds on the save, you instead occupy an available space within 5ft of the creature. Once you have used this feature, you may not use it again until you have finished a short or long rest,

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