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{A SIR HAROLD BAILEY POUR SON #0 ANNIVERSAIRE® un ape zara. mean — mune Awensated mcemighien, ——esenen mba weptieds Shade noe quit ets tinh, bre sinhooran Foe NSE M8 ong gente euuih Mosanegbat. tatetcan fernwd forint” arzhunesy bs qehqnora, Tepeth tenth tmtcbot | Sestp eet seun meh ee eeteltt pecuqatap——flbwontby arbors onthbae sabaniaers sithotbe tenaenee pdonpe pues ere Sednen prevpey Wipene amettjed reowatiew eebegee ath aeeg be wihunahy ——eeubuve® puny rogsebze, on shdbetgs oun ousney—tbanse Hager be pen wlth hin haw what, fone gezbap sho enh a) apd quongupa’ hw weet bay, oSay Yeontin b eaautee Vabopen pepdns danny, ahetucne Sencetutel, pie ah esimupy athonds 1B Sepabah SapnePbat ip € wn angela pet Boydephtb dtana ‘te biped, wont mentugepn, ben ab Gou Fpulazue ean aueup bectoee Lid, fopbep werk Yosets, — dernagbeon abbovsh ep bY nico biauensFbws e098) (6 Jawan | TRAVAUX ET MEMOIRES a Linguistigue et philologie IRANIAN MATIC, ARMENIAN MARTE The secirian name mit- has been found in the third century nseripion of the mocpot (onpe) and. ehopar (Bbw) Kare rd at the Kerbab 1 Zartlt in Persepolis in tne 10 when be Feports is cases pais the various scares ofthe Tani epi (Gries) of Sapte I (wb signed 241272). His Uist ron cy nny W ly Way Kay» ky BY snd Of these are known Yohid “Jew, Samar “Buddhist sramaya ramar- "Bland, Nandy “Observe” he name wed of ther ‘shes by the Mandasany), Kr “Chita, and Zane "Gos fe" (beret, Zoroastrian others)". The name my bas did entiation ut the misingsetares ae the “Washes, the farce of the astern fank ofthe Jordan and of southern Babylonia i the dtit ‘of Meio, Mecnva, Nopaxnv, These wore prominent: and their ‘tpasion and activity ea beset inthe sty of the Codex Masi Gul by L. Koenen and R Merkelbach*, “Ein grehischer Man fedex” 1970, and in Kurt Redlph, Die Mander, 1, 1960, 222251 The name washers or bapties, wat expres by West Aramaic 9 tnd by Fast Arama of, ete (with al for “ain ain Mandaean) ‘And Quranic vino and sabfaton, Greek YoBia Arabc had aso toma “washes” scat lo with xan “par The teacher and leader (Eprbs) Fleas and hs followers wee the tpt group fom who Maniktaionseparted hinsel?™ For smosen and "was the Iman ma can then be sen in Kari's méthy akaurke. The sping wih ts requis vowel etncen the vk andthe snc in Traian was tpl by rat Re Pag “The sls ate is well known to verbal ass, pave 0 easive verb, at Avestan jaca: “worshipped” and ctive to inanstie as (Od Persian gama, gai, Avestan yomata soning’ Ol! Indian tas jain, but ao poke “cooked” keeping“, not replaced by «Sas bere ia makatr, and Old Persian Bata “passing. pase” (Case sa “The bane Irian mak: caa provide a beter source for the Khotan ‘Saka mating uo of «puted stench (Budd Senskrit pt) and (with mato mu) mst ase of & muddy Zoad (see DKS 322", where mwas peoposed asthe bas, But Ines theo of mating ‘eran. With mak wet, my” the foes would be "aetna (ahve sx va) hence marine, writen matting with for eer from vv (be tna change, aim sate “burn fom si), For the tf aot also patna “alte ofthe out ftom "fanaa "the broad pa” “This ean mak, Indo‘Furopean oak and ma, which save word or wet mise’ and "swamp, mud asus the recogiion of the Iranian loanword in Armenian oom, writen in older texts ‘mlten "to wash (hand also "to athe” aod in common ele ‘Sata eo baptis, fom the New Testament uanslation owas, ‘withthe agent aun Yovhnés mira In the Gospel of ke 1138 the old tamiation has 2f nar matey poi) Kon “Yor he id ot wash before the meal”: “This word however asthe lent sub yar. Thus Iranian ‘ney is formed Ike "Zonta “Teepe, basket" from gam, Pam langunges (vith thet varios developments from re) Sia ind (@— 1) and Sang uno (se DAS 1). These words stand tide Kain Khotan Saka Kham, and with 2 thie sul Sn Vid iio hom As a ert hase Tothara AB has Kd to carry. Ad ete also Avestan patra yng” wih not 8 Jocitive ar, From an sheen consonants the stv als in Zoe Pahl masta, Ors maser with Avestan masryan, and OS Indian maha “sine "The mening ofthis oat is the same a that of maka, the pitt of the washer’ and the “baptiser, Note that in Irani the ‘edged gride of ome hase: wih medals shortened a eained tha fll 0 pes pk iranian pr, pasnd (Khotan Saka pao, sen care ° set DKS 226) jst as in OM! Indian pie, pak, Tht i ao in enn yr, worship, whereas Od Indian hee has yah Wi ths tortened “ar which ha jsied Armensin ke tha makin motorien, From the Iranian word Armenian made a ve Int, But has aso mous in the compounds mkvora "Tat, Inktatan“eapitery “The Indo-European base mak- bas long ben known in Albanian ‘mak "oar, mand "skin on guid, Lithuania ak “poo tnd Slavonic (with o from 2) Ol! Sav moet “wel” and mod" tote’, Cok aro we “The Iranian bse mak one ore of the many Indo-European ss not represented inthe depctal Old dian vocabulary (see ‘Mitraie Shaker 199, p 7, wheres he other eign base mak 0 ‘move sil, jump’ sin Old Indian mata ’A Mell long ago (REArm 9 [1929 p 13-3) had suspected mrtom tobe s Parthian loan-word though he proposed nothing fom Parthian, Hi. Padsten thought of Slavonic mal, but of mk as an Armenian Bate hich didnot suit the Ta publishing the Kare ington (KZ) M,Sprenging” offered an useplned makok, and inthe reent vocabulary of Ph. Gieno, Glance der insertion pelle et partes, 1972, p28, the word tot danse, and matked witha quer. The proposal of G. Widen ‘pen, "OMd Taian mukthdeliverance™, quoted by M. Back, Dic ‘uamidachen Siaasinscrfon, 1978, p 231, 8 weless i the conte, And is excluded by the kin contac Te to be noted here that H.Afea’s ientifetion of mkt wih mrt, mse "to penetrate’ with secondary relerence 0 water runt be eclded Ts base mow “dyeing” has eater (Pokorny 745) ten set with mse “to enter Tom mix “innermost” as in. Grek bugis “innermost prt, plyioz “nermost. Connected can be Traian Ormuri, Pui! may Pato many and etal mex “le fom mci atthe “opening” with Od Indi muha “mouth, fe” Tere Armenians from Indo-European kb a in Ca “brah The Greek wed farsi and kabopio of the haptics. Since Tedo-Buropsan survived as Armenian anf “he remained +f Na, eel oem pA, Aan my itis posible to draw in ere mat‘ur ‘vein th developed sense of aed) clean lea, pure wilh aba a This would be the mate "to make H.W, Bay SUR QUELQUES SUBIONCTIES ARMENIENS, 1, Dans an de ws demir cours, F de Saussure, expiqunt 2 teuians syste de eres forts en gtigue, cn souligat Vere foferece «Ce quiet een remaracr point de ie prt, est que Fable stun satin tellement see ql ne edt jamais fee question dune héstaton pour soir dane queleslase on es fede plus, quand on doaae une forme de vrbe fot, le peut 9 ‘fois Chistaon surstsignifeation», Cee sapligque tes bin Smbioti, i conjgaion amine en pial. Sur le plan de Teaprestion lle forme aus un «yatimeserté>: de Finda preset fe cedisect select les formes de Tampa, can dt Jone present du prohibit de tnt de india aoriste, ales Gu moet vorte Qe efor des gramaze armbuione) &t de Tinpéati: opposition des dathtes active et fiopastiv, dans I tere ole ex expriméc' et tout sun chi» Pientifetion des formes ne lass ona de dou, Sur le pan du conten, dem et de rem des valeurs modales et tempore, tins que des valeurs Apectves, sion sen ent aux defietions de Milt: «Les deux themes euenlls de verbe arminion sont un théme de préent indigo! action qu dare sas terme dif, cus thine daar indquint Taction acrivant & un teome»?. Comme en gr ance, Tors de india oppose done impart; Paorse da sb Jone, au prsent, LLL Lopposton aspect, routes, wapparat pas toujours wee la née dnienee: Mlle lune frit, apis avoir examint une sire de pasges od Fempoi de impart et de Taoist es eonforme impart st nalheueuseect tes dil psn ae mane ‘race, snplement Taide de textes une lange more; et ele et tus tts malice 3 expeimer avec des mos; tous eauk go ante ‘ter ds gestions daapect da vere sven extreme embers 00 1 apn de don w eS fC Area (Wid 175) (ean 1936, 910 Cahoon Hemet erg 113, p17.

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